The Protagonist System

157 The Road Less Travelled

157 The Road Less Travelled

Sandra wouldn't let me go, even when we stopped to eat. We had to find safe places to do so and that took more time than was really necessary. Not letting me take the truck was a kick in the face, because we could have been safe no matter where we went. Instead, we needed space for ourselves and two horses.

Mind you, the two horses were pretty buff by the time supper came around and Sandra didn't notice at all. Her full attention was on me and she absolutely refused to let me take off my costume. I was her dream come true and she claimed she would hate me forever if I ever took it off. My complaints about not being able to shower or clean myself were ignored, because she couldn't do that, either.

It took a few days for us to traverse the state and avoid all the hot spots we stumbled across. We added them to the map and had to take several lengthy detours to stay safe. It was annoying and also let us spend a lot of time together talking. Sandra told me all about her life and she turned out to be a remarkable person.

We found a nice farmhouse near the border of Wyoming and Colorado and it was out of the way of the main road, which we avoided because we didn't want to get caught by the infrequent patrols. Sandra didn't question me as I set up ward stones and didn't really say anything until we settled into the old dusty farmhouse in the master bedroom.

“We can't have sex.” Sandra said and stripped off down to her underwear. Her panties were soaked and she pulled them off to give me a great view of her trimmed bush. “I said no, dammit.”

“I'm a horny bunny.” I said and pointed down at the cloth of my costume parting to let my erection out. “It's not may fault you're too sexy to ignore.”

Sandra blushed and checked the bed to see the dust was only on the top blanket. She climbed into the bed and held it open for me. I climbed right in and she made me turn around and cuddled up to my back.

“No easy access for you.” Sandra sexily whispered into my ear as she reached around me to hug me tightly and her hand slid down to grip me firmly. After I was given another handjob to make me relax, Sandra made a satisfied sound and drifted off to sleep.

It took me a few minutes longer to calm down and then I fell asleep, too. I didn't even question why I was okay with being manhandled like I was. I had enjoyed a lifetime of love and affection with Amy and my heart and mind were at peace.

I prepared breakfast for us and Sandra enjoyed it immensely. Her comments that she wished we could have stayed back in Jackson, so she could rub having me in the faces of all of her friends, made me laugh and feel grateful that she gave them up for me.

“We can go back and visit, you know.” I said to her and she gasped. “They kicked me out and I can't live there. So what? That doesn't mean we can never go back. We just can't stay for long.”

Sandra pulled me into a passionate kiss that would have had us having sex if she wasn't actively covering herself to stop me from penetrating her. When she broke the kiss, the look of denied desire on her face let me know she wanted to let me and forced herself to keep to her promise. Bunny or not, she needed more time to accept that she had feelings for a much younger man.

We left the farmhouse and followed the trail map that Jenkins had made and retraced his path all the way back to the college. We hadn't activated any of the dormant fungal growths or any of the infected along the way, because the colder weather of approaching winter had made them much less responsive than they normally were.

It was important information to have and we promised ourselves to send it back to Tammy when we had the chance. How we would do that? We would have to figure it out, assuming we didn't just go back and tell her ourselves.

I discreetly cast the human reveal spell when we crossed into the college grounds and I detected a small group watching us from not far away. I stayed on guard as I rode our horse towards the main building. We needed to find out which one had an appropriate medical lab and the main building should have a directory for us to follow.

Sandra wouldn't let me go off by myself, so we left our horses at the main entrance and went inside the building. She led me over to where the offices were and we looked through the old records to find there were several buildings with labs that could be used.

“Neeiiiggghhhh!” One of our horses shouted.

“Stay here!” I said and took out my handgun.

“You're not leaving me behind!” Sandra said and tried to reach for me.

I didn't have time for her antics, so I cast a sleep spell on her and tucked her under the desk and out of sight. I ran out of the office and locked the door with magic and ran across the lobby with my gun out. I carefully peered out through the edge of the door and saw the male horse stomping the hell out of someone's face.

Another human reveal spell told me there were three others standing off to the side and not moving. Maybe they were too stunned by the horse reacting from an attack by murdering his assailant? In any case, I used the distraction to open the door and lunged out and rolled across the sidewalk and aimed at the closest man.


