The Master Necromancer

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

The other document was too one leaf and a little bit different from the Cursed Conjuring, compared to the cursed-conjuring it was giving an idea about using all of the spells with differences.

The name of the leaf was "Fate Chain Cursed Spell", the name was good took the interest of the Skraal from the first second.

" Era Dawn Era "9245 "

"Document" Fate Chain Cursed Spell -

"Author Name" Arivel Mist"

"Copyright Owner" "The Mist"

"Fate Chain spell lets to user chain two being into the one link, the spell itself does not harm anyone or have any kind of bad effect to the targets, but if the spell is activated and cast successfully the spell will link the two being fates into the one shared fate, if the one of being is died for some kind of reason the other linked person will die too."

"For casting the spell, the user has to choose a target and use the Fate Chain Spell, the spell can be used by shooting a bolt to the target or touching or zapping it, this means making the spell so that it can be used without noticed by target like touching or hand-shaking, beware that powerful mages could feel that you cast a spell on them."

"After the spell cast successfully on a being, user can essentially cast this spell to anyone he can find, the chain and link itself do not have any kind of limit to it, this means that, if user cast spell on one being then cast the spell on other 100 beings, if one of them dies other 99 will be rendered death too, or one of them cursed other 99 will be cursed too,"

"The spell itself uses "Curse" "Fate" and "Silent" Origins, but with the research, I managed to make out a basic version of it which let you cast the spell on about 10 humans and link their fate."

"The spell-code FF-34553--43--63-13--123-4-4-77-8-45-63-4555-363-4784-"

"The spell-formation FL-52808126302034753947"

"The spell-limiter FL-10-X328952642462471349047821309"

"After working on these codes of spell formations and limiters, the user will learn the spell-directly."

After Skraal finished reading about the Fate Chain Cursed Spell, he understands the difference between the ancient mages and the mages in this time,

this kind of spell may not look a big thing at the first, but imagine a mage, a spy from the enemy group, if this mage could enter a city and then started casting this spell to anyone he came across to then kill one of them, everybody will die with him.

This kind of spell has no direct-use but it can be used in many different ways, In a way Skraal himself even thinking about making this spell an area-effect spell,

casting one spell and linking the fate of 100 people, then kill one and everybody will die with the one who died.

Skraal smiled and then looked at the iniagrams and formations and limiters, this may seem odd at first but, in the ancient-magic times,

the created spell was hidden and transferred the other like this, unless that the person has all of these codes in true form, he or she can not learn the spell.

But if the mage in this matter could see or learn about these codes only thing he or she has to do is just whisper to the name of the spell after looking at the codes and the spell will be learned.

In ancient times, all of the spells were strong and nobody wanted that their spell stolen by another mage or an enemy much worse,

this was the reason why they hide their spell in the magical iniagrams the formations and limiters which is the most important one, working as a lock.

Skraal then did not waste any-time and then looked at the Iniagrams, Formations, and Limiters and whispered the spell-name.

"Fate Chain Cursed Spell"

After Skraal whispered the spell-name the document itself burned itself directly and from now on then Skraal knew how to use the Fate Chain Spell.

It was nothing complicated at all, of course, this was true for himself, the process of linking two beings to one fate is not an easy thing to do and need a person who has a lot of "Fate Origin" knowledge,

but because the spell-itself was designed for the mages who do not know about the needed Origins, it was all okay,

He can use the spell as a bolt, an arrow, or any kind of projectile, or he can use it with a touch, it was silent and colorless if the spell itself not used as a projectile,

If used as projectile its color was, bluish-dark with a little glimmer of light on it symboling the "Fate" but veiled with the dark and blue color because of the cursed nature of it.

Skraal, then took a deep breath and got up from his seat,

As he was reading about the documents he was drinking water and eating something, of course, he did not need to eat or drink water but why not, he likes eating and drinking.

After finishing his things, he opened the map and then whispered to himself.

"Now I have to go to the Trinatrum Ghost Tower"

Skraal looked at the map and smiled as he already knew that it was close to where he is, Of course before going towards this tower, he first entered the cave of "Hideout Of The Ghost Eater" and looked for magical-stones or any kind of valuable item.

He should be not stingy about these things, After he entered Skraal did not encounter any beings or creatures that aggressive to himself, from the looks of it after the Ghost-Eater Lord died, many of these creatures inside of the Hideout gained their free-will and not aggressive unless bothered.

After about thirty minutes of reach, Skraal found about 10.000 Magical Stones, and his total magical-stones reached the amount of 10.500, and he also found another spellbook named, "Ghost Scream", which can be used for gaining more knowledge about "Ghost Origin" and giving him ideas and basic knowledge about using "Ghost Origin" as spells.

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