The Protagonist System

128 More Progress

128 More Progress

Dale was pretty insightful about a better way to protect the camp. Instead of the rough circle I thought to use, we worked out making channels for them instead, so the walkers could only approach in a line and not in a mass. It also cut down on how high I needed to make the dirt barriers around the camp, which was great.

He left with a happy smile on his face and seemed quite impressed that I had accepted his suggestions without argument. It made me chuckle and realize he was probably marginalized with the younger men at the camp, since they did most of the heavier work around the place and Dale could only help in certain situations.

I was not that shortsighted and knew he had both time and knowledge on his hands that could be used for everyone's benefit, so I used it relentlessly. I dressed in normal clothes for the first time since I woke up and checked the schedule Amy had stuck to the refrigerator.

Where the hell did she find a magnet? I asked myself and then shook my head. That wasn't important right now. I read both the watch schedule and the shower schedule and nodded. The 10 AM to Noon shift was for the women and the 1 PM to 3 PM shift was for the men. Since I could shower whenever I wanted, I could volunteer to watch the camp from Dale's RV for the afternoon shift.

That meant I needed to get my ass moving. Those latrines weren't going to dig themselves!


Glenn had stayed out of the way the last two days and he was glad he did, because it let him see just how much having a sheriff at the camp was affecting everyone. That Rick knew what he was doing was just a bonus, because everyone was happier and reassured with him there. He had cleared out hundreds of stray walkers according to Merle and Darrel and now he was puttering around the camp inside a tractor of all things and was building something.

His work caught a lot of people's attention, especially the kids, and Carl was the most vocal as his dad dug huge trenches in odd patterns all around. He even used the front bucket to tear out some of the trees to clear out better sight lines for defending the camp. It was quite the plan as it came together and everyone wanted to talk to Rick when he stopped working for lunch.

Rick's offer to take over the camp watch that afternoon, so the other men could go to his moving van to take a hot shower, was met with claps on the back and more happiness. He mentioned cooking supper and that earned the same from the women in the camp that usually did that chore. Keeping everyone fed was a chore that they had reluctantly accepted taking turns with, because they had the most experience with cooking.

Glenn remembered his first turn in the shower and it had been a mix of revelations and enlightenment, because the place was surprisingly like a real bathroom. How did Rick do it? A heated cushion floor? Carpet in the living area? An actual kitchen counter? The damn thing was an empty box a day ago and now it was as close to a mobile apartment was without appliances, which he had added that morning.

The best part about things changing at the camp was that he wasn't asked to make another run to the city to scrounge things for people. Yet, anyway. He expected one of the women would approach him soon to go find their favorite shampoo or something. He always told them no and went anyway, just because he liked having something to do.

Was it dangerous? Yes. Was he always careful? Definitely. Could he die at any moment from a walker surprising him? It was a constant worry. He still went when asked, though. He didn't have any other real talent to do anything else, actually. Being the camp's gofer was the best job he ever had, both before and after the world ended.

Glenn did have an idea he wanted to share with Rick, so he made his way over to the RV and climbed up the ladder. He didn't say anything right away and sat down beside Rick, whom was using the binoculars to observe the camp.

“I'm sorry I kind of took over your job yesterday.” Rick said and broke the silence.

Glenn gave him a searching look and saw he was genuine with the apology. “You had a car and made it to town much faster than I did.”

Rick chuckled. “Yeah, and where's that car now?”

Glenn blinked his eyes and turned back to look at where the squad car used to be parked. “Oh, right. You drove the tractor here.”

Rick dropped the binoculars to hang around his neck. “I didn't realize it at the time that having someone else along might have been a smarter move, even if I had to come back to the camp first before going to get the tractor to clean up all the dead bodies from the highway.”

Glenn nodded and his eyes landed on the motorcycle that looked like a Harley Davidson, even if he had no clue what it actually was or how to drive the thing. Now that he realized Rick no longer had a car to drive, maybe his idea would work better. He turned to look at Rick and saw he was looking back at him.

“I had an idea and I wondered if you wanted to hear it.” Glenn finally said.

Rick smiled. “I'm listening.”

Glenn took a deep breath and let it out. “I had a shower yesterday and saw how well your apartment came out. It made me think that if you could do it once, why not do it a few times? There were four other moving vans back at that lot and the keys were right there.”

