The Priest of Corruption

Chapter 59: Tears.

Chapter 59: Tears.

Alright. Here, take this!

Writhing Curiosity handed me a large bundle. I accepted it with a nod. Thank you.

Hmm. I mixed in different snacks so it wouldn't feel too plain with just the ones you ate earlier. Share them with your comrades. Yes.

As the demon smiled quietly. Mother, who had been standing silently by my side, gave a small nod towards the demon. A very small nod. Then she quickly snuggled into my arms and transformed into a hand. I tucked Mother's hand into my arms and returned the demon's smile.

Mother is also grateful.

Really? I thought so. Writhing Curiosity, chuckling, extended her hand towards me. A farewell handshake.

As I took her hand, the demon's pitch-black eyes softened.

But I think I'll stay in the capital a little longer.

I needed to investigate the group that attacked Dachia, and I had to settle things with my master who would soon come looking for me. Writhing Curiosity tapped her murky eyes with her fingers.

I'm planning to leave the capital for a while after tidying up here. I need to recover this. It's a bit inconvenient to live with only one eye because it distorts the sense of distance.

I grinned.

Then this handshake really is a farewell.

Well, we might see each other again if fate allows. I have a feeling we'll meet again soon.

Is that so?

Yes. But before we say goodbye, let me say one last thing. Is that okay? Of course.

My reflection was cast on the demon's intact, shining black eye. She smiled softly and made a request.

Be kind to the Mother of Corruption. Of course, you're doing very well now, so I'm not asking you to do more. lust like now. lust keep doing what you're doing so that the Mother of Corruption can continue to smile.

I intend to do so even without your request. 'Kill...!'

While Mother was deeply moved by the demon's farewell, the demon spat out her real final goodbye.

And always live your life with a smile. Life is always too short.

I'll keep that in mind.

Then goodbye! Take care!

I left the demon's hideout, receiving her farewell as she waved her hand. As I stepped out into the dark alley, Mother's hand wriggled slightly in my arms. 'Kill.'

Although she didn't like everything, she did like the final farewell. I grinned.

Do you? I'm very happy to see Mother becoming more mature day by day. Your charm has increased a hundredfold today. 'Kill!'

Mother had promised me that it would multiply a thousandfold by tomorrow. Finding her cute, I patted my chest pocket and proceeded towards the inn. Dachia, was eagerly awaiting my arrival.


Writhing Curiosity squirmed, a faint smile playing on her lips as she watched the spot where the Son of Corruption had vanished.

She had deceived the Son of Corruption with a tiny, insignificant lie.

She knew exactly what the 'key' she had given him could unlock within the ruins. After all, she was the one who had subtly allowed the 'key' to the sleeping ruins, the 6th work, to fall into Baltas' hands.

The Son of Corruption was bound to discover the 'work' her daughter had left behind in the ruins.

Her daughter's creation, the final piece she had crafted, yet the only one numbered differently from the order of its creation, the '1st' work. It was a medium that connected all the works she created.

This object, hidden from the world, would undoubtedly prove invaluable in gathering the other sealed relics.

Consequently, even though the likelihood was slim, if the 'Mother of Corruption' were to regain her full divinity, the gods would pay a steep price for the 'sin' they had committed.

Sewing Needle, which had coveted the gift from her daughter, would be no exception. The demon smiled softly, her tempting lips parting slightly.

I feel a bit guilty for using you for my revenge, but it's not a bad deal for the Son of Corruption. Well, if he's really angry later, I can soothe him with my body! Now, let's start packing up.

She began to meticulously prepare for her departure from the capital. At the same time, she started to sketch a plan to deal a significant blow to the organization of the evil god worshippers, 'Liberatio', who served Sewing Needle.

* * *

Are you back?

Dachia, who was sitting in a corner on the first floor with her robe pulled down, ran towards me as soon as I entered the inn with a large bundle. She checked me up and down. Are you hurt anywhere? They said the demon was subjugated, did you manage to handle your business well? And what's this bundle?

I patted Dachia's shoulder in response to her three questions at once.

Calm down first. I'm not going anywhere.

Hmm. Okay.

