The Power of Ten

Ch. 500 – All the Verses from The Human Race

Ch. 500 – All the Verses from The Human Race


This is all the verses from The Human Race. Events and deeds in between the verses have been removed, to show them alone. Chapter Numbers are given if you want to reference them and see what was going on at the time.

Wow, Sama did a LOT more Trembling Songs than in the first two novels!

For completeness, the Micks Songs, the Salutes, the Heavenbound Oath, Mithars Ode to Fear, and the Final Songs are all included, as well.


And I believe Zombiesleuth will enjoy this compilation finally making it chapter 500...



Wose of the wood, that thought it could

Find cheap power for easy gain.

Bloody hats, booted twats,

Sacrifices to the Tane.

A gift of glee, happy to see,

Delivered to Sama now.

A Rantha born, their fate is shorn,

Dead without knowing how.

Tremble, She comes!


Blood my sword, feed my soul

Nurse the Land with your cries!

Your cycle done, your race is run,

Your spirit forever dies.

An axe, a sword, a peasant lord,

A tree, a man, all Natures Plan,

Not even carrion for the flies!

Tremble! Oh ooooh oh...

Tremble, She comes...



You swam in sin, preyed on your kin,

Died content and fat on childrens blood.

In this new life, condemned to strife,

A cursed and useless thing, hungry bane of the wood.

Innocents bleed, they cry in need

And the green, the green knows what should

Await them all at the last!

Your Eternity Ends!





The forest walked, the trees talked,

Of Ages Gone, Times Past.

The Land stirred at the Sun unseen,

Seeking Light at long last.

Fire and thunder of a new age,

Magic and oil, steel and toil,

Asphalt and cement cutting the lines

Of magic and life neath the soil.

Progress. Civilization. Science. Technology...

Tremble, Tremble, oh ohhhh, Tremble, it comes...

Days past are the futures bones,

The world changes and time marches on.

It is a new age... and now, now it screams,

At a Haze in the sky, stealing light and dreams.

Think the Green that the Crimson can sate

Its thirst for Light and Life with hate?

Roots seek for the Blue, Leaves turn to Sky,

And fall and turn as the Black gathers nigh...

Whispers, whispers, the Black in your ear...

Tremble, Tremble, oh ohhhh Tremble, it comes...

Your dream is a nightmare

What fools stirred an Ancients wrath?

Who gains when your power claws at the Land?

Where is the ending, how ends this path?

In FIRE. Fire to destroy spirit and soul,

Fire eating the Land, Green and Red whole!

Rage you, rage, feed your despair,

Doom is whelming, Time is not fair...

You will end in Fire.

Tremble... Tremble... oh, ohhhhh Tremble, it comes...



From the shadows crawled the grimm,

Full of vigor, full of vim.

Venom, hate, fat on sin,

Mocking claws, a cowards grin!

They struck from the rear,

Hunting pain and fear

And were gutted, shattered, jaws split wide,

Fed to the Land, and cast aside!

Every day, a grimm to slay,

Until they dared not come to play!




Red dust of mortal desire,

Reaving steel of vivic fire.

As you corrupt , as you feed,

Now you writhe, now you bleed,


That little natal soul woke up and ate you,

Poor luckless idiot, what could you do?

Fret not, worry not, Briggs is on the job!

Were coming for them, and well put things hob!



Pasty white skin and soulless eyes

Do not a mighty foe make.

Join your bitch in burning blight,

Your spirit is doomed, as was your fight!




A Minor Meal, return what you steal,

Cinders and ash, nothing but trash,

From the Heart of the Land, I heard it say,

This is your Last Stand, your Final Day!

Tremble, oh oooo oh, Tremble, Tremble...

We are coming for the rest of you total bastards...



Endure, we are coming...

Up from the deeps, where the kraken sleeps,

Where sharks steal through the endless gloom.

Seeking hot strife, thirsting warm life

And finding our wrath, meeting your doom.

Tremble, oh oooo oh, Tremble, Tremble, Tremble...

We are Coming!

Endure your endless black,

Suffer your cold, dank abattoir,

Sleep in your blighted, briny den.

Your blood stained the water,

Icy waves drank slaughter,

And we are coming for you again.

