The Medieval Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset

Chapter 51

The Medieval-Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset 51

51. The Bishop with the Gamer’s Mind

In fantasy, there is usually one state religion.

It’s like a religious order ruled by a pope. This medieval-esque other world was similar in that respect. I’m talking about the church that worships Lux Stella.

However, what I hadn’t expected was in the parts that were usually glossed over or not given much attention.

Let’s take the life of an ordinary person born into this world as an example.

“Waaah! Waaah!”

A baby was born in a peaceful and quiet village.

The mother’s life was in danger as she birth, drenched in cold sweat and exhausted. The mother would hold the baby in her arms, and the father would have no choice but to watch over her, overcome with emotion.

“The baby’s cries are so loud and healthy! You’ve had a hard time, my lady!”

“It’s a relief to hear that he’s healthy….”



The couple nodded at each other with stern faces, momentarily relieved that their child was born safely.

“We should go to the priest and have him baptized.”

“We should have him baptized.”

This was related to the miracle bestowed by Lux Stella. The publicly known first stage of Lux Stella’s devotion is perfect health. It is a miracle that is granted to those who believe, but unfortunately, newborn babies cannot profess their faith.

It is common sense. How can babies who cannot even say “Mom” or “Dad” believe in God? Nevertheless, parents who want their children to be blessed seek out priests and ask for baptism.

The next day, the husband takes the mother, who is barely able to move, and the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes to the church. Of course, the priest, who had already received news of the birth from the midwife, had prepared clean water and a clean cloth.

“I heard that the baby’s cries were very strong. You didn’t have to come right away. You could have waited until you recovered a little more.”

“Oh, priest. What if something happens to the baby if we wait a few more days? Please don’t say such things.”

“Brother, if you continue to push yourself like this, it could have a negative effect on the mother and the child.”

“You don’t understand, priest. It’s more terrifying for my child to live a day without the miracle of Lux Stella!”

“Priest, I think the same as my husband. I can endure it, so please proceed with the baptism.”

There is a reason why the priest dissuades the couple.

In this world, baptism is a ceremony in which the parents and the priest make an oath to God on behalf of those who cannot profess their faith. The key is that the miracle given to the parents is shared with the child.

However, the miracle of perfect health not only enhances natural healing powers, but also prevents curses from the other world. If the already weakened parents were to proceed, the probability of dying from illness or curse would be high.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of people insisted on baptism. They vowed to endure the after-effects rather than let their child suffer from illness and die.

In the end, the priest would sigh deeply and proceed with the baptism.

“Have you decided on a name for the child?”

“Please give the child a good name, priest.”

“A name with little influence from the other world… Let’s call him Dover.”

The important thing here is the task of the priest. The priest named the child Dover, washed him with a clean cloth, and after anointing him, he immediately opened the church register and placed it on the altar.

The priest dipped a quill into ink and recitated.

“Dover. The eldest son of the couple who live below the mill. From today, he shall live under the starlight of humanity, under his grace.”

“Phew. A weight has been lifted.”

“He won’t suffer from illness anymore, right?”

The priest looked at the relieved couple and raised his quill with a gentle smile.

Scratch, scratch.

The moment the name was written in the church register, the child was finally recognized as having been born. If that was all, it would be heartwarming and touching, but the problem was that this was not all.

After entering the name in the church register, the priest approached the couple.

“Since the name has been entered in the church register, it is the rule that the poll tax will increase by one person this year. However, considering that he is not yet old enough to work, I will intercede with the lord so that he can receive a tax exemption. Considering that you will be short-handed in taking care of the child, this year’s rent will also be reduced a little.”

“Yes, yes?”

“…The tax will not increase significantly. If the steward points out that the yield has decreased, the church will defend you.”

A harsh age of savagery and exploitation, known as the Middle Ages.

The lords of this world also needed a lot of money to strengthen their defenses against foreign enemies. Or to make friends with other lords and prevent war in advance. Of course, that money was squeezed out of the serfs and tenant farmers below.

“Oh, priest, without you, how could we, mere peasants, have survived!”

“Thank you, thank you very much!”

“Since the two of you have been so devoted, the church must also be devoted. For now, go home and rest. You will have many after-effects from sharing the miracle.”

“Yes, yes!”

That’s right. The idle good-for-nothings who don’t work were the problem, there was plenty of work that the local priests and bishops of the world were originally supposed to do.

The birth of a life was a blessing to some, but… to others, it was a day of toil.

The priest had no choice but to wave goodbye to the departing couple and let out a deep sigh.

“The lord can’t collect the poll tax, so he’s going to raise other usage fees, so we should keep our ears open.”

Even this simple anecdote shows what kind of work a proper priest should be doing.

From Noble mtl dot com

A civil servant in charge of birth registration. A tax accountant pondering the application of tax exemptions for the poll tax. Sometimes a lawyer representing the parishioners.

And even a mediator who has to prevent countless other conflicts.

-But the tragedy doesn’t end there.

