The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 52 The Mastermind

After Orion beat the wolf, he was shocked that the wolf was in the same condition as the Rock Salamander in the city earlier. Orion looked at the group who took those medicines.

Orion's mind raced as he looked at the group that had taken medicine. He realized they were responsible for the recent surge in unregistered beasts running wild in the city.

"You're the ones behind this, aren't you?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger.

The group cowered in fear, realizing that they had been caught. One of the men stepped forward, his hands raised in surrender.

"We were hired to get these medicines," he said, his voice shaking. "We didn't know what they were for."

Orion's expression softened slightly as he realized that the group might not have known the true purpose of the medicine. He stepped closer, his eyes fixed on the man.

"Who hired you?" he asked, his voice low and urgent.

The man hesitated, then finally spoke. "We don't know his name," he said. "He contacted us through a third party, and we were paid to collect the medicines and bring them to him."

Orion's mind raced as he tried to figure out who could be behind this. He knew that he had to find out more.

"Take me to this third party," he said, his voice firm. "I need to find out who's behind this."

The group hesitated, unsure of whether to trust Orion. But after a moment, they nodded, realizing that they had no other choice.

They led Orion through the dark and deserted streets of Gaia, weaving through alleyways and backstreets until they finally arrived at a small apartment complex. The group stopped in front of one of the doors and knocked three times.

After a few moments, the door opened, revealing an old man with a wizened face and piercing eyes. The man looked at Orion and nodded.

"So, you're the one who wants to know who's behind all of this," he said, his voice low and measured.

Orion nodded, his eyes fixed on the old man. "Yes, I need to know," he said.

The old man just smiled. "Now, you follow me."

He led Orion into the apartment, which was dimly lit and sparsely furnished. The air was thick with the smell of incense and smoke. Orion could sense that there was something powerful about this old man, something that made him both wary and curious.

The old man led Orion to a small back room, where a figure was sitting in the shadows. As they approached, the figure stood up and stepped forward, revealing himself to be a tall and imposing man with dark hair and a sharp, angular face.

"So, you're the one who's been causing trouble," the man said, his voice cold and calculating.

Orion tensed, realizing that this was the man behind the recent surge in unregistered beasts. He stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the man.

"I want to know why you're doing this," he said, his voice low and measured.

The man just smirked. "Why not?" he replied. "There's money to be made, power to be gained. And besides, these beasts are no match for those with true strength and skill."

Orion felt a cold anger rising within him at the man's callous words. He knew that he had to stop this man and put an end to his twisted plans.

"You're putting innocent lives at risk," he said his voice firm. "This has to stop."

The man just laughed. "You think you can stop me?" he sneered. "You're just a small fish in a big pond. I have power and influence that you could only dream of."

Orion stood his ground, refusing to back down. "I don't care how much power or influence you have," he said, his voice rising. "What you're doing is wrong, and it has to end."

The man's expression hardened, and he stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Orion. "You'll regret crossing me," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

The man suddenly summoned a huge 3 meters tiger. Orion could see that this tiger was that of thunder element, and he directly inspected the tiger.


Species: Thunder Storm Tiger

Attributes: Thunder, Wind

Tier: Legendary Beast

Power Level: A

Skills and Abilities:

Thunder Manipulation: Thunder Storm Tigers possess the ability to manipulate and control the power of thunder. They can summon bolts of lightning to strike their enemies or create powerful thunderstorms to disorient and confuse them. Their mastery over this element allows them to unleash devastating attacks that can decimate entire battlefields.

Wind Manipulation: In addition to their thunder manipulation abilities, Thunder Storm Tigers also possess the power to control the wind. They can create powerful gusts of wind that can knock back opponents or even generate massive tornadoes to wreak havoc on their enemies.

Enhanced Senses: Thunder Storm Tigers have incredibly sharp senses, particularly their hearing, and vision, which they use to track down prey and avoid danger. They are able to detect even the slightest movements and sounds from great distances, making them formidable predators.

Agility and Speed: Thunder Storm Tigers possess incredible speed and agility, allowing them to move with lightning-fast reflexes and perform acrobatic feats that are almost impossible for other creatures.


The Thunder Storm Tiger is a legendary beast known for its mastery over the elements of thunder and wind. Its ability to summon bolts of lightning and generate powerful tornadoes makes it a fearsome opponent in battle. Additionally, its enhanced senses and incredible speed and agility make it an incredibly effective predator. As a legendary beast, the Thunder Storm Tiger is considered one of the most powerful and sought-after creatures in all of the fantasy lore.


The beast was actually a legendary beast, and it meant that the man in front of him was Beast Master. It needed to be said that Beast Master was rare, and the fact that the man was Beast Master meant that he must have other bad things.

The man's face twisted into a cruel grin as he stared at Orion, sizing him up like a piece of meat. "You think you're so tough, little Beast Tamer," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "But let me tell you, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

Orion stood his ground, his expression remaining calm and resolute. He could sense the danger emanating from the man and his beast, but he refused to show any signs of fear or weakness.

The man noticed Orion's composure and let out a scoffing laugh. "You think you're brave, huh?" he said. "Let me introduce you to my Thunder Storm Tiger."

As he spoke, the man gestured toward the massive beast beside him. Orion's eyes widened in awe as he took in the sight of the creature. The Thunder Storm Tiger was easily three meters tall, with rippling muscles and a sleek, powerful form. Its fur was a deep shade of black, with flashes of bright yellow that glowed like lightning bolts. Its eyes were a piercing green, and as it stared at Orion, he could feel the intensity of its gaze.

The man continued to taunt Orion, his voice growing more and more aggressive. "You see this beast?" he said. "It's one of the strongest creatures in all the land, and it's under my control. You don't stand a chance against me and my Thunder Storm Tiger."

Orion remained calm and silent, unfazed by the man's words. He knew that the key to success in battle was to stay focused and composed, even in the face of adversity.

The man's laughter grew louder and more mocking as he saw Orion's lack of reaction. "What's the matter?" he said. "Cat got your tongue? Or are you just too scared to speak?"

Orion remained silent, his eyes locked on the Thunder Storm Tiger. He could see the electricity crackling around its fur, a clear indication of the power it possessed. But he wasn't intimidated. He knew that he had his own powerful beasts at his side, and he was confident in his abilities as a Beast Tamer.

The man's laughter finally died down as he realized that Orion was not going to rise to his bait. "Fine," he said. "If you want to be stubborn, then let's get this over with."

With a flick of his wrist, he signaled the Thunder Storm Tiger to attack. The massive beast let out a deafening roar and charged forward, its claws and teeth bared.

Orion quickly summoned Nova. A beast space appeared, and a huge wolf that was far larger than the Thunder Storm Tiger appeared. This was the beast of Orion, Nova.

Nova was a Primordial Fenrir that power rivaled that of the Mythical beasts. Its massive size and fearsome strength made it a force to be reckoned with.

As Nova appeared, it let out a ferocious roar that shook the very ground beneath them. Its eyes glowed with a bright, fiery light, and its fur bristled with an intimidating aura that made even the Beast Master hesitate.

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