The Man Picked Up By the Gods (Reboot)

Chapter 69

“A-Anyway! It’s because of that that people started avoiding me.” [Elia]

The ojousama forcefully changed the topic.

I should just follow her here.

“Rumors sure are hurtful…” [Ryouma]

“It’s because there are people who actually believe those exaggerated rumors…” [Elia]

If one’s parents believe them, then the children who will accept it as truth too.

After all, children are always watching the adults. Although the latter usually doesn’t notice that.

“By the way…” [Elia]

“Yes? What is it?” [Ryouma]

The ojousama timidly asked me.

“Are you okay?” [Elia]

“What do you mean?” [Ryouma]

“About what I talked about just now… I’m a little concerned.” [Elia]

“Ahh…” [Ryouma]

I guess she’s worried that I would start acting differently around her.

“I’m fine.” [Ryouma]

“I mean it is true that I lost control of my magic and hurt another person.” [Elia]

But it’s not like you did it on purpose. And besides, I’ve also broken someone’s wrist. I’ve even killed plenty of bandits in the forest. That I did intentionally.

The ojousama also seems to regret what happened, so I’m pretty sure there’s nothing wrong with her ethically speaking.

And besides, I’ve seen magic countless times already, so I could just dodge something like that.

If it’s Ice Arrow, I could just deflect it. And if I clad myself in ki, it won’t have much effect on me even if it were to hit me.

So in conclusion, there’s no problem.

I told Elia that and she chuckled.

“I see. Then, Ryouma-san, I’ll have to ask you not to forget to meet me again in 3 years.” [Elia]

“I won’t forget.” [Ryouma]

“I’ll confirm that in 3 years. If you forget because of work or something, you better watch out cause I’m going to hit you with the magic I’ve trained for the past 3 years.” [Elia]

Eek! Scary! What is this girl saying all of the sudden.

“Ha ha ha, p-please don’t do that… By the way, where did you learn to talk like that?” [Ryouma]

I mean it’s a little bit different from the usual image of the ojousama, no?

“It’s how mother made dad remember a promise he forgot a long time ago.” [Elia]

“I-I see…” [Ryouma]

Thank goodness Reinhart-san is still alive…

“Besides, it’s not like my magic would work against you, right?” [Elia]

I did say that, but… Isn’t this and that different?

While I was thinking that, the ojousama started laughing as if she were teasing me.

“Oh, right. I just remembered something good. Sebasu!” [Elia]

“Yes, ojousama. How may I help you?” [Sebasu]

The ojousama suddenly called Sebasu-san and started whispering to him. Sebasu-san nodded, and in the next moment, he took out a small box from his Item Box.

The ojousama took that and gave it to me.

“Ryouma-san, please take this.” [Elia]

“What is this?” [Ryouma]

“It’s a necklace I got from my mother on my 10th birthday.”

When the ojousama opened the box, a beautiful necklace appeared. It had golden chains and a golden setting with a ruby the size of a fingernail inserted into it. Although the design was simple, it was surely expensive. Moreover, this ruby…

“Is this mana?” [Ryouma]

For some reason, I could feel mana coming from the ruby.

“Oh, you noticed? As expected. The ruby of this necklace is a magic gem.” [Elia]

“Magic gem, you mean those things used for lighting?” [Ryouma]

“Not quite. Those are spell stones, a magic tool, so to speak. Umm… Ryouma-san, you know of magic stones, right?” [Elia]

“Magic stones… If I recall correctly, those are found in places with high concentration of mana. Magic stones refer to the stones dug out from there that contain mana, right?” [Ryouma]

“Exactly. Mana stored in magic stones can be used to cast a spell. This mana can be used to help one in conserving his mana. Among those stones, there are some that are valued not as mere stones, but as jewels. They are called magic jewels. Magic ores are also a thing.” [Elia]

Magic stones can supplement one’s magic. Magic ores can be used to forge magic armor and weapons, as well as other miscellaneous stuff.

“As for magic gems, these can be used for anything. Be it to supplement one’s magic, or to forge a tool that could amplify one’s abilities, or as a decorative item. On top of being extremely convenient, the effects of these gems are much higher than usual, so not only are they super expensive, the production of these gems is also really low.” [Elia]

The ojousama said all of that in one breath, but…

“…So in other words, this is a super luxurious item?” [Ryouma]

“Exactly.” [Elia]

“Exactly? There’s no way I could take something this precious.” [Ryouma]

“I want you to have it!” [Elia]

“No, this is too precious…” [Ryouma]

As if I could accept something like this!

