The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 84: The One Named Narith

Chapter 84: The One Named Narith

There was no sign of tiredness in Neban's bones as fury fueled him. 

He grabbed Siren and used [Shadow Travel] to quickly take them over the human's city line without anyone seeing them. He used [Shadow Travel] once more to get them closer to Mother's Palace. 

Even if the monsters have taken over this part of the city, Neban was still familiar with it. 

Once they were at a reasonable distance, Neban let Siren go as they ran over to Mother's Palace without a break. The only thing running through Neban's mind was hope that his family is still okay and alive. 

And another deep part of his mind gave him many images of him killing Mother. 

As they raced over to the building, they surprisingly did not meet any monsters. But it was soon known why when Neban and Siren neared Mother's Palace. 

They were breathing a bit hard as they began to slow down. Neban and Siren could see, from a distance, that monsters were standing outside the entrance. 

It reminded Neban of bodyguards protecting a young master's home. 

As they got closer, Siren's steps began to get slower and slower until they completely stopped. Neban, noticing that Siren was not near him, stopped and looked behind him. 

Siren's face was pale as their hand trembled on the weapon they were holding. They were looking forward, staring at someone as panic and a tiny bit of anger filled their eyes. 

Neban followed where Siren was looking and saw the reason why they stopped. 

Standing a few feet from them was Narith. 

When the man saw them coming, he ignored Neban as his sights were only on Siren. Narith's lips carved into a sadistic smirk as he licked his lips. His mind filled with images of torturing Siren. 

Narith turned towards the Lynai Clan that was behind him, hanging by the door. Only the clan leaders and four of their best fighters were present. The rest of the clan went to fight the other humans. 

"Perditor is mine. You can have the human." Narith told him. 

One of the clan leaders gave him a look, "You know Mother would not be happy if you kill her weapon when she wants to be the one to end him." 

Narith gave a sinister laugh in return, "I only want to play." He licked his lips as his eyes turned glossy. 

The other monsters looked at him with disgust. But they did not say anything as they looked towards Neban and Siren. 

Neban walked towards Siren, tapping them to bring them back to reality. Siren glanced at him as their hands did not stop shaking. For a second, they felt like they were back in the other world, still getting tortured by Narith. 

"Do not let the past control you. Take your revenge. You are stronger than that time; that monster is yours to kill." Neban spoke. 

Even though there was still the lingering fear in Siren, anger started to course through them. They threw away their weak look as they nodded their head. Siren's hands tighten around their weapon. 

"You are right. I will torture that fucker than eat his heart as he watches." Siren responded as their eyes looked bloodthirsty. 

Neban could not help the disgusted look that appeared on his face at Siren's response. But he quickly threw it away as he knew this was how Siren is. 

They ended their talk as they walked in front of Narith and the Lynai Clan. 

The two groups stared at each other once they were close enough. No one moved nor spoke as the tension between them was suffocating. 

After a couple of minutes of the group imagining what they were going to do to each other, Narith spoke first. 

He gave a fake bow as his eyes were only Siren. "Welcome human and Perditor. May I ask why you are knocking at our door so early? I do not think the Conla Clan is in ruins yet." 

Neban sneered at the man; disgust was the only emotion he could look at Narith with. "You know why we are here. Where is my family? If you have done anything to them, not even hell can save you monsters from me." 

Narith laughed as a blade appeared in his hand. He twirled it around, moving the weapon between his fingers. He put it away right after; it was like he was trying to show off.

"Your grievances are not with me," then he turned towards the Lynai Clan, "they are with them." 

The clan leaders glared at the Narith. They were not scared of the human. But they did not like being framed for something that does not deal with them. They are only out here because Mother ordered them to come out and kill anyone who tries to enter. 

The humans killing off the other clans did not bother them. The Lynai Clan knew they were strong. So, even if the humans had come, they would have been dead in seconds. 

Neban turned towards the Lynai Clan, knowing that Narith was playing with him. But it did not matter; he was Siren's kill. 

Now, the other monsters looked like they would not let him into the building. He walked towards them without fear. 

The Lynai Clan were still lax, showing that they did not think of Neban as a threat. 

Neban pointed his weapon at them, "If you do not fear me, why don't you step out and fight me already." 

The clan leaders snorted as one of them waved their hand. They indicated for their four soldiers to kill Neban. 

The four monsters moved in unison as they rushed towards Neban with weapons appearing in their hands. 

Neban lowered his hand with Ice Queen as he pulled out his whip. He struck the weapon towards them. 

As the fighting started between the Lynai Clan and Neban, Siren continued to stare Narith down. 

Narith walked around Siren, forming a circle. Siren's eyes followed him, but they did not make a move. However, their hands were shaking to kill the man where he stood. 

"Perditor, you had grown more delicious than when you were locked up. All that blood coursing through your veins is begging to be drunk by me." Narith sighed with longing as his head filled with fantasies of torturing Siren. 

Siren sneered, "You are as delusional as ever, Narith. Always acting so high and mighty when you are nothing but a pet." Their voice wavered at the end, but Siren still stood their ground. 

Narith quickly moved, grabbing Siren's shirt as he pulled them closer. Siren grew stiff in his hold as they felt something wet moving from their chin to their ear. 

Siren shuddered in disgust. 

"Do not forget that you are also a pet. You are nothing but a prisoner that anyone can play with." Narith whispered. 

Siren grew furious at the man's words as they stabbed their weapon towards Narith's stomach. But their sword only met with air as the freak disappeared. 

Looking around, Siren wondered where the man went. When they felt an arm wrap around their waist and the other around their neck, Siren stood still. 

Narith's breath was on the back of Siren's neck as he took a whiff of their scent. His eyes were glistening as a delicious smell overpowered his nose. 

Siren stood still, not even breathing as the trauma of Narith feeding from them took over their body. 

Noticing that Siren was acting like a statue, he tilted their head until their neck was in full view. His gaze could not leave the blood he could see coursing through the veins. 

"Look at you. Still weak like before. You will be nothing but a prisoner and pet that others can control. After I finish with you, Mother will play with you next. It would just like before. 

"Because you may have thought you escaped. But you will never leave the chains wrapped around you, Perditor." 

Once those words registered with Siren, everything in them broke as their iris and sclera turned darker than black. The wind began to pick up around them. 

"I am free," Siren's voice sounded more profound than before, "I will never go back." 

An invisible force pushed Narith back as he crashed into a pole. As he slid to the ground, Siren turned towards him. 

Their long white hair broke from their confines as it flowed around them. Siren could have looked like a magnificent painting with unique beauty. But their completely black eyes made them look like a demon that rose from hell. 

"You want to know how I earned the name Perditor? I will show you." They spoke in a monotone, deep voice as they walked towards Narith. 

Narith tried to stand, but it felt like gravity became too heavy to let him up. As Siren walked towards him with slow steps, Narith can see that he caused a chained monster who freed themselves to snap. 

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