The Protagonist System

100 The Best Of The Rest Part Two

100 The Best Of The Rest Part Two

Congratulations! You have taken your first step in defeating the Devil King's Army.

HUH? I thought as I read the completely unexpected popup.

Devil Army General Belial, the undead Dullahan, has been vanquished. His gathered troops of 10,000 undead have also perished. Death itself has asked to give you a blessing.

No! No, that's okay! I already had them pissed at me. I don't need...

Blessing Of The Dead has been granted.
You can sense and detect Undead within your range without having to cast a spell. You can turn Undead with but a thought, empower them, make them yours, or utterly destroy them and return them to whence they came.

Wonderful. I thought. I kept any sarcastic feelings completely suppressed, especially because I knew that both Fate and Death were watching me very closely after my last screw-up. That they both benefited from it was beside the point. I had gained their close attention and that was not a good thing for me. Not at all.

We returned home after the late picnic and the succubi were all inordinately happy. Whether it was because of what I did or having a new female around to tease, was debatable. Not surprisingly, I was left alone for the evening as they concentrated on making Megumin welcome.

I returned to the Adventurer's Guild to see if anyone else showed up to accept my offer. No one did, so I squared up the outstanding bill for the ale and food and went home. The night passed by and my bed was unoccupied except for myself.

I wouldn't find out until the morning that the succubi had sequestered Megumin to 'show her the way'. That made me laugh, because Megumin couldn't see any way except for the destruction caused by her spell, Explosion. At least, that was the way she was yesterday. She had really weird thoughts about worshipping that singular spell and only that spell.

Breakfast in the morning was both odd and familiar, because Megumin's blushing face made it odd and all of the succubi acting like nothing happened had made it familiar. I served the food like usual and Megumin couldn't meet my eyes as she ate. That made me chuckle, because as far as the succubi were concerned, she was a member of the household now.

Funnily enough, Megumin didn't object to this development at all. The Head Succubi took me aside after breakfast and told me about her situation, so I gave my permission to keep the Archwizard with them and to give her a room with new clothes and access to the kitchen, assuming she could cook. If not, then I would buy more food to bring home for everyone to help cook.

That made them all very happy and Megumin's blush was as dark as her crimson red clothing. We all went out to buy more food and they had a great time flirting and teasing. I had stopped protesting their antics a long time ago, since I knew they couldn't do more than that.

The food was sent back home with Megumin and the succubi and one of them was assigned to keep a discreet eye on me when I went back to the Adventurer's Guild. She was ecstatic that I trusted her enough to stay hidden on her own and her not-so-hidden lust for me gave herself a charge without me having to do anything.

I still gave her discreet kisses on the forehead when I could, since that was the least I could do in thanks for her sticking around all day. I mean, I didn't need anyone's help with my level so high; but, it was nice to have an entire group of women that cared so much about me and wanted to keep me safe.

About noon, a tall blonde woman wearing fancy knight armor entered the guild hall. I cast a detection spell and got her name and that of her companion, whom were both reading over my notice on the board. Well, I said the blonde was tall; but, she was only 5 foot 5 inches in height, heels not included. With the 2 inch heels of her armored boots, she was still 3 inches shorter than me.

My full attention was on the barely 5 foot tall whitish-silver haired young woman beside her. She wore a kind of armored or reinforced grey bra, denim shorts with a belt, a green quarter cape, a white scarf for some reason, thigh high white stockings, and calf-high leather boots that matched her gloves. That wasn't why I was staring at her, though.

Her body type was damn near my ideal choice. With a little tweaking of her hair and face, she could have passed for Koneko's twin, the cat-girl back in the High School DxD world. That alone had endeared me to the woman immediately. She was whispering something to the taller blonde and I saw the blonde ponytail bounce with a nod.

I tried to keep the excitement off of my face when they both turned towards me and started to walk over. I couldn't have succeeded, because the blonde started blushing and fidgeting. A quick pluck at her mind and I easily saw that she was a masochist that enjoyed being denied and punished for it, which was a really weird fetish to have and also be the advanced knight class of Crusader.

How could you successfully fight if you enjoyed being beaten? I asked myself.

“I saw your notice on the board. My name is Darkness and I have many useful skills to show you.” The tall blonde said with confidence as the pair stopped near the table. It was early enough in the day that there wasn't a crowd around me like last night.

