The Princess’s Inner Thoughts Were Overheard by Her Emperor Father

Chapter 230

Shangguan Ming was deeply shaken by his wife's autopsy conclusion.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to be more shocked that the celestial child had truly taught his wife the art of forensic examination, or that the Yuan King was likely guilty of evil deeds.

Shangguan Ming sighed heavily in his heart and raised his hand to stop Madam Shangguan's impulsive move to rush to the Ministry of Justice and expose this matter.

"My dear, we need to plan this carefully. We mustn't be hasty."

"How can we plan carefully?" Madam Shangguan glared, knowing the imperial selection was imminent.

Shangguan Ming took a deep breath, "I've already written to old friends, and I've arranged to meet someone tonight for a detailed discussion."

This matter had to be dealt with swiftly, exposing it before the Yuan King could react, so that the court officials could unite in pressuring him.

"We mustn't alert the enemy."

[Indeed, if Madam Shangguan reports to the authorities now, it might alert the Yuan King. He's likely to make the first move, and even if he agrees to open the coffin, he'll have erased all evidence by then.]

[Once the Yuan King catches his breath, he'll retaliate and kill everyone involved in this matter.]

Xiao Chuchu watched the remote live stream, truly worried for the women. But she was just a child, far away in Jing Country, unable to offer much help.

[It's so frustrating.]

Shangguan Ming gave Madam Shangguan a meaningful look, which she immediately understood.

After all, they had been married for many years. "My lord, do you mean we should act in secret?"

Shangguan Ming glanced at her and nodded.

"But the emperor has eyes and ears everywhere. How can we act in secret? I fear that tonight, as soon as you gather the Chief Ministers of the Six Ministries to discuss matters at home, before evening falls, the one in the palace will already know your movements."

"Not to mention, you still need to recruit more officials to join this cause," Madam Shangguan rolled her eyes.

"You, a grand chancellor, meeting with hundreds of court officials after work, having private discussions behind closed doors – do you think the emperor will let that slide?"

The Yuan King might overlook the movements of the women, but the actions of important court officials, especially the Chancellor and Ministers at this time of military defeat, were all under the surveillance of the Imperial Censors.

The Yuan King also had his own secret guards to monitor the officials.

"Secret talks, secret letters," Madam Shangguan shook her head, "it's impossible to succeed."

Shangguan Ming frowned. He knew the risks were extreme, but there was no better option.

"Ah, I've got it!" Madam Shangguan's eyes lit up, "My lord, tell me the content of your secret discussions!"

Shangguan Ming was stunned, staring at her in disbelief.

He looked at his wife's radiant face, "Tell you?"

Determination filled Madam Shangguan's eyes, "Yes. You tell me the content of the secret discussions and the names of the officials. Tonight, I'll dream of the celestial child and ask him to enter the dreams of those officials to relay the message."

Madam Shangguan finished speaking and slapped her thigh in delight, "Wouldn't that work?"

Shangguan Ming was dumbfounded. Could it really be done this way?

"Nonsense. Is the celestial child your pet that you can order around?"

Madam Shangguan huffed and turned her back on him.

But after a moment's thought, she turned back, "What's the harm in trying? What if it works?"

"The celestial being is benevolent and seeks to benefit the world."

Shangguan Ming waved his sleeve dismissively, but in the end, he couldn't resist that night.

Conspiring with the Chief Ministers of the Six Ministries alone was far from enough; he needed to unite with his old subordinates and students as well.

If even one piece of information leaked, the Yuan King would surely not spare him, and would definitely kill them all first.

The matter of contaminating the royal bloodline was something the Yuan King would never allow them to know about and live.

Shangguan Ming prepared for the worst.

If they failed, he would die.

If he wasn't afraid of death, why fear placing hope in the celestial child?

"My dear, ahem, turn around. I'll tell you our action plan."

"You discovered today that the nanny died under suspicious circumstances, and we've also found that all the maids around the former empress died unnatural deaths."

Madam Shangguan's eyes widened.

"We plan to continue gathering evidence for the next three days. On the morning of the third day, we'll submit a memorial to the court, with all civil and military officials jointly requesting the Yuan King to open the empress's coffin for an autopsy."

Shangguan Ming paused, "The memorial has already been written by the Minister of War."

