The Player Hides His Past

Chapter 283: You are not special (2)

Chapter 283: You are not special (2)

[Jacket of the One Who Waits for Dawn]

[Grade: Epic]

[Restriction: Lv.700 / High-level fame]

[Due to the craftsmans dexterity, the wearing restrictions have been greatly reduced.]

[Craftsmans dexterity effect: Lv.300]

[Effect: Appears when wearing a set item]

[Description: Equipment made only for the One Who Waits for Dawn. Luxury, masterpiece, magnum opus. It has no modifiers because theres no modifier that can describe its nobility.]

What was the behavior that I, Lee Hoyeol, was most familiar with?

If someone asked.

The answer would be enjoying a leisurely tea time and tidying up my clothes. Thanks to this, the movement of wearing the Dawn jacket over my shoulder was extremely natural and quick.

Its thrilling.

The first day of work.

Did it feel like that when I put on the jacket?

The fluttering jacket was very embarrassing.

How can you compare it to your first day at work, Hoyeol?

It was surprising even to me.

I looked at the changing landscape.

At the end of the portals cluster of lights.

Soon, I saw the target coordinates [Fortress of the Rose Vine].

Anyway, youre completely misunderstanding something.

My gaze naturally turned towards Leonie.

Drenched in flowing blood, it was definitely a state that would make Grandfel, who was obsessed with proper attire, take a pause. But this complex pride was above those damn formalities.

How can I possibly frown at it?

Of course, I didnt know what Leonies pride was.

But if I considered Grandfels high-level pride.

It wasnt strange that I said things like this.

You seem to be greatly mistaken about formalities, Leonie. But, Ill let it pass. For now, just realizing pride is enough.

Perhaps she came back to her senses because of my words.

Leonie opened her eyes faintly and looked at me.

Then she opened her mouth quietly.

You look particularly sparkling today.




I thought she squinted her eyes because of the blood that covered them.

Did she do that because I was sparkling?

More importantly, I wanted to ask what she meant by that.


Leonie lost consciousness and stumbled.

The guild members of Berserker, the Great Alliance, rushed towards us.

Lets see, although I consumed a considerable amount of mana to manifest the portal.

Manifesting healing magic shouldnt be difficult.

First of all, potion?!

The players who were searching through their inventory stopped.

Even though it was known thatmagic and [skill] were different.

They must have been shocked to see me use healing magic, which was the exclusive property of healers.

But it was nothing surprising.

Its not even going to be at intermediate level at most.

Even if Grandfel acquired all kinds of things arbitrarily.

If we considered efficiency.

As long as the [Blessing of the First World Tree] existed.

I didnt feel the need to delve deeply into healing magic.

Id rather read another magic book.

In short, my healing magic was only at the basic level. However, Grandfels talent didnt go anywhere. Above all, I had just witnessed Haiels wide-range buff with my own eyes.

That was a good inspiration, Haiel.

If I added it to the process of exploration and interference

Ugh Crazy

Leonie immediately cursed.

No, it was not unreasonable that she came back to her senses.

The players faces swiftly brightened.

I dont know what to say. Thank you, Commander!

On behalf of unnie and Berserker, thank you so much!

I need to thank you face-to-face, but

I felt it again when I saw players unable to raise their heads.

I didnt think I could just ignore the sparkle thing.

I wanted to check my face in the mirror or with the front camera of my smartphone right away. But I was not so distracted that I would do something like that right in front of a monster.

So for now, it was just best to look with my own eyes.

I secretly turned my eyes to look at my outfit

Wait a minute.

W-What kind of splendor is this?!

Having a halo was a common expression.

However, this level of self-luminescence went beyond just having a halo.

I was not exaggerating.

Silver thread embroidered on a dark blue background.

Each one emitted a brilliant light.


Are you saying it lives up to its name?!

Even though I resented the fluttering jacket.

I thought I had to level up as quickly as possible.

If this was how it was going to be, then there was no point in raising my level and wearing this jacket.

Well, just imagine.

This was a lot more humiliating than putting the jacket over my shoulder.

Its like putting a reflector on my whole body

I thought I was used to things like this already!

