The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 38 Second Round Result

The audience was really shocked after the result was announced. 6 of 35 students of Skywing Academy were already eliminated, but only 1 of 15 students of Apex Academy had been eliminated, and he was eliminated because he surrendered.

As the news of the score spread throughout the arena, the audience erupted into a mix of cheers and gasps. Some of the Skywing supporters were in disbelief, while others were silently cursing their luck. Meanwhile, the Apex supporters were jubilant. Their team had clearly dominated the battles thus far.

In the stands, a group of Skywing alumni were discussing the outcome. "This is embarrassing," said one. "We're supposed to be one of the top academies, but our students can't even hold their own against Apex."

Another alumni shook their head. "It's not just about strength," they said. "It's about strategy and tactics. We need to rethink our approach to training our students."

A young Skywing student in the audience was feeling defeated. "I can't believe we're losing so badly," they said to their friend. "I thought we were good, but we're getting destroyed out there."

Their friend patted them on the back. "Don't worry about it," they said. "We still have a chance to turn this around. We just need to support our remaining students and cheer them on."

In another part of the stands, a group of Apex supporters were revelling in their team's success. "This is what it means to be the top academy," said one. "Our students are clearly the best."

But another supporter cautioned them. "Don't get too cocky," they said. "There's still a long way to go. We need to keep our focus and not let our guard down."

Meanwhile, a group of neutral observers were discussing the battles. "I have to admit, I'm surprised by the results so far," said one. "I thought Skywing would put up a better fight."

Another nodded in agreement. "It just goes to show that anything can happen in these battles. You can never be too sure of the outcome."

As the conversation between the audience members died down, the chancellors of both Skywing Academy and Apex Academy stepped forward to address the crowd. The Skywing chancellor, a tall and imposing man, had a stern expression on his face as he spoke.

"I must admit, I am disappointed in the performance of our students thus far," he said, his voice echoing throughout the arena. "But do not be fooled by the early results. Skywing Academy is home to some of the most powerful and skilled beast tamer students in the world. We will not be defeated so easily."

The Apex chancellor, a shorter but no less imposing figure, stepped forward to respond. His face was calm and collected, his voice measured and confident.

"While I have great respect for the students of Skywing Academy, I must disagree with your assessment," he said. "The results speak for themselves. Apex Academy has always been at the forefront of beast taming education, and we will continue to produce the most skilled and powerful beast tamers in the world."

The Skywing chancellor snorted in derision. "Talk is cheap," he said. "Let's see if your students can back up their boasts with action."

The Apex chancellor merely smiled. "I have no doubt they will," he said, before turning to leave the arena.

The Skywing chancellor watched him go, a look of determination on his face. "We will not be defeated," he muttered to himself. "We will show them what true power looks like."

As the two chancellors departed, the crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and jeers, with supporters of both academies shouting out their support.

The rest of the battles continued, with Skywing Academy trying their best to make a comeback and Apex Academy fighting to maintain their lead. Each battle was fierce and intense, with both sides giving it their all.

Maya had defeated 3 students on her own, and finally, she stepped back because she was exhausted from facing 3 enemies in a row, but her fight had boosted the fighting spirit of other students.

As the battle continued, the Apex students continued to dominate, showing their skill and prowess in battle. The Skywing students were left reeling, unable to believe the lopsided score in favor of their opponents.

The Skywing chancellor looked on in frustration and anger, unable to hide his disappointment at the performance of his students. He knew that they had trained hard and had the potential to be great, but something was holding them back.

Meanwhile, the Apex chancellor sat back in his chair, a smug expression on his face as he watched his students dominate. He knew that his academy was the top school for a reason, and he was confident that they would emerge victorious.

The two chancellors engaged in a heated conversation, each one defending their own academy and mocking the other.

"You should be ashamed of your students," the Apex chancellor said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "They're supposed to be the best and brightest, but they're getting beaten by our second stringers."

The Skywing chancellor bristled at the insult. "Don't get too cocky," he retorted. "Our students are still giving it their all, and I have faith that they will come out on top."

The Apex chancellor chuckled. "Faith won't win you this battle, my friend," he said. "Only skill and determination can do that, and it seems that your students are sorely lacking in both."

