The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 111 - I'm Here As Ninja! Not Clarence!

"That's just like Stockholm Syndrome."

After I entered the capital together with Candy hand in hand, we found the inn that the others picked and went there.

We meet everyone and I introduced Candy again to the others, but this time as my girlfriend.

When we told Victoria and the others about how we ended up as lover, Victoria said something I don't know. Just like usual.

If it's any other word, I might ignore it like usual, but since there's a word syndrome, as a doctor, I'm curious about it.

"What's that? An illness?" I asked Wendy while tilting my head.

"Yes. A mental one. It's when a hostage and the captor, or maybe an abuse victim and the abuser, bonded with each other," Victoria explained.

"That never happened. I'm neither her captor, nor her abuser."

"But you killed her father figure. And that's what you told her when you first met. So it's just a relationship that doesn't make sense!"

"… It's funny to think that your world filled with unknown words that doesn't exist here. Where does the Stockholm came from?"

"It's a city where the first observed case happened. There was a bank robbery, and the robbers take several people as their hostages for a few days. Then after several days, they bonded together. After being released by the captors, the hostages would defend their captors."

"I see. So if it happened in Melk, it can be called as Melk Syndrome," I said.

"That's not the point! Candy, are you sure about being in relationship with him? He's a coward. He's not that good looking. Well, he's rich, but you never learnt about that, right? So, why?"

This time, Victoria targeted her confusion at Candy.

"He's strong. He makes me feel secure. Although it was a weird first meeting, he still ended up saving me. I also want to be a part of your big family. When we traveled together to Cassau, I was jealous of how everyone is getting along. I want to be a part of that since I never have family before. As for Tim, when we visited the royal palace and found out Tim's… hidden desire, my impression of him has plummeted to the ground."

"Poor thing. Yes, we can be a big family! If Roy ever hurt you in anyway, tell big sister here and I will smack his butt!" said Victoria as she hugged Candy.

Nice. They seem to be getting along just fine. Kayla and Sophie also happily have a chat with Candy. Sonia also gave several relationship advices. As for Angela…

"Sigh… I knew that he will end up getting more and more lovers. But as usual, it was another weird situation to confess."

"Yeah. I thought it was weird too. But I still accepted her anyway. I don't have any lie detection skill, but I feel like her feeling of love is more sincere than the others. Kayla's and Victoria's feeling is more like dependence than love at first, but little by little, their love for me is growing. I can feel it since we're together most of the time. As for Victoria, I can never tell what's in her mind. But we're inseparable so it's fine to make her my girlfriend I guess. At least I need to answer her again when she's fully in control of the black slime's consciousness."

I explained to Angela. The others are busy chatting with Candy so they can't hear us talking.

"And that makes four. How many more will you get before you satisfied?" Angela asked.

"As many as possible. I don't think I can refuse those who feels love or dependence toward me. But if I ever feel like the other is not sincere, I won't accept their confession."

While I was chatting with Angela, Candy and the others looked at me wanting to say something.

"Roy. I will have a chat with the girls. You can do whatever you want until night. When you're about to visit his majesty, tell me so I can come with you."

"Okay. If anyone needs me, I'll be in some restaurant or street stall. I'm hungry."

I left the inn and look for some good place to eat. Since I have a lot of money, I don't need to care about how expensive the food is.

"Are you serious about him?"

"Yes. There's also…"

"Really! That's…"

"I want to…"

"Good Idea! Count me in!"

I got goosebumps out of a sudden. What are they planning?! Does it involve me? I can't hear them anymore! Should I return?

I ate at several restaurants. Now I can tell the others which restaurant is good. Ireturned back to the inn after filling my stomach.

Soon, night comes and I returned to the inn.

Kayla, Sophie, Candy, Angela, Sonia, Victoria, and I gathered in one room.

"I'm going to the royal palace now. Candy and Victoria will be coming as well. As for Sonia, I might call you later. Victoria, how much longer will you last?" I asked Victoria when her control over Blobby will be gone.

"Probably until two hours after midnight. My time is getting longer and longer. Soon you will be able to increase your summoning element," Victoria answered.

"Good. Then, we'll be going."

"Be safe."

"Don't do anything rash to the king."

"Enjoy your last freedom."

Kayla wish me safe, and Sophie told me to not be rash to the king. But Angela…

Wait, what?! What is Angela talking about? Why my freedom?

"Umm… Angela? Can you tell me what you're saying?"

"Roy. We don't have much time. As a pregnant woman, the queen need to have a good rest. We can't visit her too late in the night," Victoria told me to leave right away.

I feel scared about what Angela is saying to me. But it's more important to see the queen's condition. I can just ask Angela later.

Later that night, Candy and I sneaked into the King's Chamber with me wearing Ninja outfit I made in my free time, and Victoria as my grappling hook.

"You're here, Ninja. Or should I say Roy? We already know your identity so why don't you show me your face behind that mask."

That's the first thing Albert said as I entered without permission from him.

Seems like Marie and Shirley has just finished cultivating, and Albert is working in his room. Ms. Wendy also here reporting something to Albert. And there's also an old man wearing butler outfit. He must be Ian.

"Just imagine the most handsome face in the world, and you will recognize me when you meet me."

"Unfortunately, there are no one in this world who has mirror as their face," Albert replied shamelessly.

"Both of you are shameless. Aren't you here to check on my babies?" Marie interrupted us.

"Yeah, Albert. Can't you stop with the joke? I'm here for your wife, not to hear your joke."

Did he really think he's more handsome than me?

Enough for the greetings and the jokes. I just went up to Marie who's laying on her bed, and looked at both babies.

"Well, both babies are fine. In fact, they are much healthier than the last time I saw them. Even the boy seems lively. Seems like your cultivation also affected him in a good way."

"Really? That's good. What about the girl? Is her heart beating?" Albert asked about his daughter's condition.

"Her heart doesn't beat yet, but she has grown. We can only know the result after both of them were born. It should be in two or three days. But that's just an estimation. There's no exact time for due date of a mother's pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different after all."

Everyone relieved when they heard that both babies are fine and healthy. But we can only find out the real answer after both babies are born.

"That's fine. We will ask for your help to deliver the babies. By the way, Candy. Have you found the answer?"

Since the checkup is done, Albert asked Candy about her decision.

"Yes. Roy has helped me find the answer and as a result, we're going out."

"Really? That's good, but not the answer I want to hear," said Albert.

"No. But it's related."

"Hmm?" I was curious about why it's related.

Candy then tells everyone in the room about her decision.

"I find the man I love and want to be with him forever. But I also want the world, or at least the kingdom I tried hard to protect all this time to be safe. So I will help your majesty in a way that only I and several other people can do."

"And what is that?" Albert asked curiously.

"It's to help you in asking Roy if you ever wanted his help."

While I was in shock, Victoria left my hand.

"His other girlfriends and I also agreed to ask Roy if there's something you want his help for!" Victoria said.



While I was shouting in disagreement, Albert was shouting in happiness.

"I don't want it!"

"I want it!"

"I don't want to do problematic stuffs!"

"I want him to do something instead of just telling me about what will happen!"

"Why is everyone agreed to that plan when I said I want to leave everything in his hands?!"

"Thanks to all his friends and girlfriends now I can take care of other troublesome stuffs!"



We keep saying things alternatively.

While I shouted my regret and disagreement, Albert keep shouting his happiness.

And why is everyone smiling? Even the butler whom I had never met is laughing at me!

I'm here as Ninja! Not Clarence!

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