Rick stared at him for several seconds, making Glenn a little uncomfortable, then Rick burst out laughing. Glenn couldn't stop himself from joining in and laughed, too. He felt relief that Rick didn't call him crazy or thought the idea was stupid.

“Is that why you were looking at the motorcycle?” Rick asked after he calmed down.

Glenn nodded. “With your car not a factor, you could use the motorcycle to get there, load the van up with the basic things you need, then load the motorcycle into the back using one of the metal shelves like a ramp.”

Rick looked thoughtful. “I did bring a crapload of smaller propane tanks for camp stoves I had in the van and they're just sitting there and not being used.” He said and motioned towards the pile of hardware store supplies.

Glenn looked over and noticed the stacks of tanks that hadn't been there that morning and the boxes for camp stoves. When did he put them there and where were some of the other things?

“There were several other stoves and fridges in the back storage area at that department store, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle getting them, assuming I can also find the right electrical panels and other parts I used to regulate the power from the car batteries.” Rick said and rubbed his chin. “I just have to find or make the shower stalls, since I took the only one the hardware store had that could be used easily. The others there were not portable at all.”

Glenn added in his own thoughts. “You already have the bed frames and mattresses here, so you don't need any more of those, except for the kids. Bunk beds, maybe?”

Rick smiled. “That's a great idea. The kids should enjoy a sleepover, if they all get to stay together, and it'll give their parents some extra privacy. Everyone needs a short break occasionally.”

Glenn smiled back, because he was happy that Rick thought his ideas were good ones.

“I'll do a bit more work on the trenches and defenses this evening and then tomorrow morning I'll look at the motorcycle and see if it works and only needs gas.” Rick said. “Any idea who owns it?”

“Merle rode it here.” Glenn said and didn't voice that he didn't know if the crazy man owned it.

Rick saw his face and chuckled. “Remember what I said back in Atlanta.”

Glenn's memory flashed back and realized what he meant. Rick wasn't going to pursue people for acquiring materials and essentials for survival during an emergency.

“I'll still ask for permission, just to be nice and all. Plus, I'm just borrowing it and it's for a good cause.” Rick said and used the binoculars again to observe the camp. “I only have two more hours on my watch and then I have to start cooking.”

“What are you making?” Glenn asked, instead of asking why he was cooking.

“Chicken curry.” Rick said and Glenn winced, so he clapped the younger man on the back. “Don't worry, Glenn. It's tangy and not spicy. I always go for a savoury flavour instead of destroying taste buds.”

Glenn sighed with relief and Rick laughed.


The tasty curry was a huge hit, especially with the kids. They had two helpings each, surprising all of the adults except me. My levels in cooking had risen unbelievably quickly while I prepared the simple dish, probably because I had to make a huge stock pot full of rice and half that amount of curry.

Preparing all those ingredients and cooking for so many people was significant, apparently. Well, either that or someone behind the scenes was artificially boosting my gains. I wasn't going to complain, especially since my inventory expanded again and gave me another 30 feet of space.

Inside it was a rack of various potions, a large shelving unit full of potion ingredients, and my transfigured and enchanted guitar from Danmachi.

I sat beside the lit campfire with Amy as we ate and everyone else talked to each other and seemed really happy. The kids had finished already and ran off to work some of that energy off, thankfully. I glanced at Amy and she was also looking at everyone else talking and enjoying themselves around the fire.

“It's kind of funny that something so simple can raise people's spirits.” I whispered to her and ate another spoonful of rice after dipping it into the remains of the curry on my plate.

“It's amazing.” Amy whispered back and she turned her head to meet my gaze. Her head tilted slightly and she gave me a very odd look. “Did you know it would do that?”

I shook my head and chewed on another spoonful. Damn, that's tasty. I thought and swallowed. “I haven't had a lot of time to practice cooking, so I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out until it was nearly done.”

Amy's odd look went to surprise for a moment, then she giggled. “I think Dale would murder you if you used up the last of the chicken and then made so much food, only to waste it all in the end.”

I barely held back my snort of laughter at Dale being the one to try to kill me, and coughed to cover it up. Amy looked really amused at my expression and ate some of her own food.

“It still would have been edible, you minx.” I said after clearing my throat. “It just would have been bland as cardboard for the curry and the rice probably dry as sand.”

Amy barked a laugh and nudged me with her shoulder. I chuckled and we fell silent again as we let the other people's voices fill the air around us.