Tremble, we will be back!

Tremble, oh oooo oh, Tremble, Tremble, Tremble...



There is a time to endure, and it has passed.

Rise, rise, and let them tremble, tremble, tremble...

Youve felt their fear, ate their scorn,

For that moment of light, for victorys horn.

Unfair Heavens? Challenge the gods and Defy Fate?

Hollow lies, empty scorn, proud contempt and bitter hate!

Let their words live! Rise, rise, rise!

Wrath lifting to the heart of the skies!

Bring it down!

Tremble, ohhh oh ohhh, tremble, tremble, tremble...

We come!



The fool did say she was courting death

Confirmed it true with his last breath.

Courtier, Hells, shes a gods-damned minister

Doom rides dexter, Dread at sinister.

Tremble, she comes! Ohhh oh ohhh Tremble, Tremble...

Feel that crunch? That crump of bone?

That sinking feeling that youre all alone?

That skip in your heart? That chill in your blood?

That pit of death, of writhing mud

Reaching, reaching, and drags you down

Endure, endure, and laugh, you clown!

Tremble, he comes! Ohhh oh ohhh Tremble, Tremble...

Born a maggot, riding a corpse long dead,

Bloodless skin, and a heart long cold.

Contempt of life, scorn for all,

Falsehood and untruth all youre told.

Tremble, ohhhh tremble, tremble...

Born in murder, scorn all ties.

We know! We know! The truth lay bare!

Kinslayers, betrayers, souls of lies!

Vengeance, justice... in the end, we dare!

Tremble, ohhhh tremble, tremble...

Oh, raise that lion, and vent its roar,

You think its slavery will save your soul?

Release your phoenix, watch it soar,

Youve not a prayer to reach your goal!

Tremble, ohhhh tremble, tremble...

Madness, mockeries, minions of death,

We see it all, it is clear at last.

Well see your end, your final breath,

And consign your filth to an unmarked past.

Tremble, ohhhh tremble, tremble...

You hear your names? Nor do we.

The final judge will be history.

Nameless curs and forgotten dogs,

Consigned to eternal obscurity.

Tremble, ohhhhh tremble, tremble...

Forever lost! Never to be sung!

Deeds forgotten, as are your dreams!

Defy Heaven, and live forever?

Oblivion to your lives and schemes!

Tremble, ohhhhh tremble, tremble...











Death from beyond, they thought theyd call

Death was their fate, doom like a pall

Deserved it true, their fate to rue,

And now their traitor itself will fall.

Tremble, oh ohhhh oh tremble, tremble, tremble...

Living stone defies your grasp,

Poison touch like an undead asp,

Seal you tight, defy your might,

Scream, scream, until you rasp,

But Endure, We Come!

Deathly thing come from beyond,

You thought youd find power in a helpless sphere.

A big shark in a small pond,

Come here now to revel in our pain and fear.

Feel that hope ignite in the burning mist?

Feel that hope slipping now from your fist?

Ashes, ashes, all that you were,

Unwept, unmourned, less than a cur,

Born a parasite, and died a slave!

Tremble, oh ohhhh oh, tremble, tremble, tremble...



Hag who thinks it all a game, darkly ever denies her blame;

Play the witch, be the bitch, scratch the itch... but mind that twitch;

What goes around, comes around... and now, you Hag, shes coming around.

Tremble, she comes!

"Wail, oh wail, you cursed thing, there is no mercy where we Sing.

Lies and delusions to which you cling, let clear and pure the truth now ring...

From the deadly light youll crawl,

Down, down, to that cold grim hall,

Where judgement waits, your time has come,

Your soul of filth, of rot and scum...

Your Fate, your Doom, come all too soon.

Your hate, your gloom, a useless tune...

Sung to despair and long-shirked blame

At last now comes your end of game!



12-336 The Micks First Bardsong

Ten thousand miles, my own true love,

Ten thousand miles or more.

And the rocks may melt and the seas may burn

If I no more return.

The Blood of the Irish rises,

the Emerald Isles Call.

Her fiery sons rise proud,

Her daughters all stand tall.

Their eyes look afar, across the grey

and thankless briny deep,

To catch a glimpse of their long-lost love,

Ere they forer sleep.