I firmly refused it, but the ojousama wouldn’t take no for an answer. In the end, Sebasu-san had to interject.

“The two of you please calm down. Ryouma-sama, the ojousama only wants you to keep the necklace for the time being, so you can give it back to her when you meet again next time.” [Sebasu]

“Oh, so she’s just lending it to me? But why?” [Ryouma]

“Ryouma-sama, you might not be aware, but it’s customary to give a friend you will be parting with for a long time something precious as a form of prayer to meet again. Word says doing so also makes it more likely that you’ll meet again. I don’t know what period or from who this practice first spread, but it’s something that has been passed since long ago. To this day, this custom is still practiced.” [Sebasu]

Ahh, I see. So, that’s what she meant.

“So you want me to entrust this necklace to me?” [Ryouma]

“Yes.” [Elia]

“…But this is something precious to you, right? Are you sure you’re okay leaving this with me?” [Ryouma]

“I wouldn’t have offered it in the first place if I wasn’t. Please give it back to me 3 years later.” [Elia]

Mu… If she puts it like that… Not to mention that it’s a custom for reunions… And if this is really what she wants, then…

“I understand. I’ll take care of it for you in the meantime.” [Ryouma]

“Really!?” [Elia]

“In exchange, I’ll absolutely give it back to you.” [Ryouma]

“Of course.” [Elia]

I accepted the box and stored it into my Item Box

I shouldn’t lose it if it’s inside my Item Box.

“Now then…” [Ryouma]

Since we’re following custom, I should give the ojousama something too.

…But what precious possession do I have? Money? Pelt? Stuff like that would just weigh her down. Building stones, ingots, waterproof cloths? Erm… I don’t think I have anything decent.

Because of my hunter lifestyle, I’ve adopted a way of thinking where I prioritize getting the ingredients or components of things I need. Unfortunately, these things can’t really be considered as precious.

Hmm… Don’t I have anything?

After thinking for a while…

“Dimension Home.” [Ryouma]

I took out a heal slime and a scavenger slime from my Dimension Home and handed them to the ojousama.

“Ryouma-san?” [Elia]

“I couldn’t think of anything good to give you, but after considering what’s precious to me, I figured I could give you my slimes instead. These two will surely be of help to you. Please take them with you.” [Ryouma]

The ojousama was speechless for a moment, but then in the next moment, she had her hands over her mouth as she did everything she could just to keep herself from laughing.

I guess it was weird, after all. Sigh… Why did I have to give her a slime anyway?

I know I didn’t have anything eels, but can you really give a slime as a gift?

Maybe I should’ve thought this over a bit more…

“Fu fu… Sorry, Ryouma-san. I just thought giving a slime was very much like you. Thank you. I’ll be sure to watch over them in your stead.” [Elia]

“Really? Thank you very much.” [Ryouma]

“No, thank you. Thank you for entrusting me with your precious monsters.” [Elia]

I placed the heal slime and the scavenger slime on the ground, then I removed our contract and allowed the ojousama to form a contract with them.

“Contract complete. I’ll be sure to treasure them.” [Elia]

“I’ll leave them in your care.” [Ryouma]

After that we chatted about slimes and magic, and then we ended up training magic.

“This is the ice magic I frequently use.” [Ryouma]

“‘The Ice Cube’ spell I can use, but I still can’t use your ‘Cooler’ spell.” [Elia]

As the name implies, Ice Cube is a spell that creates a cube of ice to be placed inside one’s glass, while Cooler is a fusion spell of wind and ice that summons a cool wind to freshen one up. Both spells are particularly useful for summertime.

“Mist Wash” [Sebasu]

“Ah, you did it.” [Ryouma]

Even Sebasu-san joined in on the topic of water magic. I tried teaching him Mist Wash, and as expected, he learned it after just a few tries.

“…Ho. The mana expenditure is a bit high, but it might just do well for removing stubborn dirt.” [Sebasu]

If he can use that, then he can might be able to use even harder spells.

Thinking that, I taught him Water Cutter, which was the true form of Mist Wash.

