The Player Hides His Past

Chapter 153: Stay In Line

Chapter 153: Stay In Line

The effect of [Noble] was to have an influence on the surroundings.

To be exact, on my surroundings.

I didnt want to say this myself, but

That meant it affected those around the Noble One.

The brilliant Aquariu oak tree.

At first, I thought that only the exterior become overly flashy, but I was mistaken.

The oak tree, which had sprouted leaves thanks to Haiels blessing, was overflowing with the energy of life.

It was not just a common metaphorical expression.

[Your vitality regeneration increases slightly.]

The message really struck me.

In addition.

I looked at the fallen citizens.


Although they hadnt regained consciousness yet, I saw some movements in the motionless citizens.

The vitality that was depleted due to the status abnormality and heavy rain was starting to replenish.

The effect has become as grandiose as its appearance.

This level of change couldnt be achieved through my impure influence alone.

As Haiel said, it was definitely the influence of [Noble].

Same goes for Schraig.

I was sure he had mentioned silver light.

He definitely had witnessed my sword aura.

I had a feeling.

The small change that was mentioned in the message was referring to Schraigs growth.

However, I had no time to think deeply about it.


With the sound of water, a ghost approached.

I raised both my umbrella and my mana at the same time.

Even if I couldnt evaporate the pouring rain, it wasnt a problem for me.

I recited to the water ghost.

If it was a figure that imitated a human, it was wrong from the start.


What matters is not the appearance, but the pride in our heart. You cant imitate pride.




[Small changes occur due to the effect of Noble.]


Judging from the content of the message, it was definitely a buff.

But it was a strange thing.


Of course, Noble was a skill that he had never heard of or seen.

There werent guild members around him who could give him a buff.

Yeah, there was only one player around.

Only Hoyeol alone.

Unless he really has eyes in the back of his head

While fighting a ghost with an umbrella.

Hoyeol put a buff on him.

Any other player would have denied it as nonsense.

But it might be different for that guy.

If he could hunt a 600-level monster with just an umbrella.

But theres no reason to buff me up.

Buff, Noble.

He didnt know what the effect was.

But whatever special effects it had.


Schraig clenched his fist.

I cant join in the fight.

The enemys level was 600.

In comparison, he was only around 400 level.

Not only that, his class was fencer.

And he had the worst compatibility with the enemy too.

Its not a problem that can be solved with just one buff.

He knew that better than anyone else.

Schraig gritted his teeth.

It was painful to face reality once again.

But Hoyeol had said.

If I cant believe myself. Believe Lee Hoyeol who believes in me.

It was certainly unfamiliar.

Schraig had only known Hoyeol through the media.

With an attitude of easily ignoring rude questions.

Hoyeols action made them think that his arrogance was as high as his skills rather than being humble.

So he didnt understand it even more.

Why, for a guy like me.

Nam Taemin, Hisagi, Leonie of the Great Alliance.

And the archmage, Jessie Heinness.

He could understand if it were them.

Theyre from the same forces.

And each and every one of them was a player with huge potential.

They were gems of talent that were on a different level from him, who barely maintained the glory of the past.

Enough. This is not the time to be drunk on sentimentality.

However, his worries did not last long.

Overcoming his rising doubts.

Schraig raises his head to face reality.




Hoyeols sword aura was clearly reflected in his vision.

No way, was this the effect of Noble?

Schraig was flustered and asked Hoyeol.

But no answer returned.

Splash splash.

As if the five ghosts were just the beginning.

They showed up all over the street.

Since when?

Schraig raised his foil.

He was able to witness the sword aura, but he couldnt figure out exactly what it was.

Of course, he had no methods to harm the ghosts.

But I cant just watch.

He saw the citizens who had fallen defenseless.

Until Hoyeol defeated the ghosts.

He had to protect citizens by acting as a meat shield.

Schraig took a fighting position.

Then he looked at his sword, which was stretched out like a needle.

Damn it, no matter how he saw it, it was not reliable.


Its all just an excuse.

Wasnt Hoyeols umbrella much poorer than this?

And yet, it caused damage to the ghost.

Schraig caught his breath.

He murmured quietly as he looked at the foil.