The Minister of War was the birth father of the first empress. It was most natural for him to submit the petition.

Madam Shangguan understood.

"Remember, it's the morning court session three days from now," Shangguan Ming reminded his wife, feeling a bit uneasy. "Don't get the timing wrong."

"I understand," Madam Shangguan nodded repeatedly, quickly placing her hands naturally at her sides, ready to sleep.

"My lord, I'm going to meet the celestial child now."

Shangguan Ming's mouth twitched, and he quickly closed his eyes too. Who knows, maybe he would dream of the child today!

[Oh, they both want me to enter their dreams and pass on messages.]

Xiao Chuchu hadn't expected to be in such high demand while pretending to be a celestial being.

Shangguan Ming and his wife were even arguing over her.

[Who should I choose? Hmm, I'll go with Madam Shangguan.]

Xiao Chuchu quickly made her decision.

[Shangguan Ming isn't one of my recruited elite characters yet. There's a daily limit on how many times I can enter his dreams, and it costs fifty points each time.]

She was also frugal with her points, unwilling to let the system earn even one extra point.


That night, Madam Shangguan quickly found herself in a dream, once again seeing the celestial child above the clouds and mist.

The celestial child truly looked like the delicate children in New Year paintings. Today, he wore a begonia-colored padded jacket, with two tender yellow ribbons in his hair, looking very adorable.

Madam Shangguan even felt the urge to hug the celestial child.

She was truly being disrespectful!

Feeling ashamed, Madam Shangguan immediately lowered her head, not daring to look directly at him. "Celestial child, this humble woman has indeed discovered some clues."

She quickly recounted the discovery that the former empress's nanny had been murdered.

Then, she requested the celestial child to pass on a message.

"Celestial child, my husband, though he holds the esteemed position of Chancellor in the mortal world, is still powerless compared to the evil Yuan King."

"Therefore, this humble woman begs the celestial child to lend a hand! Celestial child, for the sake of the people of Yuan, could you help my husband deliver a message? Three days from now, the court officials will take action during the morning court session."

"The list of officials to be informed is as follows..." Madam Shangguan, skilled in gossip, was well-acquainted with the court officials of the capital.

She rattled off a string of names in one breath, including almost all the civil and military officials.

Xiao Chuchu, in the form of the delicate celestial child, couldn't help but be amused.

But thinking of the ill-fated empresses, Xiao Chuchu put on a serious face. "Mortal affairs, I cannot help you with. You must accomplish this on your own."

Madam Shangguan let out an "Ah" of disappointment, but quickly nodded, "This humble woman was too presumptuous. Celestial child, you are a divine being—"

Before she could finish, Xiao Chuchu interrupted her.

"Tomorrow, before dawn, have your husband write a message of no more than ten characters and bury it under the third tree he encounters after turning left when he leaves home."

Madam Shangguan jolted in surprise, looking up with joy.

Xiao Chuchu smiled slightly and nodded at her, "Those who are destined will see it and understand your husband's intentions."

Madam Shangguan hurriedly knelt to express her gratitude, but the celestial child had already disappeared into the swirling mist.

"Remember, these people are suspicious... You shouldn't inform them of your secret plans..." The celestial child's divine voice faded away with this final advice.

Madam Shangguan hurriedly committed it to memory.

As someone well-versed in gossip, Madam Shangguan had an excellent memory. Upon waking, she immediately rolled over and shook awake her deeply sleeping husband.

"My lord, wake up quickly! I dreamed of the celestial child!"

"The celestial child said these officials are problematic, you can't involve them in your plans, you must exclude them."

"And also, the celestial child agreed to let you write a note under... that tree."

Shangguan Ming was about to ask but then froze.

The celestial child... really did appear!?

And actually helped!?

Wait, why did the child only enter his wife's dream?

"Celestial child above, please accept this old man's bow!" Shangguan Ming dared not think further, surely his previous actions must have displeased the celestial child.

He got out of bed and sincerely kowtowed.

"This old man, on behalf of the people of Yuan, is grateful for the celestial child's magical intervention!"

"Henceforth, this old man will surely act righteously and carry out heaven's will!"


The next day, many Yuan officials woke from their dreams, feeling a bit dazed.


"The celestial child told me to go to the third apricot tree in front of the Chancellor's house?"

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