I really couldnt just naively rejoice at everything, honestly.

It was truly a complicated feeling.

I just want to immediately throw away the jacket that I had put so much effort into.

But I couldnt.

Because hes waiting.

[Dimension Gap] rupture.

In that place, I encountered the demon of question marks.

I looked back on that day.

He was a guy who revealed only a part of his body from beyond the gap of the torn dimension.

Nevertheless, I could feel he was something extraordinary.

So how strong do you think hes going to be?

Coincidentally, I happened to have a suitable subject to compare him to.

Tearing through dimensions means that he is an existence that has entered the realm of the oddity.

That meant he was a demon comparable to a dragon.

Or me.

It seemed I had a separate real target to conquer.

Of course, he had Karimjevas cooperation.

That was the same with me.

If I hadnt imitated the structure of the connector.

I wouldnt have been able to open the portal to the Arcana Continent so quickly.

Besides, he could even swallow Banglet as a sacrifice.

What it meant was simple.

This demon was probably incomparably stronger than other demon kings, excluding high-ranking demon lords. Now that I had to face him, I couldnt take off my jacket just because I was embarrassed by the self-luminescence.

More than anything, I was desperate.

[Trousers of the One Who Waits for Dawn]

[Shirt of the One Who Waits for Dawn]

[Best Craft of the One Who Waits for Dawn]

[Belt of the One Who Waits for Dawn]

[Jacket of the One Who Waits for Dawn]

It was an all-epic grade.

Made by dwarves.

The set effect of this masterpiece item!

So, I would like to ask for everyones understanding.

I understand.

Thank you

So I hope you guys understand.

Yes? What are you talking about?

Demon hunter job.

And Grandfels complex pride.

Those two things had contradicting opinions.

I couldnt just stand by and watch the demon lurk in Zero Mountain, but I couldnt give up my plan just because of the demon. This was the conclusion I arrived at after careful consideration.

As of this time.

I raised the ethereal iron and continued.

The attack is over.




Nam Cheolmins stomach turned cold.

As of this time, the attack is over.

Commander-in-Chief was not a person who said empty words.

The attack was over.

That declaration meant that it was truly over.

Nam Cheolmin was not the only one who was taken aback by the sudden situation.

C-Chief analyst?

Did he perhaps dissatisfied with something?

As expected, are we not good enough?

Nam Cheolmin kept quiet and quickly spun his mind.

Did I cross a line?

By hastily requesting support from the Commander-in-Chief?

If it was because of him, it would be fortunate.

If Hoyeol was disappointed with the level of the Great Alliance

If thats the case, I cant say anything.

He could fix his own mistakes, but he couldnt fix the lack of capabilities of the Great Alliance in a short period of time. Sweat drops gushed out from sweat glands all over his body in an instant.

I guess I have no choice but to ask directly.

He was afraid but he couldnt just move past it without a confirmation.


The moment Nam Cheolmin took a deep breath.

Hoyeol continued.

Now is the time to hunt.


At first, he didnt understand the meaning of those words.

But it seemed Hoyeol wasnt disappointed with the Great Alliance.

He was too busy breathing a sigh of relief.

But as he watched, he began to understand.

A laugh automatically came out of his mouth.

So this is what he meant when he said the attack was over.

Attack and hunt.

The difference in the wording could be clearly felt by Arcana players. When attacking, you had to pay attention to preparation, combat, rest, and all other elements, but hunting was much simpler than that.

Yes, just like what Hoyeol was showing right now.

The analyst stuttered.

Since the time Commander Lee Hoyeol entered the [Fortress of the Rose Vine] Currently exceeding exactly 3 minutes and 30 seconds!

As if he couldnt believe it.

He looked at the monitor again and said.

H-He defeated the boss monster!

[Rose Tree Wooden Doll: Lv.750]

The prestige of the boss monster?

Even if it was a boss monster, it was helpless in the face of overwhelming force. Even before it could pour out the patterns commonly referred to as phases, it was crushed and scattered into dust.

This is how it is

He swallowed dryly as he looked at the monitor where Nam Taemin was struggling at the same time.

He remembered what his younger brother said.

