The Protagonist System

138 Relationships Are Difficult

138 Relationships Are Difficult

Amy showed up a short time later and saw the Harry Potter book, gave me a bit of a glare, then she jumped onto the bed to have her wicked way with me. It lasted for quite a while, as if she needed to make sure I was covered in as much of her fluids as possible, and that was a lot. When we were done, she looked a little bloated and very satisfied as she cuddled me.

Andrea entered our home not long after that and gave me a nod, patted Amy's back as she passed the bed, and went to the bathroom to shower.

“We need to clean up, too.” Amy said and sat up as she looked at me. “You definitely do.”

I made a snort sound and then laughed. “I may be a little sticky from residue, that's true.”

Amy laughed as well and climbed off the bed. “Come on, I'll help wash your back.”

I climbed off of the bed as well and followed her to the bathroom. This was where I was treated to a surprise, because Amy opened the door and brought me inside. We leaned against the sink and watched the woman still taking a shower. Andrea had noticed us right away and didn't rush or tried to cover herself up.

Andrea finished her shower and stepped out to dry herself off with a towel, still not trying to cover herself up. “Why are you suddenly okay with letting him show that off, Amy?” She asked and motioned to my erection.

“Even after all this time, you still haven't tried to make a play for Rick.” Amy said with a shrug. “Since he hasn't come to me to say you've been flirting with him behind my back or without me nearby, I know my trust was never misplaced. It's not like he would have accepted your offer, anyway.”

Andrea looked surprised and then shook her head. “You really are naive, little sis.”

Amy smiled and stepped by her. “Did you really think I didn't watch you to see if you would slip a hand in or play with us a little while we were busy? I might be tired after a long day of taking care of the kids and the camp; but, I'm not ignorant. You didn't even try to give him an early morning blowjob when I was too tired to, and you've had months to try and be sneaky about it.”

Andrea looked conflicted about that and sighed. “I wanted to. I really did.”

Amy reached out and placed a hand on her bare shoulder and caressed it. “I know. We know.” She said and glanced at me and back at her. “You've spent so much time pretending to not be a part of this that you feel too guilty even thinking about doing more than what you already do.”

Andrea's eyes dropped to my bobbing erection and licked her lips. “He's so tempting, Amy. He's been getting hotter and hotter and no one else at camp can even compare.”

“It's these growing muscles he keeps trying to hide from everyone but us.” Amy said and her hand caressed my chest, my abdomen, then my shaft. “If he wasn't shooting blanks, I would have been knocked up after our first week together.”

Andrea caught her breath and stared at her sister's face. “Excuse me? He's what?”

“Shooting blanks.” Amy said with a knowing smile. “We can go at it all the time and we never have to worry about what Lori and Shane are going through right now.”

“Well, not until I can get a medical van set up for things like that.” I said and both women's heads turned to stare at me. “There's about 7 or 8 months before she's due, so I have plenty of time to find an ambulance or something and then I can dig up some books on medical procedures and birth complications.”

“You... you really...” Amy whispered.

“Just because I don't want anything to do with Lori, that doesn't mean I want her baby to be in danger. I'll talk to Shane tomorrow and I'll make sure he knows that.” I told them.

“I love you.” Amy said and gave me a slow and passionate kiss. “So much.”

“I love you, too.” I responded and gave her another kiss. We broke it and stepped away from each other, only to hear Andrea sigh.

“Dammit, I love you too, Rick.” Andrea admitted and didn't step forward to try and kiss me. “I keep trying to deny it and I can't anymore. Every time I convince myself I'm being silly, you do or say something that just makes my self-justifications disappear.”

“Andi...” Amy started to say.

“No, I know. I do. It can't work. I'm already so far away from my normal behavior that I sometimes don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror.” Andrea told us and hung the towel on the shower door to let it air dry. She turned back to us and had a sad smile on her face. “No matter how much I'd love to take those last few steps, we both know I'd never do anything to ruin your life. I love you too much to do that.”

“Just not like that.” Amy said with her own sad smile.

“No, not like that. I could never...” Andrea paused and walked over to her to give her a hug. “'re my sister. I can't even contemplate being with you sexually, no matter how good the sex with your man would be. It could never distract me enough to forget you're the only family I have left.”

Amy hugged her back. “I feel the same way. I can't even try to get my mind wrapped around the thought of... licking you... down there.” She barely managed to say and shivered in a bad way.

Andrea let her go and stepped back to give me a pointed look. “I hope this doesn't give you any ideas, Rick. There's no chance that anything can happen between us, no matter how much potential is there.”

