The Male Lead's Villainess Fiancée

Chapter 134 - I Was Scared (1)

Ch. 134 I Was Scared (1)

After her tumble down the stairs, Stella stayed in the infirmary room an additional day after she woke up. It was at the healer’s insistence, but Stella didn’t object. The infirmary room was comfortable and safe, and she regretted it when the day passed by so quickly.

“If you leave anything behind, I’ll throw it out. “

The healer issued a stern warning to Stella after she was discharged, though there was nothing in particular for Stella to take care of. She hadn’t brought anything in the first place. She wore a washed uniform, the attendance documents were taken by Professor Lassen, and the empty pudding cups had already been returned.

Stella changed her shoes and turned around, only to notice that only the red flowers remained. She shook her head. Somehow the flowers seemed to ask her, “Won’t you take me?”

What was this? Stella drew up her courage and addressed the healer.

“Teacher, do these flowers belong here?”

He vigorously shook his head, as if he hated flowers. If Stella left them behind, they would surely be tossed in the trash. It was not a proper fate for the flowers that had livened up her bedside, and so she took them from the vase, wrapping a handkerchief around the dripping stems.

“Well, sir. Thank you.”

She bowed to him, and he waved his hand as if he found her annoying.

“It will be chilly at night. Be sure not to catch a cold.”

He didn’t forget his usual weather report, and Stella smiled as she left the infirmary. She had once heard from other students that the healer never forgot to mention the weather in his greetings, yet he still often forgot his umbrella and ran around in the Academy in the rain spouting curses. She thought the dour wizard healer was quite cute. There were many cute things in the Academy, probably because there were so many students.

‘But there are also many things that are cruel.’

Backstabbing nobles were nothing new to her.

‘Well, I’m part of it.’

Stella sighed, staring at the brilliantly-hued flowers. The dense layers of petals gave the flowers the appearance of dresses. The blooms looked quite charming in the hospital room, but they were even better outside in the sun.

‘What kind of flowers are these?’

It was now that she thought of this question. Her curiosity normally would have passed her by, but today she wanted to pursue it.

‘Should I go to the library?’

Stella shook her head as she remembered the giant plant encyclopedia. She couldn’t search a thick book from cover to cover to find a flower she didn’t even know the name of.

As she wandered around campus, the greenhouse emerged before her. Stella recognized it, as she was in Professor Wayne Hill’s class this semester and remembered how he stumbled through his invitation.

“Ah, the greenhouse is always open. You can come anytime to observe...”

She had heard the greenhouse was where he held his experiments and grew things, but she hadn’t had the opportunity to check it out yet. The start of the semester had been extremely busy, and the bullying continued with no time for her to adjust to her classes. However, she had some free time today.

‘Maybe this flower is in the greenhouse.’

She knew that flowers liked warm spaces, and so she made her decision. But what if she ran into Professor Lassen along the way? Stella was worried the professor would be angry at for her taking a small adventure to find out the name of a flower. Stella quickened her pace.

When she finally reached the greenhouse, she peered through the glass and thankfully saw no one. She was cautious, however, and opened the door just enough to slip inside.

When she fully entered, Stella was amazed. Despite the thin door and walls, the conditions in this building was like a different season. She walked in a little further, following the sweet smell of earth. Each plant had a label on it. Some were blooming and bearing fruit, and when she walked in a little further in, she discovered a tea table. Some students probably used this place as a relaxation area. That was a pretty good idea. It was quiet here, and the temperature was always warm. There was no other place like this to calm a busy mind.

However, that was not what she came here for. She squatted down on the flower bed to compare the flowers she had. Frustratingly, if they were the same color they were of different shapes, and if they had the same shape they had different colors.

“Miss Lapis?”

Stella turned around.

“Professor Hill.”

“It’s alright, Miss Lapis. “

Professor Hill looked between her and the flowers, a basket in his hand.

“It’s not a problem. Not many students come to the greenhouse at this time...”

He dropped his basket of leaves in one corner of the greenhouse. He knocked over some bottles, then with an annoyed noise picked up the items one by one. His clumsiness was quite comical.

“It’s better to be a little more orderly.”

“Well, I also agree but it’s a little difficult...”

He scratched his head.

“I’m sorry, I must have interrupted your break time.”

Stella shook her head. The professor’s behavior was funny, and she even smiled.

“I didn’t come here for a break. I’m taking up your offer to come here anytime.”


Professor Hill smiled brightly as he clapped his hands. He was pleased that a student actually listened to him.

“But I want to know—”

Professor Hill’s glasses flashed when she expressed wanting to know something.

“What is it?

Stella handed him the red flowers. Professor Hill, lover of all living things, tenderly received the blooms.

“Were these a gift?”

Stella nodded.

“Then they must come from a very good friend.”

The professor seemed to know the answer she was looking for, and he handed the flowers back to her.

“What kind of flowers are these?”


He didn’t answer right away. That was typically how his lectures went, and he rarely gave an answer even when someone raised their hand at a difficult topic.

“Let’s find out together.”

Yes, he was just like this. He always guided them in the process of discovery.

“From how far do you think it came from?”

“It’s not easy to bring outside items from the Academy, so it must be on campus.”

“So that’s why you were here. And?”

“Because they weren’t in the greenhouse, they must be flowers that bloom in the autumn.”

The Academy campus was massive, and the flowers in the flower beds changed each season. Most students normally didn’t pay attention to them.

“Yes, it’s a flower that blooms in the autumn. And?”

And? Stella gazed down at the flowers. To be honest, all she had left was that she thought they were pretty.

“I don’t know.”

“You’ve narrowed it down quite a bit. They’re autumn flowers that bloom somewhere around here.”

He smiled as he answered.

“But that’s easy. Anyone can do figure that out.”

“Not anyone. I think you’re doing great...”

“You’re kidding.”

“It’s rare for anyone to follow my’s usually only the answers...”

Was there a difference? If one followed a question, there must be an answer at the end. The professor finally closed his mouth and adjusted his white lab coat, lifting his head.

“Well, shall we go?”


“Where Miss Lapis’ curiosity leads. Oh, but if you have class...”

His voice trailed off as he remembered classes were usually around this time.

“No, I don’t have a class.”

Stella lied. She did have class, though she was still allowed some time off. She might be underprepared for the exam, but she still didn’t want to go to class for some reason.

‘Professor Lassen would be furious if she knew...’

She remembered the professor’s frightening expression, and she clutched the flowers. Professor Hill glanced at Stella’s face before turning to leave. It wasn’t until he was about five steps away that Stella followed. Even after they exited the greenhouse, the professor walked on wordlessly, not explaining what the flowers were or where they were going.

‘Professor Hill is taller than I thought.’

Maybe he looked smaller than he was because he was so timid.

‘He looks happy for some reason.’

She might be judging him inaccurately because she was behind him, but there was a lightness to his step and the coat flapped behind him. He seemed a person who enjoyed the pursuit of curiosity.

‘He’s pure...’

He probably didn’t know anything about the filth and injustice of this world. He was like a princess in a tower of pure white learning.


The professor caught Stella’s wrist as she was about to follow him around a building. She stopped and looked up in surprise, meeting his green eyes behind his glasses.


“Stay there.”

He let go of her wrist and turned away. Why was he doing this? Then she heard a familiar voice.

“Professor Wayne Hill.”

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