Ten thousand miles, my own true love,

At last I see you true.

What came before, forever more,

We shall no longer rue.



The Sky is falling, Heaven has come,

Sama is here to ruin your fun.

She tastes your fear in this stinking fog,

She sees you cringing like a beaten dog.

The Yellow King and his waxen grin,

Sees you where the fog runs thin.

His Curse, His doom, upon you all,

Your souls to the Land on which you fall!

Tremble, oOoO, Tremble, She comes...



It is said only the dead know no fear,

But the poets, you know they lie.

When oblivion comes, the dead do cringe,

And they wait, they wait to die.

Down you came on your lofty swords,

You joined the Yellow Kings Plan.

You thought you were brave and mighty of will,

But we all saw the truth bared then:

Terror and despair, fear breathing fair,

And the Heavens eat your last sigh.

Tremble, oOoO, Tremble, She comes...

She took your head so youd know youre dead,

Fed you right and good to the Land.

Rejoice! Shes happy to dance with you,

And give a Daoist a hand.

Dont take it to heart, youve done your part,

Shell leave you a leg to stand!

Laugh and join the wonderful world

Of a farce and play most grand.

Tremble, oOoO, Tremble, She comes...



Waiting, waiting, so very long,

A hundred miles to join this Song.

Hacked and hewed through Fear we came,

Across the leagues to join this game.

The Yellow King now smiles in glee,

He grins, He waits for you to flee.

Your Dread is real and upon your souls,

And Terror thick in the phasma flows!



Ohhhh oooo ohhhh TREMBLE!







Scream for the sky, it cannot save you!

King Gravity is awake, and demands His due!

Wail at the ground that stays closed and tight,

No rats tunnels to flee this fight!

The fires come for your stolen soul!

Karma spins and demands its toll!

Wash your neck and pray to Heaven

As you reap the mercy your soul showed then!



Ohhhh oooo ohhhh TREMBLE!





-Shes a Cleave Train, rolling down the track.

Rolling, rolling, never looking back.

Oiled with blood across the field of war,

Spreading a crimson spray of gore,

Tremble, oh ohhhh oh, Tremble, she comes...-



An insult to the Land, where stones groan and moan, and doom falls,

Their time long passed, death walking and talking, their death calls,

Feed on the living, spirits damned, the life and strife, judgement yearning,

Fires are coming to claim you, Feed now the Land, and set souls to burning,

Tremble, oh, ohhhhh, oh, tremble, we are coming...



The end of the world, say you?

The Reaper come to take His due?

The heroes hapless ride, once again too late?

Death whelms again to devour Fate?

I name you a fool who only knows naught

Of mortals who have ever striven and sought!

This is the path all legends have strode

Of Glory, Honor, and Greatness, and the endless White Road!




Lo, did the Valkyries call, and hark upon their Ride

Wagner played his tribute, and all the warriors sighed.

Magic was a lance, composed of jet and silver,

Its Sacred Light shone forth, and made them shiver,

And Destiny battled Fate, as their Doom arrived.



20-483 The Final Trembling Song


You came from Darkness, from Death and Gloom,

Bearing endless despair, inevitable Doom.

A World to conquer, a world to slay,

A world to forever deny the day.

You gave us a Sword in Steel and White,

You gave us a Hammer to show our might!

You made us hard, and we stayed the course,

With a bow, and a prayer, and a blazing horse!


Busy hands with busy tools,

Noble hearts and noble fools!

The sky is open, and the sun beats down!

The Shroud bows low, and gives up its crown!

Tigers walk where dragons tread,

Hunters stalk where fear the dead!

Slaves to a dream, a nightmare waking,

Broken on life, your hope were taking!

We rose from the low, we came down from the high,

We remembered the pasts wed thought let lie.

Where history stands, the future glows,

Shatters your grasp where destiny flows!


The winter you brought has turned and gone

All that be left is your final song.

A requiem, a soliquy, a prayer delivered on bended knee.

Your answer here, as is your doom, a season comes where flowers bloom,

The Wheel has spun in Times patient hand,

And it is time, indeed, to FEED THE LAND!