I didn't say anything as I stood, just so the pair could see my glimmering armor that was better than the crusader armor Darkness wore. Both women had wide eyes, until I walked around the table with my arms held out. The blonde blushed harder and opened her arms to receive my hug... and I walked right by her and swept the smaller woman up into my arms.

I hugged her close and ignored the moans from Darkness. “Hello, gorgeous.” I said loudly, then I kissed her passionately.

“HMM hmm mmmmm.” The woman hit the back of my armor a couple times in protest, then she sighed and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back just as passionately.

I was very tempted to let my hands roam, only I somehow knew that would be very bad. I did not ignore my feelings, because that always led to trouble. I slowed the kiss down and broke it, quite reluctantly, and I saw the look on her face that showed the exact same reluctance.

I gave her a crooked smile and dove back in to kiss her again. She didn't fight at all this time and kept kissing me back for quite some time. Again, I did not let my hands roam. It was our first meeting and I wasn't going to ruin a potential relationship because I desperately wanted to dig my hands into her shorts to grab that pert little ass.

She must have sensed something, because she broke the kiss and gave me a very pointed look.

“You can't blame me.” I said as an explanation and nothing else.

Her pointed look became a searching one, then she smiled a little and nodded.

“Thank you.” I said and let her out of the hug, took her hand, and brought around the table and sat her down beside my seat and sat down myself. “I'm Satou Kazuma and that's my notice on the board.”

“I know.” She said and didn't say what part she knew about. The slight smile was back on her face and I chuckled.

“May I know your name?” I asked her, even though I knew it already, and I completely ignored the blonde still standing on the other side of the table. I also ignored her muffled moan at being ignored so blatantly.

“You can call me Chris and I'm best friends with Darkness.” She told me. Her eyes didn't betray anything and I could tell she didn't quite lie, which meant it wasn't her actual name that my spell told me, Eris. Chris must have been what the local people called her.

“SHE IS!” Darkness yelled and then moaned when everyone in the hall turned to stare at her. “No, don't... undress me with your eyes. It's so... degrading. Ohhhh.”

I raised a single eyebrow at Chris and she looked embarrassed. I dropped the eyebrow and smirked at her. “So, should I fold Darkness over my knee to spank her in front of everyone for drawing so much unneeded attention or should we keep ignoring her and let her suffer as you show me some of your skills?”

The clank of the blonde's armored boots coming together was pretty loud and we both looked at her to see her trying to not rub her thighs together while also looking like she wanted to strip off right there.

Chris eventually decided what was best. “You can save the degrading spanking for in private later.”

Darkness moaned and dropped to her knees, her face flushed, and she was breathing heavily.

I couldn't help teasing her after that. “Maybe I'll kidnap her and lock her in my dungeon with a bunch of succubi, too.”

“Ohhh... so mean... and evil. Goddess Eris... thank you for delivering Chris and I... to this degenerate man... to ensure I am... appropriately punished.” Darkness muttered between gasping breaths. “I bow to... your divine power... and wisdom.”

I held in my chuckle at bringing her to orgasm with just words, then I noticed something. Chris had blushed from embarrassment again and she couldn't hide the brief glow of her skin that appeared before I saw it. I didn't react to it and she didn't notice that I noticed, thankfully. I knew what it meant, though. The name of the goddess matched the different name of the woman beside me.

I didn't try to cast another detection spell, because I was sure that Eris... no, Chris would notice it being cast right beside her. I had gotten away with it once and that was more than enough. It had revealed her secret that no one else knew.

I turned to face her fully. “Do you want to show off your skills here or should we take this...” I glanced at Darkness and gave her an evil smile. “...somewhere with more privacy?”

“Ohhhh.” Darkness moaned and shivered.

Chris sighed and nodded. “Let's get her out of here before my face explodes from so much blood rushing to it.”

I had to chuckle at that and put my helmet on as I stood. “I'll take the useless knight in hand.”

Darkness moaned as I approached her and she didn't try to get away or tried to not let me pick her up. I grabbed her up in my arms in a princess carry for a second, just long enough for her to blush at me, then I unceremoniously tossed her over my shoulder in a fireman's carry and held her thighs to keep her steady and her skirt hiked up.

