The Pharmacist Lady’s Secret Trading

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“If the usual fever reducer doesn’t work, do you have to borrow the power of a witch? It’s a hollow story.”

Fabian, who did not know about April’s existence, made a joke out of it. Listening to their conversation, Kane tried to be as calm as possible.

“Don’t overdo it. I will do the rest of the paperwork, so don’t worry about it.”

As Ian lowered his stiff face, Fabian smiled after shaking his head. He did not want to see Ian suffer like this, who was more loyal to him than anyone else, and who devoted himself to the well-being of the Empire.

“You will still be with me as my knight and friend in the future. But as the only son, it is also your duty to protect your family, so be more faithful to it.”“They are fine.”

When Ian smiled faintly, Fabian nodded his head with satisfaction.

“Ah! I heard a funny rumor. Is it true that you bumped into a lady on your way back to the capital?”“Did the rumor spread that much?”“Miss Lianna told me. You sure do have a lot of admirers in the capital city, don’t you?”

Was he trying to play a prank on Ian or was he thinking of Lianna, whom he had promised his future? But, Fabian was smiling very brightly. Kane, who was watching the scene, also forced himself to hold back his laughter.

“If you are staying here, be cautious. By the way, is Miss Lianna here?”“Yes, I have confirmed it. They have arranged a place on the balcony upstairs for Your Highness to spend a special time with Lady Lianna.”“Really? What a pleasure! Then, I will be going up.”

Fabian, who was over twenty and who was usually a serious person, always acted like an excited little boy whenever he talked about Lianna. Ian bowed to him politely before returning to sit in a more comfortable position, this time sitting face to face with Kane.

“It’s about time, isn’t it? His Highness must be worried too.”“Yes. It does get worse bit by bit. Anyway, is the story about the witch that His Highness mentioned true?”

Ian brooded over Fabian’s words. A human being, but born with a special power?

“If they really exist in the capital, can they help in controlling this disease of yours?”

Suddenly, the image of a woman popped up in his mind. She was a stranger whom he had already met twice.

“On my way in, I ran into a woman who was helping with Lady Lianna’s research.”“Ah, April? Why?”“Lady Lianna, she was working on witch-related research.”“Do you think she is a witch?”“Not necessarily.”“She was just helping Lady Lianna because she studied reagenthology as a minor in her university.”

Kane had a rough patch to hide the fact that April was a witch. All he could tell him was that she was a genius at the Debussy Scholarship. Just as Ian was reluctant to reveal himself as a Lang, April did not want her presence to be known either.

“Why? Are you interested?”“No. It’s nothing.”

Ian answered briefly before lifting the teacup towards his lips. He did not forget the moment when a dark energy was passed down to his fingertips, and when he sensed shivers running down her body. If he had the same feeling every time he touched her skin, his senses could never have been wrong. Not even for once.


Count Rose eventually failed to keep his word, and now April, who was feeling anxious, was waiting on the second floor of the Duke’s detached house. She was wearing a dark, wide-brimmed hat and is holding a bottle of fever reducer in one hand.

The banquet hall was opposite to April’s sponsored annex, so it was good for her to keep a watch on the situation even though it was a little far away. A clamour spread over the wide-open balcony.

“That old man shouldn’t do anything stupid.”

In order to search for Count Rose, April leaned against the window and looked outside. She saw Lianna busily greeting people. There were Kane and Ian by the side. Lianna, who seemed to be boasting the perfume that she had just received from April, stretched out her wrists to the two men.

From her childhood, April always used to spend her daily life among people like that from a distance. She always took it as a whole new scenario, be it the birthday parties surrounded by countless nobles or magical ceremonies of her mother, Elise.

‘The daughter of Count Rose?’

She noticed a woman with red hair approaching and greeting the three. She was alone. Count Rose was nowhere to be seen.

‘Where did Count Rose actually go after visiting the pharmacy?’

April was very scared if somehow her medicine was used for a wrong cause. Perhaps, that’s why she couldn’t bear Fiora Rose, who was smiling and talking to Ian.

The moment when April leaned down again to look at them, Ian caught her eye. His gaze stopped at April.


