The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 861 - 861 Let’s Call Them the Crab People

861 Let’s Call Them the Crab People

After the spider lost four of its legs, the Kreiybs continued fighting that thing. They had easier time now. Because the spider lost all of its entire legs on one side. Leaving only four of them on the other side.

But the spider released a web string from not only its butt. But also from its mouth. So the spider pretty much can still attack all direction.

Though there’s no more need to protect the wall since the spider won’t be able to climb on the wall anymore with only four legs on one side.

Well, maybe it could but it will be hard. Though if I left at least one leg on the other side, the spider might still be able to climb the wall.

All the Kreiybs attacked the spider now. But as expected, calling them Kreiybs is annoying.

“So, I guess we need to rename their species. Kreiyb is just too weird,” I said to Victoria.

“Let’s just call them Crab People. They are like half-human and half crabs. It’s easier this way,” Victoria said.

“Yeah. Let’s do just that,” I said as I watched some of the Crab People cut off another one of the spider’s leg.

Those claws are not as sharp as the sword that the Blacksmith made for me. the sword-cane. But their durability is much higher. Even stronger than the shells covering their bodies.


As expected, they are a creature specialized in defense. But that doesn’t mean that their attack power is not much. They are already comparable to the monsters in the Monsters Village.

They will be well-received by the others in the village. I’m sure of it.

But if I want to make one of them as my familiar, I need to see how well they can fight underwater.

This place is literally under the water. But that’s not what I meant. I mean I want to see how well they are in fighting while being underwater.

But I think being out of water, they are already good enough. They know that they are not the fastest and the strongest. They only have the tool for defense and cutting. So they used their own kind of martial art if I have to say.

I bet they never had any experience going against mages. But that won’t be a problem if they move in into the village. It can be taken care of later since they can ask for a spar with Angela and the others.

Pinching with their claws, cutting with their claws, and they also punch and grapple with their hands.

And then, the leader of the Crab People that I talked with before made a move that made me decide that he should be a great decision if I take him as my familiar. The finishing move of the Crab People. Water magic.

The claws on his shoulder raised and pointing toward the spider. Then from those claws, water came out. High pressure water. Attacking the spider from distance.

Not only that, they can also manipulate the movement of those water. Not so much, but after those water came out of the claws, midway to the spider, they changed direction when the spider moved. Though the water magic started from their claws, so it’s pretty much easy for them to control.

I wonder if they can manipulate the water from the sea? Then my dream of opening a portal to the bottom of the sea and get people to manipulate the direction of the water coming out will come true.

And it’s not just the leader. Soon after the leader shoot his water, some other Crab People also started shooting their water. But unfortunately, after a few minutes, they’re all tired from using that magic.

I guess that’s why they didn’t use that magic from the start. They want to make sure that they can kill the spider before using that magic.

Though that spider is quite strong to be able to endure such high pressure water. Maybe if that spider can swim, I’ll make that spider my familiar.

The spider no longer move. But that doesn’t mean that it’s already dead.

Maybe through experience from fighting that monster many times for a long time, the Crab People quickly surrounded the spider’s body and used their claws to pierce through the body until they confirm that it’s truly dead.

Except for the leader who approached me. still wearing his shell armor showing that he can’t trust me yet.

“Thank for your help before. Because of you, no one died this time. Though I’m sorry that I can’t still trust you yet as we don’t know what your intention in coming here. You said you can fly, so I’m sure that you didn’t fall into the hole by mistake. You came here with a purpose in mind, right?” he asked.

“Yes. Probably to meet you all. Though I’m not sure yet. By the way, what’s your name?” I asked.

“You can call me Boss since that’s what everyone here call me,” he said.

“No way. I won’t call you Boss. I guess you don’t have a name yet. I’ll call you Crabbe from now on,” I said.

I can hear Victoria sighing from me giving him name. But I don’t care.

“Crabbe, huh? I guess that’s fine. So, let’s continue our talk. Why are you here?” Crabbe asked.

Then I explained to him what I’m here for. To look for familiar. And the reason why.

Of course I didn’t just say that it’s because I’m a summoner. I told them that it’s because we’re at war and I’m looking for the greatest monsters to be my familiars.

“I already have four slots filled with only one spot left for my familiar. The reason I said that I’m here probably to meet you is because I want to see how strong you are. If you’re at least at a satisfying level, then I will ask you to make a contract with me,” I said.

“Hmm... Everyone here were born in this place. So for things at the surface, we really don’t know much about it. Even if what you said is correct and someone is trying to destroy the world, it doesn’t really matter to us who could not care less about the things outside of this place,” Crabbe said.

“I said that only if you’re fighting abilities are at a satisfying level, right? Why are you talking as if you’re good enough? Do I need to remind you that while all of you were busy removing just one leg of the spider, I cut down three by myself. What make you think that I’m going to ask you to be my familiar?”

I intentionally provoked them to see if they are similar kind of monsters as the werewolves. If they can be provoked easily, then if I offered them to fight, they might help.

Also, I don’t want them if they have no desire to leave this place. Even if they don’t know about the outside world, if they decided to stay in this dungeon, then there’s no point in bringing them out. I can’t just ask some introvert to save the world.

Hearing my provocation, some of them got angry. Even Crabbe himself is angry.

“You might not know it, but if we fight underwater, then there’s no way for us to have any trouble fighting that monster!” Crabbe said.

Do they think that all creatures can breathe underwater? They’re funny.

“So what if what you said is true? I have no intention on making some introverted monsters with no desire to go out of their home to fight with me. I guess I can’t find anything here. Then, I will leave,” I said.

I looked around and see that some of the Crab People were thinking of leaving. They have been here their whole lives and wanted to see something new. Especially the young ones.

After a while, Crabbe asked me something.

“If one of us decided to be your familiar, will you take him out of here?” Crabbe asked.

“No. I will only ask the strongest one among you to be my familiar. Then, I will bring everyone who are willing out of here. I have a village full of various kind of monsters like angels and werewolves living together. Adding you there should be fine,” I said.

“Then let’s fight. I’m the strongest here. If I show you how strong I am, then you can make a contract with me. And you can bring everyone out of here after that,” Crabbe said as he prepared to fight me.

“Not here. I’m looking for monsters that can fight underwater. If you want to prove that you’re good enough to be my familiar, then we should fight underwater,” I said.

“I see. There’s a lake over there. It’s not big, but if it’s just the two of us then...”

“No. Not a lake. We will fight up there. In the sea. I’ll take you up there, then we will fight. After the fight, then we can go back here. I might not be able to talk underwater, so I will tell you this. Only fight with the intent to kill me. That’s your only way to prove how strong you are,” I said.

I think that Crabbe is quite responsible. So I’m sure that even if I bring him to the sea above, he will return here on his own even if I don’t help him.

Let’s see how strong he is underwater then.

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