The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 14: I Only Want to Play the Porter (1)

Chapter 14: I Only Want to Play the Porter (1)

Today was the day he and the others were going to meet with the hunters, but Neban had a problem.

For the first time in three years, since he left his son with his parents, they cannot watch him. He called them yesterday, asking if they can babysit like usual, which they agreed to.

But an hour ago, today, his mother called him saying how something happened at work, and they had to go in, so they could not take Theo. Neban did not know what to say; he was silent through the whole phone call, feeling lost.

His mother hung up after that, not waiting for his response. He ended up sitting on the couch, with his son reading a book in his lap as he thought about what to do for an hour.

Neban had to go soon, or he would end up late, but he had no one to leave his son with that he trusted. His parents were his go-to because he did not want to put Theo in daycare. And there was no one else since he didn't have any friends (until now).

He sighed, pulling out his phone as he looked at his contact list, staring at the only person he could call: Xan Fordo.

Neban did not trust the man, he barely knew him, but he needed someone to take care of his son while he was gone since his parents were busy.

Biting his lip, he started to think about what to do to feel comfortable leaving his son with someone still unknown to him. He summoned a necklace that a high-level dungeon boss dropped, holding it in his hand as he looked at it.

The necklace was a shield that can protect a hunter from any attacks from weapons and a few magic moves. He never wore it because he did not need it, but he never sold it either. Neban kept it for some weird reason.

But glancing at his son, maybe this was why he kept it. The necklace was too big for Theo, so it was easy for him to put the jewelry over his head.

Theo stopped reading, touching the necklace that his dad put on him. "Papa? What's this?"

"Protection," Neban answered.

Theo gave him a weird look at his response but did not say anything as he started playing with the necklace. Neban went back to his phone, clicking on Xan's number as he called him.

The phone only rang twice before the man picked up, "How can I help you, Neban?"

"Do you have to stay in your office?" Neban asked.

"No, why?"

"How are you with kids?"

He could feel Xan raising his eyebrow at his question, "I am good with them; I come from a big family."

Neban closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths before saying, "If I ask you to watch my son in my home, and you end up agreeing, while you abide by my rules?"

"What?" Xan questioned.

"Will you abide by my rules if I ask you to watch my son?"

Theo looked up, listening to the conversation with a confused look on his face, "Grandma and Grandpa aren't coming?"

Neban shook his head as he waited for Xan to answer back.

"I can watch your son, and I will abide by your rules."

"Stay there, and I will get you. You will leave your phone at work, and if you need to call, I have a home phone with my number on speed dial. When you get to my house, you will only be allowed in the living area and the kitchen.

"Anywhere else is off-limits. I will know if you try to go anywhere else besides the kitchen and living area. You cannot leave the house until I return or look out the window. You do not need to know where I live, and any other technology that can track a location, leave it at work.

"And if you harm or ask for any information about me to my son, I will kill you without hesitation. Do you understand?" Neban spoke, breathing a bit hard because this was the first time he said many words in one go(more than when he was in Owain's car that time).

When it came to his son, he was severely serious about his safety.

"I understand," Xan replied in a second.

He hung up the phone, staring at Theo, who has been looking at him the whole time. "Who was that?" The boy asked.

"Someone who is going to watch you for the time being."

"I'm meeting another new person?"

Neban nodded while humming as he stood up, keeping a hold on his son. He used [Shadow Travel] and appeared in Xan's office, causing the man to jump at his unexpected appearance.

It was easy for him to [Shadow Travel] into a place he has already been in; sadly, he could not appear inside a dungeon, nor travel to another state like this.

Xan stood up, looking at Theo then at him as he cleared his throat, "I do not have anything on me, and I put my phone inside my desk; you can check me if you want."

Neban used [Absolute Sight] as he looked the man up and down. He did not catch anything, so he grabbed Xan and [Shadow Travel] home.

Once they were in the living area, he let go of the man before turning towards Theo, "I have to go, but if anything is wrong, please call me. Do you remember how to use the phone?"

Theo nodded, smiling at him. "Good. I love you." He kissed his son on his forehead before setting him down on the couch.

He turned towards Xan, who was watching him without saying anything. Xan did not even question how Neban was using abilities that F-levels did not have. Neban glared at the man, "Remember what I said."

The man nodded, "I promise to follow your rules. I will not harm your son nor invade your privacy."

Neban hummed at that before taking one glance at his son as he used [Shadow Travel]. The last thing he heard while he was disappearing was Theo and Xan, introducing themselves to each other.


When he arrived at the mid-level dungeon's location, he saw the hunters and his friends (still unsure about the word) waiting for him. He would have internally reacted to himself almost being late, but the only thing on his mind was Theo and if he was safe.

Once he reached them, he saw Wey, Isona, and Owain giving him concerned looks as their eyes were asking why he was close to being late. Neban was never late to things; he likes to arrive at places early to finish faster. So, it was weird for him to come on time.

He shook his head, trying to indicate that he will tell them later; they understood.

"Now that everyone is here, we can start," Vidan said once he glanced at Neban.

Nefia and Tassan handed Neban and Owain the packed bags to carry while Isona and Wey received the empty ones. Once they grabbed the bags, no one moved yet, because the leader was still standing near the dungeon's blue entrance.

"This dungeon is an unexplored one, so please stay close, everyone. Kobe and Valery, your jobs are to protect the porters. Is everyone ready?" The leader spoke up again.

Everyone nodded.

Once the leader began to enter the dungeon, everyone else followed. When they were inside, Owain whispered to Neban, "What happened? Why did you arrive right on the dot?"

Wey and Isona moved closer, so they could hear the conversation. They were trying to stay as quiet as possible because last time they talked, Valery shushed them.

"My son. I needed someone to watch him." Neban answered, feeling a bit uncomfortable with how close they were to him; he wanted some space.

"Your parents couldn't do it?" Isona asked. Neban did not want to answer her because he was still in the mode of ignoring her and Wey, but he shook his head anyway.

"Who is watching him?" Wey asked this time. Neban debated with answering but opened his mouth anyway, although nothing came out as Valery turned around, giving them looks that said, 'Be quiet.'

They all stopped talking, remaining silent as they stared at the backs of the hunters.

They walked for a few minutes before many Ebis jumped out.

Ebis were weird-looking monsters that were 3ft tall. They had three heads while two of them were missing eyes, and the mouths were sewn shut. The main head was able to release a scream that caused a shockwave strong enough to blow back A-levels and lower while busting the eardrums of M-levels and lower. The monsters could move at a moderate speed as they carried a short sword and shield. Their heights were never a problem as they could jump up to 6ft.

Valery and Kobe stopped in their tracks, making Neban and his group abruptly stop too. Valery put out her arm, "Do not move." She told them.

The other hunters were already pulling out their weapons, attacking the monsters as the porters stood back, watching the battle. Neban hoped he could play the porter this time because his mind was elsewhere at the moment.

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