The back of his head disappeared and his two buddies barely registered the death before they too were shot in the head and dropped to the ground, dead.

I let out a sigh and stood, brushed the dirt off of my pink fur, and went over to the male horse. “Good boy, good boy.” I said and took out a fresh apple. “Thanks for alerting me before handling it yourself.”

The horse neighed at me and chomped happily on the tasty apple.

I gave one to the female horse and she made a pleased sound and chewed happily on it. “Thanks for keeping calm and not running off while your hubby took care of things.”

I went to each of the bodies and checked them, only to find nothing. No IDs, no money, no ration tickets, or even any indication of who they were or what faction they were with. Could they have been resistance or just bandits looking for an easy score? In the end it didn't matter and I went back inside the college to wake Sandra up.

Needless to say, she was pissed I had handled it myself and she was angry at herself for fainting. I reassured her that it was the first stressful situation she had been exposed to and she wouldn't end up like that again. She accepted my words at face value and we went through the different buildings until we found the one that the resistance had used.

Inside were directions to a backup facility in Utah and we both groaned in disappointment at that. It would be weeks more of travel to go that far and the dangers increased, because the weather wouldn't be as cold there, not yet anyway.

“Let's go check out the faculty building and the cafeteria.” I suggested and Sandra nodded.

We went there and didn't find much. The faculty building only had administration things inside and nothing for survival and the cafeteria had been thoroughly emptied when the resistance bugged out.

“Now what?” Sandra asked me.

I thought about it for a few minutes and then smiled. “How about we go hunt up one of the most expensive hotels to stay in the presidential suite or find a penthouse apartment and live the high life for a month before we chance travelling to Utah?”

Sandra looked surprised at my suggestion, then she grinned. “How big are the tubs they have?”

“At least three people can fit in the expensive ones.” I confirmed for her.

“Then let's go! We can stable the horses in the best room on the ground floor.” Sandra said and we packed up the maps and things before we left and tracked down a nice high rise hotel.

We went inside and saw it still had power, which was odd, until we checked the basement and saw the backup generator ran on natural gas and not from fuel or the local power grid. That worked out great for us and I added booking out the presidential suite for the next month.

“So, do you think the hotel safe is still secure?” I asked Sandra after handing her the electronic key to the room.

Sandra stiffened and gave me a wide-eyed look. “You... please don't tell me...”

“That I can open it? Sure I can.” I said, confidently. “It won't be the first safe I've cracked.”

Sandra gave me a look so full of lust that I instantly sprang up for her and the costume parted to show it off. Her eyes dropped to look at it and her sexy smile came to life as she looked back at my face. Without a word, she leaned in to kiss me and then she took my hand and led me to the back offices where the room-sized safe was, then she dropped to her knees and sucked me right in.

I wasn't an idiot and knew she wanted me to open the safe while she was distracting me, so I pretended to fiddle with the thing for several minutes before I took out my wand from inventory and used the unlock spell, then stored the wand immediately without her seeing it.

The loud clink of the lock disengaging made Sandra moan around me and she picked up the pace as her hands dug into my fur-covered butt cheeks. I didn't last long after that, which she had planned for, and she pulled back to see how much I was going to give her. She shouldn't have, because I had my sex skills maxed out after decades of being with Amy.

Sandra almost drowned at the deluge that greeted her. She swallowed as much as she could and then wallowed in the rest as she rubbed it over her face. She didn't seemed surprised by the amount, though.

“My sexy bunny.” Sandra said and licked her fingers clean. “I knew I made the right choice.”

“Yes, you did.” I said and turned the handle on the safe and pulled it open.

Sandra let out another moan at the racks of safety deposit boxes. “We need to find the closest bank.”

I chuckled at that and used my lockpicking skills to easily open the larger boxes for her to search through. “I doubt there's anything not either picked over or blown up. Neither the FEDRA troops or the resistance would leave things like that untouched.”

“Dammit, you're right.” Sandra said and opened the first safety deposit box. “Ooo, shiny.”