The Skywing chancellor scowled, his pride wounded by the taunt. "You may be winning now, but the battle isn't over yet," he said. "We'll see who comes out on top in the end."

As the two chancellors continued to argue, the battle raged on in the arena. The Apex students continued to dominate, but the Skywing students refused to give up. They fought with all their might, determined to prove themselves and earn a victory for their academy.

Maya watched from the sidelines, cheering on her fellow students and offering advice and encouragement. She may have been exhausted from her earlier battles, but she was still determined to do whatever she could to help her team emerge victorious.

The Skywing students had a clear strategy in their beast selection, opting for flying beasts to give them the advantage of aerial maneuverability. However, the Apex students had a wide variety of beasts, ranging from the powerful and imposing lion and elephant to the swift and agile wolf and serpent.

Each student only tamed two beasts, which meant that they had to choose carefully and strategize their battles accordingly. Some of the Skywing students chose to use their beasts' speed and agility to avoid the Apex students' attacks and strike from a distance, while others relied on their beasts' raw power to overpower their opponents.

The Apex students, on the other hand, used their beasts' unique abilities to gain the upper hand. The serpent was able to wrap around its opponents and squeeze the life out of them, while the lion and tiger used their powerful jaws to deliver devastating bites. The elephant and gorilla were able to use their immense strength to overpower their opponents, while the eagle and wolf were able to move quickly and strike with precision.

The battles were intense and filled with action, with both sides giving it their all. The Skywing students were determined to prove themselves and earn a victory for their academy, while the Apex students were equally determined to maintain their dominance.

As the battles continued, the Apex students began to taunt their Skywing counterparts, mocking their lack of skill and inferior beasts. They boasted about their superior bond with their beasts and their rigorous training, claiming that the Skywing students could never match their level of expertise.

"Your beasts are nothing compared to ours!" one Apex student shouted as his lion pounced on a Skywing student's falcon.

"Your bond with your beasts is weak," another Apex student sneered as her serpent coiled around a Skywing student's hawk.

"You'll never defeat us with those pitiful creatures," a third Apex student taunted as his gorilla slammed its fists into a Skywing student's eagle.

The Skywing students were frustrated and angry at the Apex students' mockery, but they refused to back down. They continued to fight with all their might, determined to prove that they were not to be underestimated.

"You may have stronger beasts, but we have heart and determination!" one Skywing student yelled as his falcon swooped down to attack an Apex student's wolf.

"Don't underestimate our bond with our beasts!" another Skywing student shouted as her hawk used its speed to evade an Apex student's lion.

"We may not be as strong as you, but we have the will to fight!" a third Skywing student declared as her eagle used its talons to strike an Apex student's serpent.

The Apex students continued to mock and taunt the Skywing students, but the Skywing students refused to give up. They fought with all their might, determined to prove themselves and earn a victory for their academy.

As the battles continued, it became clear that the Apex students were too strong. Their bond with their beasts was higher, and their training was harsher. The Skywing students fought valiantly, but they were simply no match for the Apex students' skill and expertise.

The audience watched in awe as the battles continued, marveling at the incredible beasts and the fierce determination of the students. Even though the Skywing students were being beaten, they refused to give up, determined to show their opponents that they were not to be underestimated.

At the end of the day, the Apex students emerged victorious, having won the majority of the battles. The Skywing students were disappointed, but they held their heads high, proud of the effort they had put in.

As the two chancellors returned to the arena, the Apex chancellor spoke up, addressing the Skywing students with a note of respect in his voice.

"You fought well," he said, his voice sincere. "Your determination and spirit were admirable, and you gave us a run for our money. We respect your academy and the skill of your students."

The Skywing chancellor nodded in agreement, acknowledging the Apex students' skill and expertise.

"I agree," he said. "You have proven yourselves to be worthy opponents, and we look forward to the next battle."

And with that, the second round of the competition came to a close, with the Apex students emerging victorious. But the Skywing students had not been defeated, not truly. They had shown their opponents and the audience what they were made of, and they had proven that even in the face of adversity, they would never give up.

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