The Medieval Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset

Chapter 28

The Medieval-Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset 28

28. Come to me, oh seed

Most people nowadays believe in the faith of Lux Stella.

They believe in the myth that it came from outer space, ended the painful Otherworld, and opened the age of humanity, the Human Era. However, the majority of believers who cannot read the scriptures do not know how Lux Stella led humanity to victory.

And this phenomenon was intended by the church.

People think that the Otherworld has ended, but the leaders of the church know the reality. The horror hidden behind the euphemism of the twilight of the Otherworld, the dawn of the Human Era.

Although they may quarrel over power, the orthodox teachings of the church have always been the same.

The races of the Otherworld have not yet accepted their twilight. They will grow stronger where the starlight of the Human Era does not shine and seek the return of the old gods.

And on the day when the old masters return, the thin dawn of the Human Era will once again plunge into the darkness of dawn.

The church followed this teaching and destroyed most of the records related to Lux Stella. Only a few who were devoted to priesthood or practice and recognized for their devotion could hear the erased myths.

Setel was one of those few.

A story he could barely hear after repeating all kinds of work as an aide to the abbot.

‘The church is worried that the group serving the old gods will return, so they erased the related records to prevent the miracles of Lux Stella from being analyzed.’

The reason why humans, who were inferior and weak in all aspects, were able to defeat the races of the Otherworld, who were superior in all aspects, was only one.

‘Brother Setel, you know that the miracle of the first level of devotion is the miracle of invincibility. What you are curious about must be the second level.’

‘…Are you still lacking?’

‘In fact, if you believe that the miracle of invincibility is a miracle of the 0th level of devotion that is granted without any vows or offerings?’

The miracles of Lux Stella were powerful enough to overwhelm other gods.

However, Lux Stella never gives up its powerful miracles easily. Only after watching whether the vows are true and whether the vows are properly fulfilled, does it perform miracles.

‘The miracle of the first level of devotion is a sacred mark.’

‘A sacred mark? The first level? But.’

‘Yes. You and I have no sacred marks. Even though we made a vow and time has passed like this.’

And if it is truly a true determination and pledge, the sacred mark will be given before the vow is fulfilled.

Setel could never forget the moment when the abbot said this. The abbot, who was thought to be chasing only greed, first showed a regretful face.

‘According to God, the vows we made were not true.’

‘But… then, why is the sacred mark precious?’

‘Because there are so many people who, in the eyes of Lux Stella, are not even recognized as the first level of devotion.’

Lux Stella was a decisive god.

Anyway, since they had no property, it was a profit to make a vow of abstinence. He thought so, and Setel recalled the words written countless times in the scriptures and teachings and finally understood them completely.

Abstinence has meaning in its own actions. It is not cutting off desires but controlling desires. Keep in mind that not being able to do it is not abstinence but restriction.

You, who are going to offer your life to God.

Remember these words before making a vow.

‘Who can do that?’

‘You can’t.’

That day, the abbot sneered as he raised a glass of wine.

‘That’s why I’m here, and you’re not covered in people’s blood.’

Unfortunately, reality was more brutal. Setel, who grabbed the sword, looked up and looked in front of the altar. A boy who had to be guarded from the target to be killed, and then to be looked up at.

‘So the sacred mark is less than you think? A miracle of the first level of devotion?’

‘Hmm. All I could know was one of the effects of the sacred mark.’

‘Even as the abbot?’

‘The director was able to figure out just one thing.’

Her thin shirt and her obsidian eyes shone smoothly. Her lips curled in mockery. Her skin was clearer than still water and whiter than polished marble.

Out of everything, the most striking thing was the aqua-colored mark engraved on the back of her hand.

‘Those who possess the Stigmata are.’

Narbar wrapped the hilt with the Stigmata that emitted an aqua-colored light. She pointed the tip of the sword at Surtel, showing an air and attitude that was hard to believe for a twelve-year-old.

Surtel couldn’t make a move in front of her. Then, Narbar approached first and swung her sword.

Once, twice, slice.

Numerous sword strikes flew in succession.

Narbar had completely abandoned the finesse she had shown in dealing with the other priests. Instead, she relied on strength and speed, relentlessly pressing Surtel with her sword strikes.

Surtel calmly swung his sword as he retreated in response to this recklessness. However, the moment the steel clashed, Surtel’s face hardened in an instant.

‘They grow stronger as they fulfill their vows.’

A chilling sensation flowed through the hilt of his sword. A dull ringing reverberated through his stiff fingers and shoulders. He belatedly tried to sidestep, but it was too late.

As Surtel was bewildered by the shock, Narbar was already swinging her sword.

‘They don’t get tired as long as they’re fulfilling their vows.’