I watched as she took out a diamond necklace. “Let me help you with that.”

“Thank you.” Sandra said and turned around to let me secure the clasp around her neck.

“You look even prettier.” I commented and she beamed a smile at me. “Let's keep looking and maybe we can find some matching earrings or something to go with that.”

Sandra nodded and we spent the next two hours going through every one of the safety deposit boxes.


Sandra laid in bed, feeling both loved and contented, because she had been expertly eaten out and had a dozen orgasms while her body was covered from head to toe in expensive jewellery. When she had complained earlier that she didn't have enough fingers to keep all of the rings they found, Eli had suggested she had ten toes as well, so now even her pinkie toes had glittering emeralds and rubies on them.

Her eyes went to her sexy bunny that was deeply asleep beside her and she couldn't help falling a little more in love with him. Despite how ridiculous he looked to everyone else as a five foot tall pink and plush bunny rabbit, he still kept the costume on just for her. He easily could have removed it at any time and he didn't, just because he wanted her to be happy.

And she was. Oh, she really was. She never once thought her life would become a kind of adventure fantasy, like the ones her mother used to tell her about. Unlike what she claimed earlier, she really didn't care if he was younger than her. The world was not a forgiving place and their time together could be so short that it might end tomorrow.

Then again, Eli was really smart. Like, scary smart. Sandra knew back in town that if she went with him, he would keep her safe and would protect her. She knew she would slow him down and be a burden; but, she also knew he didn't want to be alone. His story of crossing the country in search of somewhere to live, had hit her heart harder than anything else ever had.

In her mind, she thought Janine was a fool for catching his attention with that wolf-whistle and then ignoring him because of his age. What was it going to matter in a couple years? Or if they lived by themselves? Who was going to complain about the age difference? Their mothers?

Sandra hugged her sexy bunny tightly and nuzzled her face into his neck fur. She promised herself that when it came time for them to have sex, she would have him take off the costume, just to prove to him that she loved him and not the suit, even if it was the suit that gave her the courage to admit to herself that he was what she wanted in her life.

When Sandra had declared that she was never letting him go, she didn't really mean the bunny suit, because if there had been anyone else inside of it, she wouldn't have reacted like she had. It was Eli that made the costume be as important as it was, not the other way around.

“Thank you for staying as my bunny and letting me express my love for you, Eli.” Sandra whispered and kissed his cheek.

“You're welcome, Sandra.” Eli whispered back and she caught her breath. “It's been a lot of fun and I'm glad you convinced yourself that playing with your bunny is okay while trying anything with a teenager would be bad.”

Sandra's mouth suddenly went dry and she swallowed nervously. “You figured it out.” She said and he nodded. “You really are smart.”

“I'm not going to change, if that's what you think.” Eli said and turned in her arms to face her. “I'll be your bunny for as long as you want me to be.”

Sandra blushed at the sincerity in his words. “Eli, I... I was going to ask you...”

“I know.” Eli said and kissed her. “You don't have to, though. It's not the first time a costume was needed to spice things up in the bedroom.”

Sandra laughed and then shook her head. “How would you know anything about that?”

Eli smirked at her and rolled back over to let her cuddle against his back again. “I want to say experience, except you won't believe that.”

Sandra snorted and nuzzled his neck fur. “No, I wouldn't.”

“I've seen several men wearing an old pilot's uniform before going to bed with their women.” Eli admitted and Sandra caught her breath again. “Oh? Would you like to see that, too?”

“M-maybe.” Sandra said, her voice uneasy.

“What about an astronaut's space suit?” Eli asked.

Sandra's mind skidded to a halt. “You... you... do you...”

“Have one stashed somewhere? Yes, I do.” Eli said, smugly.

Sandra didn't say anything in response and instead let her hand drift down to rub him back to hardness and then proceeded to give him yet another handjob. “I really did chose wisely.”

“You... did.” Eli said between panting moans. “Thank... you.”

“No, Eli.” Sandra said and kissed his cheek again. “Thank you.”

Eli blew another load and Sandra wiped it up as best as she could. They both went to sleep feeling happy and contented.

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