The Master Necromancer

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

As Skraal spoke, the face of five bandits changed.

At that time, Four Undead Cursed Ghouls already shoot towards to, bandits and by strangling them without using too much force the creatures managed to pass all bandits outs.

Skraal smiled as he looked at the five bandits on the ground. After that he entered the tent they were having fun.

As he entered the tent he saw a woman lying on the ground, naked without any piece of clothing, the eyes of the woman were lifeless without any kind of intent behind them.

The woman was an ordinary woman without any magical or physical power, most likely a villager or common human from a city.

Skraal just shook his head and then used his "Bone Arrow" to kill the woman with a quick strike.

"Human Killed +10 Points"

After Skraal killed the woman, he left the tent and ordered the cursed ghouls. After he showed the ropes beside the tent.

"Use these ropes to tie them to the wall,"

After the orders from the Skraal, the ghouls worked pretty handily and easily tied the five bandits to the walls, using the wooden supports that bandits have been set before they settled in to cave.


After these moves, Skraal looked at his status.

Skraal -

Skeleton Mage (Level 4)

Physical Body = "Two-Human"

Gis Energy = 4.0

AB Points = 0 (Ability Points)

Points = 270 -



Undead Cursed Ghoul (Level 4)

Triple-Bone Arrow (Level 2)

Undead Wolf (Level 2)

Undead Energy Shield (Level 3)

Skeleton Warrior (Level 1)

At that time Skraal spoke with the system.

"System, I have no use for the "Skeleton Warrior" Spell, could we do something about it"

One second later system answered the question for him.

"User could sell the ability to a system for "100 Points" if he wants"

Skraal did not even think for another second and answered.

"System, I would like to sell the spell "Skeleton Warrior" for "100" points"

After the words from Skraal, his status has changed and his total points reached "370", before buying anything Skraal had something to do.

As he was waiting, all of the five bandits opened their eyes and noticed that they could not move, Skraal looked at them and spoke.

"You had your fun with the woman, now I will have my fun with you guys"

They did not get the words of the Skraal, of course, they got it but they did not want to accept the truth,

At that time, five "Bone-Arrow" manifested in the air and shoot towards to legs of the five bandits.


"It hurtts"


"God daammit"


Each bone pierced the right legs of the bandits and because of the paint itself, the five bandits screamed. t was clear that each one of them lost one leg from now on then.

The power of "Bone-Arrow" was not the same as a normal arrow, because of the magical properties of the arrow and the fact that "Bone Arrow" was created by a "Chaotic-Mage" which is "Skraal" made the bones more powerful and destructive.

Skraal smiled and then started speaking.

"I sometimes ask myself, is being human is good, or being human is just an evil thing, in the end, there is no race in the world that evil it is kin like you guys"

The words of the Skraal did not make sense for the bandits, they were not smart guys from the start anyway,

Skraal noticed that too, as he noticed he shook his head and then whispered as he ordered the

"Cursed Undead Ghouls"

"You guys are boring"

"Kill them, but do it with the help of the god of pain, start from arms first then legs and use your claws to pierce their anus and grab their intestines and pluck them out and then deal the final blow"

As Skraal said his words, he turned his back and started to leave the Cave, as he heard cries of pain from the bandits. As he heard the screams of pain from the bandits he laughed.

"At least, I did a good thing for the woman who screamed because of the ra--pe"

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