The Man Picked Up By the Gods (Reboot)

Chapter 50

) Volume 2 Chapter 50 part1

When the duke’s group arrived, Ryouma invited all 29 guests inside.

“From this point on is reserved mainly for the employees. Normally, customers aren’t permitted here. Here you can find the changing room of the employees, the reception office, the office, the toilet… etc. Oh, there’s a kitchenette too.” [Ryouma]

“Mind if I look around?” [Reinhart]

“Go ahead.” [Ryouma]

The 29 guests followed Ryouma to the different rooms of the store. Ryouma found the whole thing reminiscent of the bus tours in his past life. When they got to the last room, the break room for the employees, Ryouma told the guests to wait, so he could get the food ready.

It was only when Ryouma left that it finally occurred to him that he’d invited all sorts of high-standing individuals to a private event without regard for social status.

Although it was only because he wanted to thank these people that he planned this event – also, partly because he didn’t have any good relationships in his past life and admired such gatherings – after realizing what he’d just done, he quietly reflected on his actions in the kitchen.

But since most of the adventurers and the people were high ranked, they didn’t actually mind it as much as Ryoum was thinking. Although a little tense, they chatted with each other as they waited for Ryouma to return.

10 minutes later, Wereanna started to become restless.

“Wereanna? What’s wrong?”

“I-I think it’s Ryouma’s cooking. Something smells really good.” [Wereanna]

When she said that everyone started to pay attention to the smell, but only the 3 beast tribe members other than Wereanna and the dragonnewt could smell it.

“Nyaa!? It really does smell good, nyaa!” [Miya]

“She’s right…” [Syria]

“I can’t smell anything, though…” [Pioro]

“The smell is probably too faint for humans, so only the beast tribe members could smell them.” [Mizelia]

“No, I can smell it too, de gozaru. Is this… meat? No, is it bread? …Regardless, it smells wonderful, de gozaru.” [Asagi]

“Come to think of it, Ryouma’s cooking tasted great last time too.” [Reinhart]

“Really, Reinhart-sama?” [Syria]

“Yes, even though it seemed he didn’t have many ingredients, that rabbit meat sauteed with Jija root sure tasted great.” [Reinhart]

“Ryouma-kun already has Lv 10 in Domestic Chores despite his age, after all. I’m sure we can look forward to a wonderful meal.” [Sebasu]

“Lv 10 at that age? That’s impressive. Domestic Chores may be easy to level up, but it’s rare to see anyone level it up to 10 before 40.” [Grisiera]

5 minutes later, Ryouma came back.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. The food’s ready.” [Ryouma]

“Alright, nyaa!” [Miya]

“Slow, slow, too slow! Do you have any idea how torturous it was enduring that delicious smell?” [Wereanna]

“Huh? You could smell it? I put up a smell-concealing barrier. Did it break midway?” [Ryouma]

“Forget the barrier, where’s the food?” [Wereanna]

“I’ll bring it now.” [Ryouma]

“We’ll help too.” [Sebasu, Arone, Lilian]

Ryouma thanked the three Jamil servants, then he carried the food into the room with them, while a slime carried the drinks. Seeing that, the 5 members of the merchant guild and Taylor, the branch head of the tamers guild, finally noticed that Ryouma’s slimes moved differently from normal. The other guests explained for Ryouma.

While the other guests were explaining to them, food and drinks were brought one after another. When everything was served, Ryouma proposed a toast.

“Umm… I would like to thank everyone for coming to celebrate the opening of my store. Although it’s not much, I’ve prepared food and drinks. I hope you find it to you liking. Cheers!” [Ryouma]

“Cheers!” [Everyone else]

At the toast, everyone drank their cups at the same time, then Gordon suddenly exclaimed.

“W-What is this wine? Isn’t this the high class stuff!?” [Gordon]

“We are celebrating, after all, so I splurged a little.” [Ryouma]

“What wine is this?” [Gordon]

“I believe the store owner called it the Spring of Jemis.” [Ryoma]

When Gordon heard that, he looked at the cup in his hand and laughed.

