The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 44: Welcome Back (2)

Chapter 44: Welcome Back (2)

Neban looked around, waiting for Yini to pop back up. The ground did not even shake, indicating where the snake was, like she was using something to block that too. 

It was almost like she was a ghost. 

When his instinct told him that something was coming, he quickly picked up Siren to block the incoming hit. 

The ground broke from behind him as Yini was coming out, getting ready to sink her poisonous teeth into Neban's back. 

But he swiftly turned, using Siren to catch the snake's teeth before it sunk into his skin. Yini's fangs scratched against the metal of the sword, making a weird sound. 

Yini moved back, her fork-tongue moving across her teeth before she sunk back into the ground. 

Neban pulled Siren closer to examine the weapon when he heard the weird sound of teeth scraping against the metal. He did not see any scratches on the sword. 

'Fuck, the poison on her teeth hurts!' Siren complained as they kept cursing up a storm. 

Neban was surprised that Siren could feel the poison, but then again, the weapon could absorb blood, which meant it could do the same to other substances. 

'Are you okay?' Neban asked. 

But Neban did not hear Siren's answer as Yini appeared in front of them, causing Neban to stumble and almost fall into the hall behind him. 

He knew he should have moved from his spot when the snake first appeared behind him, but Neban wanted to check on Siren first. 

"Human, you make Hide and SSSeek-" Yini did not finish her sentence as Neban used [Shadow Travel] to disappear from his spot. 

He heard the snake crazily laugh when she saw that Neban was no longer there. 

He appeared behind her, thinking of copying the Mage's abilities to freeze her body. But Yini's whole body was not out; most of it was still underground while four feet were sticking out. 

So, Neban changed his plan, knowing that the next move he will make is about to take some of his energy. 

Yini could feel the human behind her as she started to twist her body around. 

Siren did not question Neban when she saw him pointing his free hand to the ground where Yini's body laid. He had to be quick because the snake was already turning around. 

[Earth Erosion x3] x [Hell Fire]. 

The ground caved in, causing Neban to move back as the cracks were getting close to him. 

Yini stopped mid-turn as she felt the ground falling on half of her body before the hottest fire she ever felt followed right after. 

When the fire came, Neban began to sweat from the heat as he used [Shadow Travel] to move a few feet back. He was breathing hard because Hell Fire was not easy to use when his class was not a Mage. 

Yini began to let out many angry and pained hisses as she tried to move, and even though the fire did not hurt as bad, it did cause the rocks to get stuck on her body like bindings. 

She could not move her body at all as half of it was stuck by the earth and fire mixing. Yini let out a frustrated hiss as she turned towards the human that did this to her. 

Neban felt Yini's glare on him as the woman opened her mouth, making a sound like she was calling for someone. 

Yini decided to call her babies to distract Neban as she tried to break herself free from her confinement. 

Neban heard some noise as he turned around, facing the portal. Monsters were coming from it, dropping to the ground as the fall did not affect them. 

The same monsters from before, when he was here with To, were making their way to Neban. 'I am going to switch you out.' He told Siren. 

'No, they would be good to eat. I still need to build my strength.' Siren stopped him. 

Neban thought for a second before shaking his head, 'I want to use Ice Queen. If you have any ice abilities, I will use you; if not, I will put you back.' 

'I do. But you have five minutes.' 

Neban felt Siren get colder to the touch as a dark aura surrounded the weapon. He did not know if they could freeze the creatures, but he will give Siren the benefit of the doubt. 

The monsters rushed towards him as Neban met with them half-way, swinging his weapon, making him the first to attack. 

His wide swing caught four monsters as Siren cleanly sliced through them. The bodies turned into black ice before breaking apart once they hit the ground. 

Neban was satisfied with the results as he continued to attack the monsters. Like last time, they were easy to kill, especially with Siren's touch causing their body to turn into black ice. 

Yini sneered as she saw Neban killing her babies with ease. And she was still stuck, her strength failing to set her free. 

So Yini dropped her head to the ground, opening her mouth as liquid started to build inside her mouth. She let the liquid drop to the ground, causing a bubbling effect to happen. 

And once one drop of the liquid hit the ground, it began to spread as more and more substances fell from her mouth like a waterfall. 

While Neban was fighting, he looked down and noticed some weird substances on the ground. It was spreading around the area as it was making its way towards him at an accelerated rate. 

He was going to ignore it the closer it got, even though it did have some weird bubbling effect to it, but Siren screamed in his head. 

'Do not let that liquid touch you!' Siren yelled. 

Neban quickly moved away before the liquid could touch him. He wondered why Siren told him not to let the substance touch him when the monsters gave him his answer. 

The liquid touched the monsters, and in an instant, their skins melted off as the bones sunk into the substance. 

'What is that?' Neban asked as he kept moving back, dodging away from the monsters as the liquid kept spreading. 

'It is Yini's acid pool. The liquid comes from her mouth and quickly spreads once it touches the ground.' Siren explained. 

The surrounding monsters were melting off one by one. 

As the liquid was getting closer, Neban knew he needed to find a way to close Yini's mouth, so the flow could stop. 

He took a deep breath, knowing that he was getting ready to use up most of his energy using the move he planned. The Hell Fire took some, but Neban's next move was going to make him exhausted. 

Neban stopped, causing Siren to fuss at him for not moving because the liquid was close to touching him. He ignored Siren as he taped into coping the Mage again with his original class. 

He used [Shadow Ghost x3], upping his transparent/ghost-like abilities before using the next move that would leave him exhausted. 

[Sub-Zero Rain x4]. 

Before the liquid could touch him, rain began to fall around the abandoned area. Yini temporarily closed her mouth, confused by the rain. But the confusion did not last long because once the drops touched her and everything else, they instantly froze. 

The area was beyond cold as everything froze with a simple touch; even the acid pool froze over. 

Even though the rain passed through Neban, he could still feel how cold it was. He dropped to the ground, sitting down as he was breathing hard. 

Neban hated using big moves because it never felt great, mostly making his body feel like a bus hit him. 

'Not bad, human. Now, let's make sure Yini is dead. The portal is smaller but not fully closed.' Siren spoke. 

Neban glared at the sword; he was tired. But he forced himself to stand up anyway as he slowly walked over to the frozen snake. 

The rain was starting to die down, but Neban still kept his body ghost-like. 

Once he was in front of the snake, ignoring how heavy his body felt, Neban picked Siren up with difficulty before making sure he had a tight grip on the weapon. 

He swung the weapon, missing entirely before cursing to himself. Well, Neban thought he did, but maybe it was Siren cursing at him in his head. 

Neban ignored the loud cursing that gave him a headache before taking another swing, this time connecting with the snake. 

Neban ended up cutting half of the snake's face, but when the slice landed, the rest of the frozen part of Yini broke apart. 

The portal closed when the pieces of ice hit the ground. 

Neban felt his body swaying as he returned to his solid form. He quickly put Siren away before using [Shadow Travel] to leave the area. 

He felt himself getting ready to pass out, and Neban wanted to be somewhere safe when he did. 

Once he reached his parents' house, he was relieved to see that their car was still there. Neban hit his fist against the door once before he slipped to the ground. 

Neban heard the door open while someone said his name before his vision turned black, and he passed out. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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