The Protagonist System

14 Believe What I Say

14 Believe What I Say

Normally, gaining the attention of any powerful being was a Bad Idea. However, this was exactly what I had planned for. Well, not really. I did plan on having Serafall contact the Heaven Faction to arrange a meeting with a representative that was completely unrelated to the church fiasco. This just happened to hasten the process by several days.

“Thank you for heeding my prayer, Lady Gabriel.” I said and bowed deeply to her.

“Now, now. None of that.” Gabriel said and waved her hand to get me to stand up straight. “I can honestly say I have never met a Devil that could use Father's name like that without being in excruciating pain.”

“Without being blasphemous, you mean.” I said with a grin.

Gabriel giggled. “Yes, exactly. If they curse, it only causes a mild headache. Calling out with genuinely pure intent like you did would probably make their heads explode.”

I couldn't help but laugh at that. “I believe you. Even Lady Leviathan cried out in pain when I started.”

Gabriel turned around briefly to look at all of the Devils that were on their knees and groaning in pain. “Oho, hearing it second-hand can cause this much damage if one of their own says it? How enlightening!”

“It truly is a miracle.” Asia said as she stared at Gabriel. “A Devil has called upon an Angel and they answered.” She said in awe. “Will the wonders never cease?”

Gabriel placed a hand on her shoulder and Asia glowed brightly. “You truly are a devoted follower.”

“She is, even more than your church's bishops and possibly the pope himself.” I said and both the Angel and the nun gasped. “She was excommunicated from the church because they discovered her Sacred Gear called Twilight Healing can heal any being under Heaven and not just normal humans, as long as she believes that she can help them. Since she believes she can help everyone...”

Gabriel slowly knelt on both knees and looked into Asia's eyes. “Is that true?”

Asia started crying. “I didn't know he was a Devil when that man stumbled into the church and was bleeding from multiple wounds. I only saw someone that was hurt and needed help.” She sobbed. “I did what I could for them and the church threw me away! Waahhhhhh!”

Gabriel wrapped her arms around Asia and whispered sweet nothings to calm her down. It took several minutes for it to work and Asia soon thanked her profusely for allowing her to be comforted by her divine presence.

“You are one of His flock, Asia. I'm the one that should thank you for not giving up on your faith after such a trial.” Gabriel said and wiped the girl's face off with the edge of her toga. “I will wear your tears of grief and sorrow until such time as you no longer feel the need to shed them.”

Asia bowed her head. “Th-thank you, High Angel Gabriel. I feel so honored!”

Gabriel stood up and looked at me. “Is this why you called me? To correct such an injustice?”

“I was going to.” I said and her eyebrows rose. “Through proper channels, of course.”

“Of course.” Gabriel said with a smile. “Then why did you call me here?”

With her focused on me, I explained what happened. Being murdered and everyone ignoring that a rogue Fallen Angel had done it. Serafall's excuse that those kinds of murders were easily covered up and no one looks into them to hide them from the rest of the population. How no one was hunting or punishing the Fallen Angels for all of the people they killed and the sacred gears they sent back into the Heaven System.

I also told her how the excommunicated priests were still going around the city pretending to be exorcists as they murdered the contracted clients of Devils without provocation, merely because they were sinners. They didn't even offer forgiveness or tried to convince the sinners to repent. They just killed them because they were worthless.

Everyone in the room was horrified, especially Gabriel and Asia, because Asia had been offered sanctuary by those same Fallen Angels and would have been included in their crimes.

“Because of what I did at the abandoned church and Serafall's choice to make me the scapegoat, I assumed I was going to be handed over to the Fallen Angel Faction for punishment and the Heaven Faction would be told that the situation had been dealt with.” I said and Gabriel started to frown again. “I couldn't let that happen without telling someone else about it, because I doubt I would be allowed to speak later.”

Gabriel's frown changed to anger and she started to turn to face the Devils.

“GABRIEL!” I shouted and Gabriel turned back to me. Seeing her cherubic face twisted by anger made me do something impulsively stupid. I stepped forward and planted a kiss right on her lips. I kept my lips together and didn't try anything like slip her my tongue or moved my lips. I also stopped after only a second.

The shocked look on Gabriel's face was exactly what I wanted to counter the anger that had been there.

“What... what... what did you just do?” Gabriel asked as she put a hand up to cover her mouth.