She took a deep breath and asked again with her golden eyes sparkling. Are you hurt anywhere? No. I'm perfectly healthy. What about your business? That's been handled very well too. And this bundle?

I grinned and showed her the bundle.

I brought some snacks. They're said to be very delicious, so I'll share some with you.

So you managed to bring snacks back, your business must have gone really well. I'm relieved. Can I ask a question now?


After hearing her enthusiastic answer, I looked around the first floor of the inn. The citizens who were sharing a meal were all loudly discussing the appearance of the demon that day. Amidst the noise, I asked very carefully.

Did Master Pridiya come looking for me by any chance?

I had told her where we were staying, so I was sure that after finishing her business, she would come here to meet me. Dachia shook her head.

No, Master Pridiya hasn't come yet.

I thought she would be waiting for me, did something happen? I was worried about her safety for a moment, but it was hard to imagine anyone who could put Master Pridiya in danger, so I put my doubts aside.

Understood. Did you receive any messages from Carmen or Sajita?

Considering the place where they were and the fight between the ragged giant and the demon, they could have been seriously injured. The chances were very low considering their skills.

Dachia nodded with a slightly darkened expression.

There was news. I was going to tell you as soon as you put down your luggage.

Seeing her dark expression, I realized that something had happened to them. Were they seriously injured?

They're not in immediate danger, but according to the messenger sent by Carmen, they seem to be having a bit of trouble with the treatment. Especially Sajita's treatment. After hearing Dachia's words, I silently nodded.

I'll unpack and go see them right away. Yes. I'll wait here. ***

Upon entering the infirmary where Carmen and Sajita were recuperating, Carmen greeted us with a cheerful smile and wave. Ah, Marnak, you've arrived? And Lady Dachia too!

Arras Grata, Carmen's lover who had been tending to him, and Sajita, seated next to Carmen, bowed their heads in our direction. Carmen, lying in bed, was swathed in bandages from head to toe, a faint divinity constantly radiating from his body.

I grinned, and remarked.

At least your voice is still lively. That's a relief.

Hahaha! Is that so? I can't let myself be down just because I'm a bit hurt. That would disgrace the name of Baltas. It's not that serious, lust a few broken bones and severe bruises.

Indeed, full-body fractures and severe bruises weren't such a significant issue. A priest from the Restoration Religion could be called upon to heal him with their divine power. Once a priest from the Restoration Religion arrived, he could receive treatment and be back on his feet within a few days.

Carmen's face darkened slightly.

The real problem is with Sajita. He injured his ankle during the fight...

I'm fine.

Sajita interjected firmly. My gaze shifted to him, lying on the opposite side. A faint divinity also emanated from his body. It was significantly stronger than Carmen's. Let me examine your ankle for a moment.

As I lifted the blanket, I discovered a solidified chunk of divinity, shaped like a needle, embedded in Sajita's ankle. A faint divinity flowed from it, entwining with various other divine energies. This explained why they remained bedridden, receiving only basic treatment and not the healing of a Restoration Religion priest.

It wasn't that they hadn't sought such healing, but rather, they couldn't. The divinity of the evil gods seeping from their wounds likely interfered with the priest's divine power. I signaled to Mother by patting my chest, and she, understanding my signal perfectly, responded briefly.


With her assurance that she could easily handle the situation if I unsealed the holy relic given by the demon, my task became clear. Seeing my expression, Carmen chuckled and spoke.

Don't worry too much. According to the priest who came and went, the divinity of the evil gods flowing from our wounds is gradually weakening. It might take some time to completely disappear, though.

How long do you think it will take according to the priest?


As Carmen hesitated, his lover, Arras Grata, quickly answered.

To naturally eliminate the remaining divinity in the wounds, it could take a few months to a few years at the least. That's only for Carmen. The person lying over there might take even longer. But we've already put out a bounty for a priest who can neutralize the divinity of the evil gods, so it won't take that long.

Carmen looked at Dachia with a sheepish smile.

I'm really sorry that things turned out this way, but it seems a bit difficult for Sajita and me to continue escorting Lady Dachia for now. If it weren't for the divinity of the evil gods, we could have recovered within a week.

Dachia smiled faintly and shook her head.

