The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 49 Gaia

Orion was amazed at how big this world was. He had been so caught up in his own journey and adventures that he had never really stopped to consider the scope of the world around him. It was incredible to think that there were so many different places and cultures to explore, each with its own unique history and stories.

After thinking for a while, Orion decided to go to Gaia Capital City of Terra Empire. Orion had been curious about the different cultures and civilizations of the world, and he knew that the capital city of the Terra Empire would be a great place to start his exploration. He had heard stories of the city's grandeur and beauty, and he was eager to see it for himself.

As he made his way towards Gaia on the back of Stella, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that there would be many wonders to discover in the city, and he was eager to immerse himself in the culture and learn more about the people who lived there.

As they flew over the countryside, Orion marveled at the beauty of the natural landscapes that unfolded beneath him. The rolling hills, verdant forests, and sparkling lakes seemed to stretch out endlessly, each one more stunning than the last. Stella flew with a graceful ease, her powerful wings beating rhythmically as they soared through the air. Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight, knowing that he was witnessing something truly extraordinary.

As they approached the city, Orion was struck by the sheer size and scale of it. The city sprawled out before him, with towering buildings and bustling streets stretching as far as the eye could see. It was a testament to the power and wealth of the Terra Empire, and Orion couldn't wait to explore every inch of it.

Stella brought him down to the outskirts of the city, and Orion marveled at the grandeur of the city's walls. They were made of solid stone, towering high into the sky and lined with turrets and watchtowers. The gates of the city were massive and imposing, guarded by a regiment of heavily-armed soldiers who looked down at him suspiciously as he approached.

Orion thanked the soldier and urged Stella forward, passing through the massive gates of the city and into the bustling streets beyond. As they made their way through the city, Orion couldn't help but notice the strict rules and regulations that governed daily life in Gaia. Everywhere he looked, there were signs and warnings reminding citizens of the laws they must follow.

Beast tamers were required to keep their beasts in their own personal beast space, which was a pocket dimension that existed outside of normal space and time. It was a space where beasts could rest and recover from their battles, and where tamers could keep their beasts safe from harm. Beast tamers were also required to register their beasts with the city's Beast Tamer Guild, which kept track of all beasts and their owners within the city.

Failure to follow these rules could result in fines, imprisonment, or even the banishment of the beast tamer and their beasts from the city. Orion realized that the Terra Empire took the safety and security of its citizens very seriously, and he made a mental note to be extra cautious during his time in the city.

As he walked through the crowded streets, Orion saw all kinds of people and creatures, each one more fascinating than the last. There were beast tamers with all sorts of beasts - from small, cuddly creatures to massive, fearsome beasts that could tear a man apart with ease. There were merchants selling all kinds of goods and wares, from exotic spices and textiles to powerful weapons and armor. And there were street performers and musicians, adding to the lively atmosphere of the city.

Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder as he explored the city, marveling at the sights and sounds around him. He knew that there would be much to learn and discover in the days to come, and he was eager to immerse himself in the culture and customs of the Terra Empire.

Orion was particularly fascinated by the Beast Tamer Guild, which he had heard so much about during his travels. The guild was responsible for regulating the use of beasts within the city, and ensuring that all tamers and their beasts were properly registered and licensed.

As he entered the guild hall, Orion was struck by the sheer scale of the operation. The hall was bustling with activity, with dozens of beast tamers milling about and conducting business with the guild officials. Orion could see that the guild officials were a serious and efficient lot, dedicated to their work of ensuring the safety and security of the city's citizens.

Orion approached one of the guild officials, a stern-looking man with a bushy beard and sharp eyes. "Greetings, sir. My name is Orion, and I am a traveler seeking to learn more about the culture and customs of the Terra Empire. I was hoping to learn more about the Beast Tamer Guild and its operations."

