The Master Necromancer

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Elenie was a level-5 mage stronger than both Diana and Fran but weaker than Verton.

She was not a completely battle-mage but still battle-oriented,

This means that she was still strong when fighting against other mages and warriors.

Skraal was waiting without doing anything, Elenie took a deep breath and looked at Skraal, and then whispered.

"Energy Bolt"

As she whispered, she pointed out Skraal with her finger, an energy bolt colored white and at the size of a human head, shoot towards Skraal.

Just as it was going to hit Skraal directly, weird glass-like energy manifested in front of Skraal and blocked the energy bolt. As a result, Skraal did not even need the move his hands or do something from the outside.

Elenie was shocked, Her energy bolt completely useless against Skraal, After hitting the glass-like energy shield created by Skraal in just the last second, It stopped. Just like that.

Skraal smiled and then he raised his right hand also at the same time created an energy ball made up from magical energy. After creating he started speaking.

"This is an energy bolt with the same level as you created, But there are fundamental differences between you and me how we created this energy bolt."

Elenie was listening without thinking about anything, She was excited and curious at the same time, Her face showed it all.

Skraal keeps continued as he saw that Elenie was listening to himself seriously.

"First difference is you used a spell to create an "energy bolt" to attack me, and for the second difference.."

Skraal did not speak anymore and started controlling the energy bolt, He first turned into it an arrow and then he turned into a sword,

At the same time, he controlled the energy bolt like a basic ball,

He levitated energy ball towards to up and down, right and left, He did all of these things also at the same time, he was changing the shape of it.

As Skraal finished using the energy bolt he started speaking again.

"Origins let you control your magical power taking power from your chosen origin from the start, If you want to do more powerful and complex things you need to add more magical power to the energy bolt you created."

As Skraal finished, he added little more power to the energy ball & bolt, he created, Its size reached a human-size bolt, A bolt in this level can only be created by a level 7 mage,

Elenie knew this too, She thought within her mind that if Skraal wanted to shoot this human-sized bolt towards herself, She had no way to defend it against.

The only way she could save her life was to dodge it and escape from it. But she could in no way block it with her spells or her pure magical energy.

After, Skraal added energy to make the size of the energy bolt human-sized he started talking as he was controlling the bolt.

"If you improve magical energy and choose your origin right and improve the understanding of the origin you choose, You will have the chance of doing more complex things with your magical energy, even creating puppets or creatures to protect yourself or harm others."

Skraal finished speaking and the human-sized energy bolt, completely turned into a human puppet made up of pure white magical energy, Skraal then speaks loudly giving his order.

"Puppet, walk ten meters towards right"

As Skraal spoke loudly the energy puppet he created started walking towards ten meters right, When all of this was happening Elenie just gulped without stopping and watched in fascination. She did not even had the words the explain what she was experiencing right now.

"He just created an energy bolt then only used his controlling ability to create a puppet, a creature from the basic energy bolt spell, If I am not wrong this puppet has the power of a level 6 warrior, Which is enough to kill without having a problem."

Elenie thought within her mind, At that time, Energy Puppet vanished and Skraal started speaking again putting his hands behind his back like a teacher from the history books he read until now.

"As you can see, everything you learned about magical studies and what is a mage is a lie until now, A mage is not a being that has strong spells, A mage is a being that can use the magical energy to do everything he wants to do."

Skraal finished his words and looked at Elenie, These harsh truths will make her change the way she looks into the magical world and magical spells, basically everything about the mages and magic.

The eyes Elenie were blank for a short time, After she gathered herself up she started speaking.

"I understand the meaning in the Origin behind better now, Thank you for giving me the privilege of knowing "Origins"

Skraal just shook his head and started speaking.

"The things I told you is only the starter things, First of all, if you want to start your journey towards being a real-mage which is an origin mage, you have to do three things,"

Elenie looked at the Skraal witch expectation, She wanted to know the way to learn and enter the world of origins, improving herself more and reaching the real meaning of the power

Skraal noticed that he has the full attention of "Elenie", He smiled and then started talking.

"First of all, You need to give me your hand, I will clear your spells and other magical impurities, Don't worry your level will be staying the same, you are only going to lose your active spells but they are not important."

"Second is, You have to choose an "Origin" subject and tell me that, I will tell you how to implement it in your soul and mind."

"The last thing is a private thing that you need to help about, You will only know what I want from you when the first two are completed."

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