She could point out the glow of his golden eyes even from a distance. April hurriedly glided down the balcony to hide away from him.

“Why do we keep running into each other?!”

It was the moment when the old noble, who had offered her a large sum of money, became despondent.


Ian was walking as quietly as possible through the balcony, enjoying the cool night breeze. The music became faint and the light leaking out of the window hung over the dark patronage. It has been a long time since he had strolled, breathing in the night air. Very different from the air that was mixed with the smell of blood, sweat, and iron.

“So, the Marquis likes to be alone.”

By the time he reached the entrance of the banquet hall, Fiora, with glasses in both hands, welcomed him as if she had been waiting for him to return. She readily held out the glass which was on her left hand.

“Thank you. Lady Rose.”

Ian picked up the glass carefully, as if he didn’t want to touch her fingers, before taking a slow breath to savour the aroma. He was usually reluctant to drink alcohol as he did not want to raise his body temperature. But he had to take a sip of this drink because of the strange sweet smell.

‘That’s a very peculiar scent.’

Fiora watched him gulping the liquid, her eyes fixed on Ian’s face. Gradually, the more the glass was emptied, the more tense he became.

“It’s a unique drink that you can’t just taste anywhere else. The Marquis will like it…..”

As soon as Fiora stopped talking, Ian felt his throat burning. Even when the alcohol was not that strong, it seemed his body temperature rose up as if he was drunk. The heat, which began at his lips and tongue, gradually spread throughout his entire body. Ian managed to take a faint breath.


The feeling was as similar as before, but too fast and too hot to be a fever. It was like a sharp heat burst. His heart was beating as fast as if it was losing all it’s blood. He had the illusion that he could hear it.

‘Damn it, why now!’

Ian tried not to stumble and turned away to avoid any suspicion as much as possible. It felt so hot that his lips dried up. Intense thirst ran over him. The exceptionally strong smell of Fiora’s perfume and cosmetics was also disturbing his nostrils. It caused him to feel lust.

“Ma-Marquis! Are you all right? Did the drink not suit your taste?”

Fiora’s voice was full of worry. Ian could not even speak properly. He grasped the left side of his chest with his right hand, and shook his head with difficulty.

“First of all, shall we get out of here? If it’s hard to call a guard of the Reykis family, we…..”“N-no.”

Ian forcibly took Fiora’s hand, holding it tightly. He flinched even it was just a brief contact. He just needed a place to hide without making a fuss.

“I have to go back.”“What? Where would you go alone like this!”

Fiora’s voice was now filled with anger. Her father, Count Rose, had told her to get close to Ian with the drink. But now the situation was completely different from what she had expected.

“I have to return!”

He roughly pushed away Fiora. At the moment, the eyes of those nearby were focused on him. They might be thinking that Fiora was badly rejected while flirting.

But Ian could not afford to worry about it. The sound of his troubled breath and his beating heart created a continuous buzzing in his ears.

“What, what is….”

Fiora staggered back, surprised. The coolness of the hard wall hit her back. His red bloodshot eyes and his breath was like that of an angry wolf, as if he would put out his claws anytime.


The moment he uttered this word in a gentle manner, Fiora ran away somewhere keeping her mouth shut. But Ian, not caring about it, grabbed his chest and staggered towards the detached house. It was the only safest place for him for the time being, with only those permitted by the Duke.

“A-ah, Marquis Reykis! You need the doctor!”“N-No. Not the doctor.”“What do you mean?!”“If I just rest for a while, I will get better…..Don’t follow me.”

The soldier guarding the annex, who was startled, rushed to help him. When he saw the man with a good physique collapsing, he panicked and ordered the others to close the door quickly.


When the heavy door was completely closed, Ian staggered up the stairs alone. The inside of the building was more humid than outside. It became harder for him to breathe. The air in the room seemed to irritate his body, which caused him to flinch, but he didn’t have the strength to complain about it.

“Oh my!”

April, who was leaning against the railing of the stairs while looking down at the first floor, rushed to the second floor when she saw Ian rushing in. Suddenly, a commotion started outside, but she hoped that she would not have to face the situation.

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