The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 10: Dangerous Low-Level Dungeon? (2)

Chapter 10: Dangerous Low-Level Dungeon? (2)

Vidan made the first move as he rushed forward; he was aiming for the king. But, twenty wribats blocked his way.

Wribats had the shape of a bat, but they were larger as they had four eyes. Their teeth and claws are sharp while they could make their feathers blade-like.

That did not stop the leader as he made an ice spear, swinging them at the wribats that made their way towards him with a shrieking sound. He caught four of them, turning them into ice once the weapon touched them, as the others flew away.

The iced wribats hit the ground, cracking into a hundred of pieces.

The wribats, he did not catch, tried to attack him from behind, their claws out and ready, but ended up frozen instead when they got near. The ice aura that surrounded the leader seemed to have grown, covering more ground.

Neban peeked over, noticing that Nefia, the co-leader, was covered in a shining light. 'She is causing their powers to grow.' Neban thought.

The wribats were down, and before more could join the fight, the wrans pushed them out the way as they stepped forward. There were about forty of them standing in a line as they gazed at the leader.

Wrans were vast and could have almost been seven feet if they did not have a big hunch on their backs. The monsters were all strong with no unique attributes to them except for their spiked clubs. But, they were difficult to kill because they could handle most types of wounds on them.

One of the wrans took a step forward, causing the leader to yell out, "Ermes."

After he yelled that name, Ermes shot forward, twirling his weapon before aiming for one of the wran's neck. He succeeded as he cleanly cut it off; the head rolled on the ground before the body dropped with it.

The other Wrans let out a war cry as all of them went to attack Ermes. They quickly struck his shields as he took in most hits as the protection began to waver. But, he did not have to worry about them falling as the leader came in, freezing some monsters before breaking them.

One of the monsters that moved closer to the shadow when they saw the leader coming popped out while Vidan was trying to save Ermes. They swung their spiked club to the back of his head, but the weapon did not connect as multiple arrows landed in their neck, forehead, and body.

The creature fell, which the leader paid no mind to as his thoughts were on helping Ermes.

Neban looked to where the arrows were coming from and saw the co-leader holding a bow as she refilled the weapon. She pulled back the string, causing more to come out as she hit some wrans. A few went down, as others kept fighting.

While the three hunters were busy, the monsters, Gnors sneaked their way through, making it to the second defense line. Tassan and Samora were quickly on defense as Tassan, the summoner, conjured up earth golems.

Gnors were medium-sized creatures that could use the fire element. Fire surrounded their bodies as they had speed on their side. They also made it hard for most hunters to come close to since they had a fire body.

So, as they started to get near, the summoner's golems quickly attacked as they held onto the monsters' bodies to keep them in place. The golems caught most of them.

Samora swung her double-sided spear, killing the ones that the golems held down. The remaining gnors attacked her as she blocked them with her weapon, but when she felt the heat coming from them, she moved back, only for them to follow her movement. The heat was intense as she was starting to sweat, and it felt like her hands were getting burned.

"Tassan!" She called out.

The golems moved, attacking the monsters that had Samora at a standstill. The golems used their earth magic to wrap themselves around the creatures to pull them back while capturing them.

When Samora was free, she cut down the monsters that the golems captured. She ignored the burns on her hands as she suffered through the pain while finishing off the creatures.

Kobe and Valery kept an eye out as they stood in front of the porters still on the ground. The King of Droks let his pressure go when the fighting started as he stood in front of the altar, watching everything.

The porters caught their breath while swallowing their nauseous once the pressure was gone. Neban eyed them, making sure they were okay as he stayed on the ground with them. He stopped faking his effects when he noticed that the hunters were not paying attention to them.

"Good thing we barely ate, or I would have been throwing up my food." Owain lightly commented as he moved to a sitting position. He was holding his stomach with a frown as he watched the fighting between the hunters and monsters.

Isona was almost leaning into Neban as she tried to keep her sights on the fight, but her face still looked to be in pain. Neban knew that the girl was probably trying to look, so she could get used to the scene, but she seemed close to passing out not only from the long since pressure but also from the sight.

She also looked like she wanted to comment back to Owain but stayed quiet instead.

Wey did not say anything as he was leaning on Neban on the other side of him. The man still looked pale, but he kept quiet as his eyes stuck to the scene happening in front of them.