“So it was the Spring of Jemis! I’ve heard word of its taste, but I’ve never actually tasted it.” [Gordon]

“It’s that famous?” [Ryouma]

“You bought without knowing? The Spring of Jemis is a highly regarded brand among wine aficionado.” [Gordon]

“I didn’t know at all. The store owner just recommended it, so I bought it.” [Ryouma]

“You have good luck. The Spring of Jemis isn’t that expensive, but it’s famous among enthusiasts, so it always sells out.” [Gordon]

“I see… Hmm, luck? Ah!” [Ryouma]

“What is it?” [Elialia]

“No, I just realized why I was able to buy one.” [Ryouma]

“Realized?” [Elialia]

“Yes. Actually, I have the divine protection of the god of wine, Tekun-sama.” [ryouma]

“Seriously!?” [Gordon]

“Is that true, boy!?” [Pioro]

When Pioro and Gordon heard that, they were shocked.

?Volume 2 Chapter 50 part2

“Yes. Yes, that’s right. Is that strange?” [Ryouma]

“I envy you…” [Gordon]

“I envy you so much~” [Pioro]

“Tekun-sama’s divine protection is an object of envy among all dwarves. Especially, his divine protection as a God of Wine.” [Gordon]

“You prefer that over his divine protection as the God of Crafts?” [Ryouma]

“Well, I’m an adventurer, so getting good at smithing is a matter of course… Besides, any blacksmith worth his salt wouldn’t rely on some divine protection to get good. Skill is something you train and acquire with your own strength.

Compared to that, any dwarf would want good liquor, which is why the God of Wine’s divine protection is generally more sought after. And chancing upon good wine is partly just luck. That’s where Tekun’s divine protection comes in.” [Gordon]

Makes sense, Ryouma thought, then Pioro continued.

“I see… I can understand why you’d be envious then, but what about Pioro-san? Do you love to drink too?” [Ryouma]

“I don’t hate it, but in my case, it’s more because I’m a merchant. I haven’t told you this yet, but my business actually deals with food goods. So, the reason I envy you is because if I had that divine protection I would have an easier time finding good liquor.” [Pioro]

“Oh, I see.” [Ryouma]

While Ryouma was talking with them, Wereanna interjected.

“Ryouma.” [Wereanna]

“What is it?” [Ryouma]

“Seconds!” [Wereanna]

“That’s quick! Did you empty your plate already!?” [Ryouma]

“Ryouma, me too.” [Jeff]

“Me three.” [Hyuzu]

“Me four.” [Wogan]

“Jeff-san, Hyuzu, and even you too, guild master Wogan? Everyone sure eats fast.” [Ryouma]

“That’s cause your cooking is so good. It’s my first time eating something so good.” [Wereanna]

“Really? Saying that sure makes me feel glad cooking it, though…” [Ryouma]

“I agree with the lass. My jaws aren’t as strong as they used to be, so the meat that comes from the butcher are usually too tough to chew. But both this pasta’s meat and the steak is so soft. For the first time in a while, I’m actually able to eat meat properly. I’m glad I came today.” [Grisiera]

“Glad to hear. Please eat your fill.” [Ryouma]

As Ryouma said that, he left to get them a second serving, but when he came back, this time Mizelia, Miya, Reinhart, and Asagi asked for their second serving.

“Reinhart-san, you enjoyed it too?” [Ryouma]

“Ha ha, I doubt there’s a soul in the world who wouldn’t fall in love with your cooking.” [Reinhart}

“Really? I thought for sure fancier food would be expected of in parties… What’s the matter?” [Ryouma]

The moment Ryouma said that, a glint flashed across Reinhart’s eyes.

“Ryouma-kun, let me tell you something.” [Reinhart]

“Y-Yes.” [Ryouma]

“High-class food aren’t all delicious.” [Reinhart]

When it comes to parties among nobles, the splendor and uniqueness of the food matter more than taste, Reinhart said.

“After all, there are all sorts of preferences when it comes to taste… If one were serving to one or two people, then naturally one should cater toward their tastes, but given a multitude of people, that becomes unfeasible, and the odds of earning another person’s petty displeasure only increases.

Which is why nobles have turned to preparing food with luxurious ingredients that are difficult to procure as a sign of good will. It’s the safe way to do things, and it has been practiced for a long time now.” [Reinhart]

“Because of that there are a lot of food that seem over spiced.” [Elize]

“The chefs might be the cooks, but it’s the nobles who decides what they cook. Of course, the food they serve are still edible, but they’re rarely the sort you’d be thinking of eating. They don’t taste bad, but at my age, they’re a bit… heavy. On that point, your cooking is just right, Ryouma.” [Reinbach]

“Ryouma-san, I feel like I can eat your food with my heart at ease.” [Elialia]

“Well, I’m glad you’ve all enjoyed the food. I’ll be bringing the dessert next, so please prepare yourselves~” [Ryouma]

Ryouma still had his questions regarding sacrificing taste for higher quality ingredients, but since that’s what the four members of the Jamil Household said, he figured that’s just how the nobles do things and left it at that.

