The Mirror Legacy

Chapter 30: Discussion

Chapter 30: Discussion

Having gathered all the information he could from Wan Yuankai, Li Xiangping politely saw off the somewhat dejected visitor. He carefully stored the sketch they had drawn and returned to Lijing Village with Li Yesheng.

Thanks to the steady income from field taxes, the Li family had been able to employ more carpenters. These carpenters were primarily working on constructing the small courtyard on the back mountain and also took care of repairs and improvements in Lijing Village when their schedule allowed.

Over the past six months, Lijing Village had undergone a remarkable transformation. Polished stone slabs were laid from the front of the Li Residence to the village entrance, forming a main path that symbolized the Li Family’s influence.

Other affluent families in the village followed suit, upgrading their mud and thatched homes to emulate the Li Family’s brick house.

Instead of the bluestone bricks used by the Li Family, Liu Linfeng and others opted for lower-quality white bricks, using mortar to define the seams of the walls.

Although these white-bricked houses did not possess the distinctive allure of the bluestone bricks with white seams, they still significantly improved the village’s aesthetic.

From a distance, the village’s new white brick courtyards clustered around the Li Family’s central bluestone brick and gray roof-tiled residence, lending a town-like charm, especially in the misty rain.

Upon returning to his courtyard, Li Xiangping found Li Mutian resting with Li Xuanxuan. Li Mutian appeared to be more energetic nowadays and was able to move around better.

Seated comfortably at the table with a cup of tea in his hand, his relaxed demeanor suggested that he had found solace from the grief of losing his son years earlier.

Though Li Mutian no longer managed much of the family’s affairs, his presence still commanded respect from everyone. Despite being a mortal, the fear of Li Yesheng and the rest toward him was more than toward Li Tongya and Li Xiangping.

“Xuan’er!” Li Xiangping greeted Li Xuanxuan warmly, picking up the child who eagerly ran toward him.

Li Xuanxuan, now of reading age, was under the tutelage of Han Wenxu. The child was bright and quick to learn.

“Today, I went to the reed field with Xiewen. He told me Uncle Yesheng used to watch over the ducks there when he was a child!” Li Xuanxuan hugged Li Xiangping happily and eagerly told him about his day.

The Li family had arranged the marriage for Li Yesheng, and from that union came Li Xiewen, Li Yesheng’s child, who was just a little over two years old. Li Xiewen, full of youthful energy, was often seen following his cousin Li Xuanxuan around.

“That’s right, I did,” Li Yesheng confirmed the story with a smile, standing behind them.

Li Xiangping turned his head around and smilingly asked, “Can you get Second Brother here?”

He watched as Li Yesheng acknowledged his order and left, then returned his attention to Li Xuanxuan.

“Back then, your Third Uncle would catch fish there. They were really fat with glistening green scales, but they were incredibly slippery,” he reminisced.

Setting Li Xuanxuan down and affectionately pinching his cheek, Li Xiangping stared off into the distance, as if he was taking a trip down memory lane.

“That was the best fish I’ve ever eaten—like a celestial fish, a fairy among fishes...”

Li Mutian looked at Li Xiangping, then placed his teabowl down and interrupted his moment of nostalgia. “What about the Wan family?”

Li Xiangping patted Li Xuanxuan, encouraging him to continue playing by himself, then lifted his head and answered, “They are significantly stronger than us, with an established lineage. The head of their family is a Jade Capital cultivator, and they have Wan Yuankai, a young Azure Essence achiever.”

As he spoke, Li Tongya entered the courtyard, his demeanor somber. He found himself a seat, listening attentively to Li Xiangping’s detailed account of his conversation with Wan Yuankai.

“If the Wan family is indeed struggling both internally and externally, we must extend our help. The Ji Family, a looming threat nearby, could target us next if the Wan family falls. We are interdependent, like lips and teeth,” Li Xiangping concluded, picking up his tea cup and gulping down its contents.

Li Tongya quietly listened to Li Xiangping’s every word while scrutinizing the sketch closely.

Li Mutian narrowed his eyes and stared at the tea in his cup thoughtfully for a moment before saying, “We must indeed save the Wan Family, but it must be done in a way that benefits us the most. Listen, Xiangping...”

The Wan family claims the Ji Family has been stealing their Spirit Paddies. Let’s tell them we have spare fields but lack manpower. Get them to send someone here to cultivate the fields, and we’ll request a thirty percent share of the harvest. If they agree to send workers, it confirms their dire situation with the Ji Family.”

Li Xiangping nodded in agreement and added, “That’s true. Considering the Ji Family’s knowledge of the Wan Family’s operations, there must have been spies in their midst. We must make sure that Wan Yuankai handles this discreetly. Our family isn’t ready to confront the Ji family directly, but we should be able to secretly support the Wan Family from behind.”

“Right.” Li Mutian nodded in approval. Taking a sip of his tea, he continued, “Both the Ji and Wan Families are more powerful than ours. For now, we should bide our time and build our strength. The Ji Family’s aggression makes them a threat, while the Wan family, though under the governance of Azure Pond Sect like us, warrants caution due to their proximity.”

After scrutinizing the sketch for a while, Li Tongya inquired, “Is the Ji Family’s territory adjacent to ours on this map?”

“Yes,” Li Xiangping confirmed, pointing to the Lidaokou Village on the map.

“The Guli Road splits here: one path leads North into the Ji Family’s territory, while the other goes East to the Wan Family’s territory.”

He paused for a moment, observing Li Tongya’s thoughtful face before continuing, “According to Wan Yuankai, over a century ago, a demon and its followers established a lair on the road to the Ji Family’s territory, effectively cutting it off. The Ji Family has abandoned that land, although it’s still nominally under their control.”

Realization dawned upon Li Tongya as he said, “Oh, I see. With the demon’s presence, we needn’t worry about the Ji Family as long as the Wan Family remains standing.”

Li Xiangping agreed, “That demon wisely chose a spot between the Azure Pond Sect and Golden Tang Gate. It stays secluded in its den and cultivates, never causing any trouble.”

He then turned to Li Mutian and said, “Father, you’ve once encountered the inhabitants of Mount Yue. Any thoughts on them?”

Li Mutian waved his hand and shared, “They are quite distinct in appearance, with unique hairstyles, tattoos, and language. They are strong and skilled in martial arts. The clan also has shamans skilled in curses and controlling beasts. They’re not an easy bunch to deal with.

“I’m not sure how effective your exorcism spell is, but your success against them will depend on your ability to counter their curses. As long as you can manage that, and the village guards are as strong as them, confronting them might be feasible. But for now, there's no rush to engage.”

Li Tongya, tracing his finger around the Li Family’s territory on the map, said, “The Wan Family has repeatedly faced encroachment and pressure from the Ji Family. Fortunately, the land Si Yuanbai allocated to our family is quite expansive, making our territory now larger than the Wan Family’s.

“Our land is vast, but our population is sparse, and our strength as a family is not yet formidable. We’re like an attractive target, but as long as Mount Yue doesn’t come looking for trouble, we should avoid provoking them. With the Wan Family acting as a buffer, we have the opportunity to develop and strengthen ourselves over the next few years. It’s crucial that we fully consolidate and control these territories before considering any further actions.”

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