The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 526 - 526 Reunited within Unfathomable Chaos

526 Reunited within Unfathomable Chaos

The Great Arena was thrown into a drowning void of chaos like no other.

Screams echoed through the walls of the Great Coliseum, humans ran in all directions trying to get away from the rabid wolves that hunted them down. Panic fueled more panic and in turn tripled the commotion and chaos.

Dormant humans that were bound to shift much later were forcefully thrown into their first shifts. Unlike the situation in Lycaon which had been carefully handled by Alpha Caden, the Great Arena was in a much greater state of disarray.

The overlapping screams of terror seemed to rile the wolves up more.

The werewolf population that was incapable of defending themselves turned out to be great in number as well, quickly fleeing to try and get to the safety of the higher floors. Most of those that had joined the pack warriors for their morning drills even forgot what kind of training they’d been put through…

And quickly assumed the roles of civilians, adding to the fray.

Pack warriors were deployed at the top floors to clear them of humans and provide a safe place for werewolves to run to. As long as they made it to the top floors, they would be safe from the mindless murderous disoriented victims of the Rogue King.

Death and carnage reaped across the great concentric marvel of architecture. Blood was spilt and families were torn apart. Siblings separated, loved ones lost, wives widowed, children orphaned along with a great many encompassable tragedies.

Hunters were tasked with getting the humans to the lower floors and keeping the newly shifted wolves immobilised on the middle floors.


This… was easier said than done.

All humans shifting on the lower floors were put down and dosed with reasonable amounts of diluted wolfsbane and sedatives while the ones on the upper floors were knocked out and carried to the middle floors.

The process was long and arduous but as time wore on and darkness fell, the lower and upper floors were cleared of shifting wolves and the largest living population of civilians was sorted to their respective floors.

A light grey wolf dashed across the hard floor with three children on her back, carefully leaping over debris as she made her way to the upper floors at breakneck speed.

“Hang on tight,” the delta called out to the kids through the mind link, her green eyes flashing with determination and the resolve of completing her assigned mission.

Wincing, she felt the kids grab a hold of her fur a little too hard. The ashen wolf wanted to complain but chose against it. After all, they wouldn’t fall off if they could hold on that hard.

A growl filled her ears coming from behind her and reminding her of the very reason she couldn’t slow down… not even for a second.

“Hey, any of you know how to send mental images yet?” she asked the children on her back.

“I… I do,” a girl replied with a shaky tone.

“What’s your name, sweetie?” Crysta called in a soothing voice.

Her ears twitched at the top of her head, focusing on her surroundings and providing her wolf with the best version of information about her surroundings they could pick to create a rough mental image of their surroundings in her mind.

Crysta could tell the wolves were catching up to her and because of the weight of the kids, she couldn’t do anything to retaliate without risking the children’s lives.

“D—Delilah,” the little girl stuttered.

“Well, then, Delilah. I want you to be brave for me and send me images of the baddies behind us. Are you okay with that?” Crysta cooed.

“Oh… Okay,” the girl replied, without much protest.

‘Brave kid…’

It wasn’t long before images of the wolves chasing them flooded her mind. Many of them were exaggerated.

In the child’s mind, the wolves were the size of beta alphas and they got even more warped the more fear seeped into her mind.

Fortunately, their positions were nearly accurate.

The images continued for a few seconds before coming to a stop, “They’re coming. I can’t look,” Delilah shrieked, no doubt closing her eyes now. The grip on Crysta’s fur grew even tighter.

“It’s okay, Delilah. You did well, dear,” Crysta replied with a hint of pride in her voice before abruptly lurching to the side. One of the wolves came crushing on her previous spot, snapping its jaws menacingly at her as it strained to keep the balance of its four paws.

It was clear the wolf wasn’t yet used to moving around after only being around for a few hours in the world.

The delta quickly rammed her side into it and sent the wolf crashing into the wall before bounding up the stairs. Climbing upstairs was even more unnatural for wolves which gave Crysta an added advantage.

They quickly put some distance between them. The delta continued upwards, going up three floors before finally seeing three men stationed as guards at the lowest of the werewolf-designated upper floors.