Dover, who was born in a peaceful village, grew up quickly and soon turned fourteen, an adult by the standards of this world. Then Dover had to come with his parents to receive another sacrament.

The priest, trying his best to ignore the occasional outburst of chattering, opened his mouth, remembering Dover as a newborn baby.

“Dover of the mill house below. Do you wish to continue living under the starlight of humanity?”

“Yes! I wish for my mom and dad to become healthy again!”

“May your filial piety reach the starlight. Lux Stella, starlight of humanity. Please look after the one who has chosen to follow you and their family.”

The priest anoints Dover with the holy oil he had prepared in advance and pronounces.

Then the parents, who had been sitting behind and watching in silence, were often moved to tears by the renewed vitality and the sight of their child who had grown so well.

“To think that Dover would safely complete his confirmation.”

“I’m so happy.”

It is a coming-of-age ceremony in which the miracle taken from the parents is returned and they are recognized as adults in their own right. Of course, once you become an adult, responsibilities start to follow.

Dover, who shrugged his shoulders at the fact that he had finally become an adult, the real adults had to gather unlike separately and share more worldly stories.

“Now that Dover is an adult, the poll tax will be applied normally. Military service and labor service will also be required normally. The household will suddenly have a lot of burdens, so if the rent or heating fee is too much, please come to the church and use it.”

“Thank you…! Thank you very much!”

“Dover is not yet old enough to be independent. Are there any families you are in talks with for a marriage?”

“Well, I heard that there is a match with the blacksmith’s daughter…”

“Hmm… good. If you bring the marriage talks forward and have children early, the lord will be more generous because he will have more workers. Please consider the marriage proposal seriously if you can. If things work out, I will try to intercede to have the rent lowered.”

“Thank you, priest!”

Dover’s parents kept bowing. But from now on, even the lord will not be easy to deal with.

“I have respected the church’s wishes and only collected a quarter of what I should have. But now you want me to reduce the tax because you’re going to bring forward the marriage talks?”

“Wouldn’t it be good for the lord to have more workers? A good reputation will lead to the serfs having more children, and those children will become excellent workers and serve.”

“Look… my liege has demanded military service from me right now. I need twelve more chain mails to properly equip my soldiers, but you’re telling me not to raise the mill usage fee and to reduce the bridge toll? Where am I’m supposed to get the funds from?”

“Is the situation that bad?”

“Whew. I hear that the prince has been taken prisoner. It seems that the king is struggling to pay the ransom, so the military funds have been greatly reduced. Even minor lords like me are being asked for military service, so everyone is in a panic.”


“Can’t the church persuade them this time? Shouldn’t I properly equip my soldiers with armor who are going off to the battlefield?”

In the end, the priest had no choice but to visit Dover’s parents and explain and persuade them about the situation in the fief.

“Yes? But we’ve already promised to marry?”

“That’s… well… things aren’t going well.”

“Oh, can’t we do something about the marriage tax?”

“…I understand. I will stop the marriage tax no matter what.”

In this way, the priest was also a middle manager caught between the people and the lord.

“Father, we can’t live like this. This isn’t flour, it’s sand!”

“The Lord said to conscript at least 50 men. Can you do that?”

“Father, p-please save my son!”


-And then time passed by and the day came for Dover to get married.

“Congratulations, Dover!”

“He’s all grown up now!”

“hehehe, thank you all.”

Even as a banquet was held in the village to change the gloomy atmosphere, the priest couldn’t fully rejoice. He was busy talking to the village chief in the corner.

“What about the marriage tax?”

“I’m afraid exemption is difficult. However, he managed to persuade us to allow payment in 10 years.”

“Whew… That’s a big hurdle overcome.”

“More importantly, how are the crops this year?”

“Even experienced farmers have different opinions. We’ll have to wait and see before we can decide whether to plow the fields. However…”

“…Yes. I’ll ask the bishop for relief supplies. We have enough firewood, right?”

The priest’s role didn’t end with just mediating.

If the priest noticed that the local community he was in charge of was struggling, he had to quickly report it to his superiors. This was possible because of the strict vertical structure of the church.

In principle, the organizational structure, consisting of priest – bishop – pope, functioned like a single nation.

After the wedding banquet, the priest immediately returned to his room, lit a candle, and began to write a letter.

[Bishop, due to the ongoing war and the colder-than-usual weather, there are signs of a bad harvest. I ask that you send relief supplies before the famine hits to minimize the damage…]

The priest had done all he could.

The priest continued to lead the local community through famines and various disasters. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t prevent sudden deaths.


This ordinary man, whom the priest had watched over since his birth, was dying after being injured by a bear while hunting in the forest.

“P-priest….My, my wife and children.”

“Don’t worry. The church will take care of them.”

“I, I. Am I d-dying?”

“The starlight of humanity shines upon you. Just as the starlight watched over your birth, it will be with you in your death.”


The man died. Now, the priest would also take care of the funeral. After reciting a prayer in a solemn voice among the sobbing people, he returned to the church after saying a few words in memory of the deceased who was buried in the ground .