The Salutes and Mithars Ode to Fear, the Heavenbound Oath

The Salute to Aru

Dreams of the wind at dawn,

A new day has begun.

Light chases back the dark, and the future lays before us.

Will it be something bright and new?

Walk the road before you now, and leave the night behind,

Today is a new day, and the light comes to warm you all.

Let go the shadows, and behold the sun!

The Light has come, as ever it must.

Behold the new day!

The Salute to Aethra (at Dusk)

The Night Wind comes, the World now breathes deep,

...ending Where rest the weary, and dream of the wind at dawn. (incomplete)

The Heavenbound Oath:

Agree you to serve the Will of Heaven?

To defend the weak, to protect the innocent?

To defy the diabolic?

To hurl back the demonic?

To thwart the daemonic?

To embrace virtue and scorn sin?

To be shield and sword, spear and hammer, hand and foot, word and song of the Empyrean Sphere?

To seek out those that serve Evil and stand between them and their ambitions upon this mortal world?!

Mithars Litany of Fear

When death is nigh and the end is near,

Where terrors walk and the dread appear,

I wield your doom! Shed a golden tear,

Feel my power, and know the dark of fear!

A thousand horrors, a million screams,

Master your fears and CLAIM YOUR DREAMS!

The Salute to Sylune

There is a light in the darkness.

Our Lady in Silver walks the night, not the day,

There to guide us on our way.

The Moon cries silver tears along the Shining Road,

The Court of Stars sings in the silence,

Where the dark would be deepest and strongest.

From the evening to the dawn.

Walk through the darkness, follow the path

From light to light,

And sing to the Day once more!


Other Verses

The Blood of the Irish

There are no snakes in Ireland, nor any undead, tis true.

We chased them away in the dark of the day, and all the dragons, too.

Yell find only Hounds in the Emerald Isle, eyes watching from home and den,

And Hawks in the sky, talons a-fly, watching oer dale and glen.

Our Kings a fool yet knows how to rule, a grim and black-hearted knave,

He took up the throne and made it his own by showing the Dead their graves.

He stands on the shore, athwart afore those who dare to make the Irish their slaves,

And his Queen will stand upon any far land where be Irish there to save.

So come out of the water and into the slaughter thats fine and waitin for ye.

The Hounds will bay and the Hawks will slay as the Blood of the Irish greets thee!

The Lord of the Rings

Unwhite flames of vivus

To Open up the Sky,

Names for the Weapons

Wrought of steel and stone.

Banefire burning black

To bring them down to die,

A Curse of the Sun

Sears dead flesh and bone.

To the lands of Muskov,

Where the Shrouded lie!

One Ring to rule them all,

One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all,

And in the darkness guide them,

To the lands of Muskov,

Where the Shrouded die!


The Black Crusade

See now that blue sky, and the golden orb shining there?

Aye now, a gift it is, earned us in toil fair.

Blood, sweat, and tears, and nights of fear, souls wrapped in a great grand lie,

Still they call, and only all of mortals can hear them cry.

Yer grandfather is in torment there, and the gods, they cannot hear.

Yer grandmother twists in agony, aye, thats truth now, pure and clear.

A billion souls each ten thousand worlds, sacrificed to Death,

Never forget! And never permit those who let go of breath

To steal the innocent and damn them all, only we can hear them wail,

Lost in Doom, lost to Pain, lost to madness beyond the pale.

Rise up!

Rise up!

Yeve Weapons in hand what kill the Dead, ye can save lands from the Shroud.

Realm after Realm, green and fair, tis said, where Life grows wild and proud.

Be saved they can, by the ready hand of mortal steel and grim hard will.

Set boots on the soil and be ready to toil where the Dead walk about still.

A Black Crusade, we declare!

Against the Shroud!

For the souls of the bound!

For the lives of the worlds!

For Life and For Creation!

If there be a Holy War, then Black and Grim this Crusade truly be,

For Heaven and Hell come not with thee,

Only Endless Mortal Will!

Rise UP!

Ye battle Death itself!

Ye Walk the Road to the Eternal!

Ye kill in the name of Life!

The Black Crusade calls,

Voices ring in the Halls,

Rise up, and free the Damned!

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