The Protagonist System

07 Starting To Fill A Promise

07 Starting To Fill A Promise

A collective sigh came from everyone and I looked around at their relieved faces.

“I completely missed something significant about Lady Grayfia's visit, didn't I?” I asked.

Rias made a snort sound, Akeno did her 'ufufufu' laugh, and Kiba coughed to cover his own laugh.

Koneko took the opportunity to swat me upside the head. “Pervert missed the obvious.”

“Ha.” I barked and scooped her up into my arms into a princess carry, spun around, and sat down on the couch with her on my lap. “Would you like to explain it to me?”

Koneko did not miss the fact I still had an erection, because it pressed against her thigh. “Cake first.”

I gave her several kisses on her cheek and neck. “Are there enough ingredients in the kitchen?”

“More than enough.” Rias said. “I had some delivered.”

“Both I and Koneko's stomachs thank you.” I joked and Rias laughed. “Shall we get to it or should we cuddle for a bit first?”

Koneko looked genuinely conflicted at my question.

“Maybe a few minutes rest, then we cook, and we can cuddle waiting for them to bake?” I asked her.

“Pervert.” Koneko said and cuddled into me, silently agreeing to my compromise.

“Are you really going to bake her a hundred cakes?” Rias asked with a teasing smile on her face.

“A hundred batches of mini-cakes, actually. Since I can't bake them all at once, not that they would stay fresh for that long anyway, I'll make a batch every few days. Twice a week should be enough to keep Koneko well dosed with fluffy and sugary sweetness for about a year.” I said.

Koneko looked quite happy and nodded as she nuzzled into my neck and nipped at the skin playfully. My squirming under her attention seemed to make her even happier, which the others easily noticed and gave me pointed looks.

I didn't try to take advantage of the situation, though. My hand on Koneko's thigh didn't roam and my hand on her waist didn't try to dip down to lightly caress the top of her ass, even though I could easily do both and no one would have blamed me for it, not even Koneko.

When the invisible clock in my head clicked at the ten minute mark, I changed my grip and stood with Koneko cradled in my arms, without assistance, and I walked out of the club room. Koneko pointed me where to go and we entered the kitchen. It didn't take Koneko long to decide that I couldn't cook and still keep her in my arms, so she reluctantly chose to sit right beside me at the counter to watch me.

I softly laughed under my breath and gave her cheek several kisses for diligently making sure I wasn't going to balk at completing my promise to her. She kept her eyes locked onto me as I turned on the oven and gathered the things needed for the Cherry and Vanilla cake mix. She didn't react as my skills made short work of mixing the ingredients and I combined them into a homemade cake mix batter that smelled delicious.

Koneko's eyes widened when I conjured fifteen ceramic rings that were four inches wide and one inch high. I covered a cookie sheet with parchment paper, the baker's best friend, and set the rings in three rows of five to fill the sheet. I used a ladle to fill each of the rings and Koneko's eyes widened when I used the very last of the cake batter to fill the fifteenth ring.

“You may now lick the spoon and bowl, my dearest Koneko.” I said and handed her the bowl, mixing spoon, and ladle. I barely turned around to put the cookie sheet into the oven when I heard her eagerly slurping at the residue in the bowl. I didn't need eyes in the back of my head to know that she had forsaken the spoon and ladle and was using her bare fingers to assault and clean out the bowl.

After I checked the oven's temperature and set the timer, I turned around to see Koneko's face streaked with smudges of batter, her fingers were covered, and she was doing her best to lick all of it off and clean herself.

I didn't laugh, even though it was pretty funny to watch her struggling. Instead, I joined in to try and help her clean herself by using my tongue as well. I started with the backs of her hands as she licked her palms and then I worked on her face. She really had made a huge mess trying to eat it as fast as possible, so I had a lot of work ahead of me and I looked forward to it.


Rias and Akeno stood in the doorway of the kitchen and stared at the scene in front of them. Their cute little Koneko, the school's mascot, was making out with their newest Peerage member as if he was the tastiest treat in the world. Their tongues were all over each other's faces and inside their mouths, then their tops were suddenly off and Koneko rubbed her batter-covered hands over his chest.

Both girls watched as Koneko suckled on Issei's hardened nipples and then licked his chest all over. It was a level of maturity that they hadn't suspected that Koneko knew about, let alone could implement so effectively.

“K-Koneko...” Issei whispered.

“Pervert wants a turn?” Koneko asked and rubbed her hands over the inside of the mostly empty bowl. She sat up on his waist to rub her hands onto her own small chest.

