The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 9 First Rare Beast Fight

Orion didn't know if Nova could fight the bear, but Orion could only pin his hope on Nova. The red-eyed bear began to move.

Orion watched as Nova charged toward the bear, his body moving with incredible speed and agility. The bear lunged forward, trying to swipe at the wolf with its massive paws, but Nova was too fast.

Nova dodged the bear's attacks with ease, his body twisting and turning as he moved around the larger beast. The bear roared in frustration, its red eyes glowing brighter as it tried to catch the wolf.

Orion could feel the tension building in the air, and he knew that this battle would be a fierce one. He focused all of his attention on Nova, trying to give the wolf as much support as he could.

Suddenly, Nova leaped forward, his body glowing with a bright blue light. Orion could see that Nova was using his Elemental Manipulation skill, and he felt a sense of pride and admiration for his companion.

Nova's body crashed into the bear's side, and Orion could hear the sickening sound of bone cracking. The bear roared in pain, swiping at Nova with its claws, but the wolf was too quick.

Nova moved with incredible grace, his body weaving in and out of the bear's attacks. Orion could see that Nova was using his Primal Instinct skill, anticipating the bear's moves before they even happened.

Orion watched in amazement as Nova continued to attack the bear, his Primordial Strength allowing him to deal massive damage with each blow. The bear was weakening, its movements becoming slower and more sluggish.

Suddenly, the bear let out a deafening roar, and Orion could see that its red eyes were glowing brighter than ever. He knew that the bear was using its own special ability, and he braced himself for the worst.

The bear's body began to grow, its muscles bulging and expanding as it transformed into an even larger beast. Orion gasped in shock, realizing that this was no ordinary rare beast- it was a rare beast with the power to transform.

Nova didn't seem fazed by the bear's transformation, however. He continued to attack with all of his strength, his Primordial Roar adding to the chaos of the battle.

Orion watched as the two beasts clashed, their bodies slamming into each other with tremendous force. He could see that Nova was starting to tire, however, and he knew that he had to do something to help his companion.

Thinking quickly, Orion began to channel his own aura, gathering the energy around him and directing it towards Nova. He could see the wolf's body start to glow with a bright blue light, and he knew that his aura was giving Nova the strength he needed to continue the fight.

With a final burst of energy, Nova let out a loud howl, his body glowing brighter than ever. The bear roared in anger, but it was too late - Nova's attack was too powerful.

Orion watched as the bear's body was thrown back by the force of Nova's attack, its eyes fading from their red glow as it slumped to the ground, defeated.

For a moment, Orion could only stand there, staring at the two beasts before him. He couldn't believe that they had just won such a fierce battle - it was a testament to the strength and power of their bond.

Nova slowly approached Orion, his body still glowing with a blue aura. Orion could see that the wolf was exhausted, but he also knew that they had to leave the area quickly before any other beasts showed up.

"Good job, Nova," Orion said, patting the wolf's head. "You were amazing."

Nova let out a low growl, his eyes closing in exhaustion. Orion quickly pulled out a healing potion from his bag and fed it to the wolf, watching as the potion worked its magic and healed Nova's wounds.

These healing potions were distributed by Mrs. Claire. Mrs. Claire had said to use this if their beast was heavily injured in the wild.

Once Nova was healed and could walk, Orion turned to leave the area, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that the rare beast they had just defeated was not a normal creature - it had the power to transform, and he couldn't help but wonder what other rare beasts were out there with similar abilities.

As Orion and Nova walked through the dense forest, Orion couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He had always been cautious in the wild, but after the battle with the rare beast, his senses were heightened.

He signaled to Nova to slow down, and they moved more quietly, trying to listen for any signs of danger. Orion knew that they couldn't let their guard down, especially after what they had just faced.

As they walked, Orion heard a faint rustling sound in the bushes. He signaled for Nova to stay back as he approached cautiously, ready to defend himself if needed.

To his relief, he saw a small bird fly out of the bushes, and he realized that it had probably just been startled by their presence.

Orion chuckled to himself, feeling a bit silly for being so cautious. But he knew that in the wild, it was always better to be safe than sorry.

As they continued on their journey, Orion couldn't help but think about the rare beast they had just defeated. He had never heard of a beast with the power to transform, and he wondered what other surprises the wild had in store for him.

Orion knew that he and Nova had a long way to go before they could consider themselves true Beastmasters. They would have to face many more challenges and battles before they could achieve their goal of becoming the strongest team in the land.

But for now, Orion was content with the knowledge that he and Nova had grown even stronger from their latest battle. He knew that their bond had deepened even further and that they would continue to face any challenge that came their way together.

Orion was going back to his apartment to think about his next move. This fight in the forest had awakened him that his power right was still not enough to defend himself from others.

Orion collapsed onto his bed, exhausted from the day's events. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep almost instantly. Despite his fatigue, he couldn't shake the adrenaline rush that was still coursing through his veins. His mind replayed the battle with the rare beast, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for how well he and Nova had worked together.

As he drifted off to sleep, he wondered what other beasts he would encounter in the future. He knew that there were plenty of dangerous creatures out there, and he was eager to test his skills as a beast tamer against them. He also thought about his fellow students at the school, wondering if any of them had experienced anything similar to what he had just gone through.

But as these thoughts swirled in his mind, they were eventually drowned out by the peaceful sound of his own breathing. Orion slept soundly, finally able to let his guard down after a long day of battling and taming beasts.

The next morning, Orion woke up feeling refreshed and energized. He got dressed and grabbed his bag, ready to head to the school to meet with Mrs. Claire. He couldn't wait to tell her about his advancement to Intermediate Beast Tamer and Nova's evolution into a rare beast.

As he walked through the halls of the school, he could feel the eyes of his fellow students on him. Word had already spread about his success in the forest, and he could see the admiration and respect in their gazes. It was a strange feeling for Orion, who had always been somewhat of a loner and had never been one to seek out attention.

When he arrived at Mrs. Claire's office, he knocked on the door and waited for her to call him in. As he stepped inside, Mrs. Claire looked up from her desk and gave him a warm smile.

"Well, Orion, I must say I was quite surprised to hear of your sudden advancement to Intermediate Beast Tamer," she said, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "And I see that Nova has evolved into a rare beast. You really are quite remarkable for someone so young."

Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at her words. He had always known that he was different from the other students, but he had never imagined that he would be singled out like this.

"Thank you, Mrs. Claire," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I was just doing what I had to do to survive in the forest."

Mrs. Claire nodded in understanding. "Yes, I can imagine. But it takes more than survival skills to become an Intermediate Beast Tamer. It takes talent, dedication, and a deep connection with your contracted beast."

Orion nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude for the bond that he had forged with Nova. He knew that without her, he would never have made it through the battle with the rare beast.

"Well, Orion, I have to say I'm impressed," Mrs. Claire said, rising from her desk. "And I think it's safe to say that you have a bright future ahead of you in the world of beast taming."

Orion smiled, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead. He was ready to take on whatever challenges came his way, knowing that he had the skills and the strength to overcome them.

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