“Ohhhh... so degrading!” Darkness exclaimed and kept softly moaning as I carried her out of the guild hall.

Everyone saw her shapely ass in only her black under-armor bodysuit that was nearly identical to mine. Each time they commented about seeing her draped over my shoulder, or about how lucky I was to hold those thick thighs, I felt her shake and moan. The musky smell was getting stronger, too.

Chris kept blushing as we walked through the town towards my Tower. Several civilians also saw Darkness and commented, some a lot more rudely and sexually, which made Darkness twitch and moan even more. She was definitely getting off a lot from having so many people seeing her cloth covered ass.

“Here we are, my Tower of Eeeeevil.” I said, dramatically.

Darkness let out a very loud moan at hearing that.

Chris snorted and then barked laugh. “Darkness, relax. It's an empty lot.”

Darkness sighed, sadly.

“Is it?” I asked and walked over to it, only for the door to open and seemingly split the air.

“Welcome home, master!” A different maid greeted me. “Are these new playmates for us?”

Both Chris and Darkness gasped at the implication.

“One of them is.” I said and tossed Darkness to the floor at her feet. “Take her to the dungeon and lock her up on The Rack.”

Darkness shivered and moaned, her face bright red. The look of anticipation and trepidation was an odd combination to see. Both she and Chris gasped when five more maids of various sizes came out of different rooms and rushed over. They looked happy as they picked up the blonde, whom moaned at the very rough handling.

“Strip her down to the bodysuit and be careful to not be too rough... with her armor.” I ordered and Darkness moaned as the musky smell grew strong around her. The succubi all shivered and gave me brilliant smiles, then they deployed their wings and flew off with her.

“NO! Don't... oh, please! YES!” Darkness yelled in both terror and delight to actually be carried off by succubi.

Chris looked apprehensive. “They aren't really going to hurt her, are they?”

I chuckled and motioned to the stairs. “They are under both a geas and a contract to not absorb sexual energy directly.”

Chris sighed with relief and took my arm as I led her up the stairs.

“That doesn't stop them from taking it passively, though.” I said and she gasped. “It's all right. Darkness seems to love being degraded and roughly handled, so they are going to have a lot of fun giving her exactly what she wants.”

Chris looked worried. “Satou, she... she um... she doesn't have a normal stopping point.”

It took me a moment to understand and I nodded. “I need the youngest, please.”

The first succubi I ever met flew down the stairs and landed in front of me. I knelt on one knee and gave her a kiss on the forehead to make her glow pink, then told her what she needed to let the others know about not going too far with Darkness.

“I'll warn the boss.” She said and gave Chris a brief look, smiled wickedly, then she hopped up and kissed my cheek before flying down the stairs and out of sight.

Chris looked surprised. “How... why... how...”

I chuckled and stood. “I've been feeding them supplementary style for about a month now and they keep wanting to push things.” I motioned up the stairs and we kept walking.

We reached my room on the top floor and Chris sucked in a sharp breath. I had put huge windows on all four walls inside the expanded space, so I could see all over without having to go up on the roof. I let her arm go and motioned to the far window.

“The view is beautiful.” Chris said as she crossed the large expanded space and stopped beside the window.

“It just so happened to be a central property when it was just an empty lot.” I said and quickly stripped off my armor. “It was also 750,000 Eris.”

Chris gasped and turned to look at me. She gasped again because I was only wearing my armor bodysuit.

“It was a steal, really. Once I started building the Tower, I realized it was on a slight rise and everything around it kind of sloped downwards, which gave me even more reason to want to make the Tower higher. I reached my initial goal of 30 storeys when my building permit was revoked.”

Chris looked angry. “Why did they do that?”

“It was in the way of the Lord of Axel's view.” I said and pulled off my bodysuit.

Chris blushed bright red and turned away. “What are you doing?”

“Seducing you.” I said without hesitation.

“Wh-wh-WHAT?” Chris gasped.

“You remind me of the very first girl I dated when I started my journey. I ended up sleeping with her just before I had to move on and I've always regretted having to leave her behind.” I said and walked over to her.

Chris kept her eyes locked onto the view and didn't turn around.

