The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 18: Arrive in Beijing

Chapter 18: Arrive in Beijing

Chapter 18 Arrival in the Capital

In the backyard of Xiangmanlou, shopkeeper Wang looked at the baskets of big radishes that the guys had brought back. He stroked his beard happily and immediately asked the cook to cut one of the radishes the size of a sea bowl. With a crisp sound, the radish was easily divided into two. Halfway through, the transparent juice slid down the edge of the knife, and a trace of sweetness overflowed.

Shopkeeper Wang couldn't help but pick up the radish and took a bite. It was crisp and sweet in the mouth. It was actually more delicious than the radish that had experienced frost and snow in winter. He tasted a few more bites, looked at Mo Yan meaningfully and said:

I thought that even if the radishes could grow so big at this time, they would not taste good. I didnt expect that the girls family could grow such delicious radishes at this time.

Mo Yan pretended not to know the meaning of his words and pretended to be stupid: "My family is also lucky! I tried it in previous years, but no matter how carefully I took care of it, it couldn't grow. This year, I didn't take care of it, but I got so much. I feel weird too!

Shopkeeper Wang wanted to test whether she had any secrets. If so, he could buy them at a large price and let his own people grow them. In the summer, his guests would be able to eat radishes, which would definitely be the only one in the entire Dragonstone Town.

Mo Yan saw that he still wanted to ask, so she looked at him expectantly and said, "How about I write down the experience of growing radishes this time. If shopkeeper Wang wants it, I will sell it to you for fifty taels of silver."

Shopkeeper Wang choked and was speechless looking at her little money-crazy look. He suddenly had nothing to think about.

Mo Yan lowered her head and smiled like a little fox.

Shopkeeper Wang was very satisfied with this batch of vegetables, especially the radishes. He gave them a high price of ten cents per catty. Mo Yan was quite satisfied with the price. You must know that in winter, one penny can buy two kilograms of radishes, and ten penny is not a lot!

After the radishes were weighed, they totaled 420 kilograms. This alone was worth 4,200 Wen. Adding the more than 500 Wen for cabbage, tomatoes and corn, Mo Yan got more than 3,700 Wen at once. .

One thousand taels of silver is equal to one tael of silver. Finally, Mo Yan stepped out of the Xiangman Building with four taels of silver and more than 700 taels of silver in her arms.

Arriving at the broken house at the end of the street, Mo Yan put out another batch of vegetables, which would arouse shopkeeper Wang's suspicion and cause trouble. She didn't plan to put any more radishes. There wasn't much left in the space anyway, so she kept it for herself. Not bad.

After doing all this, Mo Yan went to the seed shop on the street and spent more than ten cents to buy cucumbers, eggplants, beans and other vegetable seeds that were not available in the space. Then she went to the market and bought potatoes and sweet potatoes for ten cents each. Finally, I spent more than 100 kilograms to go to a butcher shop to cut six kilograms of good quality pork belly, and asked the butcher to divide it into two halves and pack them. I planned to give half to my grandma and keep half to myself as a tooth sacrifice for my family.

It was still early, and there were many people buying and selling in the market. After Mo Yan successfully found her grandma, she helped her sell pears. Grandmas pears were juicy and sweet, and she gradually gained many repeat customers. Two baskets of pears a day were quickly sold.

After selling the pears, the two left the town chatting and laughing. When they separated, Mo Yan quickly put the meat into grandma's basket. Before grandma could react, she grabbed her own things and ran away, regardless of her presence. Shouting loudly from behind.

The last few times he went to town, he had to buy a lot of things. Mo Yan almost spent all the money he spent on groceries, and had no money to improve his life. This time he made money and bought meat, finally allowing the family to eat meat.

The stomach that hasnt seen meat for a long time can easily be irritated and cause diarrhea. Mo Yan cut some lean meat and made a pot of tomato lean meat soup. Served with fragrant white rice, although there is only one soup and the taste is not very good, the family is extremely satisfied.

After the meal, Li Yan took the initiative to clean up the dishes. The longer she spent with the Mo family, the deeper her gratitude to the Mo family became. She and her grandfather were going to the capital to visit relatives. If there was no one to help them on the way, they would probably starve to death. Although She knew that the Mo family was kind-hearted and would not abandon the two of them, but she had no shame in doing nothing while eating and drinking for free.

Grandpa Li's illness has recovered to some extent after these days of recuperation. However, due to his age, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to wait until he is completely recovered before he can continue on his journey.

But Mo Qingze came up with the idea of settling in Longshi Town. There was no drought here. People lived and worked in peace and contentment. It was quiet and peaceful. It was almost a different world from the war-torn south. After he discussed it with Mo Yan, Mo Yan thought about it again and again. After a few days, I finally rejected it.

Although Longshi Town is only a small town, it has an excellent geographical location and is on the official road. It is a must-pass for business travelers traveling from south to north. This also makes Longshi Town much richer than other surrounding towns. If you want to bypass it and go to the capital, you have to walk for several days. That's why those government officials set up cards at the gates of the town and charge ten cents for tolls from people coming from out of town. Ten cents doesn't seem like much, but over time, it's still a lot of money.

Because of this, Longshi Town is very exclusive. If you want to settle in Longshi Town or surrounding villages, you must first use money to open up those connections and bring wealth to Longshi Town. Otherwise, you will not even think about settling here.

Mo Yan has space, so she can grow vegetables and grain to accumulate capital, but this is a long process, and there is no field to cover it. Over time, her secret is very likely to be exposed. She does not want to take risks. She has not shared these concerns with her father. Ming said that the fact that he didn't have any money was enough to give him up.

In the next few days, Mo Yan's business with Xiang Man Lou went smoothly. She earned more than 500 yuan every day, which quickly filled her purse. However, she did not tell Mo Qingze about doing business with Xiang Man Lou. , because she really couldn't explain clearly. Sometimes when she met her father's worried eyes, she could only say sorry silently in her heart.

Seven days later, the cooperation between Mo Yan and Xiang Man Lou expired. When paying for the last vegetable payment, shopkeeper Wang gave her an extra five hundred yuan. Because Mo Yan supplied space vegetables, Xiang Man Lou's business was better than before. Even better, the extra money earned is far more than the 500 yuan.

Mo Yan couldn't refuse, so she had to accept it, and finally left Xiangmanlou under the eyes of shopkeeper Wang with great regret.

After moving out of the dilapidated house he rented, Mo Yan went to the old doctor who treated Grandpa Li to pay off the money he owed for medicine. This is a good doctor with medical ethics. When he has no money, there is nothing he can do. When he has money, she doesn't want to owe him anymore.

Then she went to the market again and bought more than 20 chickens and two old hens. After she threw the chickens into a space in a deserted place, she took the old hens to her grandma and forcefully gave them to her. To repay her for her help.

Grandma found out that she was moving away with her family and would never come back. She was very reluctant to give up. Seeing that the old hen couldn't push it away, she had to give her the remaining half of the basket of pears and let her take it with her to eat on the way.

Mo Yan didnt refuse, and bid farewell to her grandmother with tears in her arms.

Back at the ruined temple, Mo Yan asked Mo Qingze to kill the old hen and stew it into a pot of delicious chicken soup. With the chicken soup, the six of them had their last full lunch in the ruined temple.

After half a month of living in the open air, the six people who were so tired finally arrived in the capital without any danger...

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