The Master Necromancer

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

After Elenie opened her eyes she directly noticed that she was different from her normal self, The spells in her mind are not there anymore, Not only that her magical power turned into the more pure magical energy.

Most of the time a mage's magical power changes as it start to use spells, The change is in correlation with the type of spell the mage uses.

The mages who use fire-spells will notice that their energy will start to turn into fire-like energy and the mages who use water-spells will notice that the magical energy they possess will turn into a more balanced state like water.

But after Skraal removed the spells and spell-taints in the magical energy of Elenie, She easily noticed that her magical spells become purer and stronger than usual Skraal cleansed the impurities on her magical energy.

After Elenie get used to her new magical energy and how to control it, She looked at the Skraal with expectation in her eyes, asking what to do now without using words.

Skraal noticed this and started talking.

"As you know our deal only made you an origin mage, So this means that I will add something to your magical energy so that you become an origin mage and only going to need to do what I say, This means that you could not make others origin mage"

Elenie furrowed her brows after hearing the words of Skraal, She was expecting something like this so she was not that surprised. But it still did not give her good feelings, She thought that Skraal made something like this so that she could not prepare a mage army for herself who all uses "Origin Magic" like herself.

In reality, Skraal did something like this because why not, In the end, he was just agreed to help this woman just because of pure boredom, He was bored and had nothing to do so he saw this woman came to herself and agreed to teach her about origins, But he is not going to make her too powerful so that she could cultivate her army.

Elenie then started talking.

"I understand the reason of yours, I am prepared for anything."

Skraal then knew that there is not much need for talking and again hold the hand of Elenie and started the process, If it was normal times Elenie would not give any chance to Skraal to hold her hand but she knew that even if Skraal has bad thoughts about herself she has no chance to stop him at all.

Because of that, she knew that there are no ill thoughts other than giving herself power in the touch of Skraal.

After Skraal holds the hand of Elenie, He used his magical energy to give a zap to Elenie opening her way into the origins. This caused Elenie to enter another dream-like state like the other time when she was cleared of her spells.

This time was a little bit different, In total Elenie saw two different realms and at the end dream-like states a voice without any emotion but still powerful and godly asked herself a question.

You stride forward through the vibrant portal resembling a campfire. You're immediately met by a bustling world. The air stings your eyes and skin and you cough as each breath burns your lungs. You wonder if you can trust your senses, surely a world couldn't be as seemingly pleasant as this one.

The conditions in this world are excellent and a sense of excitement takes hold of you. This world is no walk in the park and the only real obstructions are your abilities.

Far behind you, you see countless colors of creatures almost disappointingly similar to those you know. They seem to have taken notice of your presence, you keep an eye out for them just to be sure. You manage to spot huge creatures, gliding creatures, and what you think might be fluffy creatures of some sort.

You know you've got everything sorted and prepared as discovery after discovery is waiting to be made. But, with some solid planning, self-defense skills, and a good amount of courage, you know you can fulfill this opportunity with everything you have. 

"What is the purpose of entering the way of origin"

Elenie thought a little bit and then answered.

"Freedom Of Mind"

After the answer, the scenery changed and Elenie started seeing a different realm

You venture forward through the vivid portal that looked like a small pond before. You're immediately met by a vivid world. 

You look upon a vast landscape of huge mountains, many of them have waterfalls that flow down and meet in a giant river flowing gently in your direction. 

Any fears you had before you entered the portal are now washed away by this tranquil world.

It's because of this awful landscape you can't escape the feeling of dread that your life is in danger. This world is a paradise, but with great risks come great rewards.

Far behind you, you hear songs and shrieks of the most bizarre-looking creatures. Some eye you up in a way that makes you uncomfortable, you realize it's probably best to keep your distance. There are enormous creatures, feathered creatures, and what you think might be small creatures of some sort.

You decide to create a makeshift backup camp around the portal as you're about to set foot upon uncharted terrain. 

But, with self-defense skills, a good sense of direction, and a curious mind, you know you can charter this uncharted land. 

"Seeker Of Mind Freedom, what is the "Origin" you seek"

This time, the ancient voice was asking the first Origin Elenie wanted to choose, with the intelligence she has understanding this much was a hard thing for Elenie at all, Without any second thought, she answered and slowly started to open her eyes.

"Shadow Origin."

After she answered and started opening her eyes, She heard the ancient voice again and felt a different kind of power inside of her body.

"Seeker of Mind Freedom, and the Shadow Origin, from now on then you can use the information, knowledge, and understanding in the matter of "Shadow" to make use of it."

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