The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 155: Hao Qingling

Chapter 155: Hao Qingling

"More specific... Let's start with why someone like you is here on this continent."

"That's quite simple really, but it'll be too boring if I directly give you the answer. So, first tell me the thoughts you already have on the matter."

"My thoughts? Your from outside this continent, most likely from the Mainland. You came here in search of this, or escaped from your enemies and then found out about this when you came here."

Thinking for a few seconds, Bai Long continued by saying, "The only thing I'm unable to figure out is why you set up such a huge and weird Sect."

"Is it because you are training these women to become your Yin Slaves?"

Lightly clapping her hands, Qingling said, "Bravo. You've guessed quite a lot. And quite a lot of it is true as well."

"I did come here from the Mainland. But not because I'm being hunted or any such thing, but because I found the learnt of the Bracelet of Divine Yin being on this island."

"But once I came here, I was unable to find out where it was due to the map being too old and not much detailed."

"Therefore, I set this Sect up as a way to sustain myself."

"In the beginning, I trained the women so that when they reached the end of their potential I'd plunder their Yin and then use it to increase my cultivation."

"Unfortunately, there is a limit to how much I could increase my cultivation by purely plundering the Yin from women whose cultivation never exceeded the Qi Noble Realm."

"That's why I was forced to change my plan. Instead of using the Yin I took from them to increase my cultivation, I began using it to increase my lifespan and not die on this remote island."

'Her cultivation isn't too high. Most likely only one or two realms above the Qi Monarch Realm.'

With such thoughts, Bai Long felt that everything that Qingling said had made sense and properly went along with most of his guesses. 

"Does that satisfy your curiosity about me?"

"Almost. What I still can't understand is why someone like you, who most likely was a member of a Sect on the mainland would come so far and spend so many years searching for a treasure which might not even be here."

Narrowing her eyes a little, Qingling asked, "Why do you think that I used to belong to a Sect?"

"Those techniques you've been teaching these women inside the Sect, I doubt that you created them. Also, if you did find them somewhere you wouldn't be teaching them to others. Much less to women whom you are rearing to be your food."

Nodding her head, Qingling honestly said, "You're right. I did use to belong to a Sect. Technically, I still belong to the same Sect, but more about that later."

"That Sect which I was a member of, is a Sect which was more or less similar to this one. All the members of it were females, and only cultivated by using Yin Qi."

"As for the Yin Plundering Technique, it was something which I found inside the Sect's library."

"Once I found it, I immediately used it to rapidly increase my strength. And only after I entered the Qi Monarch Realm did I realize the major drawback this technique had."

"Other than the explosive growth in strength it provided in the early stages, the technique was completely useless after entering the Qi Monarch Realm due to how much Yin Qi it demanded."

"And if I tried to change the technique I used to cultivate, I'd be forced to start from the beginning due to which I was left with no choice but to continue using it."

"This was why no one other than me in the entire Sect used this technique."

Continuing with a smile full of regret on her face, Qingling said, "From them on I kept on consuming as much Yin Qi as possible to increase my cultivation, but the speed just couldn't be compared to my previous speed. Or that of my peers."

"Therefore, I ended up falling to the forbidden desire of sex due to which I lost my virgin Yin, and further reduced my speed of cultivation."

"To become a core individual of the Sect I was a part of, there were only two ways. One of them was to be in the Qi Sovereign Stage while still possessing the virgin Yin, or be a Qi Sage cultivator even if you no longer possessed the virgin Yin."

"Since I already had sex, which for your information wasn't even the slightest bit enjoyable, I could only hope to enter the Sage Realm if I wanted to become an elder of it."

"But due to how much Yin Qi the Yin Plundering Technique demanded I knew that I wouldn't be able to achieve that no matter what."

"It was then that I found a map showing me the location of that treasure. That's why I came here with hopes of using that bracelet to enter the Qi Sage Realm."

"I spent fifty years searching around for it, and after that set up this Sect to increase my cultivation sustain my life for as long as I would need to find it."

"And here we are now, with my only hope of entering the Qi Sage Realm around your hand."

Everything that Hao Qingling had said was completely true. 

She didn't even hide a single detail because she honestly hoped for a healthy cooperation between her and Bai Long. 

Using the Bracelet of Divine Yin on his wrists was truly her only hope of entering the Qi Sage Realm. 

If she ended up losing Bai Long who possessed it or killed him, Qingling who knew her own body better than the others could tell that she wouldn't be able to sustain her life until she could take possession of the Bracelet of Divine Yin. 

Therefore, if she didn't manage to obtain Bai Long's help it was the end of the line for Qingling. 

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