“Normally, I would take things slow like I did with her. I want to show you that I do care about you and want you to be happy, except I made the mistake of going too slow and the end was rushed. I don't want to make the same mistake again.” I said and loosely draped my arms around her waist.

“You're not wanting me. You want a replacement her.” Chris said, a little sadly.

“No, you're wrong.” I said and bent down to kiss her cheek. “As soon as I saw her, I told her that I preferred girls like her over the big breasted beauties that were right there trying to get my attention.”

Chris sucked in a sharp breath and turned around to look into my eyes. “You did that with me!”

“Yes, I did. I wanted you to know that despite Darkness being a tall buxom blonde that everyone else was focusing on, I was specifically looking right at you. It was you I went to, you I hugged, and you I called gorgeous and kissed.” I said and smiled. “You could tell I wasn't lying, couldn't you?”

“Y-yes, I... I could tell.” Chris said with a blush.

“I want to get to know you better and I also don't want to go too slow and miss this opportunity.” I said and stepped back to let her see I was wearing boxer shorts. “Will you join me in the bath and we can talk? Or just relax? Or maybe we can scrub each other and have a bit of fun before we relax and then talk?”

Chris looked down at my boxer shorts and the tent pole there. She blushed and looked back up at my face. “We're not having sex.”

“I agree. Not yet.” I said and she opened her mouth to correct me. “Please don't tell me you never will. My heart can't take it.”

Chris blushed again and turned her head away. “I really shouldn't. My religion...”

“If you worship a specific goddess, I have no problems with that, as long as you don't expect me to abandon my own personal goddess to start worshipping yours.” I said and again she opened her mouth to probably correct me. “I didn't say I wouldn't worship yours, just that I won't do it exclusively.”

“That doesn't work. You have to choose which religion to follow and their doctrine...” Chris started to say.

I closed my eyes and knelt, so that she wouldn't know I knew who she really was when she glowed. “Oh, mighty Goddess Eris! I pray to thee and praise thee like your devoted follower Darkness has, to thank you for the same thing. You have brought Chris to me and I will forever be grateful to you for that. I will donate 100,000 Eris to your temple in your name. Amen!”

The bright glow that came from Chris made it through my closed eyes and I almost felt her shuddering from the power I had just fed to her. Having such a high level really gave me a lot of power that I couldn't really gauge until it was used in certain situations.

A small hand lightly touched my cheek and she wasn't wearing her gloves. “You really are going to help the Followers of Eris like that?”

“I can send someone over with it right now or it can wait until after my bath.” I said and opened my eyes and looked up at her. She had a happy look on her face and I smiled.

“I think a bath with you should let us get to know each other better.” Chris said.

“Thank you.” I said and stayed kneeling as I reached up to unbuckle her belt. She didn't stop me and I slid her jeans shorts off and saw she wore something similar to bicycle shorts underneath. I didn't touch them and reached for her boots instead. She stepped out of them and I pulled off her stockings next.

Chris took off the scarf and then the quarter-length cape, gave me a smile, and I pointed to where the bathroom was. She led me there and gasped at the large Japanese-like bathhouse inside. I stepped in and kicked off my boxer shorts and sat down on a stool to lather up. She sat beside me after taking off the rest of her clothes and lathered up as well. She had a small smile on her face and we rinsed off at the same time.

I stood and took her hand, and we stepped into the giant stone depression in the floor. I sat her down on the seat there and sat down a few feet away and looked at her face. She looked a little dismayed at me sitting so far away, so I wagged my eyebrows and grinned at her.

Chris huffed at me and rolled her eyes, which was all the invitation I needed. I slid over to her and pulled her onto my lap, then reclined on the seat to let her get comfortable. She settled down against me and let out a sigh.

“I'll go first, shall I?” I asked and she nodded. “First thing you should know is that I wasn't born here in Axel.”

“No, really?” Chris asked with a chuckle.

“It's shocking, I know.” I said and she kept softly chuckling. “To tell you the truth, I wasn't born anywhere on this world.”

The soft chuckling cut off and Chris turned her head enough to look back at me with wide eyes.

“It's true. I died on another world, was whisked away from my eternal relaxation as an old fogey among other old fogeys, and was given a choice to head off to save another world.”

Chris was silent for several moments before she managed to speak. “Why are you telling me this?”