The responsibility lies with me, who is lacking.

Even with Hoyeols buff, the sword aura was barely visible.

He would imitate that sword aura with such a trivial talent?

He knew it was ridiculous.

He couldnt even laugh about it.


Believe in me who believes in you.

Hoyeols voice lingered in his head again.

Yes, I dont know about this, but I can trust Lee Hoyeol.

Schraig lifted the corners of his mouth.

I will join you. Use me!

Class, fencer.

No matter how bad the class was, it had a unique skill.

Unique skill, [Duel Master] activated.


The moment Schraig raises his sword vertically.

The eyes of the ghosts turned to Schraig in unison.

It was the effect of the unique skill.

Duel Master: Taunts the target until the duel ends. Targets invited to a duel receive additional fixed damage, but this effect also applies to the user.

To put it simply, it invited the target to a fencing match.

He never thought he would do something so ridiculous.

Even though he had already committed it, he was surprised once again.

Even one-on-one would be too much, but now I am fighting 20 at once.

Activating [Duel Master] to all ghosts.

It was to protect citizens by focusing the ghosts attack on him.

It was certainly reckless. As stated in the effect, the additional fixed damage effect was also applied to him.

If they just do so much as graze me, I will die, seriously.

But Schraig had faith.

Even if he was wrong.

He believed that Hoyeol could protect everyone.


Soon, Schraig aimed his foil at the ghosts.

And he was shocked.


A sharp flicker.

It was embarrassingly faint and blurry.

But it was still rising.

Sword aura?

Sword aura became clear at the crossroads of life and death.

Schraig, who risked his life to protect someone.

His sacrifice was enough to make [Noble] respond.


[Noble one. Your nobility led to small changes.]

A message flashed again.

That meant Schraig had succeeded in unleashing the sword aura.

That scene made me think.

Noble. It doesnt just look great on the outside, its.

It seemed to have a significant effect!

Thinking about it, the difficulty level of acquisition made no sense.

I didnt know exactly what the conditions were, but.

It was clear that I had to die once to acquire it.

If I didnt have The Last Adventurer effect.

I would have won this fraudulent title and closed my eyes forever without seeing the effect. The effect was so great that if I had found out late, I would have woken up in my coffin with my eyes wide open at the unfairness.

I calmed down my excitement and cleared my mind.

So to sum up.

The exact effect of [Noble] was nobility.

So, I, Lee Hoyeol, brought changes around me.

It seemed it didnt matter who the target was as long as I was literally around them.

From Haiel to the oak tree and Schraig.

It worked for spirits, objects, and players.

The problem was the degree of change.

The message said it was definitely a small change.

However, this was not a change that could be considered small.

Even if I could dismiss the case of Haiel and the oak tree.


No matter how much he risked his life, and no matter how outstanding his talent was, Noble must have had a huge influence on him being able to witness and emit even a small amount of sword aura in such a short amount of time.

Wait, then in the future.

Like stats or skill proficiency.

If the effects of Noble developed.

What if I could bring a big change, not a small one?

What will happen?

Grandfels head was full of flower gardens.

I, Lee Hoyeol, couldnt imagine it with my head.

In any case, I unexpectedly reaped a significant harvest.

I didnt expect this effect to be hidden in the Noble.

As expected, good luck comes when you live with pride.

Of course, I didnt know about Grandfel, but I couldnt just live with pride alone.

Sword aura?

Since Schraig had witnessed the sword aura and succeeded in unleashing it.

I didnt have to inefficiently swing the umbrella anymore.

In that case, from now on, the decision was quick.

Pride was good, but I had to take care of what I needed.

The second [Hexagram Brooch]!

It would be very troublesome if I just passed it by.

Is it already afternoon?

Rapid exploration, intervention, and manifestation.

Im sorry for you guys, but this is also my specialty.

I boiled water with magic.

But you cant make tea with rainwater.


Indeed, with my track record of giving up tea time.

600-level ghosts were not a problem for me. It was not a named monster or boss monster, and as long as [Natural Enemy Relationship] was activated, even if they attacked in a group, it wouldnt change anything.

[Your level has gone up.]

The ghosts evaporated without a trace.