I didn't want to deflate her ego any more than she was already doing to herself, so I nodded and stayed quiet. I did not tell her that I wasn't attracted to her or that even naked as she was, I wasn't hard for her. It was Amy that had me this way and we had a shared shower to get to.

“I'll start moving...” Andrea started to say.

“No, you're not!” Amy interrupted her with a shout. “Not even when winter is over and spring starts up. I'm not letting my only family go back to living in a fucking tent!”

Andrea looked shocked at the outburst and at a loss for words.

“Good, you know there's no argument you can give me, anyway.” Amy said and took my hand. She didn't say anything else and brought me into the shower and started it up, then she soaped her hands and started washing me off.

I was kind of stunned myself and didn't try to reciprocate until her hands went down to my member and she started stroking it. It was a blatant prompt to get to work and I took it and started washing her, too. It quickly devolved to groping and then some enthusiastic sex against the shower wall. Amy didn't try to be quiet at all and I didn't try to silence her, because she was making a point that it wasn't needed.

Andrea's moan of pleasure reached us through the sound of rushing water and our own sounds of lovemaking. I glanced over and Andrea had propped herself on the toilet seat and had spread her legs to give me a completely unobstructed view for the first time. She licked her own soaked fingers and stared at me as she did so. I nodded in acknowledgement and then gave Amy my full attention.

After we were all done and left the bathroom, both sisters were satisfied and were happy. The nebulous relationship the three of us had was fully defined now and we all knew there was a line that none of us would ever cross. It was a relief, honestly. I had been worried I would wake up with my dick in Andrea's mouth and I didn't know how to handle that, and now I knew I would never had to worry about it.

We got dressed in warm clothes and went to the kitchenette to make supper. In the middle of the prep work, Amy suddenly leaned over and kissed Andrea's cheek and thanked her for being there for her. Since I didn't want to be thought of as a jerk by either of them, I leaned in and kissed her other cheek and thanked her for the same thing, being there for Amy, and made Andrea blush.

After supper, we changed the sheets and blankets on the bed to relax on it. In the middle of the conversation about what we were doing tomorrow, Amy changed the subject and told her sister about me having her favorite book and hiding it from her. Andrea gasped and looked scandalized, then I was suddenly tackled by both of them and tickled until I revealed where I was hiding the rest of them.

The two of them abandoned me on the bed and ran for the wall covering the electrical panel and gasped at there being a small pile of Harry Potter books inside. They gathered them up and ran back over to the bed and dumped them onto me. My shouts and complaints were ignored as they climbed onto the bed and shoved me against the wall. With most of the bed available, they spread the books around and then snuggled against each other to start reading.

I had to chuckle at them intentionally ignoring me, despite their soft laughter at my pouting face, so I let them enjoy themselves and settled back to close my eyes and let my mind wander. I had plans to form and things to set up for the spring, too. Maybe I could borrow Merle's motorcycle again? No, I couldn't bring it back if I did find an ambulance and a source of medical texts.

That meant a long walk into town and I would have to talk to Glenn about what route he takes. It would also let me clear out any walkers that might have started to show up while I've been inactive. I should probably grab one of the car horns and a battery to make enough noise to draw more of them out, since the pit near the camp had been empty for a while.

The defenses worked great and no one was stressed out about walkers being nearby. The survivors at the camp were happy, relaxed, and were settling in for the long haul. They knew there was no point in leaving the safest place they had ever been, not after my comprehensive report about what the rest of the state looked like.

If we wanted to find anything like civilization again, we would have to travel a long way to try and find it. That wasn't a priority, especially after Dale told everyone about my plans for making farming fields nearby and trading MREs for some grazing animals from the farm I had found. That had really brought people's spirits up and they were making their own plans and added ideas about the right tools and things we would need.

Dale was keeping track of it all and he would have the completed list ready by the time I would need it. I still planned to make more trips around, only my method of travel had to change. I couldn't take the motorcycle, since it lacked protection. My police car was an option that I could bring back after I pretended to search the construction company for more diesel fuel, since that's where I faked leaving it.

That was when I realized something. Glenn might have passed by there during one of his many trips and he wouldn't have seen the police car there. I cursed in my head and mentally sighed, because that cut my options down again, because I couldn't just outright ask him if he had seen my car there when I knew it wasn't.

I felt mentally drained and let sleep claim me, because I didn't want to think about things for a while. I could worry about the things I needed for my plans later.


Andrea saw Rick hadn't moved or took large breaths for a while and stipp talked in whispers. “He really isn't interested in me, is he?”