The official regarded Orion with a critical eye, studying him for a few moments before nodding curtly. "Very well, traveler. I am Senior Guildsman Arin, and I am responsible for overseeing the registration and licensing of beasts within the city. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask."

Orion thanked him and began to ask his questions. Arin was more than happy to oblige, explaining in detail the rules and regulations governing the use of beasts within the city. Orion was particularly interested in the process of registering beasts with the guild, and Arin patiently walked him through the steps involved.

Orion could see that the guild officials were serious about their work, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of respect and admiration for them. He knew that they were an essential part of keeping the city safe and secure, and he made a mental note to be extra careful with Stella during their time in the city.

After his meeting with Senior Guildsman Arin, Orion decided to explore more of the city. He wandered through the bustling streets, taking in the sights and sounds of this vibrant metropolis. He visited shops and markets, sampled exotic foods, and even attended a performance at a local theater.

As the day wore on, Orion found himself feeling more and more at home in the city of Gaia. He had never experienced anything like it before, and he was grateful for the opportunity to learn more about the Terra Empire and its people.

As the sun began to set, Orion found himself at the top of a high hill overlooking the city. He gazed out over the sprawling metropolis, marveling at its size and grandeur. He knew that there would be many challenges and adventures ahead of him, but he was eager to face them head-on, with Stella by his side.

For Orion, the city of Gaia was just the beginning of a grand adventure, one that would take him across the world and beyond. But for now, he was content to bask in the wonder and beauty of this incredible city, and to learn all that he could about the people and culture of the Terra Empire.

As he stood there, taking in the breathtaking view, Orion heard a rustling behind him. He turned to see a group of soldiers approaching, their weapons at the ready. Orion tensed up, unsure of what was happening.

One of the soldiers stepped forward, a stern look on his face. "Halt! What are you doing up here, outsider?" he demanded.

Orion quickly explained that he was a traveler visiting the city, and that he had only come to the hill to admire the view. The soldiers seemed to relax a bit at his explanation, but they still eyed him suspiciously.

"We can't be too careful these days," the soldier said, eyeing Orion and Stella warily. "There have been reports of outsiders causing trouble in the city, and we can't afford to take any chances."

Orion nodded understandingly, knowing that he had to be careful not to draw any unwanted attention. He thanked the soldier for his vigilance and made his way back down the hill, feeling a bit uneasy but also excited for what lay ahead.

As he made his way back towards the heart of the city, Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer scale and grandeur of Gaia. The buildings were massive and imposing, their architecture a testament to the power and wealth of the Terra Empire. The streets were crowded with people and beasts of all shapes and sizes, each one going about their daily business.

Orion made his way towards the city's central plaza, where he had heard that there was a great market where all manner of goods and wares could be purchased. As he walked through the bustling crowds, he marveled at the variety of cultures and peoples represented in the city. There were people of all shapes, sizes, and colors, each one with their own unique dress and customs.

Finally, Orion arrived at the market, which was a riot of colors and sounds. There were merchants selling everything from exotic spices and teas to fine silks and textiles. There were weaponsmiths hawking swords and axes of all kinds, and armorers selling finely-crafted suits of armor.

Orion was particularly intrigued by the stalls selling magical items and potions. He had heard stories of the powerful elixirs and charms that could be found in the city, and he was eager to see them for himself. As he approached one of the stalls, the merchant behind the counter gave him a sly grin.

"Ah, a traveler. I have just the thing for you," the merchant said, pulling out a small vial filled with a shimmering green liquid. "This is a potion of strength. It will make you twice as strong as any normal man for a short period of time."

Orion was skeptical, but the merchant assured him that the potion was perfectly safe and that it had been used by many of the city's most powerful beast tamers. After haggling over the price for a few moments, Orion finally relented and purchased the potion.

He continued to explore the market, browsing the various stalls and admiring the wares on display. As the day wore on, he found himself becoming increasingly comfortable in the city, and he knew that he would always remember his time in Gaia with fondness.

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