The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 86 - The Main Tournament (2)

Soon after Song Qian Long made his initial announcement, we heard a knock on our room's door. I originally thought it was one of the other teams coming to seek trouble, but when Feng Mian opened the door, a young man in butler-clothes was standing there, holding what looked like a piece of paper, rolled up into a scroll.

He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Quite handsome, to be honest. He gave a clearly rehearsed smile, and spoke.

"Greetings, team members of The Chaotic Tranquility. I have come here to deliver your tournament bracket, and a basic outline of how today's competition will function."

"Oh, uh, come in?" Feng Mian said hesitantly after taking the paper, unsure of what to do next. She glanced back at me for answers, and I nodded.

However, contrary to my expectations, the butler shook his head. "I could not disturb you like that. I have delivered the item; my mission here is complete."

With those words, he bowed deeply and vanished out of sight. I sighed. I could hardly blame him...the atmosphere here was pretty tense, after all. The butler was still a young man, he probably felt like a third wheel-

Wait, there are far more than just two people it would be more like a sixth wheel? I put that thought aside for now and looked to Feng Mian, who was carefully reading over the piece of paper given to her by the boy.

"Feng Mian, what does the paper say?"

"Um...exactly what that person said what it was," she closed the door with one hand and replied, walking back over to us and sitting back down on the couch. "Our tournament bracket."

She handed me the paper and I took it. Inscribed was, indeed, our tournament bracket for today. Class D (us) would be facing Class B, while Class C would be facing Class A. I was a bit disappointed I wouldn't be able to face Xuan Kun in the first round, but I would have to deal with it. I can only hope he doesn't get crushed by anyone other than me.

"Seems we will be facing Ming Hao's team in the first round," I said to the others.

"Class B, huh...the only team which we still don't have too much info on," Yu An Yan commented.

"Yeah...that's why, in the battle, if Ming Hao doesn't join the fight, I won't either," I replied. "Can you guys handle it?"

"Hmph, who do you think we are?" Yu An Yan winked.

"Leave it to us, Big Brother Xuan Kai!" Qing Yue exclaimed excitedly.

"I don't really get why, but..." Feng Mian sighed, but then smiled charmingly. "You can count on us, Xuan Kai."

I looked at the last member, Yu An Xue, and she nodded when she met my gaze.

I grinned. "Glad to have such accommodating teammates."

The speaker system then turned on, interrupting our conversation. "The Chaotic Tranquility and The Lion's Roar - please prepare for battle."

Sighing, I stood up and glanced at each of my team members once more. "Well then - shall we go?"


As soon as we exited our room, we were led down the hallway by the same butler from before. We soon arrived before a set of doors directly at the end of the hall way, and entered through it. What awaited us was another corridor, this time dark all around, illuminated only by the faint white lights above.

"Please wait here until the battle begins. The door behind you will automatically open when it is time," the butler said.

"Uh, door behind me...? Where?" Yu An Yan asked, eyes darting around rapidly.

The butler smiled. "You may not realize it right now, but it is in fact right behind you, your ladyship."

'Your ladyship' was a polite way of addressing a female. Though by the looks of it, Yu An Yan was embarrassed over being addressed this way, especially since this title was usually given to slightly older women. And, well, no one wanted to be called old, so it was understandable that Yu An Yan was embarrassed. She turned away and leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

The butler then exited the corridor and shut the doors that had led us in here. The five of us were now alone. The feeling was very similar to when we faced Li Yi Fei's team, back in the indoor Arena. We each held our own thoughts. Instead of breaking this peaceful silence, perhaps it was better to let each of us have alone time to prepare for the upcoming fight. Thinking this, I closed my eyes and also leaned on the wall.

Ming Hao...just what are you hiding?


Outside, the audience seats have been filled to the brim, and lively cheers exploded throughout the crowd as Song Qian Long made his welcome message. It was no exaggeration to say that this was one of the biggest events of the year. Everyone with authority was present, and most of the Shenzhen population was here as well.

The Four Great Families of Shenzhen were naturally also present. They had special reserved seats, above everyone else. That being said though, only the patriarchs of each family had this privilege. The four patriarchs were currently seated on a balcony-like platform directly opposite of the announcement room, where Song Qian Long was. In other words, they were right on top of the entrance.

"Hoho...this is the first time this school has hosted an event like this, is it not?" said Xuan Yang, the current patriarch of the Xuan family. After Xuan Ying had been assassinated, Xuan Yang was the only male heir to the house, and therefore assumed the role of patriarch. The old patriarch was already too old (though not dead just yet) to do anything, after all.

"Indeed it is," the patriarch of the Li family, Li Hai Tang, replied. "Though I must admit...this is far more impressive than I had expected."

"Agreed," Yu Ao, the Yu family patriarch, joined in. "This arena never even existed until now. It is truly fascinating that they were able to construct something as detailed as this in such a short time."

"Yes. That aside, however...if you do not mind my curiosity, which team are you all rooting for this tournament?" Xuan Yang asked the other patriarchs.

"Well, it is Class A, of course. They have the best students, after all - my son included," Li Hai Tang said smugly. One of his sons - Li Yi Fei - had already been disqualified, but his other one, Li Yi Bai, was just fine in the Class A team.