“Pwaah… I’m done, nyaa… I can’t eat anymore, nyaa… I’m so happy I came today, nyaa…” [Miya]

“Glad to hear it. Still, everyone sure ate a lot today. Especially, you, Jeff-san. Where do you put all that?” [Ryouma]

“Hah? If I feel like it, I could still eat more. I have the Food Stuffer skill, you see.” [Jeff]

“The Food Stuffing Skill?”

“Never heard of it? It allows its user to eat a lot in one sitting and not have to eat for the next few days. When I was just starting my adventurer career, I used most of my earnings in food, and after eating a lot in one sitting several times, I naturally learned the skill.” [Jeff]

“That Food Stuffing Skill is one of Jeff’s many resist class skills that he learned while living in the slums. That’s why he’s a lot sturdier than your usual adventurer, and can do one job after another, nyaa. That’s why he’s famous, nyaa.” [Miya]

“Jeff-san sure is amazing.” [Ryouma]

“Things just ended up like that after picking out more worthwhile jobs. I’m not really amazing or anything. If anything, I’d say you’re the amazing one. You even have the resist class skills that I don’t have. If you want we can take on a job together. You look like you could handle some slightly tougher jobs.” [Jeff]

“Please take care of me when that time comes.” [Ryouma]

Volume 2 Chapter 50 part3

“It’ll be a huge help to the guild if you pair up with Jeff. Other adventurers can’t really keep up with him, so he usually works alone. Unfortunately, some jobs just can’t be done alone, and because of that those jobs tend to be untouched.” [Wogan]

“What kind of job are those?” [Ryouma]

“Right… For example, a job that’s C Rank, but requires one to mine flame crystals from a volcano. That’s a difficult job without a skill to resist foul smell since an adventurer would normally have to come back several times and mine for a long time, leaving him exposed to the rotten-egg-like smell of the volcano. On top of that, the volcano is also covered with a weak poison that could kill a person depending on the place.” [Wogan]

“Volcano poison? …By any chance, could this poison cause people’s eyes to swell and become teary-eyed in light doses, and at heavier doses cause people to become unable to breathe?” [Ryouma]

“Oh! That’s right! You’re sure privy to it.” [Wogan]

“I just know a thing or two.” [Ryouma]

“Well, that sort of knowledge is an advantage to adventurers. Do you know how to deal with it? Is there an antidote for it?” [Wogan]

Ryouma became thoughtful upon being asked that, but this world did not have any knowledge on medicine and there was also no guarantee that he could make the medicine from Earth here.

“Unfortunately, I’m not sure if there are any. That being said, it seems the poison comes from the smoke from the volcano and the gas coming out underground, so you might be able to mitigate or nullify the effects by using a wind spell to protect oneself.” [Ryouma]

“Oh… Your grandma must be quite the expert considering how much she’s taught you. I’ve been working as the guild master for a long time, but you just keep surprising me when it comes to poison and diseases.” [Wogan]

Ryouma was startled a little when his grandma was brought up, but he quickly recovered and chuckled as he said she’s an amazing person, then he spoke to Carm and Carla.

“Carm-san, Carla-san, how was the food?” [Ryouma]

“It w as very delicious!” [Carm and Carla]

“That’s good to hear. By the way, I would be glad to have you work here for me, but are you really okay with it? As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t think the two of you will be able to make the most of your abilities with a store like mine.” [Ryouma]

“I was actually discussing that with my younger brother just now.” [Carla]

“Please let us work here.” [Carm]

“Huh? …Did something happen? Somehow it feels like you’re so eager all of the sudden…” [Ryouma]

There was no hesitation in their words. It was almost as if they were completely different from when they entered the store for the first time.