After I was done, I gave her a quick kiss and a promise to not work too late, and made my way back over to the tractor. Luckily, no one had any clue how long a tank of diesel lasted on the thing and didn't question me about it. Setting up a small notice-me-not spell on a diesel fuel barrel was doable with my available magic and no one saw me using a siphon hose to put some fuel into the tractor's tank.

I stored the tank again and continued my work with the tractor as I made the trenches and mounds needed for the plans Dale and I had worked out. It really was a much easier way to handle things than my original idea, especially when Dale said to supplement my work with the larger rocks from the nearby quarry.

This worked into my other plan easily and I spent a half an hour making an appropriate runway as I cleared out a space to get at the larger pieces of rock, which I piled back near the camp. Completing sneaky plans in plain sight was both amusing and funny, because only I knew what I was going to use the thing for.

I finished up as it was getting dark and there were a lot of appreciative looks when I parked the tractor and walked over to my moving van. I smiled and waved, just to acknowledge that I saw them and understood, and I entered the back of the van.

“We need some real lights.” Amy said as she changed the batteries in one of the camp lights.

“Hello, Honey! I'm home!” I said and turned around to close the sliding rear door. I locked it and turned back to face her as I started to strip off.

Amy looked confused for a moment, then she looked embarrassed. “I'm sorry if I snapped at you, Rick. I just... I've already used up half of the batteries I have, because some lights need to be on while people take showers. When the back door is closed, it's really dark in here.”

I dropped my clothes onto the floor and gave her a look. Yep, that look.

Amy blushed and turned away. “Rick...”

“You're allowed to feel annoyed, Amy. I'm sorry I didn't think about working on the electrical panel to add wiring for light sockets and electrical plugs.” I said and hugged her from behind. “It's not like I've done anything like this before and there are a lot of bugs to work out.” Because an enchanted carriage didn't need electrical wiring. I added on in my mind.

Amy turned in my arms to face me. “Are you sure you're not angry?”

I had to chuckle at that. “If you threw one of the camp lights at me, maybe. You're only griping about replacing all the batteries on lights we use ourselves to see at night and I'm okay with that.”

Amy smiled before she leaned in and kissed me.

“I'm making another run into town sometime tomorrow to grab another moving van. I'll stop in a few places along the way to pick up more wiring, lights and electrical sockets, and maybe a coffee maker and a microwave.” I said and her smile grew. “I'll have this place as normal as possible soon. I promise.”

“Okay.” Amy said and let me go, then she pulled off her t-shirt and she wasn't wearing a bra.

My eyes dropped to her bare breasts and she softly laughed, then her hand gripped my firmness.

“I think I'm being spoiled.” Amy said and led me across the mini-apartment to the bathroom. “I feel a little lonely if I try to take a shower by myself.”

That made me smile and I twitched down there for her, making her laugh again.

We spent half an hour in the shower, cleaning up and getting dirty again, and neither of us complained when we climbed into bed and our fingers were covered in water wrinkles. Amy turned onto her side and asked to be the big spoon this time, which surprised me. I figured she liked being held while she slept.

With a shrug, I rolled onto my side and moved back to let her hug me from behind with one of her arms. I felt her nipples harden as they pressed into my back and then I felt her lips on the back of my neck and her hand slid down between my legs to cup my soft member.

“Let's see how much you like it when the one behind you is in charge.” Amy whispered and lightly bit my earlobe.

I instantly grew hard for her, making her moan, and then I started to pant as she played with me.

“You're my claimed property, Rick.” Amy softly moaned into my ear and stroked me.

I nodded and moved my hand backwards and gripped her hip to hold her close, silently urging her to keep going.

“Show me how much you love me.” Amy whispered and started sucking on my neck.

Barely a minute later, under her fairly expert handling of my body and sensations, I unloaded myself into her cupped hand. I don't know how she caught it all and didn't spill any, because there was a lot of it.

“That's it, baby.” Amy almost purred and her hand moved away from in front of me.

I heard her gulp and then she made a throaty moan. Surprisingly, she didn't try to do anything else. Her hand came back around my waist with a napkin in it and she wiped me off, then she hugged me and kissed the back of my neck again.

“Goodnight, love.” Amy breathed against my skin.

“Goodnight, love.” I said back and drifted off to sleep.

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