The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 840 - 840 Serpent Family’s Battle

840 Serpent Family’s Battle

One day before the fight, there’s already a group near the battlefield already. It’s Spot and his five children.

“Are you sure you’re going now? If that’s the case, then none of us will be able to help you,” Roy said to Spot.

Spot asked Roy to be brought to the ocean near the islands one day before the fight. And before the scheduled time to fight, he and his children will bring the Kraken away from there.

Kraken. The size is much bigger that just one tentacle of his, is longer than Spot’s original size which already reached over a hundred meters.

Spot already promised that he and his children will be the one taking care of the Kraken. They will take the Kraken away far from any of those islands and fight him with the intent to kill.

“It’s best to take him away from the battlefield. We will fight in another location so that our fight won’t accidentally kill you,” Spot said to Roy.

“Alright. Then, take care of yourself. Also, I will be too busy during the fight. So I won’t be able to help you at all,” Roy said.

“You mean you’re going to fight the Earth Dragon King alone? I thought that it would be easy for you. Just one hit and you will win. Until I heard that you won’t fight using magic, Aura, weapons, or any other support from other people. That’s just crazy,” Spot said.

“I know. I need to be crazy to get stronger. Well, maybe I don’t need to. But this might be important for my future,” Roy said.


“If that’s what you think. Then, you can return. We will prepare to fight the Kraken now,” Spot said.

Roy then left using his portal as Spot and his children dive deep underwater to discuss about their plan.

Like Roy, they won’t care about the other battle. They won’t be able to help the army fight on any of the islands. Because while Roy is fighting against the Earth Dragon King, Spot and his children will fight a Kraken. A giant squid monster that could be much stronger than any Dragon King.

Even if Roy is the one fighting the Kraken, without any handicap and he’s allowed to use magic and Aura, the chance for him to win is not high at all. But Spot and his children have the confidence to say that they’re going to win.

The next day, early in the morning when it’s still dark, Spot made his move.

“Wait here. I will bring that Kraken here. This is where we will fight him. Do as planned,” Spot said.

The day before, he and his children were busy taking care of the monsters in the surrounding area. So that no one will bother their fight at all.

The six serpents either scare those monsters away or kill them. Making sure that no one will bother with their battle.

The area they will fight has been cleared for any kind of monsters within 20km range. And they made sure that it’s not a place for any kind of monster’s nest to be. Because if that’s the case, then during the fight, some monsters will appear to return back to their nest and could in a way bother the fight.

Spot then swum very fast to where the Kraken is. To make sure that he can get there before the others arrive at the island.

Then even though there’s nothing in front of him, Spot stopped.

He looked around and noticed that he’s already near the Kraken’s teritorry. Because no other monsters dared to go near there.

“Kraken! Come out and let’s play!” Spot shouted to call the Kraken.

Not five seconds later, Spot can already see a tentacle is approaching him. A tentacle longer than his own length.

“You’re alone? And you wish to fight me? Is that bravery or stupidity?” the tentacle asked.

“I won’t be alone. I will bring you to where my children are waiting. Let’s go!”

“Ah, so you have chosen the battlefield. Fine, I’ll play with you. It wasn’t that long since we last play, so I wonder what will change?”

The Kraken then followed Spot to where his children are waiting.

Spot was very fast under the sea. But the Kraken didn’t lose his speed at all. In fact, if the Kraken is serious, he could be faster than Spot at full speed. At least under the sea.

The two giant creature swim very fast. And all the other monsters within their sight were busy escaping from the sheer presenve of the Kraken alone. That shows how scary the Kraken is.

And as they reached the destination, Spot didn’t stop. The Kraken also didn’t notice that he’s already there.

And all of a sudden, Spot turned around and used his breath attack on the Kraken.

It might be underwater, but for a sea monster to attack using their breath, it was as if the water pressure is never a problem for them at all.

The tentacle avoided the breath attack, but the real body of the tentacle, the squid body, couldn’t dodge it even though the Kraken can see that attack. So the body of the Kraken received a direct hit from Spot’s breath attack. But it didn’t injure him at all.

“Is this how you will fight? Using a surprise attacke? Wait, what?! AAAARGH!!”

While the Kraken was feeling confident that he could still win, Spot’s children appeared from five different location. And each of them started attacking the Kraken with their breath attack.

Their breath attack might be weaker than their father’s breath attack. But they are still powerful creatures who have lived for centuries. They could be said as the strongest sea creatures below Spot and the Kraken.

Spot’s children released succesive breath attack. And they didn’t direct their breath attack to the Kraken’s main body. Because they know that it won’t work at all.

But in their last battle, they learned one of the Kraken’s weakness. It’s the root of his tentacles.

The place where his tentacle connected to his body is weak. And at that time, the Kraken even tried to protect that place even though their other attacks were deemed useless on his body.

Spot’s children’s attack hit the base of the tentacles. And the Kraken’s tentacles were ripped off of his body.

Now the Kraken only have two tentacles left. They are stronger than the other tentacles. And that’s why these two tentacles were unable to be removed even after Spot helped his children.

“As expected, it won’t be so easy,” Spot said calmly.

The plan was to remove all of the Kraken’s tentacles. Because that will make the Kraken unable to move as he wished. But there are still two more tentacles left.

Though they need to hurry. Because the Kraken can still regenerate his lost limbs.

“You fucking bastards! How dare you do this!”

The Kraken was so angry. And Spot knows that he won’t go down so easily.

“It’s called strategy. I learned it from the humans I’ve been around with lately. He’s not my master, but he’s a good friend,” Spot said.

“Humans again! Why does everything has to be related to a human! They asked me to destroy things! They tried to kill me! And now, they had you attack me?! Don’t think that I will go down easily!”

Using his magic to increase his regeneration ability, the Kraken regenerate a few of his tentacles right away. So now he has ten.

The fight continues for much longer. And Spot and his children slowly and carefuly baited the Kraken to go to the surface.

When they reached the surface, Spot and his children flew to the sky and attacked the Kraken from a safe distance.

“Come down here and fight for real! Are you a coward?!” the Kraken shouted.

“I used to be what you call prideful monsters. If it’s in the past, I would even fight you even if I have to die. But now, I won’t. I have a goal. Which is to help my friend to destroy the cult. The people you were involved with. They are also the one responsible in killing my original master a thousand years ago. And I will avenge my master!” Spot shouted.

From the sky, Spot and his children attacked the Kraken. Thanks to their new ability to fly, Spot’s children can dodge the Kraken’s attack easily. They also trained to get used to his father’s speed, so they can dodge the Kraken’s tentacles.

While they are fighting, the Kraken didn’t notice that two of Spot’s children has dived deep into the sea. He only realized it after the two sea serpents bit off his tentacles and remove them before they shoot a breath attack directly into his wound.

This happened several times before finally, the Kraken no longer have magic to regenerate his tentacles.

The Kraken finally no longer have the will to fight. He pledged for his life to Spot and his children. But Spot won’t let him live.

And it was the same time that Graham was above them. It took them so long that the battle on the islands have been over for a while, so Graham was asked by Victoria to check on the serpent family.

“Graham, kill this one. Maybe this will help Roy reach master level,” Spot said.

And to Roy’s surprise, that was indeed the case.

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