'Come.' Neban heard the sword whisper again; he sunk his nails into the ground, almost cracking it as he kept himself from moving. The weapon kept whispering words to him, trying to pull him in, but he couldn't move at all unless he wanted to expose himself.

Plus, the king was keeping a close eye on him rather than the fighting. He tried to ignore the gaze, but it was like the king wanted to provoke him into action with his intense stare.

After a few seconds of them staring at each other, the king made a hand movement, causing the droks to move. They bypassed the other hunters, who were already busy as they made their way to the last defense line before the porters were vulnerable.

Seeing the droks coming over, Valery was gripping her weapon as her body was stiff. Kobe was already summoning an army of skeletons from the dead creatures to attack the monsters.

It did stop a few of the monsters as they started to fight the skeletons of the undead. The ones that were still going attacked Valery. The girl blocked four of their weapons with her own. Well, she caught two as her shield caught the other two hits.

A light started to shine around her as she threw the weapons off her. She turned around as she sliced through their side. The dagger-shaped truncheon pieces fell to the ground as the monsters were still holding onto the handles.

The droks growled before throwing them down as they swung at Valery. She used the handle of her weapon to catch two of the monsters' hits while her shield still held from the other hits.

She pushed the two monsters' hands away before putting most of her strength into her right leg as she kicked one of them in the stomach. Then, she stabbed her sword into the other one's stomach; the weapon barely went in as the creature pulled it out, throwing it to the ground.

The drok, she kicked, stumbled back from the hit as they spit up blood, but it did not stop the creature as it moved forward again. She gritted her teeth as she had no weapon, and two other droks were still trying to break her waving shield.

The ones she hit and stabbed simultaneously swung their fist at her as she brought her arms up to block the incoming hits. They pushed her back with their force as she felt the bones in her arms breaking. Her shield was close to falling as she could feel the hits of the other two droks, even though they were not connecting.

Valery swallowed her cry of pain back before shouting, "Kobe, I need your help here!"

Kobe is stuck; even though his army was taking on most of the droks, he was in the middle of fighting two of them. "I am the middle of something!" He shouted as he blocked a few hits with his weapon made of bone.

Valery growled at that response as she tried to hold the creatures back with her broken arms and disappearing shield; she was a second away from getting smashed down. She glanced at the porters, "Run away from here and shut the door." She told them.

Isona bit her lip as she did not know if she should go or stay. She did not want to get attacked nor watch a person get squashed in front of her. She tried to get used to seeing the worse side of being a porter, but maybe she should run.

Owain and Wey stayed sitting as Owain glanced at Neban. Wey did not look away from the scene, but his shoulder hit Neban's.

"Did you not hear me!" She screamed at them as her shield completely disappeared; Valery fell to the ground. The monsters moved back slightly as they saw the barrier disappearing; they put their arms up before throwing them down.

Valery closed her eyes, waiting for the fists to hit her, but a few seconds passed as she felt nothing touching her. She opened her eyes, only to see the bodies of the four droks split in half. "What the?" She confusedly thought out loud before turning around to check on the porters.

But, she never got to turn her face as something washed over her, making her fall to the ground.

Isona looked at the scene with a confused look before staring at Neban. She saw a thin dark beam coming from Neban before the monsters had a line appearing on their stomachs. The creatures split in half before their bodies hit the ground.

And when the hunter tried to turn, she noticed Neban staring her down before the woman passed out. Neban turned towards Isona as his stare was intense, even though she could not see his eyes, "Don't say anything." He spoke as his voice sounded more profound than before.

She nodded before he turned towards Owain. "Can you get her?"

Owain quickly moved, pulling Valery's unconscious body towards them before setting her down. He took off the bag he was holding to dig out the first aid kit to heal the woman's arms.

None of the hunters paid attention to them nor saw what happened as they were busy in their battles. But, Neban noticed the king starting to move, watching him as he walked towards the leader.

The king killed the other creatures in his way as he grabbed the leader by his throat, lifting the man. The leader started to struggle while his feet were dangling in the air. He tried to use his ice magic to its fullness, but it did not affect the king at all.

"I am tired of this game, humans. I will finish this myself." The King of Droks spoke, causing the hunters and remaining creatures to stop fighting.

The hunters moved forward, forgetting the other monsters as they ran towards the king, so they could save their leader. The king laughed at the hunters before his grip tightened on the leader's neck, getting ready to snap it.

But, a dark cloud filled the room, blocking out everyone's vision.

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