The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 190: Core Disciple Bai Long

Chapter 190: Core Disciple Bai Long

A city. 

That was all that Bai Long could think since the moment he saw the Divine Night Sect. 

With how big the area it covered was and the design of the buildings were, it really looked more like a city than a Sect. 

The entire area was a flatland with no rivers or mountains in the middle which disrupted with how beautiful the Sect looked from far away. 

Unfortunately, there was no sort of mist or fog covering the city as Bai Long had hoped for. 

Pointing towards the core of the city, Lifen said, "That is where the Grand Elders, Protectors, and Sect Leaders live at."

For an area which housed at most twenty or thirty individuals, there were fifty huge courtyards which would need at least a few hundred workers each to maintain them properly. 

"If you show the Sect that you are someone worth nurturing or investing in, or maybe do something great, you could also love in one of those courtyards."

Before Bai Long even needed to ask about what was so great about being able to live there, Lifen herself explained the details of it.

"The closer you are to the core of the Sect, the higher the concentration of Qi is."

"You must be thinking, well that is obvious what's so great about that?"

Nodding his head, Bai Long waited for Lifen to explain what else was special about living inside those courtyards.

"Your status inside the Sect depends on where you live. The closer you are to the core, the higher your status and authority inside the Sect."

Saying so, Lifen began pointing towards the city and showed how there was an obvious difference in the housing condition from the edges to the centre.

It was almost as if the city was divided into multiple regions. More accurately, into multiple circles from the outside to the inside.

It wasn't that the houses in the edges of the Sect looked bad or were of poor quality, but in comparison to those luxurious courtyards at the core of the city which were made using precious materials that aided in cultivation and recovery, they truly couldn't compare in any way.

Especially when each of the houses on the edge were meant to provide housing to multiple individuals, and not for a single one.

"The outer most area is only for those who aren't real members of the Divine Night Sect, and more like just workers who are employed."

"And when you say workers, you mean... "

"Yes. They're all slaves of the Sect who cannot leave even if they want to."

Shrugging her shoulders, Lifen added, "Not that they'd want to leave anyway. Even if it is by just serving as labour, there is no shortage in the number of humans that want to be related to the Divine Night Sect in one way or the other."

"They can even enter the Scroll Palace once every ten years to find a technique they want to train in."

"Back to the topic, the next circle to it is where the lowest level disciples inside the Sect live at."

"Other than being able to use the resources they are given every month, they can visit the Scroll Palace once every twelve months and chose one technique to try and learn."

"After that are where the inner disciples live, and they can use the Scroll Palace once every six months."

"From there onwards, you can see that the buildings are no longer there to just house but if different types. That one is where you can get missions, exchange for resources with contribution points, have custom weapons or pills made, post a mission, and so on."

"The next ring is where the Core Disciples live. They can visit the Scroll Palace once every month."

"Those who live further deeper are the Great Elders, and those with special privileges like sons or daughters of the Protectors, Sect Leader, and Grand Elders."

"Also, the closer you live to the core of the Sect, the more discount you receive when paying for any services or buying something inside the Divine Night Sect."

"The contribution points which are used for all transactions inside the Divine Night Sect can only be earned by completing missions or by doing something monumental outside the Sect."

"You cannot obtain them by exchanging precious resources, herbs, or any such things."

"Of course you can force others to give their points to you, or obtain them if someone gifts them to you, but there are no other options."

"As for forcing others to give you their points, I suggest not using this method too much, and especially not on those who are weaker than you in strength and status."

"I can't remember the number of time there have been huge commotions inside the Divine Night Sect with the all of the weaker disciples rebelling against the group of stronger disciples and not resting until they killed all of them due to how many contribution points they were forced to pay every month to stay 'out of trouble'". 

Explaining all the other smaller details which she could remember about the Sect and might be useful to Bai Long, Lifen explained how Bai Long would be allowed to live in the region where the Great Elders were allowed to because he was invited to the Sect by one of the four protectors.

It was when she had finished saying all of this that Lifen tossed a crystal card to Bai Long.

"That will serve as a proof of your identity as a member of the Divine Night Sect."

As Bai Long caught the card and frowned, Lifen answer the question which he hadn't yet asked.

"Let's just say I had faith in you passing the test."

Smiling a little, Bai Long let his Qi enter the card which in turn made all of his details project onto the air.

"Core Disciple Bai Long, that's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Shaking his head, Bai Long said, "Not as much as Sect Leader Bai Long does"

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