Xuan Yang laughed boldly. "Ahaha...naturally. My son, Xuan Kun, is the one leading it, so there is no way they will lose."

"Oho...are you sure about that?" Yu Ao interrupted with a sinister grin on his face.

The two patriarchs looked at the third with raised eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Xuan Yang asked darkly.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I just have my eyes set on a different team, that's all. One that will crush your son's," Yu Ao replied with a nonchalant expression. However, near the end, his tone began dripping with venom.

The Xuan family and the Yu family were constantly contesting with each other in secret. In public, they don't show their conflict since that would ruin the reputation of both families, but in private they are constantly at each other's necks. Recently, the Xuan family has been trying to suck up to the Li family, hoping they would help destroy the Yu family. But alas, the Li family hasn't made a move yet.

"Oh? Which team is it?" Li Hai Tang asked in genuine curiosity, no sign of animosity in his tone at all, despite the fact that Xuan Kun's team was also his own son, Li Yi Bai's team.

"This might sound surprising, but...I am in fact rooting for Class D's team - The Chaotic Tranquility, was it?" Yu Ao answered.

"Hmph, so in the end you're just choosing whichever team your daughters are on..." Xuan Yang scoffed.

"And you aren't?" a fourth voice cut in, one that hasn't said a single word until now.

Xuan Yang, upon hearing this female voice, quickly shrunk back into his chair. "Aha...yes, you are right, Lady Qing."

The one who had spoken was indeed the matriarch of the Qing family, Qing Xin. She was the only female matriarch of the four, and also the only one who has not married yet. Contrary to all expectations, however, she was in fact the strongest, despite the Qing family placed last among the Four Great Families. That was the reason why even the Li Hai Tang had to show significant respect to her, much less Xuan Yang. She was a late Golden Monarch stage with affinity for 8 elements - Ice, Water, Light, Psychic, Blessing, Sound, Sky, and Void. Born with two innate elements, every time she advanced to the next stage she awakened two more, resulting in 8 elements as a Golden Monarch stage.

The second strongest patriarch was Li Hai Tang, with 6 elements. It is widely believed that even if the other three patriarchs joined hands to fight Qing Xin, they would only have a 60% chance of winning. That was how powerful this lady was. However, she doesn't talk much nor does she care about growing the Qing family in terms of strength. The reasons for this are unknown.

"Oho? Then which team does Lady Qing favor, I wonder?" Li Hai Tang asked, looking at Qing Xin with eyes full of lust. This was hardly surprising, as Qing Xin was just as much of a beauty as her adopted daughter-

"The team that will win is Class D," Qing Xin declared confidently. "My daughter's team."

Indeed - she was Qing Yue's adoptive mother. Instead of being short and cute like Qing Yue, however, she was tall and had a majestic, untouchable aura around her. She had long since exceeded the word 'cute'. A better term would be gorgeous, perhaps. Many think that when her daughter grows up, she will be just as much of a beauty as her mother, maybe even more.

Despite not sharing blood relations, Qing Yue had a striking resemblance with Qing Xin. It is said that Qing Yue was in fact one of Qing Xin's close servants' daughter, but unfortunately said servant died right after giving birth. Thus, Qing Xin took over the mother role. Although without any experience in taking care of children or even romance in general, Qing Xin made for a surprisingly good mother. Doting, yes, but good nonetheless.

Hence, it was clear why Qing Xin would place her hopes on Class D's team.

"Aha! Good taste, Lady Qing," Yu Ao said, clapping his hands together.

"Well then, the odds are two to two," Li Hai Tang declared. "On that spice things up, why don't we all place down bets?"

"As you wish, Patriarch Li," Xuan Yang responded immediately. "I bet $1,000,000 that Class A wins. If by some reason they do not, Lady Qing and Patriarch Yu can split this money evenly."

Li Hai Tang nodded, satisfied. "Since Patriarch Xuan has already placed down such a large sum of money, I will offer something else instead - any two Magic Artifacts from the Li family treasury. One for each of you. Does that sound fine?"

Xuan Yang's jaw dropped open in shock. Magic Artifacts were extremely precious, especially ones that could go in the Li family treasury. This was the kind of opportunity one wouldn't dream of. Hence, Xuan Yang was extremely surprised hearing this bet.

"Er...Patriarch Li, don't you think that's a bit..."

"Much?" Li Hai Tang finished the sentence for him. "No, of course not. After all, you believe in your own son's team, no? Then I shall also put my faith in him."

Despite the warm, smiling face he had, these words were in fact a threat to Xuan Yang. The other two patriarchs also noticed this, and they snickered. Basically, Li Hai Tang was saying that if he loses these two artifiacts, it would be Xuan Yang's fault. A truly evil move.

"A-Ah, right..." Xuan Yang also picked up on the threat, and shivered uncontrollably. "M-More importantly, how about you two, Patriarch Yu, Lady Qing?"

"Hrm...let's see. How about one Mythic spell and two Legendary spells of your choosing from my family's library? For each of you, of course," Yu Ao said after some consideration.

"Sure, that sounds adequate," Li Hai Tang confirmed. "And lastly, Lady Qing?"

After a short silence, the cold beauty known as the matriarch of the Qing family spoke.

"...I offer all the land the Qing family possesses, apart from the manor itself. The division is up to yourselves."

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