“I want to be honest with you from the start.” I said and she blushed, as if I caught her at something. I had, only she didn't know I knew who she was. “I'm not going to tell you everything right off the bat, though. That defeats the whole point of getting to know one another.”

“But...” Chris started to protest.

“You already know my preferred body type and that I've been sent here to fight the Demon King's army. What is it that you do?” I asked her to distract her.

“I... um...” Chris paused and looked nervous. “I'm a thief.”

“Mmm hmm.” I hummed and nodded. “What kind of man are you looking for?”

Chris looked at me like I was crazy. “I just told you I was a thief!”

“Uh huh. I got that. I'm an adventurer and can learn any skill, so I need you to show me some things later at 1,000 Eris for each one.” I said and her face didn't change. “So, preferred companion type? Or do you have one?”

Chris just stared at me without speaking.

“I can't really change my looks and behavior if you don't tell me what you want.” I said and she made a choking sound. “What? I'm going to do what I can to make you happy. If you like long red hair instead of white, I'll change it.”

Chris gasped when my long white hair changed to bright red.

“Beard or moustache?” I asked and had both appear on my face. “Long or short?”

Chris kept staring as my beard grew to a foot long and then both it and the moustache disappeared.

“Bigger pouting lips?” I asked and inflated mine to be three times their normal size.

Chris clamped her mouth shut as she muffled her laugh.

“Mookayy, you bike dem. I wibb beave dem bike diss.” I said as my huge lips flopped around and slapped my chin and nose.

Chris burst out laughing.

“Wad's fubby?” I asked with a look of confusion on my face.

“BAHAHAHA!” Chris laughed and laughed and I had to hold her above the water to stop her from drowning. When I tried to smile charmingly at her, it only made her laugh harder.


Darkness was in hell and in heaven at the same time. She was in hell physically because of where she was and in heaven emotionally because of how she was feeling. She had never been treated so horribly or been so happy in her life. Ever.

The succubi somehow knew exactly what to do to her. They were just rough enough to not injure her and just degrading enough verbally to insult her, both of which got her off over and over. Her whole body trembled with pleasure and desire. It was so much that a large puddle of her juices was on the hard stone floor below the contraption she was strapped to.

When her eyes darted down to look, she blushed and felt shame that several women were lapping at the liquid. Of course, that shame got her off more and the puddle increased enough that another woman knelt and started licking it up, making Darkness feel more shame, more desire, and she added to the puddle.

“Are you sure we can't dig our dirty tongues and grimy fingers into her filthy drenched opening?” One of them asked.

“Ohhhh... my Goddess... I beg of you... never let this stop.” Darkness prayed. “This gift... should never... be denied!”

“Someone get me the spiked paddle to discipline this trash knight.” The Head Succubus ordered as she faded into view.

Darkness almost passed out when she heard that. The puddle at her feet grew and another woman knelt to lap at it.

“Just look at those big fat tits.” The Head Succubus said and grabbed one through the cloth.

Darkness moaned and came hard when her nipple was pinched.

“I'm surprised your disgustingly huge nipples haven't destroyed this expensive fabric from poking it so hard.” The Head Succubus said and slapped the other breast to make it jiggle.

“OHHH!” Darkness came again and it squirted out and landed right into the mouth of a waiting succubus. When she moaned and collapsed, twitching on the floor, Darkness felt a slap across her face.

“Look at that! Your disgusting fluids have poisoned my daughter!” The Head Succubus exclaimed.

Darkness cried out in ecstasy, shook for a moment, and passed out. The pleasure she felt had been too much for her. The other succubi around her collapsed as well, joining their new friend in unconscious bliss.

“I am very glad to have accepted Satou's offer to live here.” The Head Succubus whispered as she lightly caressed the red imprint of her hand on Darkness' face. “I never knew that there were so many other kinds of love and sexual energy to enjoy and we don't have to consume their life force to keep it.”

The succubus she sent away gasped when she entered the dungeon with the spiked paddle. “I missed it?”

The Head Succubus reached out and touched her daughter's forehead to give her the same taste.

“Ohhhh.” She shivered and dropped unconscious to the floor and landed on the pile of her sisters.

“Yes, we are all very happy to live here.” The Head Succubus said with a loving smile.

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