The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 812 - 812 Centaurs

812 Centaurs

We were riding on horses. And there are many other horses following us. I guess Ray has done very well to get those other horses follow him.

But when the summoner was looking for a good monster to make a contract with, Ray brought us somewhere in the forest. And since the monster is not among the horses that followed him, I guess this one still didn’t obey Ray.

The horses running swiftly in the forest. All of them are moving fast without hitting anything. If they have riders, the riders only need to worry to stay on their back instead of controlling where they go.

Some of the horses are almost as fast as Ray. And there are even some foals following. I wonder how amazing they will be in the future since we found them and trained them from young age?

And finally, we’re here. The place where Ray is bringing us to.

I have seen the monster that Ray thought would be good for the summoner to make a contract with with my Divine Vision from afar. But now that we’re facing each other, I can see them clearly. And I’m also excited about it.

Not only that there are a lot of them. But they look strong as well. And one of them is facing us like he’s the leader of the others in the tribe.

They are centaurs. Creatures with the upper half of human body, and the lower half of a horse.

No, they don’t have four limbs. They have six limbs. With four horse legs and two human arms.


The human upper body didn’t start from the half-part of the horse. But it started from where the horse’s neck supposed to be. And from there, they have a pair of human arms and a human head.

Does it mean that they have two bodies?

Well, when I looked inside their bodies to check their inner organs, I have to say that... I don’t have anything to say. Just imagine it yourself how their inner organs worked.

“You came here again. And this time, you brought humans with you. What do you want?” the centaur that looks like the leader asked.

He’s a strong-looking man. I mean the upper half is more muscular than the upper-half of other centaurs. As for the lower-half, There’s not much difference.

...No one answering. Well, they are horses after all. But how do they communicate before?

“...Since no one is talking, shall I be the representative of the horses since I’m Ray’s master?” I asked the other horses.

Ray nodded his head slightly and the other horses followed suit. Does it mean I’m the King of Horses now?

“Well, since no one deny it, I’ll be the representative of the horses. You are centaurs, right? It’s good that we can speak the same language. Maybe you have met Ray before and there might be some conflict or misunderstanding, but I will explain everything to you if you are willing to hear. May I?” I asked.

“Make it simple,” the leader of the centaur said.

“Okay. Here’s the simple version. The worlds, my world and this world, will be destroyed. So we’re looking for allies to help us stop the destruction,” I said.

This is the simplest way of explaining it. But it’s also the most difficult explanation to be believed. There’s no way anyone would believe that we’re fighting for the world.

Well, I don’t. I fight because I hate the cult. Though I ask other people to fight to protect the world.

Hearing my explanation, the centaurs have shocked expression pasted on their face. What is it? Don’t tell me that they believed me right away? There’s no way, right?

“...That’s frightening. Can you explain it now in detail how the worlds will be destroyed?” the centaur asked.

“Wait, you believed me?! Well, that was easy. But now I’m questioning myself if we need to recruit you or not.”

How could they believe me so easily? Something is wrong. If it this way, then I can’t really trust them, can I?

If they are gullible creatures, it will be bad. What if a cult member is using tricks to gain their sympathy and make them believe the cult? Then they will easily join the cult.

“Ah, you must never have encountered us in your world. I know that there are two worlds. I heard about humans from my parents who heard it from their parents who heard it from—”

“Enough. It has been so long since human came into this world. I know. And it was only recently that I found other groups of humans coming here. So the one who spread the stories must be your ancestor,” I said.

“Well, yes. I know you’re not a monster from your smell. And for someone with that smell to be here, I guess you must be the human from another world they told us about,” he said.

“Okay. But how did you believe me so fast? Even for some muscle-headed people, I need some convincing before they decided to follow us. Some were with force though. But it was mostly monsters, so it’s fine.”

“Because we are centaurs. We are born with the ability to detect lies. So if anyone is lying, we can tell,” the centaur said.

A creature with the ability to detect lies? We have a lot of Alberts here!

This is great! This way, I don’t need to bring Albert wherever I go anymore. Though since they are centaurs, it will be difficult for them to walk around in the city.

Maybe they are the creature that Albert’s ancestor kill to get his Aura ability. I think his name was Rama. The one from the children’s story.

But I thought the book said that he was weak as an Aura user. How did he managed to kill a centaur without using magic or other people help?

Did he perhaps put one in a cage and made them weak by letting it starve before he killed them? Maybe.

There are too many questions I won’t get the answer. So let’s forget about unimportant part and focus on the important part. They can tell the differences between lies and truth.

“Is that your innate ability?” I asked the centaur.

“Other than this, we also had Future Vision. But even if we say future, the distant future is not something anyone could see,” he said.

“Had? You mean you used to have one?” I asked.

“Yes. Today, we don’t have anyone who can see the future anymore. They are already extremely rare in one tribe. But they went extinct. The last one I knew died when I was still a foal,” he said.

I see. So while Albert’s ancestor killed a centaur for their lie detection ability, Fabio’s ancestor killed a special centaur for their Future Vision.

The current centaurs no longer have anyone with Future Vision. But their lie detection is already good.

And they have horse body and legs. They must be fast. But I wonder if they will allow someone to ride on their back?

“Alright. Since you want to listen to the full explanation, it will take some time. Are we going to talk here?” I asked.

“...Even though I know you didn’t lie, it’s not like we can just bring you to our village right away. We will listen to your full explanation and we will also ask you some questions. And then, we will decide on what to do. Even if we believed you, that doesn’t mean that we are willing to join you. We are—”

“Let me guess. You don’t want to obey the order of anyone weaker than you.”

Before he could finish what he was about to say, I interrupted him. He’s a monster. A leader of the centaurs. So I can pretty much guess what he’s trying to say.

Damn. Here we go again. A fight to get them to join us.

Why does this happen every time I’m trying to recruit monsters? We even did it to test the strength of our new recruits in the alliance as well.

“That’s right. Talk first, then we will decide with our strength if you are worthy to be our leader or not,” the centaur said.

“I don’t want to be your leader. I already have my slot for my familiars full,” I said.

“But we’re still monsters. You should know that we obey the law of the jungle. Survival of the fittest. Even if you don’t want to be our leader, you still need to prove your worth with strength,” the centaur said.

“Sigh... fine. For now, I will explain everything to you first then. But under one condition. That you should never tell this to anyone. Even to the other centaurs that belong to your tribe. I can wait here for you to bring everyone here if you want them to listen.”

The centaur agreed to bring everyone else in their tribe here. And so I waited for them to come.

While waiting, I also informed about this encounter to Albert and I will bring him here. I want him to tell me that those centaurs are not lying when they say that they won’t leak what I will tell them later to anyone else.

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