The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 45 - Underwater Battle Technique Training

Now that my movement has improved, next is how to fight underwater.

The easiest option is for me to use spear or lance and swim directly to my opponent and pierce through its body. That's one way to fight.

But this is underwater. No matter how good I am at swimming underwater now, there's a possibility that sea monsters is more agile underwater than I am. If I attacked straightforward with my spear, the monster might be able to dodge it. I need more type of attack.

For example, if there is a monster under me, I can change Blobby into a heavy weapon like Axe or Hammer, and altering its weight with Blobby's ability, I can crush the monster in one shot. Let's try it.

I changed Blobby into a giant hammer, and swung it down as I alter its weight. The result is I spun a few times with just one swing.

It has strong power, but difficult to control underwater. It's good to one-shot my enemy, but if there are multiple monsters, I have no chance in winning.

That's it for heavy weapon. Now for light weapon, my weapon of choice is a sword. I can move it normally if I use my Aura to cover my arms, but that's it. No killing power at all. If the monster has a sturdy defense, there's no way I can kill them unless I use hammer or axe, but they have their own flaw.

I need something all-rounder. Able to move easily underwater, has a good reach, and able to strike a killing blow.

Hmm… it's difficult. I guess I should train my body and Aura ability more. Looks like it's all come to my own physical ability rather than weapon selection or Aura. Although Aura can improve my physical ability, it's still not enough. I need to train more so I can use more power.

It's a good thing I choose to not go to medical college right away. During the time after I graduate, I can practice my underwater battle technique as well during that time.

But that's for later. For now, I'll just concentrate to foil the cult's plan to destroy Melk city and to make sure everyone I care about survive during the tragedy. Maybe I should just tell them all to move to another city so I can relax and not care about the rest of the people who will die.

No. I can't. I'm not evil enough to let innocent people die when I know I can save them. At least I will make proposal for everyone to move to another city. I'll let Sam look for building for us all to reside in Cassau when she moves.

Well, for now let's find treasures first. After all, that's the main reason I'm training my underwater battle technique. And it will be my source of income for years and I will be rich! I hope it's a good idea to trust Sam with this money-making scheme.

I want to practice more, but the current is making my movements restricted. At least I can swim just fine even under strong current. But my speed is slowed down a bit. If I swim following the current, then my speed will increase instead.

That's it!

I don't have to fight the current! I just need to follow it!

I swung the sword shaped Blobby and try to follow the current. My movement become much smoother and faster. But the weapon's trajectory can't be changed.

Wait! What if I don't make sudden stop or sudden directional change? And try to make the weapon's movement into an 8 shape. With no sharp turn during each movement.

I tried just that and the result is incredible! If it's like this, then I can fight any kind of monsters underwater! Hopefully.

But I feel like there's a room for improvement. What is it?

That's right! The weapon selection!

My weapon of choice is a normal shape double-edge sword. The flat area on the side is too thin. If I change it to a wider flat area, I can follow the current better and its power will be increased.

And so, I changed Blobby again into a shape of a broadsword like one of the weapon I've seen Victoria used. She called it Chinese broadsword. Is that where it came from? It's one weapon that originated in Victoria's original world. At least I've never seen or read anything about this type of sword.

When people say sword, it's that double-edge sword that I usually made Blobby transform into. Never have there been a single edged curved blade with wide flat area on its side like this in history of this world. At least the history that was written. No one really know about history other than the people involved in it. Even the greatest and smartest historian, would make assumption from discovery they found. But what they found at least make more things clearer about the past.

Using this broadsword, my attacks are more powerful than before. If it's a normal weapon, it would break if I used too much force, but since this is my trusted partner Blobby, I can use as much power as I want to. Blobby is invincible!

Invincible Blobby!

Immortal Blobby!

Praise the Blobby!

The greatest blob in the world!

After singing my praise to Blobby internally, I feel my body a bit sluggish. Of course after making so much movement underwater I would be tired. I come up to the surface and look for an island to rest.

There's a small deserted island nearby and I swum there after seeing around and see there's no one this time who would think I'm a sea demon.

On the way to the island, I grabbed some fishes for lunch.

Finally my feet touched land. I feel like it has been a long time since I'm on solid ground. Well, the sand in the bottom of the sea doesn't count. And the sea surface when I walk on water also doesn't count. This is a real solid ground.

I made a fire and cook the fishes I caught. Then I heard a voice coming out of my left arm.

"Hmm… you did well figuring all that out. Underwater movements and battle technique. Also weapon selection. You did all of that so well on your own."

My armguard is talking! Wait no! It's Victoria!

"You just come out now?"

"It was underwater after all. I don't need air but I don't know if I can speak underwater. And even if I could, I don't know if you can hear me."

"Right. So? Why are you coming out now? Do you have any advice for underwater battle technique?"

"No. As far as I can tell, you already did more than what I can advise you."

"And what is your advice?"

"Do it with guts!"

"That's useless advice."

In the end, we're just chatting useless stuffs.

"Oh! I like the part where you yelled out 'I'm a mermaid'! That's the best part today."

"Yeah. That's why I picked up two similar shells to cover my chest area. Then my disguise will be perfect."

"But real mermaid doesn't have shells. They just go out as they are."

"Awesome. But I will still keep the shells. It's cool for a good laugh."

"Do whatever you want. Thanks to you now I have learn how to fight underwater. I'm going to dive now and practice it myself. You just need to rest. If I find any treasures, I'll bring it back here. You just need to rest."

What good partner I have! There's no other summoner as happy as I am. She's perfect as a lifelong partner. And more importantly...

"What is that you're wearing?"

She has changed into her humanoid shape. And she's almost naked! With only some important spots covered.

"It's a kind of sexy swimsuit from my world. You like it?"

"Very much so."

Her important places are covered with a bit of cloth which connected with strings to the other important spots. That world she came from… I want to go there!

"Enough watching. I still have a little of time. When I can go out all day, I will wear other clothes from my world only when there's just two of us. You're gonna enjoy it."

She said that then she dives into the sea. What kind of clothes will she shows me? Maybe if I give her paint, she will color her own outfits to makes it closer to how it looked in her world. Maybe I need to learn painting so she will allow me to color her outfits.

Whatever the case, there's more thing I look forward in the future.

I lost in my own imagination as I took a bite off of the fish I just cooked.

"It's burnt…"

Because I lost in thought for a while, the fishes is burnt black. So I returned to the sea and get some more fishes to cook while waiting for Victoria to surface and bring me treasures.

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