The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 233: Final destination - Ice Pheonix Empire

Chapter 233: Final destination - Ice Pheonix Empire

"You are really unbelievable."


"You can't even bother to stop and look presentable when I visit?"

Not bothering to reply, Bai Long only patted Fan Yu's head who was greedily sucking on his dick.

Honestly, it was only because Lifen was very open-minded and had many interests tied with Bai Long that she hadn't already left.

If it was some other woman in her place, she definitely would've splashed his face with water and then left.

After all, he was sitting in the sofa naked with his legs spread wide to the sides while Fan Yu was sitting on the floor between his legs continuously bobbing her head to take his dick in and out of her mouth.

Looking up towards Bai Long who patted her head with an ecstatic expression, Fan Yu began putting more effort into sucking his dick to try and please him as much as possible.

Rolling her eyes and sitting opposite to them, Lifen muttered, "Why do I even bother trying to talk sense with you."

"What is it that you want Lifen?"

"Humph! I can wait until she leaves."

"Then you'll have to wait a very long time."

Rolling her eyes once again because Bai Long was obviously bragging about his control and not cumming any time soon, Lifen decided to just get straight to the point.

"It's about what you said last time."

"Last time?"

Narrowing her eyes and snorting, Lifen said, "On the bed after we just finished having sex."

"Ahhh... Now I remember. It was after you woke up after fainting three times."

"You didn't need to remind me of the details, I was right there. And stop remembering what happened!"

Glaring towards Bai Long who looked like he was lost in his thoughts and enjoying remembering what happened, Lifen said, "I'm talking about how you said you're going to the Ice Phoenix Empire."

"Not going, infiltrating."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I want to know what happened to your original plan of conquering the Pure Yin Sect."

"That one, it just isn't a priority anymore."

Yup. After all the credit he received thanks to his plan which killed so many talents from the other sects and put the Sect of Enlightenment in such a vulnerable situation, even though Bai Long did this on his own volition and not due to it being a sect mission, all fo the Grand Elders realized how good he performed and therefore he was given a huge amount of contribution points and cultivation resources.

Even more than what he would've received if he conquered the Pure Yin Sect.

Therefore, Bai Long no longer found it a priority to conqueror the Pure Yin Sect.

This didn't mean that Bai Long had given up on trying to conquer it. Rather, since he already gave Qingling all the resources she might need to become the next leader of the Pure Yin Sect, he would just take over it if and when she managed to become the next leader.

"Okay. Then tell what is with the sudden interest in the Ice Phoenix Empire? That place isn't something you should mess around with just for fun."

Nodding his head nonchalantly since he had already heard about what kind of a place it was, Bai Long showed no intention of backing down.

After all, the main reason he was going there was to have sex with all of the beauties inside the royal palace.

And this wasn't just because Bai Long had his mind around the Empress who was considered as the most beautiful woman in the world.

It was also due to the Five Fairies who protected the royal family of the Ice Phoenix Empire since the time it had been established.

These Five Fairies were none other than five girls who are personally chosen by the Empress and trained so that the Empress who will follow her will have five guards in the Qi Quasi Immortal Realm since the moment she ascended the throne.

And these five women were not just strong but very pleasing to the eye in their own way.

Of course, this was all hearsay because no one other than the Empress who trained them and the Empress who was guarded by them had ever seen how the Five Faires looked like.

While they were dressed normally most of the time, they always had a veil on their faces which kept their faces hidden the whole time.

This was one of the main reasons why Bai Long suddenly found himself feeling so curious to go to the Ice Phoenix Empire and achieve something which no one else did until now.

"You better think twice before doing whatever you have planned, Bai Long. The Ice Phoenix Empire had remained as the strongest force since they were established for a reason. It won't be easy to do whatever you want to."

Taking these words seriously because Bai Long had learned about how the Five Fairies always had a poisonous pill inside their mouths to swallow in case the situation ever turned bad.

This poisonous pill had such great toxicity that within moments of consuming it there would be nothing left behind of the woman.

In fact, not even their bones would be left behind by the time whoever captured them or defeated them could try and remove the veil they had on their faces.

These were all the reasons why the Five Faires always attracted so much attention regardless of where they went and who saw them.

And so, if Bai Long ever wanted to see their true appearance of have sex with them he would need them to do it on their own volition and couldn't force them.

What made this part very hard was that the Five Fairies during their training with the Empress took the oath to never have any emotional relationship in their entire life since that day onwards.

Thus, Bai Long had made up his mind to infiltrate the Ice Phoenix Empire while keeping his true identity hidden and trying to seduce them to the best if his ability. 

And for some reason, Bai Long felt that there was something special about the Ice Pheonix Empire due to which it would be his final destination in this world.

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