The Master Necromancer

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Skraal directly teleported in front of three beings without thinking much about it. He believes that they would have no way to create problems for himself so theere is no need for scared. He looked each of them and nodded. They really look like humans other than little bit of red skins and some bones portruding from their heads. Skraal took a deep breath and started talking.

"I am Skraal an explorer. Give me some information about the continent would you people."

Skraal took a deep breath and then smiled. After he said his words.

The one who answered him was the big guy which looked little bit old and most likely older than the woman one and short one.

Aris started talking after hearing the words of Skraal.

"Lord Skraal. I am Aris. one of the head advisor of clan and race Sublimers who is in control of Denom. Thank you for giving us chance to explain ourselves. I have taken these two juniours to explore the lands and give them experience."

Skraal nodded and looked at the woman and short guy and answered.

"It would be best if they were alone and placed on a poison bowl."

Aris furrowed his brows and asked.

"I dont know what is a poison bowl Lord Skraal."

Skraal smiled and started talking. The Poison Bowl he was talking Poison Jar."

To create Poison Jar, sorcerers would mix several insects in a jar, and let them kill one another until only one survived. The fluids of the insect that survived would be used to poison an individual with a curse that would control them, cause them misfortune, or kill them. The remaining insect could also be used as a sort of "luck charm" granting the one who performed the ritual great wealth. In return the owner is supposed to feed the bug. Neglecting to do so would enrage the insect, if the owner does not equivalently repay the insect by placing all his or her riches beside a road, plus interest in gold and silver, the insect would devour the home owner. Therefore, this ritual could also be used as a death curse by giving the riches to an ignorant individual. The term "Poison Jar" can also be applied to the spirit which is the incarnation of this particular magic (which usually appears in the shape of a worm or other animal). 

After Skraal told Aris about Poison Bowl or Poison Jar. Aris took an understanding and nodded.

Survival Of The Fittest is the meaning of Skraal. Basically. Skraal said to him that they would need to put ten to fifteen juniors in one place and make them fight until one of them or a number of them survive. The one who survived will be stronger because of the experience of survival and power needed to surviving. It is a simple technique can be used for creating more poweful individuals. But in the end Sublimer Race can not afford to take do these things at all.

In the end a weak junior is better than a dead junior.

Aris thought a little and answered.

"Thank you for your technique Lord Skraal."

Skraal smiled and then asked again.

"What you can tell me about the land. the clans and the monsters"

Aris was about to talk about the west south and north as well as east lands but Skraal stopped him.

"I have learned about the continent is pretty big and have lands named West and North according to their direction. So give me more intact and deep knowledge."

Aris nodded and did not forget how he have taken the information. He must have taken the information from Sand Pandora Monster he have put on sleep before destroying the creature.

Aris then started talking about to where are they and even produced a map from his map. then give it to Skraal.

They were all wearing simple black clothes and other than Aris other two not carrying any bags or something like that Skraal noticed they were wearing a ring and believed that it has some kind of similar ability to Space Ring which making him ask why Aris was not wearing any of them.

After about ten to fifteen minutes. Aris told him everything he know. At this time Skraal really understood how big is Lairom Continent is.

Aris a strong being with a strong clan only been in West Side Of Continent and do not know anything about East. North or South.

Just West Side of the continent is bigger than Main-Continent where he have come from by 10.000 times. the number of families and clans exceed 100.000 and the creatures and hidden places as well as danger zones exceeds 10.000. Which means even in West Side of the continent there are number of places even the strongest race and clan on the West Side which is "Armon" Family and Race did not explored or more truthfully dared to explore.

Closest settlement of Sublimers to where he is called Ecrin.

Engineered next to a thicket, the township of Ecrin is home to Sublimers lead by Governor Gedney.

This township wasn't built by a thicket by accident, as it has magical properties, which is of great importance to the people of Ecrin and its success.

The township itself looks impressive. With its copper rooftops, golden brick walls and staircase of waterfalls, Ecrin has a pleasing atmosphere.

The main attraction is the tombs, which was built 44 years ago and designed by Orcum Race a friend race of Sublimers..

Ecrin has a hurting economy, which is mainly supported by animal training, herbalism and cooking. But their biggest strengths are rare crop farming and weaponsmithing.

However, Ecrin lacks people skilled in wine brewing and battle experts. Which means the protection of Ecrin Town is little bit bad which Skraal found funny in this dangerous piece of continent.

Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Ecrin is most likely headed towards a harsh future under the leadership of Governor Gedney. But this remains to be seen.

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