The Master Necromancer

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Frankor turned his head and looked at the man with an ax on his back, this was the real warrior in the clan, he was stronger than the other villagers and even some of the soldiers from the Ceredrim. His name was Armstar, and he was a retired mercenary from the Ceredrim.

Frankor then thought a little bit then he spoke with a tone that showed certainty

"The Humans, our kind did not help us because they saw no gains for attacking the vampires just because we needed help, but the relationship between the vampires and elves is clear as days,

If we just tell the werewolves that they attacking our village and kidnapping villagers, they will be going to find a way to destroy the vampires, not because they want to help us it is just because they want to kill the vampires"

After Frankor finished talking most of the villagers are already convinced that informing the werewolves about the vampires, is the best thing to do, but the retired warrior from the Ceredrim did not think this was the right thing to do.

But it was not important what is his thoughts are, if he could not suggest a better idea, it is not going to change anything.

Then the villagers went to their home by one and one, Frankor and Armstar left alone in the center, where the campfire still burning.

The air was getting cold and Frankor who was just an ordinary human started to feel cold even though he was close to the fire.

At that time, Armstar started talking,

"Frankor, what is your purpose, I know you, you are not a man who just is going to call help from the werewolves."

Frankor, just smiled, he was still feeling the cold, it did not affect his personality and mind.

"You will see when the time comes Armstar."

Armstar just shook his head and started to walk towards his home,

Nobody knew about the ideas of Frankor other than himself.


In a flatland just at the side of the forest, a campfire was burning and a man with a stick full of meat sitting next to the campfire, he was all alone without any kind of living being other than himself.

This man was "Skraal", After he killed the two hunters, he just waited at the river, and after waiting for about one hour, he finally found a creature for himself to hunt.

The creature called "Rinera" it was a rabbit-like creature but at the size of a wolf, its meat was edible as tasty, it was not dangerous to humans and did not like to attack humans, but when it did attack it could kill a human easily with it is teeth.

After, Skraal hunted the Rinera with his "Bone-Arrow", he earned 10 points from it, with these points came from the Rinera, his total points reached the "60"

After he ate up and filled his belly, he started looking at the "Shop" for the first time in his life.

------ Shop ---------

Categories -




Weapons & Staff & Wands

Gems &

------ Shop ---------

Skraal without even thinking entered the "Spells" Category.

------ Shop ------

------ Spells ------

- There are five spells are in the market for the time being compatible with the user, and it is "Shop Points" user could not see the spells higher than his shop points and his level -

Summon Skeleton Archer (60 Points) (Conjure a Skeleton Archer)

Summon Undead Wolf (60 Points) (Conjure an undead wolf)

Attack Spell Bone Spear (60 Points) (Like, Bone Arrow only thing is different it is a "Spear"

Attack Spell Toxic Bomb (60 Points) (Create a poisonous toxic bomb, it explodes after contact)

Support Spell Bone Armor (60 Points) (Bone-Armor protection & enchantment)

Support Spell Strong Bones (60 Points) (Make the bones stronger for a time being)


Skraal looked at the spells he can buy right now.

"I don't need to buy Archer or Wolf for the time being I think but I may be wrong",

"Bone Spear could be useful than "Arrow" but it is not needed,"

"Toxic Bomb is a spell that creates a ball of poison and after shooting it explodes and hurt the target, it could prove to be useful"

"Bone Armor is a spell that creates an armor made up of bone for the protection, it is not created directly and just an effect.

"Strong Bones is the same but it just directly make my bones stronger"

Skraal took a deep breath after he inspected the spell he can buy right now, and at that time, he remembered something.

"Because of my hidden-class, I have no problem for consumption or re-use a spell"

After, these words Skraal just smiled and nodded.

"System, please buy the "Undead Wolf"

After Skraal words were over, a ding sound resonated and he successfully learned the Undead Wolf Spell,


After Skraal bought the spell of Undead Wolf and learned it directly, he conjured it with a thought

The Undead Wolf was a bit different than the normal wolf it was slightly bigger and had no stamina, so it can not be tiring for any means, this means that it will be going to attack with full force, there are no emotions so it can not be scared of anyone.

Skraal already made some experiment about the use of Gis Power,

The creature number he could summon is the same as Gis Power, every creature is the same, and have no difference on this subject, this means right now his Gis Points at the "2.0" and he could only summon one Undead Wolf and One Skeleton Warrior, or Two Skeleton Warrior or Two Undead Wolf.

The summoned creatures were not separate things, this means that he could not summon Two Skeleton Warriors and Two Undead Wolf at the same time, the spells can be different but the type of spell was the same, but it was different when using a different type of spell.

After he summoned two creature at the same time, he could still very well use Two Bone-Arrow at the same time for the attack, Gis Power Number was only looking and affecting the spell-type it was not affected by a different-spell.

This means that, the Skraal could not use two different spells in the same section as two times.

After most of the experiment is finished Skrall just summoned, two Undead Wolf on his side and started sleeping on the leaves which he put on the ground for making a bed,


The night was over and the sun showed itself, in the Grape Village, there are preparations has to be made, the villagers accepted the proposal of the Frankor and will going to notify the werewolves.

The Grape Village was in the region of Ceredrim the city of humans, this means that the vampire prison and the forest Skraal was staying in the region of humans and the area of Ceredrim.

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