The Priest of Corruption

Chapter 49: A Complete Mess.

Chapter 49: A Complete Mess.

I'm truly sorry, but I don't believe we can fulfill your request."

Kantar, a high-ranking official of Ilech, bowed his head with the utmost respect. However, the person he was addressing was not known for his politeness.

A deep furrow appeared on the forehead of Batis Draco, the Third Prince of the Dragon Kingdom. He crossed his legs and glared at Kantar. I must have misheard you. Or perhaps you've lost your mind." Kantar raised his head and spoke slowly.

The task of kidnapping Lady Dachia Irmel and bringing her to the Dragon Kingdom, as requested by Third Prince Batis, seems beyond Ilech's capabilities. I suggest you seek assistance elsewhere."


Batis slammed his fist on the table, expressing his annoyance.

Why? You managed fine last time! Why the sudden change of heart?"

Circumstances have changed."

What's changed?! I pay you, and you transport Dachia to the Dragon Kingdom. It's simple!"

It's far from simple. Please, calm down and let me explain. Read this."

Kantar presented Batis with documents he had prepared beforehand. Batis sat quietly, his gaze fixed on Kantar.

So, you expect me to read this and accept everything? Explain it to me before I lose my temper. If you fail to make me understand, you'll spend the rest of your life crawling on the floor. Remember, I, Batis Draco, always keep my word."

Kantar swallowed his apprehension at Batis's intimidating demand for an explanation.

Very well, I will explain why we cannot fulfill your request. There are three main reasons."

Kantar sifted through the papers and handed one to Batis. It was a copy of the city's passbook.

Firstly, the last time Lady Dachia Irmel visited the capital, Pruina, she entered under a pseudonym. Officially, Dachia Irmel was not in the capital. This time, however, it's different."

The name 'Dachia Irmel' was clearly written on the entry list.

As you can see, Lady Dachia has officially visited the capital city of Pruina. This makes covert operations significantly more challenging. The second reason is that when we attempted to kidnap her previously, there were no formidable individuals around Lady Dachia. Now, however, there are three." Kantar produced three pieces of paper. Each one bore the names 'Marnak', 'Carmen Baltas,' and 'Sajita Porgon'.

Carmen Baltas, the 'Black Dog,' is the illegitimate son of Sir Ensis Baltas, as you are well aware. He possesses skills befitting his lineage. 'Sajita Porgon' from the Red Bear mercenary corps is renowned for his personal strength. He is one of the most formidable forces in the area."

But he's just a mercenary. We can bribe him." At Batis' sarcastic remarks, Kantar shook his head. He's known for his integrity, so he won't abandon a mission for extra money." That's probably because he hasn't been offered enough. I'll handle the finances, just contact him." Kantar suppressed the rising anger within him.

"... Apart from Sajita, there is still one person left. That is Priest 'Marnak'. Known as the 'Demon Slayer' and 'Great Enemy of the Evil Gods,' he is a relentless champion of justice. His reputation is such that we cannot ignore his influence. We have determined that it is impossible to sway this priest in any way."

Men like him are usually the ones who secretly accept more money. We should approach him in the same way we'll approach Sajita."

That won't work."

Why? How can you be so certain?"

Batis' forehead creased at Kantar's words, which held a strange conviction. Kantar slowly opened his mouth, and a bombshell dropped.

We believe that this man named Marnak is in a 'lover' relationship with Lady Dachia Irmel. It is a romantic relationship that has already become quite intimate." What?!" Bang!

Batis slammed the table, causing papers to scatter.

Stop spouting nonsense!"

Kantar bowed his head once more. Internally, he took subtle pleasure in seeing the prince's bewilderment. He savored the satisfaction derived from the Third Prince's discomfort and relayed the information he had gathered.

Regrettably, the facts we've gathered support my claim. This Marnak has been seen alone with Lady Dachia, keeping the other members at a distance since entering the capital." They could have just been walking together!" Kantar shook his head.

It's more than that. According to our sources planted in the 'Golden Duck,' the inn where they are currently staying, Lady Dachia secretly visits Marnak's room alone in the middle of the night. Every night."

Dachia had been sneaking into Marnak's room every night to see the Mother of Corruption, but they were unaware of this.


Batis swallowed a groan. This was bad. If rumors spread that Dachia had a 'lover,' it would be disastrous. Who else knows about this?"

For now, only our organization that initiated the investigation."

You must keep this quiet. No, prevent the rumors from spreading as much as possible!" The Third Prince of the Dragon Kingdom growled, his white teeth bared.

If this information leaks, I will not let you off lightly." Kantar responded in a calm voice.

We had no intention of spreading this information in the first place. And I haven't yet told you the third reason why we can't accept this mission." Batis frowned and sank back into his chair, challenging Kantar to finish his explanation. Kantar continued speaking slowly.

The final reason involves the 'White Wolf' Setian Baltas. We have received information that he has made contact with Lady Dachia. If she disappears, Setian Baltas will take action."

And? Carmen Baltas is already with the lady. Aren't they both Baltas?"