“Our deepest apologies for our early behavior. We’ve had a change of heart after seeing your store in person, Ryouma-sama.” [Carla]

“We were worried at first, but after seeing the tools and policies you’ve come up with, we believe there is much to be learned here.” [Carm]

“You sure change switch quickly…” [Ryouma]

“The young are simply that flexible, Ryouma-sama. I know people with more skill and experience than these two, but the reason I chose them is because of their flexibility” [Serge]

“We will do our best not to shame our introducer, Serge-sama’s Morgan Company, and our boss, Ryouma-sama of the Takebayashi Family!” [Carla and Carm]

When Ryouma heard the two say that, he felt they were somewhat similar to Serge.

“I understand. Having someone with a wealth of knowledge in merchant work is indeed reassuring, so I have no complaints. I look forward to working with you two.” [Ryouma]

“Yes!” [Carm and Carla]

The two replied with a smile that extended from ear to ear.

Meanwhile, Serge watched Ryouma’s exchange with the two with a face full of satisfaction.

“Remember not to push yourselves too much, though. Just do what you usually do. I don’t know about the Morgan Company, but you don’t have to worry about bringing shame to my family.” [Ryouma]

“No, it’s imperative that we be have at least this much resolve. A little bad reputation is all that’s needed for word to spread among nobles, after all.” [Carla]

“Huh? Carm-san, do rumors reach nobles so quickly even when it’s concerning a newly opened store?” [Ryouma]

“Most nobles are cautious of other houses’ movements, so things probably would end up just as my older sister said.” [Carm]

“Other house? …Could it be the both of you think I’m a noble?” [Ryouma]

“You’re not? But you have a relationship with the duke?” [Carm and Carla]

“We do have a relationship, but we just happened to meet by coincidence. So I’m not exactly a… Serge-san?” [Ryouma]

“…My apologies. I may have failed to mention that.” [Serge]

As Ryouma and the twins realized this inconsistence, they turned to Serge to clear up the misunderstanding.

While Ryouma, the twins, and Serge were all talking, another group was watching them and talking to each other.

“Hey, shitty old hag.” [Wogan]

“What, inconsiderate man?” [Grisiera]

“Can Ryouma’s store turn over that much of a profit? It’s a pretty strange store…” [Wogan]

“It will, though I can’t tell you how much exactly.” [Grisiera]

When Wogan heard that, Wogan knitted his brows.

“Aren’t you going to give him a hint or two?” [Wogan]

“For now I intend to quietly watch over him and let him do as he wishes.” [Grisiera]

“Is that alright?” [Grisiera]

“Serge has already given him two aides. Even if they get some attention, they should be able to deal with it. And should things get dangerous, he can ask for help himself, and I will be more than willing to help as a merchant.

Of course, there are always some unscrupulous ones that wouldn’t care to choose their methods. You should keep an eye out too.” [Grisiera]

“I know, but he probably won’t need my help. That guy got into a fight with the Fang of Orbtem just recently.” [Wogan]

“You mean those delinquent adventurers that have been getting infamous lately? …That kid is the one who crushed them?” [Grisiera]

“Yeah. He happened upon them while in the middle of adventurer work and found them picking a fight with some children. After that is just as you’ve heard. If there’s anything to add, well, let’s just say it was a one-sided fight.

Other than that, he also took part in the goblin subjugation. He has a lot of slimes, that kid…

It’s just secondhand knowledge, but it seems you’ll be in a world of pain if you look down his slimes just because they’re slimes.” [Wogan]

“Do those slimes use weapons?” [???]

While they were talking to each other, another person interjected.

“Grandpa Taylor, you knew?” [Wogan]

“‘Can slimes use weapons?’ An adventurer asked our clerks just recently. It’s already become a rumor. But it’s my first time seeing his slimes in action today. Regardless, I think I’ll recommend him to take a short course.” [Taylor]

“Right. It would probably do him good to know what a normal monster tamer is expected to be capable of doing and not doing… We need to be careful.” [Grisiera]

“I know.” [Wogan]

“Usually, it’s a welcome thing for an able individual to appear, but… Reinbach also asked me to watch over him.” [Taylor]

The three of them spoke among themselves like that in a corner of the room, while Ryouma enjoyed his time with his friends and colleagues that he did not have back in his previous life.

Before long, it was time to end the party. Before going back home, everyone reminded Ryouma not to push himself. When everyone had left, Ryouma cleaned the place up, then he stepped outside and took a good look at his store.

Ryouma felt a strange sense of fulfillment that he did not have in his previous life. After that, he went back to the lodging.

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