“That was as platonic of a kiss I could give you. I needed to distract you from making the worst mistake of your long life.” I said and the shocked look didn't fade from her face. “What I said made you angry and I apologize for not accounting for that. Even righteous anger can sometimes cause someone to fall and I didn't want you to suffer like that because of me.”

“But... but, you... you stole my first kiss.” Gabriel whispered.

I blinked my eyes for several seconds. “I didn't expect that.” I whispered. “I mean, you've been alive for thousands of years and you're the most beautiful woman in Heaven. I just assumed you've... that is, even play kissing with friends, as a dare, or someone you cared about...” I stopped talking at the severe blush on her face.

Gabriel stared at me as I reached out to gently move her hand from her lips.

I looked deep into her eyes and let her see my sincerity. “Lady Gabriel, this lowly mortal... now Devil... made a choice to save you from losing yourself to your emotions, only for other emotions to replace them. I sincerely apologize for taking from you what I thought you had already rewarded hundreds of others with, because who wouldn't want a kiss from someone as loving and caring as you?”

Gabriel's blush didn't lessen as she looked into my eyes. “You are telling the truth. You're not thinking perverted thoughts about me after... after...”

“I would never sully my mind with thoughts like that about you, one of the holiest of holy angels.” I said and intertwined my fingers with hers. “Just like when I called out to ask you to come here, I had the purest of thoughts when our lips met. To stop you from potentially falling. It wasn't lust, hunger, envy, or any other sin that I felt in that moment. All I wanted was to save you.”

Gabriel glanced down at our clasped hands and back at my face. “Even now...”

“Nothing but thoughts of stopping you from falling.” I said, truthfully.

“Then... then I must do what I can to forgive you.” Gabriel said and moved slightly forward to press her considerable chest to mine. “Will you accept my blessing in return?”

“I would be honored to accept anything you offer, Lady Gabriel.” I replied.

Gabriel's blush deepened, then she closed her eyes and started to glow as she leaned in to kiss me.

High Angel Gabriel has initiated a Karma points transfer as well as a Blessing of Fortune.
Do you accept? Yes / No

Yes, please! I thought and felt her lips touch mine as a significant amount of power flowed into me.

Karma Points transferred: 1,000
Blessing of Fortune: You have been the first being ever blessed by the High Angel Gabriel. For the next two weeks, all events that happen around you will be in your favor. Odds will always be on your side, no matter how stacked against you they are.
Games of Chance have a 75% increase to benefit you.

Gabriel broke the kiss and looked both embarrassed and very happy, even though the kiss had been completely chaste, just like the one I gave her.

“You really have been blessed!” Asia gasped.

I wasn't sure what she meant, until I looked down at my hand that still held Gabriel's. It was glowing as much as hers was.

“Why are you not burning to death from a Divine Blessing?” Serafall asked from seemingly far away.

I turned my head to look and saw that all of the Devils in the room had somehow squished themselves against the far wall of the Student Council office to get as far away from Gabriel as possible.

I smiled and looked back at Gabriel. “I believe that Lady Gabriel is the cause. Like what I did when I gave her a kiss, her intent is to save me, so her blessing will never harm me.”

Gabriel smiled brightly. “I am very glad that it worked and you're not screaming in pain and dying.”

I couldn't help laughing at that and it made her smile even brighter. “You almost expected it and you're still holding my hand while pressed against me?”

Gabriel's smile changed to a smirk. “Wouldn't being here with me be the best last moments to have if you did die?”

“Ha hahaha!” I laughed and laughed. “I'm trying to... heh heh... stop you from falling... ha ha... and you're trying to make me ascend to Heaven the hard way! Hahaha!”

Gabriel laughed, Asia looked rapturous, and the Devils looked shocked.

It took me a few minutes to calm down. “You're lucky I have a girlfriend or I would seriously consider your offer.” I said and Gabriel looked pleased at almost recruiting me. “But, since you gave me the idea, why don't I offer you an alternative?”

“Issei!” Koneko gasped.

“Not like that.” I said, in case she thought I meant giving her up. I reached down with my free hand and took Asia's hand, helped her stand, and put her hand on top of Gabriel's that I held. “Like you said, a great injustice was perpetrated on this holy person. If anyone in this world deserves to be welcomed into the ranks of the Angels of Heaven, it is this wonderful and devoted young woman.”

Asia blushed and ducked her head. “N-n-no, I... I'm not worthy.”

Both Gabriel and I spoke at the same time, as if we practised it. “That means you are.”

The two of us exchanged amused looks, softly chuckled, and I unwound my fingers from Gabriel's and let her take Asia's hand in my place.