Ah, but although I say ‘taught’, all I really did was show it to him by casting the spell at a nearby a rock.

Sebasu-san looked curiously at the spell.

“Like this? ‘Water Cutter’. Hmm… Not enough. ‘Water Cutter’” [Sebasu]

After trying the spell out 5 times, Sebasu-san was able to execute the spell masterfully. He was already better than me right on the first try, but after the fourth try, the power behind his ‘Water Cutter’ was clearly a cut above mine. On the fifth try, he straight up went and cleaved the rock.

So this is what happens when a master water mage uses the spell.

After doing this and that, dusk eventually came, and we went back via dimension magic.

As I looked at the stores along the path back to the inn, I saw the adventurers that went to the marsh before and some doctors carrying some foul-smelling bags. They had gathered into a crowd and were quite lively.

“Welcome back, Ryouma-kun.” [Reinbach]

“Thanks for looking after Elia today.” [Elize]

“It’s nothing. I had fun too.” [Ryouma]

“And Ryouma-san taught me a lot of new spells. I can’t use them well yet, but I’ll do my best to learn!” [Elia]

“That’s great, Elia.” [Reinbach]

“Yes! He also lent me his heal slime and scavenger slime.” [Elia]

“Oh, really? Be sure to treasure them.” [Elize]

“Of course.” [Elia]

When we got back, everyone had already recovered from their hangover. We talked about the things that happened today, the things that happened after we meant, and all sorts of other stuff until it was late into the night.

And then…

On the day of parting.

At the stables behind the inn, the duke’s family, their servants, and their guards were all inside their carriage. They called out to me one after another through their window.

“Take care of your body.” [Reinhart]

“Don’t push yourself too much.” [Elize]

“Make sure to rest.” [Reinbach]

“If something happens, be sure to contact us.” [Reinhart]

“Drop by when you’re free, alright?” [Jill]

“Do your best, boy.” [Camil]

“Stay well.” [Zeff]

“Stay strong.” [Hyuzu]

“I pray for your good health and the success of your future endeavors.” [Arone]

Jill-san, Arone-san, and the rest of the guards had called out to me too.

“Everyone, ojousama, take care. Thank you for everything until now.” [Ryouma]

I bowed my head as I said that. It’s too bad I’m not very good with long speeches. I wish I could express my gratefulness better, but alas…

“Ryouma-san.” [Elia]

“Yes, ojousama?” [Ryouma]

“About that…” [Elia]

“‘That’?” [Ryouma]

What is she talking about?

“I’ve been thinking about it since you entrusted me with your slimes yesterday, and… We’re friends, right?’ [Elia]

Where is she going with this?

“Since that’s the case, please call me?Elia.[1] My family and people close to me call me that, and besides… It’s not like you work for my family, right? …Don’t you think it’s strange for a friend to refer to me as ojousama?” [Elia]

“Ah~ …I understand.” [Ryouma]

Now that she mentions it, it is weird.

“Very well. If you’re alright with it, then please allow me to call you Elia. You’re okay with that, right… Elia?” [Ryouma]

“—Yes! Ryouma-san, until the day we meet again, I’ll be sure to work on my magic!” [Elia]

“Same here.” [Ryouma]

As Elia said that from atop the carriage, I replied.

“Do your best!” [Ryouma and Elia]

When our words overlapped, Elia and I laughed.

Soon it was the time to leave.

The first to go was the carriage of the guards, then came the carriage of the duke’s family.

As they headed toward my direction, they waved at me from the window of their carriage, and I waved back at them.

I watched as the carriage moved toward the horizon, gradually growing smaller and smaller, until it could be seen no more.

“Well then… I suppose I should get going then.”

I’ll drop by the store, then I’ll go to the mine, and there, my new life will begin.

Starting today, I won’t be living at the inn anymore, but at the mines.

The ojousama, no… Elia… Elia told me to do my best, so… Let’s do just that.

First, I’ll have to secure myself a house.

“No time to be dawdling.” [Ryouma]

As I encouraged myself, I started walking.

From today onwards I’ll be starting a life that’s a little different from what I’ve lived so far.

[1] – Specifically emphasized by the author. For those not in the know, no suffix plus first name basis denotes a greater degree of intimacy. That being said the reason for the emphasis could be something else.

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