However, Dover’s death wasn’t the real end. The priest dipped his quill in ink and opened the parish register.

“Dover, eldest son of the couple living downstairs from the mill. Taken by the starlight.”

That’s right.

Even death certificates were the priest’s job.


“There, the bishop reads the relief requests sent by local priests, as well as signs of pagan movements or uprisings, and cooperates with the lords to prevent them.”


I was on the verge of fainting after hearing about Bishop Ganista’s overwhelming workload.

But the workload didn’t end there.

“They are also responsible for notarizing the wills of the wealthy and nobles, and managing the legacies they donate. Of course, it’s necessary to memorize the family trees and crests of each family. There are frequent cases of descendants being impersonated to steal property from rightful owners.”


“Furthermore, I examine the qualifications of the rampant monasteries and seal those that seem inappropriate, distribute the ecclesiastical funds sent by each region, pay a certain amount to His Holiness and the Lord, and save the rest as relief funds.” We use it to help the poor or relieve famine.”


“It is also the bishop’s job to make sure that the school records are properly managed. hehehe, Barnardo seems to have done it moderately.”

Bishop Ganista laughed as if it was funny, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so.


“I’m listening, Your Grace.”

“Is that it?”

Bishop Ganista raised the corners of his mouth at those words.

“I also serve as a juror in the trial, Your Grace.”


The bishop wasn’t kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The first task ended before I could even try anything.

It took me a whole day to take over with the help of Bishop Ganista. I never thought I’d come this far and do something like work, but the workload was beyond my imagination.

I never thought a bishop would have so much work to do.

I sat alone in my closet, pressing my forehead with my index finger. My dream time. How I sighed as a puppet king, unable to play properly in the first ice ceremony, thinking it was a dream.

If I was going to eat the country, I should have eaten it for sure, but while doing it.

I’m afraid of the sunrise. I don’t feel like falling asleep just thinking that there will be a lot of paperwork ver. Middle Ages piled up when I go to work tomorrow. As I repeatedly thought about this and fell into pessimism.

Suddenly, a strange thought crossed my mind.

Wasn’t [Fantasy Monarch] like this game?

I seem to have lived a medieval life too faithfully these days. Well, I can’t help it since I’ve been living with Edelred and Terbear. But… I used to enjoy playing a game with a similar feel when I was in modern times.

What kind of game is [Fantasy Monarch]?

It is a game that aims to prosper the family by becoming a lord of the Middle Ages. The impact is strong because it sticks a knife in someone else’s stomach, but in fact, it was a game that could be endlessly explored if you paid attention to the management part.

[Fantasy Monarch] was a game where you appoint the right people while balancing intimacy and ability, think about where to spend the money you save, and cut off the sprouts, or rather, the sprouts of immature children and vassals in advance.

I played such a game with a hehehe fun on the modern earth.

Why is it that it was fun when I looked at it across the monitor and clicked the mouse, but now it’s disgusting? After a brief deliberation, I came to a plausible conclusion.

…The shocking conclusion that I am becoming like Sir Terbear, the knight of knights.

“No. It can’t be.”

I muttered out loud to myself to make a pledge.

I’t be immersed in Terbear anymore. The work a bishop does is not much different from the games I used to enjoy very much. Then what is different that makes it not fun?

Surprisingly, my thoughts flowed quickly as soon as I changed my mind.

First, the UI is old. To be precise, the data is not intuitive.

Who would say that it is not an undeveloped medieval society? There are no charts or graphs. There is no visual data that is easy to see at a glance, and it is all written in small letters, so my eyes can’t help but get blurry.

It’s not for nothing that the elderly talk about PPT and presentations. I wondered if there was no one to cut this out, so I had to do it.

Second, the predecessor is a mess.

When I played [Fantasy Monarch], I did it as a new monarch, not as the successor to a ruined country. If it’s 100, it’s 100. I’ll answer the same way. I think it’s a bit…weird to play with a sandcastle that someone else built and collapsed.

Third, there is still so much that I don’t know.

It is said that the fun of learning is important, but if you don’t know what to do, you can’t learn it. Since I don’t know anything about the Diocese of Powys that I am in charge of, I can ‘t match it and I can’t memorize the place name.

Fourth, I thought of this as a job.

It’s just like the real version of a medieval town management game. Thinking of it as a town management game really puts my mind at ease. Well… Let’s just gloss over the part where people die if you make a mistake managing the town.

Those people would have died from all sorts of outlandish accidents even if it wasn’t my fault anyway. Of course, I’ll do my best, but even if I fail, they wouldn’t dare lay a finger on me, a bishop’s aide who was born into nobility and trained in martial arts.

It means I don’t have to worry about the consequences even if there’s no save or load function.

I realized that I had become very sleepy by the time I had thought about this. I also played [Earl Albert], a similar economic simulation game made by the same developer as [Fantasy Monarch], and it was fun.

Quantify the names listed in the scriptures, check and adjust the customs and tax rates of each regional lord, adjust the balance between political forces, organize the data neatly, and then manage the town…

“Could it be surprisingly fun?”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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