It's not the same. They're very different."

Kantar met the bright yellow eyes of the Third Prince of the Dragon Kingdom and spoke clearly.

Setian Baltas will involve 'Black Wolf' Sir Ensis Baltas. We, Ilech, do not wish to antagonize Sir Ensis Baltas under any circumstances." Why are you northerners so terrified of Ensis Baltas? Are you all children?"

It wasn't fear, but respect that he deserved. However, explaining this to the enraged prince would be futile. Kantar clenched his teeth. 'Is this why they say shapeshifters are no better than beasts? It's like talking to a real lizard.' Kantar bowed his head deeply once more.

I'm sorry, but we cannot accept this mission for these reasons."

Batis remained silent at Kantar's polite refusal. Kantar reveled in the sense of triumph that he had finally made the reckless Third Prince understand.

Hilden, the head of Ilech's eastern branch, watched Kantar's predicament from behind Batis, a quiet smile on his face. He enjoyed seeing Kantar, who had always looked down on him, in trouble.

'Kantar must be relieved that he finally convinced him... but this prince is beyond anything you can imagine!'

And Batis Draco did not disappoint Hilden's expectations. He crossed his legs, brushed back his pale yellow hair, and spoke softly. Good." Thank you so much for understanding..."

Batis rose and strode forward, grabbing Kantar's collar and hoisting him up.


Batis's bright yellow eyes, which were human-like, split vertically, revealing the predatory nature within. He spoke quickly in a low voice.

Listen carefully. I will go to the Queen of this country and tell her what you've done. You 'Ilech' bastards 'kidnapped' one of 'the four Lord's daughters' in this country for money. What do you think will happen? Wouldn't this be reason enough for Ensis Baltas to draw his sword? Huh?"

If you do that, you won't be safe either." Batis grinned.

I'll just have to endure a bit of shame. Then my father will handle it. You know what kind of man my father is." The Wizard Dragon King. The only one who was both a dragon and a wizard.

Kantar realized he had made a mistake. If this mad prince decided to, he would certainly run to the royal castle and tell the Queen everything that had transpired between him and Ilech.

Kantar responded, his eyes tightly shut.

What do you want from us?"

I've told you before. I'll say it again because I'm kind."

His skin sprouted bright yellow scales. The energy of the violent dragon weighed heavily on everything.

Deliver Lady Dachia Irmel to the Dragon Kingdom unharmed. No matter the cost." ***

The robed figures huddled together, whispering hurriedly.

Three of us have already fallen to the 'Human Butcher.1"

Didn't I warn you? He knows who the evil god worshippers are! He only unsheathes his weapon when we're his opponents!"

It's so inconvenient not being able to use our powers. That's why I despise crowded cities." But how does he identify us?"

The Godmother must have tipped him off. She's the one who put the Human Butcher in the underground arena in the first place."

It was clear that the Godmother, the owner of the underground arena, held no love for them. Likely because they had invaded her territory to retrieve the relic and caused a commotion.

Since even Kiltan, the leader of the one-horned beast, was defeated by the Human Butcher, we stand no chance without our powers!" I found it amusing when the Human Butcher entered the stage unarmed." Are you mad? Even though the Human Butcher is decimating us?"

Technically, it's not 'us.' We're here because some of us want something, and others were ordered by the church. When did we start considering ourselves a team?"

You wretch! Since you lack team spirit, should I kill you first? Huh?" Silence."

The man who quieted them began to speak.

We need to change our strategy. If subtlety is no longer an option, we must resort to force. We will steal the Godmother's hidden 'holy relic." So, you're authorizing the use of our powers?" If necessary." Hahahahaha! Perfect! This will be fun!"

We must strike and retreat before the priests and the Queen's knights mobilize. Remember that." Understood! Got it!" ***

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! !"

Human Butcher!!! Human Butcher!!!"

He's unarmed today!!! Perfect!!!"

Hey!!! I bet on you today!!! Human Butcher!!! You better win!!!"

Amidst the cheers, I leaped onto the pitch. As if on cue, the cheers grew louder. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! !"

Today's opponent was 'Redhead,' a fighter known for his red-dyed face.

Upon making eye contact, Redhead signaled with a wink.

Yes, with the help of Writhing Curiosity, I had already allied with the other gladiators. Our match wasn't a fight, but a spectacle.

Redhead had prepared a special move for today. It was sure to excite the crowd.

Let's begin the match between the Human Butcher and Redhead..." Booooooom!!

With the loud noise, men in black clothes swarmed in.

Find Lady Dachia! She'll be here, disguised in a black robe!!!" A group in the stands reacted swiftly.

Damn! Things are getting complicated! We need to get to the Godmother!" What? What was happening?

Before I could comprehend, the kingdom's soldiers rushed in, blocking the audience's exit.

A man in elegant silver armor, a familiar face, led the soldiers. It was Carmen, and beside him stood Sajita, his white spear held high. Carmen's voice echoed throughout the stadium.

This is a crackdown on the illegal underground arena! All citizens of the kingdom, kneel and obey the Queen's supreme command!"

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