“Thank you, my dearest Koneko.” Issei said, his voice full of devotion, and he sat up to lick off every little bit of batter off of Koneko's breasts. Her small nipples looked like little bullets, they were so hard. “You are so beautiful and tasty.” Issei said and suckled on each of her nipples.

“P-p-pervert... can't have... my cookie yet.” Koneko said as she hugged his head to her chest and her hips moved and rubbed herself over his hardness.

“I know, dearest. I won't rush you.” Issei said and looked up at her face. “When you are ready, you will be the first to have my dango.”

“You promise?” Koneko asked.

“I refused Mil-Tan and said I couldn't sleep with anyone until I gave my virginity to someone I deeply cared about.” Issei told her.

Akeno had barely put up a one-way silence barrier just as Rias let out a half-shout and half-growl.

Koneko looked surprised for a moment, then she pushed Issei down onto the counter to stare into his eyes. “You would do things like that with Mil-Tan?”

Issei laughed. “You don't have to freak out about it, Koneko. I successfully completed Mil-Tan's most fervent wish, gained a quarter of her current wealth and savings, and will continue to gain a quarter of all of her future income for the rest of her life.”

Koneko, Rias, and Akeno were shocked to hear that. Almost as if it knew perfect timing, the timer on the oven beeped several times and interrupted the awkward moment.

“Koneko, I need to take the cakes out or they'll be ruined.” Issei told her.

Koneko hopped off of him as if she had been burned.

Issei chuckled at her reaction and didn't bother with an oven mitt as he opened the oven and took out the cookie sheet. He turned off the oven and placed the cookie sheet on the counter, then a wave of his hand dissolved the conjured ceramic rings to leave behind fifteen perfectly formed four inch wide mini-cakes that were a inch and a half high.

“Do you want them left as is or do you want a few double-layer mini-cakes?” Issei asked Koneko.

Koneko looked conflicted. “What kind of icing are you using?”

Issei smirked at her. “Butter Creme.”

“More fits in the middle?” Koneko asked.

“I'll slightly dig out the middles for filling.” Issei agreed.

“Four of them.” Koneko said with a nod. That would use up eight of the cakes and leave her seven to eat normally.

Issei grabbed a knife and deftly trimmed off the rounded tops of eight of the cakes to make them flat and then skimmed a bit more out of the middle. Koneko immediately ate the skimmed parts. Issei nodded at the top parts and Koneko started nibbling on one at a slower pace.

“I could make them into smaller patties with icing if you don't eat them all by the time I'm done making the icing.” Issei said and Koneko gave him a searching look. “It's just an idea. The cakes are quite tasty as they are already.”

Koneko nodded and watched as Issei quickly made the butter icing and then he literally assembled four miniature cakes with the two halves, filled the middles, and then covered the outside with icing.

“They can't be eaten by hand as they are, since the icing is soft and will make a huge mess.” Issei said and snapped his fingers over one of them. The icing smoothed out and then seemed to harden into a crust. He picked it up and smiled, covered the bottom with icing, and did the same thing. “Now they can be carried and you won't have to worry.”

“Love you, pervert.” Koneko said and took the finished double cake to start eating it.

“Love you, too.” Issei said with a laugh and kissed the side of her head. “You're lucky I cooled it off from the oven already. The icing would melt, otherwise.” He said and then did the other three double layer mini-cakes and then all seven single layer ones.

When Issei was done, he made cake sandwiches with the remaining cake tops with icing in the middle and left them like that without covering them with icing.

“Room temperature or refrigerator?” Issei asked her.

“Half and half.” Koneko decided.

Issei put two of the double layer mini-cakes into the fridge with four of the single cakes and left the rest in the cupboard set aside for Koneko's snacks. A wave of his hand added signs that said 'Do Not Touch' and 'Property of Koneko' on them to add to both the cupboard and the fridge.

“Another one.” Koneko said and pointed at the property sign.

Issei created another and Koneko immediately slapped it onto his forehead. He looked surprised for a few seconds and then he laughed and laughed. He gave her several kisses and promised to not remove it until he went home.

“Me, too.” Koneko said and finished off the cake. “Bring some.”

Issei took two of the singles and the lone double mini-cakes and put them into a paper bag. “Are you sure you want to come along? My mother...”

Koneko tapped the sign and licked her fingers.

“Good point. The sooner she knows the better.” Issei said and used cleaning spells on himself and Koneko before he put on his shirt and jacket, then he helped her get dressed.

Rias and Akeno left before they were seen, or so they thought. They didn't see the knowing smiles on Koneko's and Issei's faces as they left the Occult Research Club building.


