The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 783 - 783 Interrogating the Bird

783 Interrogating the Bird

“You want me to go there and interrogate a bird?”

After I contacted Albert and go to his location, that’s the first thing he had to say to me. But that’s understandable.

All those he interrogated so far were either humans or monsters who can talk. But this bird can’t talk. Though this bird is still a monster.

“That bird is still considered as monster though. It can use wind magic. But don’t worry, I had it stay with Kayla in the former village of the ten master level mages,” I said.

I’m here with Candy since she might be able to suggest what Albert needed to ask the bird. Even if Kayla is smart, Candy is better at interrogating people. It was her original job after all. And she still does it once in a while I think.

And Kayla is not alone. Victoria is with her. She’s now Kayla’s earring.

Though Victoria can’t do anything in that form. As for Kayla, if there’s any monster coming to her, she should be fine for a while. She used to fight with a sword rapier. And even though her magic improved, she trained in it once in a while.

“So, what should I ask the bird?” Albert asked.

“Just some yes or no questions. That’s the only thing we can ask the bird,” I said.


Albert thought for a while before asking another question. The bird should be the one being asked though. Not me. But I’ll answer anyway. Just to make it quick.

“Why do we need to interrogate a bird? I know it’s important, but it seems like you really wanted to know what the bird knows. Why?” Albert asked.

“Because that bird is probably the only clue we have that we got from that city. I know we captured a lot of people, but we also learned that everyone in that city is extremely loyal to the cult. I don’t think they will say anything important to us. Even if they do, it will probably a lie,” I said.

Before I brought Kayla, Candy, and the bird into the Magicless Area, I brought some people specialized in interrogation to another part of Magicless Area where we hold the prisoners.

When I looked at the place, it’s around the place where Shelia practiced her kicking. So many monsters have been defeated and it’s relatively a safe place. Though among the people I brought, some of them were tamers and summoners. So they have monsters with them and it should be safe from monsters’ attack.

And even if those master level mages we captured started to fight back, those monsters should be able to handle them.

Those people must be interrogating the prisoners right now. But I believe that we won’t get anything from them. That’s why I think that the bird is more important than any of the prisoners.

“If we can wait for the summoner to visit the bird, or follow the bird back to its master, we might be able to learn where they are hiding,” I said.

“But there should be some people who managed to open a portal back there, right? If it’s you, you should at least throw Victoria’s clone so you can have a transfer point at that location. But why didn’t you do that?” Albert asked.

“Seems like after my girlfriends, you’re the one who knows me the best. As you said, I should have done that. In fact, I did. But Victoria told me that the Blobbies that I shot inside the portal got destroyed for some reason. Which means that whoever is staying next to those portals either aware that those Blobbybullets are monsters, or that they were told to destroy anything that enters the portal except for summoners they know.,” I said.

Even master level mage would have some problem with identifying Blobbies from ordinary objects. But those Blobbies, even if it’s just a few, got destroyed rather quickly.

And those Blobbies should be inside someone’s head. So it’s also likely that they actually intended to destroy the corpse, but the Blobby got caught in it.

I guess that’s the most likely reason. They wanted to not leave any trace at all. Even if it’s a corpse. So they destroyed the corpses.

“So we don’t have any other way to find out where they are. That’s understandable. But that means that you will be the one following the bird. If they can somehow plan of ambushing you by using the bird as a bait, at least if it’s you, you can prepare for it. Well, for now I’ll go with you and interrogate that bird. It’s in the Magicless Area, right? And Im just a weak mage. so I need to ride on Ray to get there sooner,” Albert said.

“You only want to ride a horse. Sure, I’m fine with it,” I said.

We return back to the border of the Magicless Area and I had Albert ride on Ray. Maybe I should get Ray dominate the horse monsters to submission completely and give one to Albert. Either a unicorn or a pegasus could be great for Albert.

Though it can’t be done right away. So I need to be patient and let Albert ride on Ray for today. While I gave Candy a piggyback ride as Albert and Candy discussed what they needed to hear from the bird.

As we get there, I can see a monster is getting closer to where Kayla and the bird is. So I told Candy to get down and killed the monster barehanded. I should have brought a weapon, but I forgot. Even the Reizpear in my pocket is not in its original form.

While Albert is interrogating the bird, I asked Kayla if she got anything from talking with the bird while I was not here.

“Well, I can’t tell if the bird was lying or not. But I asked if its remember the way home to where its master is. The bird chirped once, which mean it remembers. Then I asked if there’s other reason why the bird is obeying its master other than the contract between the two. The bird chirped once again. So this bird, even if the master is killed, might still choose to be loyal to the cult,” Kayla said.

“There are several species of bird who are loyal only to its partner. So maybe the bird’s partner is being taken as hostage. I asked that to the bird and the bird didn’t answer,” Victoria said.

“Not answering could be a confirmation. Maybe its partner is not being forced but acted in its own will. Try asking the bird again,” I said.

Though I don’t really care whether the bird is being forced or not. I don’t want to risk my life for the sake of a bird that might not help me fight against the cult. If it’s a werewolf, a weretiger, an angel, an elf, or a vampire, I might help though. Then they might be willing to join us because we already have their race in our group.

They left me thinking alone. What should I ask the bird? Albert and the others already have enough questions and I can just ask them later. So I joined just to hear what else I can hear from the bird.

The bird mostly answered with a chirp. Sometimes, it would be two chirps. But there’s another extra chirp if the bird doesn’t know anything.

And given an extra choice, it turned out that the bird answered with three chirps most of the time. So we can’t get any more information from the bird.

“That’s why you shouldn’t give the bird a third option. Having only two options mean that if the answer is not one, it should be the other. But with third option, the bird can lie even more,” I said.

“But at least we got enough to know that the bird doesn’t know much. It only obeyed order because its mate is being held hostage. And for the location, it only knows where to go to. It doesn’t know which territory its master is located.”

Well, I guess that’s all we know.

“Alright. I’ll return you all home then. And as planned, I will use calming gas on the bird before freeing it and follow the bird. Ray, you will go back to Monsters World and get as many horse monsters as possible to submit to you completely. I’ll bring Spot with me. His camouflage ability will be useful,” I said to Ray.

I returned everyone, transported Ray back to Monsters World where he can tame other horse monsters, and contacted Spot and brought him here.

He has a phone customized for him so it can be attached alongside the Blobby I attached on him. And it won’t fall when he changes his size. He can use magic to play with the phone.

“It’s been a while since you asked for me. Stealth mission?” Spot asked.

“Yes. Will you help me?” I asked.

“I’m bored anyway. I didn’t do anything much after fighting those orcas. Let’s do it!”

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