Do you want to help carry the burden Hoyeol-ssi takes on?

At the time, he didnt think it was a big deal.

Maybe it shouldnt have happened that way.

Nam Cheolmin unconsciously muttered.

You have to work much harder from now on, Taemin.

With half-hearted determination and effort like they had now.

They could never be of help to Hoyeol.

Having gotten over it, after understanding the situation, the analysts open their mouths one by one.

With this, [Fortress of the Rose Vine] is cleared.

It went a lot different from the plan. Is it okay like this? Chief Analyst?

For now, why dont we check with the Commander-in-Chief to see what plans he has?

Yes, of course, he should check it out.

Nam Cheolmin lifted his glasses that had slipped down.

The moment when he tried to communicate with Hoyeol through the player.


Hoyeols gaze was aimed precisely at the angle.


In an instant, there were groans everywhere.

It was because of the intense light.

Nam Cheolmin hurriedly opened his mouth.

The light is so intense that the camera goes out of focus? Is the lens perhaps broken? No, I bought everything new this time, so thats not possible?!

That reaction was natural.

The self-luminescence radiated by Hoyeol.

It was so bright that you wouldnt even think it was coming out of his clothes.

It was brilliant.

Literally like the dawn, the sun rising out of the darkness.

Analyst Nam Cheolmin.

But quite the opposite with that.

Hoyeols voice was very cold.


Nam Cheolmin opened his eyes with difficulty and answered.

Can you tell him that I am listening?


Up and down.

The angle of the player shook slightly.

Then, Hoyeols voice continued.

I will leave the future situation entirely to your judgment.


Like I said, now is the time to hunt.


In [Fortress of the Rose Vine], the Commander killed the boss mob.

The rupture had already been cleared.

As he was wondering whether Hoyeol was talking about another cave.


Nam Cheolmin soon realized the meaning.

Theres no way this could be hunting for the Commander-in-Chief, right?

That thing just now couldnt be called hunting.

It was nothing more than a one-sided slaughter.

Furthermore, there was no way that a level-750 boss monster would have dropped enough experience points to call it a hunt for someone of the Commanders level.

How could I not understand his meaning?

You really still have a long way to go, Nam Cheolmin!

So what was the prey the Commander was talking about?

Could he help find the prey?

The moment Nam Cheolmin thought so.


A chill ran down his spine again.

This was the second time.

Only then did Nam Cheolmin realize it.

Dont tell me?

Judging from Hoyeols voice, that seemed to be the correct answer.

The thing you are feeling is my prey.


Nam Cheolmin was shocked again.

That meant that even inside the cave, Hoyeol was well aware of the situation in Zero Mountain. There was really nothing he could do to help Hoyeol

Damn it.

The moment Nam Cheolmin hung down his head.

As someone who was a player before he was an analyst.

A message appeared before his eyes.


It was an appearance message that no analyst could not have known.

Recommended level, [not recommended to anyone].

For that message to appear in Zero Mountain.

Wasnt it a bug?

He would have questioned it like that.

But Nam Cheolmin didnt hesitate.

Because the thing in the message seemed like a worthy entity.

Nam Cheolmin came to his senses and opened his mouth.

From now on, I will convey the situation in the Zero Mountain to the Commander-in-Chief!

[The great evil, Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins, appears.]

[Zero Mountain is overflowing with negative emotions.]

[The area is transformed.]




Great evil.

Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Considering that Greed that had just been revived was level 600.

I couldnt even roughly guess Envys level.

But it didnt matter.

Grandfel Claudie Arpheus Romeos pride is ironically the highest in the presence of a demon.

Whether it was a great evil, a demon king, or a lowly imp.

No demons temptation, deceit, or trial can damage Grandfels lofty pride.

For Grandfel, all demons were the same.

Perhaps what the demons should be most wary of is not the demon hunter class, but the human named Grandfel himself.

I recited to the appearance message.

[The great evil, Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins, appears.]

Great evil. Youre sorely mistaken.

Let alone feel nervous.

You are not special in the slightest.

I spat out harsh words.

Youre just a prey.

[Skill, Natural Relationship is activated.]

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