The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 22: Villainess

Chapter 22: Villainess

Stopping when it seemed like Su Mei and Su Ling could no longer continue, Bai Long decided to call it a day and leave.

But not before he wrote, 'Bai Long's bitches' on top of their breasts.

Dressing himself, Bai Long left the room and then the house under the envious and reverence filled looks of all the men.

As well as, the scornful and disdainful looks from the women, which he didn't particularly care for.

Leaving the house, Bai Long threw a glance at it and felt that even though having sex with a mother and daughter, during the day of her wedding, in front of her new husband, felt very good.

He felt that he was lacking something.

Not that he didn't feel good. Because, having emotionless sex with random strangers, felt very pleasurable.

It was just that Bai Long wanted something more. Someone he didn't just be with to have sex, or use in his revenge.

He wanted someone whom he could share his thoughts with, tell her how his day went, and so on.

Someone, who would support him at all times, and wouldn't even mind burning the whole world for him.

After all, being strong was useless, when you didn't have someone to share your plans with, and enjoy a peaceful sleep beside.

"A villainess...!"


Bai Long wanted what every sane and strong villain had, s sexy woman beside him, who'd share the same intentions as him!

And the woman who'd be perfect for that, was none other than...


Once he realized what it was that he wanted, Bai Long got right to it.

Not wasting a single second, he ran back to his courtyard and took a bath to wipe off the scent of women and sex on him.

Leaving his courtyard when it was almost midnight, Bai Long stopped for a second to ask himself if he was being too hasty.

But rejected such thought the next second, because Super Villains don't care about right or wrong, just like they don't wait for the right time.

They decide which time is the right time!

Feeling pumped at the unexpected cool line he thought of, Bai Long started sprinting towards his destination before anymore similar useless thoughts begin slowing him.


Stopping in front of the place he set out for, Bai Long didn't know why, but he ended up looking at all sides to make sure that no one was following him, or seen him.

Not that, he would've minded or cared if someone was there.

Taking a calming breast, Bai Long knocked on the door and waited for a quite a long time before someone opened the door.

"Prince Bai Long?! What are you doing here so late?"

Looking at the maid whose body he played with in the morning, Bai Long guessed that it took her so long to open the door, because she was putting on some clothes.

Ignoring the question, Bai Long passed her and stepped inside.

"Is mother, still awake yet?"

"Of course not! So I sugge..."

"Where is her room at?"

Angry at Bai Long for ignoring everything she was saying, and behaving as if he ran the place, the maid couldn't keep calm anymore.

"Who do you think you are?!! Not even someone like you, is worthy of being a reason to wake Lady Linxin so late! Now leave before I ge..."


Caught off guard from Bai Long's sudden outburst, the maid took a step back from how scary his red eyes looked at night.

As Bai Long took a step close to her, she took one more step back and ended up hitting the door behind her.

Before the maid could look at what she hit and turned around, Bai Long was already there right in front of her with both of their noses touching.

Looking at his wrathful red eyes from so close, the maid felt like they were the scariest things she had ever seen.

"Listen to me, slut. I don't care about what my mother uses you for, but get on my bad side, and I'll make sure death would be what you crave for."

Nodding her head weakly, the maid found herself believing in Bai Long's words, and that he'd do exactly what he said.

Using his hand to place the maid's stray hair behind her ears, Bai Long gently rubbed the barely visible tears of fear away, and said, "Now I'm going to once again ask you a question. And expect you to answer it."

Before the maid could reply, Bai Long already asked her what he wanted to know.

"Where.... Is.... My.... Mother's.... Room.... At?"

Gulping from the fact that she was unable to bring out her voice, the maid raised her trembling hand and pointed in a certain direction.

Smiling at this, Bai Long patter her head the same way one does to an obedient dog.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Turning around, Bai Long didn't even wait to see the maid slowly shake her head and then fall on the floor due to her legs giving out.

Once Bai Long, left and the maid left the pressure ease up from having escaped the person who made her feel like was the Incarnation of evil, she looked down to find her lower clothes and floor drenched in her pee.

Blushing at how humiliating it was for a woman like her to pee, the maid looked up and tried to guess what Bai Long was doing, looking for his mother so late at night.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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