“Will you accept the offer, Asia Argento?” Gabriel asked and pulled the nun close. “Will you shed this mortal shell and join us in Heaven for all eternity?”

“Will... will I be able to help?” Asia asked.

Gabriel smiled. “There is so much work to do that you will quickly become one of our most called-upon and revered saints.”

Asia smiled back and nodded. “Then I accept, Lady Gabriel.”

“Thank you, Asia. Welcome to the family.” Gabriel said and leaned forward, gave me a wink, and planted her Blessing kiss on Asia's forehead, which let me know she had kissed me on the lips on purpose.

The both of them glowed and Asia let out a low sigh as she seemed to fade, as did her clothes, then she faded back wearing a toga and gasped as a pair of golden wings popped out of her back.

“Your wings are gold right away!” Gabriel exclaimed and hugged the girl. “I'm so happy!”

Asia had tears in her eyes and she looked happy, too.

“We need to leave before we cause the Devils any more headaches.” Gabriel said and let Asia out of the hug. “Issei, be good and don't abuse my blessing.”

I gave her my best evil smile. “Would I do that?”

“Yes!” “In a second!” “Does today end in 'Y'?” The Devils across the room said at the same time.

Both Gabriel and Asia laughed.

I shrugged and didn't deny it. “Lady Gabriel, take good care of your new sister.” I said and looked at Asia. “Asia, please continue to be the person you were always meant to be.”

Asia beamed a smile at me. “Today has been wonderful. I met you, went on a date, ate food I've never had before, and I met my new family.” She said and stepped close to me. “Thank you very much, Issei. If it wasn't for you, this might have been the worst day of my life. Instead, it was the best.”

“I can't take all the credit. Those burgers were delicious.” I joked and she giggled.

“I will keep an eye on you when I can.” Asia said and looked at Gabriel.

“There's a lot to learn; but, I can help with that.” Gabriel offered.

Asia nodded to her and looked back at me. “Can I chance a kiss with you without falling?”

I chuckled at her wording. “I only have pure thoughts about you, so I think with Gabriel's blessing, we can get away with a second or two without tempting fate.”

Asia smiled and closed her eyes with her lips puckered as she stood on her toes with a light flap of wings to keep herself steady. I leaned down and puckered as well, then gave her two quick pecks on the lips. Asia's face flushed red at the contact and opened her eyes to look at me with embarrassment.

“You are just too cute.” I said and kissed her cheek. “Goodbye, Asia.”

“G-goodbye, Issei.” Asia said and took Gabriel's hand.

“Goodbye, Issei.” Gabriel said and created a golden portal in the ceiling. “Serafall. Other devils.”

“Gabriel.” Serafall said, curtly.

Gabriel and Asia lifted into the air, gave me amused looks, then they turned around and flew up into the portal. My eyes widened at the sight, because it was a completely unnecessary move, unless they specifically wanted me to see that they weren't wearing panties under their togas and were completely bare of hair down there.

I just had a glimpse of divine pussy! I thought in shock as my brain kind of short-circuited.

My thoughts were no longer pure about Gabriel after seeing that, then I froze at realization that Gabriel's Blessing of Fortune was already working overtime to benefit me. All I could think was that I was grateful it hadn't worked in that capacity while Gabriel was still present, because that would have been embarrassing.

“Pervert.” Koneko said from beside me and slapped me upside the head.

“Ow! Thanks, I needed that.” I said and rubbed the spot. “Wait a second, how did you know...”

Koneko's hand went down to my waist and rested on the tent pole there.

“Oh. I guess it was kind of obvious.” I said and put my hand on hers and didn't move it off.

Koneko gave me raised eyebrows and didn't move her hand, either.

“You're willingly touching me and I'm never going to say no to you.” I explained.

Koneko looked conflicted for several seconds before she moved in front of me and pulled me down into a searing kiss that shouldn't be given to others in public. “Thank you for the milkshake.”

I needed a moment to come up with an appropriate response. “Keep kissing me like that and I'll buy you all the milkshakes. Hell, I'll try to buy a machine to put in the clubroom for you.”

Koneko gave me a huge smile, which was completely uncharacteristic for her personality. Before I could comment about it, she reached down with both hands and undid my pants, expertly rearranged me so that I wasn't making a huge tent pole for everyone to see, and zipped me back up. Since she had stood in front of me and blocked the view, no one else saw anything.

“Thank you, dearest.” I whispered and gave her a searing kiss right back.

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