Thud! The sack on his waist exploded. Surtel grabbed the burst opening, trying to stop the spilling grains. He had already dropped the sword he had been holding.

“Ugh, ugh. Ugh.”

He didn’t feel any pain. He was just filled with the thought that he had to put the spilling contents back in. Surtel tried to put the spilling entrails and blood back in, but they just kept flowing out like sand slipping through his fingers .

That was when the sharp tip of the sword stabbed his neck.

“Even with just one cut wound, you’re trembling like that.”

“Y, Your Highness.”

“Did you cut people’s lives like this?”

He wouldn’t spare him. He wanted to live. His reason and emotions were at odds with each other. He didn’t feel angry anymore as he looked at Narbar’s contemptuous and mocking smile.

Instead, Surtel blurted out whatever came to his mind.

“Please spare my life. Y, Your Highness. You’ve received the Stigmata, so p, please.”


“The doctrine of refraining from killing…”

At that moment, Narbar took a step back, adjusting her grip on the sword. To Surtel, whose mind was clouded with blood loss, that action looked like an act of mercy.

Surtel made a joyful expression, overwhelmed with the emotion that he could live. Surtel was smiling brightly even as the blade was stuck in his neck. He couldn’t face reality even as he was separated from his body.

“Don’t expect leniency.”

His face showed a bit of shock only after he had fallen out of his body.

“I told you to prove your innocence?”

It was when Narbar thrust the tip of her sword into the head rolling on the ground.


I came out of the main hall that was vibrating with the smell of blood and looked up at the rising sun. It felt quite refreshing.

It had been a really long and eventful night. I wanted to sit down and rest for a moment, but there was nothing but corpses to sit on, so I just gave up.

Of course, it was also thanks to the fact that the damage to the monastery was clearly revealed as the sun rose.

It’s similar to the story of Monk Wonhyo and the skull soup. Monk Wonhyo, he also ate skull soup on a dark night, didn’t he? But he didn’t vomit during the bright day. It was fine when he couldn’t see it, but his insides felt queasy as he gradually saw it.

If I were to sit down and rest in a place like this and suddenly open my eyes to meet the eyes of a dead body, I would definitely get scared and faint. What’s more, there are believers in this world, so how could there not be ghosts? I’m not particularly afraid of ghosts, but I didn’t want to go out of my way to hang out with them.

If a grade school classmate I wasn’t close to suddenly contact me, it would always be to sell insurance, water purifiers, or some kind of cult. I won’t forgive those who bother me when I’m alive and come to see me only after I’m dead.

As I was making such a resolution, a familiar voice came from behind me.

“My Lord! A splendid victory! I knew I could count on you!!!”

As I turned my head, John was handing me a large tankard of ale. As I took it, wondering what this was, a rich, fruity aroma filled my nostrils. It was clear that this was an expensive wine brewed in a monastery.

“Did you raid the cellar while I was performing the Inquisition?”

“Oh, come now. They were all going to die anyway, weren’t they? With your victory assured, it seemed better to bring you something rather than just stand around and watch.”

That rascal… Even though our John acts dull and clueless, I can’t hate him when he shows this side of him every now and then. I was touched by John’s thoughtfulness in looking after his master.


“Ugh. I thought I’d brought you a snack while you were enjoying the show, but you’ve already finished them all off.”

I noticed then that he was talking with his mouth full of jerky, mumbling his words. John even looked longingly toward the interior of the church, his eyes filled with regret. So much so that it made me feel guilty.

“You were so disgusted when you saw Lord Topa’s body?”

“Oh, come on. I’m so squamish I can’t even watch game being butchered.”


I couldn’t help but ask, taken aback.

“You cut people’s throats during the Inquisition?”

“You mean, it wasn’t the lightning that did it?”


I had protected the dreams of simple folk even when I was in the modern world. Beliefs like Santa Claus or house elves being real. Rather than tormenting the innocent John with sarcastic remarks, I simply deafened.

“Yes. The lightning severed their necks.”

“Wow. I guess that’s why it was all flashy.”

John began chattering away excitedly like a child, his eyes sparkling with interest. I took a sip of the wine John had given me and responded appropriately.

Then, a sudden question came to mind.

“Speaking of which, did you offer some to the knights?”


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Seeing John’s idiotic reaction, I slowly lifted my mouth from the tankard. Then, without hesitation, I tipped the tankard upside down and poured the wine onto the ground.

“Oh no, my Lord! How could you waste something so precious!”

“I… have never drunk wine before. Understand that.”

“Huh? But you were just gulping it down a moment ago.”

“Hmph. You should spit yours out too. I will discuss the next steps with Brother Terbaire.”

If there’s something you’re worried about, get as far away from the scene as possible.