Please focus on your treatment first. I'm really fine. I looked at Carmen and Sajita and slowly spoke.

I will be leaving the capital for a few days with Lady Dachia. I happen to know a way to eliminate the divinity that has settled in your bodies. What?

Dachia's eyes widened as she heard my words. I grinned, addressing her directly.

I'll explain in detail when we return to the inn.

My plan was to explore the ancient ruins with her. The coordinates provided by the demon's key to the ruins were not far from the capital. In the secluded space of the ancient ruins, I could absorb the divinity sealed within Mother's holy relic without anyone knowing.

Plus, I could get a new relic made by the daughter of Writhing Curiosity.

At my sudden declaration, Carmen, who had been blinking in surprise, grinned and gestured to me.

That's Marnak for you! But could you come here for a moment? I have something to tell you.

At his gesture, Arras discreetly escorted Dachia out of the infirmary. Only Carmen, Sajita, and I were left in the infirmary.

Carmen looked at me with a more serious expression than ever. Marnak. Yes.

His dark brown eyes stared straight at me. Soon, a playful smile played around his lips.

I guarantee you, there aren't many women as 'kind hearted and generous' as Lady Dachia. Take this opportunity to treat her well! It seems to me that Lady Dachia also has quite a fondness for you! 'Kill?!'

Sajita, who had been sitting quietly on the bed, spoke up.

As far as I know, you two are already in a relationship... What?!


Carmen and Mother were both shocked at the same time. Carmen reached out to grab me, but winced in pain and yelled instead.

What?! Was I the only one who didn't know? Huh? What the hell does that mean? 'Kill, kill!!!'

Mother's cry for an immediate explanation. I wasn't sure what she wanted me to explain since she had been with me all along, but I felt the need to clarify this misunderstanding. Lady Dachia and I are not in any relationship. Especially not the kind that Sajita is thinking of.

Really? That's a shame... Don't you think so, Sajita?

At Carmen's question, Sajita glanced at me and nodded slightly. They both looked relatively healthy, which was a relief. At least there wouldn't be any major problems until I returned.

Please take care of yourselves until I return. I'll be back as soon as possible. Carmen nodded.

We just need to lie in bed, so don't rush and get hurt. Well, I'm sure you'll handle it well, Marnak! At his sincere concern, I grinned and replied.

Thank you for your concern. * * *

On the way back to the inn after leaving the infirmary, I finished explaining the rough details to Dachia. She readily agreed to my plan.

Originally, the four of us were supposed to go to the ancient ruins together, but going with just Dachia wasn't a bad choice either. At least I could use the Corruption Arts freely without worrying about others.

Upon arriving at the inn, we were greeted by my master, Pridiya, who was sitting on the first floor, sipping water.

Seeing me, she grinned.

You're quite late, aren't you, my apprentice? I've been waiting for you. Come on, sit here. Instead of following my master's words and sitting next to her, I sat across from her with Dachia.

You're later than anticipated.

Master's blue eyes curved gently as she spoke.

I made a brief stop at the palace. The Northern Kingdom's queen requested a favor. She mentioned that in the city of 'Igiller', north of the capital, evil god worshippers are causing chaos. She politely requested their extermination, and I agreed. So, pack your things, apprentice. We're heading north together.

The Irmel family's territory lay south of the capital. Naturally, I couldn't comply with Master's suggestion. I realized it was time to assert myself more firmly than ever before. I won't accompany you, Master. There's something I must handle myself.

You won't join me? Even after I, your sole master, endured countless hardships and insults to fulfill your requests? Master's thin blue eyelashes trembled.

Did I mishear you? I responded firmly.

No, you heard correctly.

How cruel...

A single clear tear rolled down her pale cheek, splashing onto the hard inn floor.

How could you do this to me? I've worked tirelessly for my only apprentice...

Another tear welled up in her eye. I looked straight into Master's eyes and spoke.

Stop feigning tears when things don't go your way. I've fallen for those tears more than once or twice, but not anymore. As if she had never shed a tear, Master Pridiya shrugged her shoulders and laughed heartily.

A woman's tears are her weapon, apprentice. But seriously, you're not coming with me?

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