“Thank you for coming along, Koneko.” I said and handed her a single layer mini-cake.

Koneko nodded and took her time as she ate the tasty treat that had been so easy to make that I could have done it blindfolded. The skills I had available weren't shown, no matter how I worded the request to have them displayed, which meant I wouldn't know what I would be good at until I tried it. I also didn't know how quickly I could master any new skills I gained, either.

“Well, well, well. What's this? Two stray devils moving around without their master?” A man's voice asked from down the street. He wore a trench coat and a fedora to partially cover his face.

“Koneko!” I shouted as she shoved the last of the mini-cake into her mouth. I promoted to Rook as I grabbed her left hand with my left and put my right hand on her ass. “Javelin!” I said and picked her up to throw her as hard as I could.

Koneko knew what I meant and she straightened out into a streamlined shape as if she was flying like Superman with her fists straight forward. The guy wearing the trench coat barely widened his eyes and deployed his black feathered wings to dodge when Koneko's double-fists smashed into his face and snapped his neck. I could throw really hard, apparently.

As Koneko twisted in the air and landed a good twenty feet away from the target, I rushed over to check on the creature I knew was named Dohnaseek and saw that a snapped neck was only enough to disable the guy and not kill him outright. He was either tough or normal mortal injuries weren't as fatal as I thought they should be on supernatural creatures.

I formed a black sword with my magic and sliced off the Fallen Angel's wings to stop him from escaping or recovering too fast. Because of the guy's snapped neck and his head being at such an odd angle, he only gurgled with pain and his eyes glared at me while he tried to heal all that damage as well as his neck.

Koneko ran over to us. “Feel more coming.”

I nodded and looked at the large wings I held. With barely a thought, they disappeared in a flash of light. Koneko gave me a slightly surprised look and I winked at her before I looked down at the fallen Angel.

“You're lucky I memorized the coordinates of the teleportation circle.” I said and held a hand out to cast the magic as my other hand formed a note with what happened. Dohnaseek gurgled in protest as the ground lit up underneath him and he disappeared in a flash of light.

“We need to run.” Koneko said and grabbed my hand. I nodded and we ran at our best speed, which matched. She was again surprised that I was keeping up with her.

“We're in Enemy Territory and I promoted to Rook.” I explained.

Koneko looked pleased at hearing that and we quickly left the area before the other Fallen Angels showed up. All they should find were a few stray feathers, some blood, and probably some magic residue.

We took a circuitous route to lose any tails and to muddy any trails we might have left behind, thanks to Koneko's skills with tracking. We eventually arrived back at my house and I used my key to unlock the front door. I had barely stepped inside when the lights in the hallway turned on and an angry woman glared at me with crossed arms and a tapping foot.

“Before I explain where I was, I want you to meet someone.” I said and stepped aside. I opened my mouth to continue when a girlish squeal came from my mother.

Miki was instantly passed me and had scooped Koneko up into her arms and buried the girl's face into her cleavage. “A GIRL! You brought a REAL GIRL home!”

I stood there and watched Koneko's futile struggle to free herself. “Really, mom? You're starting off with the Full Double Breast Suffocation Hug right away? I thought you needed to work up to that.”

“There was no time for all of that build-up.” Miki said with a giggle and eased her hold on the girl. “I'm sorry, dear. You are the very first girl my perverted son has ever brought home, willingly or not.”

“Mom!” I gasped and then chuckled. “Never mind. I deserved that.”

Miki nodded and placed her hands on Koneko's shoulders. “It's late, so I insist you stay the night.”

“That's her way of making sure you can't escape without explaining how I managed to get you here.” I said and leaned in to kiss my mother's cheek. “We're taking a bath and then we're going to bed. I'll make breakfast in the morning, so you can relax and interrogate Koneko then.”

“I love you, too.” Miki said, happily. She let Koneko go and motioned to the stairs. “The spare towels are in the hall closet and I'll bring you a spare robe to wear.”

Koneko nodded and gave me a look.

“Don't worry. Mom would never let me do anything under her roof without her approval. You're perfectly safe.” I promised and took her hand.

“You really are.” Miki said. “Please limit yourself to light kisses and a few gropes, please.”

Koneko looked from her to me with a question on her face.

“She's talking to you.” I informed her. “Mom knows I haven't asked you out on a date yet, because I tell her everything.”

Koneko smiled slightly and nodded. I could tell that she liked that she was in control of what happened between us.

“See you in the morning!” Miki said and waved to us as we went up the stairs.

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