After slapping John on the back and making him spit out the wine, I re-entered the church. However, the knights, who had only been eating, fighting, and drinking, had a keen sense of smell.

“Hmm. Sniff, sniff.”

“What’s this? Why are you sniffing like hounds?”

“Is it because they’re monks? They can smell the wine even amidst this stench of blood. It’s quite exquisite.”


My shoulders tensed up as the two knights sniffed around, their noses twitching. If only John had given the knights some too, I could have drunk it without a care in the world.

Although I couldn’t hide my regret, there was someone who regretted it even more than I did. No. It was more like an obsession.

As soon as I entered the church, my second brother, Terbaire, glared at me with fierce eyes.

“Narba. You must become a knight.”


“I told you. Your talent is exceptional. The incredible skill you displayed today, others may not have noticed, but my comrades and I saw it all. You have the potential to surpass even me.”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to be a Templar?”

“Can you still say that after seeing what those monks have done? At least, not me. I see no reason to be bound by the Templars. With your abilities, you could join me as a mercenary and earn great deeds on the battlefield from Now on.”

I could tell that Terbaire would not back down easily.

Terbaire was the type who believed that if you were a noble, you should become a knight. Now that he had seen my skills, he was determined to drag me onto the battlefield no matter what. His words and gaze were thick with that persistence.

However, I had my answer ready.

“Brother, I only intended to enter the priesthood to help our family. I am also studying to improve myself.”

“You can contribute plenty as a knight as well. That’s because…”

“However, I will not receive the protection of the Papacy.”

I’m not going to become a knight because of some knights who can’t even read or write?

I can already see my future, exploding with laughter as I watch those who can only charge forward while wearing iron pants. Living with those savage brutes who hate to think is like torture.

“All of this is ultimately to build up forces to confront Yubas. Please remember that, Brother.”

“…Hoo, I thought I had finally found a decent seed. These days, they have neither the skill nor the talent, and even if they have both, they have no will…”


“Ha. I understand. You win… Narba, I give up. I have lost, I have lost.”

Terbaire breathed like that for a long time. It seemed like he was sighing. Terbaire seemed to be collapsing, but suddenly, his eyes widened, and he raised the index finger of his right hand.

“Since I lost, I will step back one step, no, three steps. How about we have a match, and if you win, I will do as you say?”

“Brother, are you suggesting that to a twelve-year-old?”


Terbaire began to struggle between his desire to obtain a great seed and the shame he would receive from dueling a twelve-year-old boy. In the end, the latter won by a hair’s breadth.

Terbaire exhaled deeply and slumped his shoulders.

“So. What do you plan to do now? This monastery is now worthless. Most of those who lived here are dead and cannot perform their duties.”

He was right. There was nothing left in the monastery. Those madmen, blinded by greed, killed their own brothers, and the Yubas raiding party that arrived later killed them all, and Terbaire finished them off.

Of course, there might be some sacred objects or treasures… but it was a waste of time to search for them. It was unlikely that there would be any special sacred objects in a place filled with such people.

On the contrary, the more groups that came to plunder the monastery’s wealth, the better. Because they would erase our traces. After considering this, I made a decision.

“Now that the attackers have been dealt with, we must move to achieve our original goal.”

“What is our original goal?”

“To make contact with the Papacy. I originally intended to do so through Bishop Povis, but judging by his actions, he has no such intention. If we stay in the Diocese of Povis, we will surely be constantly exposed to the risk of assassination .”

It seemed that the believers of Povis, not Yubas, would become potential enemies. Yubas’ schemes were easy to grasp because their movements were large, but the schemes of Bishop Povis were difficult to prevent because of the mentioned characteristics.

We should not underestimate the seclusion and exclusivity of churches and monasteries, as well as their information networks. It was an environment where it was difficult for external helpers to intervene, and since the Church was everywhere, it was difficult to avoid attention.

Returning to King Athelstan and staying with him was also not an option. Since Yubas had attacked several times within the territory of Povis, it could not be said to be completely safe.

After I said this, Terbaire nodded.

“Narba. Wouldn’t it be safer for you to work as a seed by my side?”

Perhaps he did not understand and just wanted to take me as a seed.

“There is one place that is safer than the battlefield.”

“Narba, I am not ignoring your dream, but I am worried about your safety.”

“It really exists. There is a force that will protect me from Yubas and the rebellious bishops no matter what.”

“…Where is that?”

Terbaire looked as if he was about to destroy the place where I was staying. But even Terbaire would have no choice but to slap his knee after hearing it.

I opened my mouth with confidence.

“The Diocese of Illenfoot, directly under the Papacy.”

As I expected.

Terbaire seemed to think deeply for a moment, then opened his mouth wide and slapped his knee.

“Ilenifuth is not Yubas’s territory!!!”

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