The Medieval Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset

Chapter 43

The Medieval-Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset 43

43. The Return of the Prodigal Son

Even those who usually cried heavily in the gloomy atmosphere would sometimes smile.

King Aethelstan in his study today was one such person, much to the surprise of even his close advisor, the spymaster, Oberth.

“…It’s been a long time since you laughed.”

“Indeed it has.”

Aethelstan was running his right hand over his desk, a satisfied smile on his face.

“Aethelred and Terbair have both fulfilled their roles admirably. And Narva has surprised me with his resourcefulness. It’s good to see such camaraderie between brothers.”

His eldest son Aethelred’s timely assistance had been particularly valuable. Like a true heir, Aethelred had not only prevented the lords from defecting but had also helped his third son, Narva, return.

Although he had been too busy to meet him in person and offer his congratulations, he was naturally proud of his son’s actions. Of course, that didn’t mean he would belittle the achievements of his other sons.

“Terbair also fought off the attackers well, but… What on earth did Narva do to get that stuffy old Curia to move?”

Terbair was a capable fighter, so Aethelstan was less impressed by his actions.

What had truly moved Aethelstan was Narva’s success in swaying the Curia. Had he manifested a Stigmata, earning him the protection of the Curia? Aethelstan couldn’t help but grin as he recalled the rumor.

Spymaster Oberth watched the king, about to speak, but closed then his mouth. However, as a vassal, he had a duty to fulfill. Oberth slowly opened his mouth, his fists clenched.

“…Your Majesty. I was going to speak to you about that very thing.”


“About the deal Prince Narva made to secure the support and protection of the Curia…”

“Interesting. How did Narva convince the Curia?”

In front of him was a father who longed to hear about his son’s accomplishments. Aubert couldn’t hold back his emotions any longer, and his eyes reddened. He was relieved that his curly bangs, which he used to hide his expressions, were in place.

Aubert slowly parted his lips and spoke as slowly and clearly as he could.

“According to the letter from Bishop Illenfoot, the public notary of the transaction.”

“Bishop Illenfoot? He must be close to the Pope. That increases its credibility.”

“…What Your Grace traded was the right of investiture of the Diocese of Powys.”


It was the moment when King Athelstan, forgetting his dignity as a noble, asked back. The king blinked and looked at Aubert, then burst out laughing.

“Is it really the Pope? He must have spread such rumors to pressure me.”


“However, I, Athelstan, will not be swayed by baseless rumors or intimidation from others. I will hear the details when Narva returns safely and make a judgment then.”

King Athelstan was a capable man in his own right. The fact that he had preserved the state despite his weak support base and vassals who were ready to rebel at any time was proof of that.

More than anyone else, King Athelstan knew that compromise and concession were not the only things that mattered. When he was confident that he could do it, he had to show a strong side. The same went for his full support for Narva.

“So. Narva is returning to the duchy soon? I heard he’s with the special envoys from the Pope.”

“The identities of the envoys are not certain. Judging by their appearance, however…”

“I’d like to hear it even if it’s just speculation.”

King Athelstan’s persistent questioning eventually opened Aubert’s mouth. It was difficult to tell the truth about the beings who had suddenly appeared and whose very existence was absurd.

“According to rumors, they wore black shoulder mantles with gold trim. If the rumors are true, considering the church’s tradition of symbolizing status and authority with shoulder mantles… You now have twenty Templar knights with the right to judge on the spot. “


There are two major legal systems in the world.

Canon law centered on the Pope and customary law that flows according to secular reason in each region. The two legal systems respect each other and often compromise, claiming the principle of territoriality, which means that the law of the place where the criminal is located is followed.

For example, if a criminal who committed a crime under a secular monarch hides in a bishop’s territory, the bishop would not punish him but chase him out, saying that he was not where the crime was committed.

However, the Pope sends powerful enforcers who ignore this beautiful tradition when he considers the matter to be very serious. They are the Templar knights, who are much more skilled than ordinary knights with strong class implications.

Of course, they were not sent lightly, as they had to endure conflict with secular power. They only moved when they were prepared to confront secular power or when they found an apostate that the local community could not subdue.

After a while, King Athelstan looked up at Aubert with a very serious expression.

“Sir Aubert. Narva wasn’t on bad terms with Edelred or Tervere, was he?”

Considering his past, it was something to be wary and afraid of.


When I left, everyone criticized me. They gave enthusiastic responses to my desperate act.

Sometimes there were those who thought the real me was crazy, but I could understand them enough. Originally, those who were too ahead of their time were treated as crazy.

And I was the one who lived in a modern world that was much more advanced than this one. In terms of social status, I was almost a thousand years ahead, so I must have seemed like a madman to the people of this world.

But that was all in the past.

Now, I was busy waving my hand to the people gathered outside the carriage.

“Long live the Bishop!”