The men at the top of the stairs parted and let her get past them. The light-grey wolf skidded to a halt after leaping the last three steps in one bound, her body shaking with exhaustion. It was clear from the disgruntled growls that were coming from the staircase, that the wolves were having trouble climbing up.

One of the pack warriors descended the stairs to deal with them promptly and make sure they didn’t come closer to the werewolf safe haven.

Madeline came rushing to the delta and helped the kids down her back, checking each of them for injuries. A few helpers came along with her and tended to the children. Their first mission was to identify them.

Before they could take them away, the oldest girl broke away and crashed the ashen wolf with a bear hug, “Thank you,” the girl cried.

“No, thank you for being brave, Delilah. Make sure you get some rest. You’re safe now,” Crysta responded, nuzzling the little girl with her snout.

Delilah wiped her tears and assumed a strong face before leaving with the women that had come to receive her.

“What’s it like out there?” Madeline asked.

The delta shook her head, “It’s hell. So much death.”

A cold breeze of wind blew into the hall as a darting figure blew past them.

The girls turned to the source of the wind.

Standing a few metres from them, a slender white wolf was setting down a woman cradling a child in her arms, “Goddess have mercy on you, Princess. Thank you so much,” the woman hugged the slender white wolf before bowing and leaving her to her duties.

This search-and-rescue had gone on for a while.

In a few moments, an amber-eyed wolf broke through the stairs skidding to a halt and panting loudly. The metal-grey wolf was covered in scratches and bruises all over, threatening to put her down.

Fortunately, her healing had kicked in and the wounds were already starting to close up. Bree did not look too good. Madeline held out a robe for Krysta to take.

Once the delta shifted and was clothed, Madeline left to retrieve one for Bree as well. Lina shifted back and approached her friends, “Bree, you’re injured!”

“I’ll be fine, Lina. These won’t take too long to heal,” the amber-eyed wolf winced, “It’ll take more than that to put me down.”

Once Bree was done shifting, Lina asked, “Are they done?”

Unlike the rest of them, Bree hadn’t returned with a casualty. It was the first time any of them was returning empty-handed.

“I don’t know. I’ve checked everywhere I could. I don’t know if I can go back out there just yet. There is nothing over the mind link. It feels like everyone’s here. Lina, what do you feel over the mind link?” Bree asked.

“I’ve tried but I can’t find anyone as well. Can this really be everyone?” Lina’s voice took on a worried tone. They had helped with the evacuation… but now that they looked at the numbers, doubt filled them to the core.

The number of wolves that had made it to the upper floors was still lacking several hundreds to a few thousands. The numbers weren’t adding up.

Lina scanned through the crowds with a neutral expression, frustration boiling beneath her composed facade.

Without another word, she vanished right before them, disappearing once more to the lower floors in search of more of their people.

Bree was still panting lightly and yet she felt compelled to follow after her friend. “How much longer is she going to keep going like that?”

“I don’t know,” Crysta sighed, “Let’s rest for a bit, Bree. Before we can even consider going back down there.”

Exhaustion was already eating away at the two girls but they were determined to stand with their abnormally powerful friend till the end.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Madeline asked.

“You can stay as far away from the lower floors as possible. You could also help Honour and the nurses tend to the injured,” Crysta mentioned.

“I want to do more than…”

“Mady?” a feminine voice interrupted her.

Madeline knew this voice. She’d heard it her whole life. She’d grown up hearing it her whole life. It came accompanied by happy memories and sad ones that she quickly suppressed.

The Seeker rubbed a stray tear that had escaped her eye, “I must be hearing things…”

The young Seeker chuckled nervously but one look at her frozen friends told her otherwise. Crysta and Bree were staring at someone behind her. The girl turned slowly, locking eyes with a set of grey eyes she’d grown in the company of.

Beatrice, her grandmother, was standing in front of the king of Sirius, tears in her eyes as she took in the sight of her granddaughter. Even through the make-up which was now starting to come undone, the woman could tell who the young girl in front of her was.

Breaking out of the momentary trance, the two females rushed towards each other and embraced.

Madeline was easily reduced to a mess of tears, the pressure of the last few hours finally spilling over while she held onto a woman that resembled her with an uncanny level of detail.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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