The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 53 - Orc Emperor's Appearance

This conclude our practice. All five orcs were defeated in a one on one fight. Victoria and my victory is obvious with our strength. Angela is a genius so I'm not really worried about her. Sophie only need to realize how strong her lightning element is. It's the element with the biggest firepower among any other element. As for Kayla, she took her time, but she calmly finished the orc she's fighting. So we finished for the day because the appearance of five orcs.

"Let's go back and inform the guild. There might be an orc settlement nearby."

"I thought you're going to try subjugate them all on your own."

"Aura is not an omnipotent ability. I still have a lot to improve. If the enemy is not something I can defeat in one shot, I won't take the risk. The All-seeing eye is an exception because I need to gain my ability."

"You're such a coward. Not that we hate that part about you."

Kayla said so. Well, all this time I always told them that I'm a coward.

"Not just a coward. A courageous coward. I dare to admit that I'm a coward."

"Why? Even though you're so strong?"

"Sophie, he told us he came from the future, right? In that timeline, he died because of overconfident. That's why now he choose to be a coward."

"Kayla is right. I'm a coward by choice. I dare to be a coward. That's why I'm a courageous coward."

"He know how strong he is, but he always choose to underestimate himself and overestimate his enemy, unless his opponent is something he has fought before. That's why he's doing fine with orcs and other monsters we fought here."

"As expected, Kayla knew me the best!"

"I know that he always look for something to grab when he asleep. Either it's pillow, blanket, or me."

"As expected, Sophie knew me the best!"

"He's our boyfriend, so let's share everything we know about this guy to each other."


"And if he has some kind of weakness, please tell me."

Somehow, Angela butted in with the girl's conversation. Why would she want to know my weaknesses?

"By the way, if it's about Roy, I'm the one who knows him the most. I also know his taste in men."

"The slime tells lies! Do not ever believe her words!"

What taste in men? I'm not into that kind of thing!


As soon as we're about to head home, suddenly we hear a monster roar.

"What was that?"

I look over there with my Divine Vision. With both my see-through and zoom vision, I can see that 5 km away from me there's an orc. But it's not an ordinary orc. And there really is a settlement close by. That orc must be the leader.

"It's an Orc Emperor."


"And there's an orc settlement there."

"What should we do?"

"Go back and inform the guild."

"Its roar is almost as loud as when you roar as a dragon."

"Roy did what?!"

"I'll tell you later."

There are many things Sophie doesn't know. When she found out the real me, will she fall out of love?

We quickly left that spot and travel back to the city.

Just few minutes after we go, we encounter another party. It's a party of three men and they are quite famous in Melk. After all, theyare an A-ranked hunter party. All three of them has reached A-rank few years ago.

I thought of telling them about the orc settlement but they greeted us first. No. They greeted the girls.

"Hey, girls! Wanna join us on a hunt?"

"No thanks. Bye."

Kayla answered for the girls. Looks like I won't tell them about the settlement.

"Don't say that. Aren't you hunters as well? Don't you want to raise your level faster?"

"Not interested. Bye."

He got shot down twice! Kayla is just being her usual self. She's never interested in any men other than me. I'm truly a lucky one.

"Come on! We're A-ranked hunters! There's no way you shot me down twice, right? You actually want us to push you down."

What a rude fellow. Just because he's an A-rank hunter he thinks he can do anything? I can kill them all easily in one second. That's why I didn't act yet. Unless they're forcing themselves on the girls.

"Just join us while we're asking nicely!"

"And we're escaping before you hurt us!"

Oh! Kayla becoming more and more like me! And that was a cue for us to run away.


No. We won't wait. All five of us, with Victoria still take control of Blobby, run toward the city.

"That was close. A little more and I will kill them."

"Yeah. I almost kicked their nuts as well."

"I thought you are the type to not hold back, Kayla. But why did you choose to run? Influenced by Roy?"

Angela asked Kayla while we're running away.

"That's part of it. They also said that they're A-rankers. If we become hostile with an A-rankers, our status in the guild will get worse."

"Is there anything worse than called 'Nutcracker'?"

"I'm not talking about that stupid nickname. I'm talking if the guild has to pick a side, they will no doubt choose the A-rankers instead of us. It will be harder for us to get a quest in the future if it happen."

"And running away is fine?"

"It is. At least they also know that even if we talked trash about them, no one will trust us. In the end, we can only run away and not talking about it."

"That's my girl! Unlike the magic nerd, you're good at noticing things!"

"Who you called magic nerd?!"

"Someone who barely pass any other subjects but magic in the exam."

We chatted while running away from the A-rank hunters. At least until they can't see us anymore. It's good that they don't try to chase after us.

"Are they always like this?"

Sophie asked Victoria who run beside her.

"Don't worry. You will get used to it and be a part of it. What do you think? You never see this side of Roy, right? You only ever saw him acting cool in Red Tail before."

"I think this side of him is cool. He acted like a coward but I think he's worried about us so he doesn't want to get us involved in any danger."

"…I think your mind is already corrupted with your love toward Roy. Since you love him too much, you will accept anything about him."

"What did you say?"

"She said that you fell in love with an awesome guy."

Victoria spoke in a low tone that Sophie can't hear her. So I interrupted and said what I think.

"Well, you're right!"

"Note to self. If I want to get a lover, find someone who has debt, and clear that debt."

"Victoria. Don't forget cheesy lines."

"Yeah. That too."

As soon as we're far from the three A-rankers, we walked back home. Victoria also has disappear and only Blobby remains as my grappling hook on my arm.

"That is really convenient."

"I know, right? At first I want to stay this way and let Blobby continue as my weapon. But now Victoria have a longer time and can fight on her own, I have to use spear as my main weapon."

I explained to Sophie after I show her how useful a grappling hook is.

Soon we reach the city and I asked what the girls going to do.

"I'm going to report to the guild about the orc settlement. What about you girls?"

"I'm going home to take a bath. I sweat a lot today."

"Yeah. I just wish that the bathroom in our apartment is bigger."

"How about use the one in Red Tail? It's big enough to hold ten people."

"Is it fine to borrow your bathroom?"

"It's fine. Instead everyone would love if you come."

Bath together? I'm in!

"Cool. Let's go take a bath together then!"

"Girls only. You have report to give."

"I'll join after I finish reporting!"

"No! I said girls only!"

Sigh… fine.

"Ah, right! Let's have a break from hunting for a week. I almost never had a break for over a month already. How about it? Kayla? Sophie? Wanna go on a date?"

"You're asking both of us to go together or one by one?"

"Anything is fine. Maybe Angela want to go as well?"

"No thanks. Enjoy your date."

"How about you and Kayla go on a date tomorrow, and then with me the day after?"

"You sure don't want to be the first, Sophie?"

"You're his first girlfriend so you go first. And also, let's go shopping for clothes to wear on our date! Let's surprise Roy with our fashion!"

"I won't go on a date with him, but let's go shopping."

So we have our schedule decided. Tomorrow, I will go on a date with Kayla. The day after, is with Sophie. Then maybe I will ask Daniel to go out to play the day after? I will ask Hannah to play together as well.

And so, I left to report to the guild while the girls busy shopping for clothes and return together to Red Tail for a bath.

I reported about the appearance of Orc Emperor and orc settlement. I show the guild staff the location on the map and they say they will ask high ranked hunter to subjugate the orc. They will set out in two or three days.

…And I will have enjoy my week long break.

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