It was the end.

I looked at Schraig.

Indeed, the sword aura could make up for the level difference.

Besides, unlike the demon hunter, who had no sword-related skills. Schraigs class was a swordsman, a fencer. The basic itself was different.


Additionally, the fencers mobility differentiated it from other swordsman classes.

That was what it meant to avoid and hit everything.

It was a perfect move.

Thats the real power of the sword aura.

Demon hunter.

Everything about it was ambiguous, and the sword, too, was an area I couldnt reach. However, I wasnt discouraged.

No amount of trials would be able to put a dent in Grandfels high self-esteem.

The duel ended.

I spoke nonchalantly to Schraig, who had brought down the ghost.

That was a great duel, Schraig.

Dont talk like youre his teacher, Grandfel.

No. If it wasnt for the effects of Noble, I wouldnt be able to.

No, it was possible because of your decision.

My decision. I will keep your words in mind in the future.

Dont just follow along, Schraig.

My chest had always puffed up in confidence, but somehow I felt that it was puffed up even more. But being conscious about it would only make me suffer.

I quickly shifted my gaze.

Unless the underlying cause is eliminated, ghosts will continue to be created. Youd better hurry, Schraig. Ill ask you to guard this place, Haiel.

Well, what was the point of a demon hunter dealing with swords better than a swordsman?

Just being good at hunting the demons would be enough.

At my words, Haiel bowed politely.

Please leave it to me.

Water and plants.

Just as I confirmed with my own eyes that Haiel had an advantage in dealing with {nature} abilities. I was able to relieve my anger and leave the fallen citizens in her care.

Above all, the effect of Noble was still activating for Haiel.

Then please, Ill leave them to you. Haiel-nim.


Schraig bowed to Haiel, as if he was meeting the spirit king, and hurried his way.

Indeed, as I took a shortcut like a local, a large building came into view shortly after.

Was it that the AAU London branch?

The entire area was as quiet as the eye of a storm.

As if they were hiding in silence.

[You have entered the depth of the dungeon, City of Gloomy Rain.]

A message appeared as we entered the AAU building.

Schraig opened his mouth with a troubled face.

Investigating from the top floor down.

No, theres no need for that. Schraig,


No matter how much they held their breath, it was no use.

I could see it clearly with my demon hunter sense.

A natural enemy, with the sense of a developed demon hunter.

I scanned the floor map of the building.

There you go.

Finally, I could see the root of this situation.


The rain had stopped.

He couldnt believe it, so he rubbed his eyes again and again.

The landscape over the window hadnt changed.


It was perfect.

It was a perfect plan.

The low-level demon that didnt even have a name couldnt believe this situation.

By possessing a human being.

He had a name that he never had before.

What he had wasnt enough, so he made it known to the world.

At first, he couldnt understand it even though he possessed the human.

This insignificant man, who wasnt even an adventurer.

How could he have this level of knowledge about the Arcana Continent?

That was a level of knowledge that not even he, who was born on the Arcana Continent, nor even most high-ranking devils or demon kings possessed.

Thats why he got greedy.

With his knowledge and this damn gloomy city.

He thought he could devour the whole city and get more power. And the moment the rupture turned into a dungeon, that thought became conviction.

Therefore, he couldnt understand.

It doesnt make sense!

Strange trees rose throughout the street.

They were shining so brilliantly that it was creepy.

What the hell were those trees?

After those trees rose up, the rain stopped and the fog disappeared.

This variable was not part of the plan.

Was it because of that?



His heart had been beating faster since earlier.

So intensely that blaming the situation wasnt enough to calm it down.

Of course, his question did not last long.


The door opened soon.

At the same time, he heard a mans voice.

Branch Manager Baker? Youve woken up?

What a relief.

It was Schraig, an adventurer.

That man was a dimwitted human being who was still deceived by this shell.

Lets get rid of these regrets. I can aim for the next opportunity.

Deceiving a fool wasnt really difficult.

I will pretend I just woke up

But it was too early to be relieved and move on to the next step.

Tap tap

He sensed another presence.

Soon, a black long umbrella came into Bakers sight.


At the same time, his heart broke down.

Thump thump thump thump!

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