“Bishop, show us the stigma!!!”

“Please bless my child!”

People rushed over, leaving their farming and mowing, and made various requests. I granted the easiest request first. The moment I took off my glove and showed the back of my hand.

“Lux Stella, the starlight of grace!”

“That divine color… It’s real. I, I see the stigma in my lifetime.”

“Oh my, my money! I shouldn’t have gambled! The world said that the stigma was all a lie, but who said that…!”

Some people even collapsed and cried at the sight of the stigma, proof that God exists.

And now, those who had admired the Stigmata firsthand no longer hesitated. They swarmed toward me in a horde, like a pack of zombies, reaching out to touch me.

“Bishop, just once! Let me touch you just once!”

“Get out of the way! I’ll touch him!”

“Oh my, oh my… Proof of God… T-the Stigmata!”

I wondered if the underground idols in that foreign country across the ocean had ever been met with such a scene. Fortunately, I had the strongest power at my disposal, one that no one could easily challenge me on.

As soon as the Miracle Examination Team, led by Bonifacio and Marcello, glared and rattled their swords, the commotion died down in an instant.

“He is not just a bishop, but a bishop-elect. He will begin his duties of caring for the sick and the people after he has reported to His Majesty. For now, please make way.”

“The inspection will be done soon! Everyone, please step back for now!”

Thanks to them, the path was cleared in no time, but my heart only grew heavier.

Father, when I tried to tell King Athelstan, a corner of my heart throbbed and sank.

It seemed that the time had finally come to pour out the truth to myself without a single lie. The truth that I had unknowingly ignored and denied. I looked out the window and slowly opened my mouth.

I spoke to John, who was riding in the carriage with me.

“John, I will tell you this because we have come this far together.”

“I… Bishop. Shouldn’t we move away again?”

“Unlike how I appear, I was a mischievous child who often turned my parents’ words upside down.”


It was natural for John to be confused. This was something that happened before I possessed this medieval, otherworldly body, when I lived as a modern man. As I was on my way to see my father, King Athelstan, memories from that time came flooding back to me.

I was a bright eight-year-old, just starting elementary school after growing up in good health.

‘Are you really going to live like this? What is this, a zero on your dictation?! Come here, I’m going to give you a spanking!’

‘Mom! I don’t want a spanking! If you’re going to hit me, I’m going to run around the neighborhood in just my underwear!’

‘You, you! Fine! Go ahead and do it, Yonsuk!’

At that time, I had taken my grandfather’s words, who enjoyed calligraphy, to heart.

A man’s words are worth a thousand gold!

A man should always be aware that his words carry the weight of a thousand gold, and he should always know that once he has spoken, he must keep his word. That way, others will not ignore him easily.

From Noble mtl dot com

And so, I lived my life according to my grandfather’s words.

I still vividly remember my mother’s face as she ran towards me, her face flushed red, spatula in hand, after I went around the neighborhood singing nursery rhymes in just my underwear. Now that I think about it, my parents weren’t exactly easygoing people.

In the end, I was able to avoid the spanking only after running ten more laps around the neighborhood, dodging the spatula.

“Unlike then, my heart is troubled because this is a serious matter.”

“I… I don’t know what it is, but wasn’t it important back then too?”

“Anyway, thank you for listening to my story.”

“Yes, well. If it’s okay with you for me to listen.”

John tilted his head with a very nervous expression.

I was able to smile contentedly, having discovered a new use for John.


The reunion that followed was quite touching.

“Narbha! You’re safe!’

“Father, I am sorry for causing you to worry.”

As soon as we arrived in front of the castle, the gates opened and my father rushed out. As if that wasn’t enough, he lifted me up from the carriage in a flash and even spun me around.

He must have been quite exhausted, as I was a twelve-year-old boy and certainly not light, but he didn’t show any sign of fatigue. My father spun me around and around several times before finally putting me down.

“You have done well. The things you have accomplished are things that no one your age could have ever handled. I always thought you only liked to play… I am sorry, and I am sorry again, for not understanding you.”

My father, the King of Athelstan, caressed my head. His touch was gentle and warm, befitting a father in the medieval upper 1%.

The problem was, I was a child of the medieval lower 1%.

Of course, compared to the infamous prodigal son, I was nothing, but it was enough to instantly cool the emotional reunion between father and son who hadn’t seen each other in almost a year. So, for a moment, I couldn’t speak easily.

“Your Grace.”


“Your Grace?”

I couldn’t hide my complicated feelings as I looked at my father, who was showing his doubts.

He probably knows why the Pope sent the Boniface. This kid didn’t have an ounce of flexibility. Even Marcello and the other priests shook their heads in astonishment and disapproval.

In the end, I took a deep breath.


After inhaling as much as I could, filling my lungs to the brim.

“I’ll take the inheritance first!”

I declared boldly.

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