The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 44 New Changes

Orion looked at the beast phone that he got from the chancellor. The beast phone had informed him what had changed in the world after he went to do indoor cultivation for two years.

The first thing that he saw was that the tier of beast tamer had changed. The people that were called beast tamers were divided into three. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Beast Tamer. These were the same as the previous system, but after this level that the beast tamer tier began to change.

After Advanced Beast Tamer, It will be Beast Master. This was the calling for people that had surpassed the Advanced Beast Tamer level, and also, in this level, Beast Master had the ability to communicate with his beasts.

It could be said that Orion had reached this level because, after indoor cultivation, he could already communicate with his beast. He focused his mind on his beast space and called Nova.

Suddenly, he heard a voice in his mind. Nova's voice was clear and distinct, as if she were standing beside him. "Orion, I hear you. What do you need?"

Orion smiled, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the fact that he could communicate with his beast. "Nova, I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing."

"I'm doing well, Orion," Nova replied. "I've been keeping up with my training and practicing my skills. I'm ready for whatever challenges lie ahead."

Orion felt a surge of pride and gratitude towards his loyal companion. He knew that he could always count on her to have his back, no matter what. "I'm glad to hear that, Nova. And I wanted to let you know that we're going on a journey outside of the academy."

Nova's voice was filled with excitement. "That sounds amazing, Orion! Where are we going?"

Orion smiled, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him. "I haven't decided yet. But I know that wherever we go, we'll face challenges and obstacles. But with you by my side, I know that we can overcome them."

Nova's voice was filled with determination. "I won't let you down, Orion. We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Orion opened his eyes, feeling invigorated and energized by the conversation with Nova. He knew that he had made the right decision to go outside of the academy and explore the world of Beasts. With his training, his Beast Phone, and his loyal companion by his side, he felt that he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

He continued to check his other information from the Beast Phone. He saw that after becoming Beast Master, the next level was Beast Emperor. It also said that after breaking through to Beast Emperor, one's beast space would undergo a change depending on the talent.

For example, if a Beast Emperor had a fire talent, then his beast space would transform into a world of fire that strengthened fire beasts. It could also mean that my beast space would transform into a primordial world. I can't wait for it.

The information was stopped there. There was no information about the tier above Beast Emperor, so it meant that to reach it would be very hard, but Orion believed that he could reach it because his Primordial Mastery talent had made him a Beast Master at the age of 18 years old.

Orion also saw the information about beasts. Beasts' tiers were also changed. It was now ranked from Common Beast, Spirit Beast, Legendary Beast, and Mythical Beast. Beast Master could only tame Legendary Beast, and only Beast Emperor could tame Mythical Beast.

Orion could see that Nova and Stella were Legendary Beasts now. He wondered how powerful Legendary Beasts were because he never had the chance to make Nova and Stella fight.

Suddenly there was a rustle in the bush, and a big red bear was coming from it. The beast was red in color, and also he had a raging fire in his back. The bear looked very fierce, but Orion was not afraid at all. He even thought that this was the moment to use the scanning option on the Beast Phone. He directed his Beast Phone to the bear, and suddenly the information about the bear appeared in the Beast phone.


Species: Flaming Bear

Attributes: Fire

Tier: Spirit Beast

Power Level: B

Skills and Abilities:

Fire Manipulation - Flaming Bear can manipulate flames, creating and controlling fire for both offense and defense.

Flame Aura - Flaming Bear surrounds itself with a powerful Aura of flames to increase attack and defense power and deter potential enemies.

Burning Claw - Flaming Bear's sharp claws are infused with flames, causing burning damage to opponents.

Flame Roar - Flaming Bear unleashes a powerful roar that causes a shockwave of flames, engulfing opponents in a massive inferno.

Fire Healing - Flaming Bear absorbs fire energy from its surroundings to heal itself.

Flame Charge - Flaming Bear charges toward opponents while gathering flames around its body, dealing massive damage upon impact.

Fire Resistance - Flaming Bear is naturally resistant to flames and heat-based attacks.


The Flaming Bear is a rare and powerful Spirit Beast known for its control over fire. Its blazing fur and fierce claws make it a formidable opponent in battle. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Flaming Bear is a loyal and protective companion to those it deems worthy. Its fiery nature makes it a popular choice for Beast Tamers seeking to harness the power of flames. Flaming Bear's power, along with its abilities to heal and resist fire, make it a valuable ally in battles against Fire attribute opponents or in environments with extreme temperatures.


Orion could see some changes in the information panel. Skills and Abilities slots had been fused into one, and also the Realm panel had been changed into a Tier panel. It also seemed that it had new information. It said power level, and the Flaming Bear's power level was only B.

Orion clicked on it and found out that the power level was being determined after scanning the Aura released by the beast. The Aura from the beast could be used to determine the power level and tier.

The Aura from each tier of beasts was different, so the Beast Phone could easily differentiate between Spirit Beast and Legendary Beast. The power level was calculated by the power of the Aura. B-level Aura meant that the beast was pretty good.

While Orion was inspecting the Beast Phone, the bear was angry because he was being ignored, but suddenly Orion's beast space opened, and a huge beast appeared and intimidated the bear. The bear who looked at Nova directly got scared and ran away.

Orion was surprised that the Beast Phone could not scan Nova. He had never encountered a situation like this before. He tried to scan Nova again, but the result was still the same. The information on the screen suddenly flashed, and a message appeared, "Can not scan. The beast is not registered in the database."

Orion realized what the problem was. Nova was a beast that evolved to this state because of his talent, so it could be said that Nova was a unique species. After looking at the Beast Phone for a while, he really appreciated the function of scanning the beast. He could also scan the beast with his eyes, but the information on the Beast Phone was better, but suddenly his eyes were in pain.

Orion quickly closed his eyes and covered them with his hands, trying to alleviate the pain. After a few seconds, the pain subsided, and he opened his eyes slowly. He noticed that everything seemed brighter and more vibrant than before. He didn't know what was going on.

Orion looked around, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. He noticed that the colors were more vivid, and everything seemed to have more detail. He could see the texture of the leaves on the trees and the individual blades of grass on the ground. He realized that his vision had improved significantly, and he wondered if it was because of the pain he had experienced earlier.

He decided to test his newfound vision and scanned the forest. He could see everything more clearly than before, and he even noticed small animals that he didn't see earlier. He realized that his vision had improved beyond what he thought was possible, and when he looked at Nova, he was very surprised.

The information panel of Nova directly appeared in front of him, and the information was the same as the Beast Phone. Orion was amazed by this new development. He didn't know how it happened, but he could now see everything in more detail, and he could access Nova's information without the Beast Phone. He wondered if this was a result of his Primordial Mastery talent or something else.

He knew that his Primordial Mastery talent could allow him to unlock the beast limit and evolve into something that was ancient. It could also be said to mutate the beast, but could it be that his Primordial Mastery talent was also affecting him? He was saying that the function was good, and suddenly he got the ability. He could not believe it, but he could only trust it for now.

He looked back at Nova to look at his information. He could not believe it when he saw the information about Nova.

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