“No, and I'm not sure why.” Amy whispered back. “Maybe that first impression really stayed with him?”

Andrea sighed. “It's not my fault we all suspected he wasn't an actual cop after everything we've been through.”

Amy leaned in and rested her forehead on her sister's. “I know. I just liked ribbing you.”

Andrea huffed. “At least he's forgiven me for not trusting him.”

“He forgave Glenn right away, remember? I think Rick kind of expected it after what he said about just meeting your group and not earning any trust.” Amy whispered.

“Yes, and that irked a lot of us when he showed up at the camp right behind us.” Andrea whispered back. “He followed us right back here and none of even noticed there was a brightly painted police car behind us the entire way back from the city.”

Amy softly laughed. “That's even more proof that he's a good sheriff.”

Andrea shook her head. “Shane said they were partners, so he's only a deputy. The badge and uniform are fakes.”

“Nope!” Amy said a bit loudly and then hushed herself. “Sorry, sorry.”

“Why isn't it fake?” Andrea asked.

“He promoted himself and signed the paperwork back at the precinct. He was the last serving deputy, so he automatically took office by default anyway and he figured he might as well make it official and signed in and left it on the sheriff's desk.” Amy explained and then smiled. “His desk, actually.”

Andrea gave her a disbelieving look and then softly laughed. “Okay, that was smart.”

“Don't sound so surprised. You told me he was smart after he flew away in that death trap.” Amy reminded her.

Andrea put an arm around her and hugged her briefly. “He came back like he promised.”

“I should have said in one piece.” Amy said and let out a relieved sigh. “He's been great since then.”

“I know. I've been here to see it all.” Andrea said and then blushed. “That's why I said I loved him. He's been so good to you and he only pretends to complain when you give him restrictions. He really loves it that you care so much about him.”

Amy blushed a little. “It's been really nice to have him here most of the time.”

“Only most of the time?” Andrea asked with a smirk.

“He's insatiable and I love him, even when he tracks me down during my chores and we have fun like I used to do for him when he was stuck in bed.” Amy said. “It's almost too much, you know? I mean... I like sex as much as the next girl... but, I just have a feeling that he could keep going and... and I...”

Andrea waited for several seconds for her to continue, and she didn't. “What is it?”

Amy blushed fully this time from embarrassment. “I don't think I'm enough to keep him satisfied.”

Andrea blinked her eyes in shock for a moment and then realized what she meant. “You can't seriously think of bringing someone else to your bed.”

Amy shook her head. “I don't want to ruin what we have by trying to add someone else into this... whatever we have here. It's working and I'm not looking to wreck it. I just... I want him to be happy and... I know he's not, you know...” She made a jerking motion with her hand. “...done when I am.”

“Oh.” Andrea whispered and understood. She knew her sister had played with Rick a lot before she started getting involved as a witness and a spectator, she just didn't realize the enormous amount of sex they had had before that. “The new couple period isn't over yet?”

Amy blushed for a different reason. “He can't keep his hands off of me.”

Andrea gave her a pointed look. “You know that's a good thing, right?”

“I do and it is. I've never felt so wanted and needed. I'm happy with it, really.” Amy said, her blush staying on her face. “He's just so... robust? He stays hard for as long as I want him to and he never says anything or looks disappointed when I tell him I've had enough. It's just... if I could keep going... I don't think he would ever stop.”

Andrea's mouth dropped open and she stared at her sister in disbelief.

“I know, I know. It's wonderful and I've definitely taken advantage of it.” Amy said and then smiled warmly. “It's why I'm so confused about why Lori wasn't happy with her life with him. They were married and she just... why would she... how could she give up on that or want something else?”

Andrea gave her another hug. “What's that old saying? The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?”

Amy nodded. “I know what that means.”

“Yeah, I know you do. What you don't realize, and what I think Rick does, is that when you are on the other side of that fence, it's the grass you just left that is now the greener grass.”

Amy's eyes widened. “Oh, my god! Rick is Lori's greener grass!”

Andrea nodded. “That's right. He knew Lori would figure that out eventually. When she did, he told her in no uncertain terms that his grass was being tended by you. Why would he want to give up his greener grass for her? She chose to cross that fence and he told her to stay there.”

Amy nodded and closed the book between them, set it aside, and snuggled into her sister's warm embrace. Andrea hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, settling in for the sleep they knew would claim them after so many revelations. The two drifted off to sleep and were glad that they had repaired their damaged relationship and they resolved to always be there for each other.

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