The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 138 - Appraising The Wand And The Stocking

Finally I'm back at Cassau! The first place I'll go is obviously my home first. I have been away from Daniel too often and too long. Did I really take him in so other people can take care of him?

Good thing back at Hirugas I bought some candies for the kids that can't be found here. I hope that's enough to make them happy.

"I'm home!"

I said as I entered the house. Then Sonia appears in front of me and Ian and the others greet me.

"Welcome home, Roy. How was your journey?" Sonia asked.

"It was good. But I don't want to do that too often. Maybe once in a while." I replied.

"Master, please have some tea."

There at the table, Lina somehow has prepared a tea for me even though I have just arrived. When did she made it? Or does she know I will return today?

"Thanks, Lina. I missed your tea. Hmm? It's sweeter than the last time." I said.

"After I returned, I practiced more with the help of Ian. How is it?"

"I like this one better. You have certainly improved."

I missed to see how she blushed after every praise I gave her like this.

Then I see something that wasn't there before in the corner of the room. It's a vase with a small

"Is that Sunny's new vase?" I asked Lina.

"Yes. She enjoyed it very much. Now that she can change her size, she used her small size when she's indoor."

I looked at Sunny who waved her leaf at me showing her satisfaction with the vase she got. With my money.

"Where's the other?"

"Daniel, Hannah, and Lana are napping in the same room. Ever since we return home, those three are inseparable." Ruby replied.

"It's great that Hannah love acting as their older sister. Now she has more friends to play with. Daniel also loves Lana very much. He is much more motivated to learn to read now so he can read Lana a story well." Penny said happily.

"As for Sam, she's at her office. The new appraiser we got from his majesty is doing a good job." Lina said.

"I see. I also have something to appraise so I think I'll go there in a bit. What about the girls and Ian?"

"They are taking request from the guild. The guild said that those who wants to build a clan should have made several contribution to the guild. We're lacking in contribution so they split up and took several requests at the same time."

They need to chill for a bit. There's no point to hurrying up building a clan. There's only more jobs once you finally build it.

Well, that's the main point of building a clan. But if the job given to us is something from Albert and can affect the world, that's a bit difficult. Instead of taking requests so they can build a clan faster, they should take different type of request so they will gain a lot of experience. I'll tell them later.

"Alright. I'll take a rest in my room for now then I'll go to Sam's office. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Yeah. First, Sam's office has moved right next door. I suggest you go there first before you rest since it's so close." Lina replied.

By this time, everyone already return to do their own chores. As for Sonia, I think she's reporting my return to the others.

"When did she moves?"

"Just as soon as she returned here. Most of our neighbors doesn't like that they live next to a haunted building, so as long as we pay them enough money to buy another house, they will gladly move." Lina replied.

Nice. That means we can buy the next building so we can build a park for the kids to play.

"Once we have enough money, we should buy all the lands nearby. The kids would be happy if we made a park for them to play. We can also make it so all the kids in this town have a place to play at."

This way, Daniel and the others can play together with a lot of friends.

"That's a good idea! There's no park here for kids to play at. They just play on the street which could be dangerous sometime. I'll negotiate with our neighbors now!" Lina turned around and prepare to go out. But I stopped her.

"Wait! After your shopping with the girls, I don't think I have much money left. Wait until I earned more money before doing anything, okay?"


Everyone's here loves children. All of them want kids to play a lot and have fun as much as they can. If I told them this plan, everyone would agree with me. Maybe they would even pitched in some money?

After finishing my tea and chatted with Lina for a while, I went to Sam's office next door.

There, I greeted Sam and after some pleasantries, I told her my intention which is to have her new appraiser to appraise the two items I got from two dungeons.

Sam's appraiser whose name is Jeremy, received the two items and said that he will only take a few minutes to appraise them so waited while having a chat with Sam.

Soon, Jeremy finished and told me what the effects of the two item I gave him.

"Thanks for waiting. The first item I'll tell you is the fishnet stocking. Like Roy said, the wearer of this stocking will have her temperature stay the same at all time, ranging from 15 degree Celsius to 35 degree Celsius. Ice will melt instantly, and fire will disappear as soon as they touched the wearer. So this stocking is good for defense against ice and fire magic. But if the wearer is an ice or fire mage, they wouldn't be able to use their ice and fire magic." Jeremy explained about the fishnet stocking.

"So I'm right. I think this is a good item for Kayla or Sophie who doesn't have either elements." I said.

"But why is it in the form of stocking? If it can affect the whole body, then it can be a bracelet or a ring, right? The one who made it into a fishnet stocking is a weirdo." Sam said.

"The one who made it into a fishnet stocking has a unique taste." I said as to protect the one who create it. Then I continued, "Treasures from dungeons are not known where they come from. No one knows if they are made by the dungeon themselves, or there's someone who purposely left it inside the dungeons. I can only praise them for this invention." I said as I clasped my hands together like I was praying.

"Then next is this wand. This is a great equipment for earth element mages. When they used earth magic while wielding this wand, not just the power of the wielder's magic is stronger, the wielder can also gather the earth in the surrounding and shape it to whatever they want, while the weight still stay the same. For example, you can build a wall that you can carry it with you wherever you're going, and it will be your portable barrier."

"A shield. You want to say a shield." I corrected his word.

"Yes! A shield. And you can carry the earth shield around with you so if you enter a place where it's difficult to find earth, you can still use your magic." Jeremy continued.

"Difficult place to find earth? You mean like the North Pole or the South Pole? I heard that those places are covered with ice."

I never been there before, but I think I remembered reading about those two places covered with ice. Nothing but ice floating in the sea. Some says that there are small part of earth under those thick ice, but no one ever seen it since it's just speculation.

"Yeah. Maybe there are some dungeon which limit your ability when you enter. Or unchangeable dungeon which earth can't be taken so bringing your own earth is useful for earth mage. And it can also be shaped into anything the wielder want."

"That sound similar to Blobby." Sam said.

Yeah. Having something that can change its shape into anything is just like Blobby.

"But can the wand's shape itself be changed? Like make it smaller or bigger."

"No. The wand will stay the same. Only the earth will change its shape so the wand can't be smaller." Jeremy explained.

"That's good enough. This is a perfect weapon for Kayla considering her fighting styles. Now she no longer need to use a spike from Earth Spike magic as a weapon. With her intellect, I think she's a good choice to be the owner of this wand. If I give this to Kayla, then it's better if the stocking goes to Sophie. Thanks, you two. I'll take my leave now."

"Ah, Roy! When will you go diving again? You know that you don't have much money since your girlfriends and friends took them away." Sam reminded me of my financial problem.

"Sigh... I'll do it tomorrow. I'll go deeper next time. Bye."

I said my goodbye and left her office. Good thing that they renovate the building so there's a door connecting my house with her office. Now it won't take time to go to her place if I needed something.

After checking that everyone hasn't returned yet, and the kids still asleep, I went to my room and took a short rest.

Sleeping at my own home is always feel better than sleeping anywhere else. If only Blobby is here to be my bed, then that would be perfect.

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